View Full Version : Response to "my car was stolen"
10-28-2008, 02:47 AM
By the way Dustin the engine is still in the shop, I didnt want to leave it sit outside, let me know when you would like us to run that over.. Transmission is the only thing in matts storage garage I believe which when I talked to him he said he would have it payedup and the stuff available Friday, again thanks for the patience.
10-28-2008, 09:50 AM
I was at home, in bed. I get up at 4:30 for work, I could not wait any longer than I did.
There will still be hard feelings for as long as you guys continue to deny to know who jumped me. You were all there, there were plenty of witnesses, and both Skyler Hudson and Rocky hung around the party for awhile bragging about the assault. Everyone knows who it was, but for some reason you guys just can't admit it.
I will be out to inspect my car when I get off work.
10-28-2008, 09:59 AM
Nice to see it was FINALY taken care of...
But the assualt thing is still B.S. seriously, if YOU personaly don't know who it was you could easily find out...
Either way I am glad it is in the stages of resolution!
as for me and you Marc... As i stated earlier, it isn't a "personal" thing against you or your buddies. I just feel if you are truely wanting to a shop you should know the law and wether you where involved or not this should have been dealt with a LONG time ago and the assault thing should have NEVER happened and not only should you be trying your hardest to "find out" who it was that did it but you should also make sure they are brought to justice. In all honesty I don't really see the shop bouncing back form this but I wish yo all teh best of luck... Who knows, I mean look how long Fast&Furious stayed in business (Sorry Trent...)
10-28-2008, 10:47 AM
The car currently has a JDM D15 in it which is the shops motor
Oh snap! Maddd JDM HP y0
Is that one stolen too?
10-28-2008, 12:09 PM
The car currently has a JDM D15 in it which is the shops motor
Oh snap! Maddd JDM HP y0
Is that one stolen too?
Probably just the tranny
10-28-2008, 12:44 PM
Dustin- I didnt see the car when Matt first got ahold of it, so I have no idea the condition or parts vs. the way it is now. Let me know if theres anything else we can do.
10-28-2008, 04:30 PM
I really don't think the "shop" should get any props for doing what is required of them. I mean, no one stands outside of my bathroom door and congratulates me when I'm done. Giving them any kind of recognition for doing what they needed to do a long time ago would be like thanking someone after they came and stole your car, then returned it to you. Oh wait...
10-28-2008, 04:47 PM
10-28-2008, 05:27 PM
1) transmission mount cut off of passenger side of engine bay
2) engine, trans, clutch, flywheel gone (already noted)
3) gas tank removed, but left in hatch
4) axles gone (no axles installed=ruined wheel bearings)
5) traction bars removed, left inside car (towed with no traction bars = likely bent lower control arms or mounts)
6) i supplied 5 rubbermaid totes of parts, got back 2 totes, 4 lids, misc parts and trash in car, will need more time to get a totally accurate inventory
7) misc. nuts/bolts/etc... gone
I'll post pictures later, but as of now, I am no more or less happy than before. Matt better follow through with giving me his 4th gen as promised, because it will take me a solid week and a good amount of $$ to get this back to the way it was when they picked it up.
10-28-2008, 05:31 PM
the mount that they cut off is only $25 from honda. Had they used the correct tools to remove it (spot weld bit) it would be a fairly easy fix, maybe an hour. But with as hacked up as it is, it will probably take 2 or 3 to repair the unibody and properly align it.
a 25 fucking dollar part!
10-28-2008, 05:52 PM
you guys didnt put the car back together? not even a freaking traction bar!?!? wasnt that the deal?
10-28-2008, 06:18 PM
forgot to mention, 2 of my 14" steel wheels were replaced with 15" alloys (LS meshies). Not too happy considering my wheels had good tires, these are showing belts.
10-28-2008, 06:46 PM
Give him props, HA. Chop shop job by Rapid Performance. That's unbelievable. I just have no words for this shit, Rapid Performance really does sound like a chop shop. Disgraceful. I'm sorry for all you have had to go through and all you will go through Dustin, if I could devote any of my time to you, I certainly would. I guess winter is coming and maybe you can have some time to play with this car and hopefully the other car thats owed to you.
10-28-2008, 07:01 PM
Interesting. I would say matt didnt finish his side of the work, and Marc probably didnt know different...just a guess here.
Either way, you know whats owed to you and so do they. If they are giving you another pos civic that runs lemme borrow it. :)
10-28-2008, 07:07 PM
like it runs, hahaha, no engine
out of the two, maybe I can make one.
10-28-2008, 08:09 PM
Hacking up a car that you haven't paid for, why not?
10-28-2008, 10:39 PM
10-28-2008, 10:57 PM
Don't know what it looked like before, but wowwww
10-29-2008, 12:29 AM
So the car was supposed to have axles? Again I have no idea how you gave the car to matt, all I know is how it sits right now is how its been since the day I laid eyes on it. We rolled the car onto a flatbed car trailer, its been moved no more than probably 40 feet other than pushing it into your driveway so Im sure everything is fine. I can give you axles, and will make sure they are good ones.
Jacob, I dont know the deal between Matt and Dustin and apparently you dont either, if Matt agreed to put it back together then he should have done so, all I know is the parts are not the shops and most of them belong to Dustin so thats where they went. This is a fuckin bullshit deal, Matt knows Im pissed as hell and I dont know how many damn times Im going to have to say Im willing to help you guys make it right with each other for no reason other than the damn thing got brought to our shop. I dont know what else to do or say.
10-29-2008, 12:31 AM
wow haha..
10-29-2008, 12:34 AM
dbl post
10-29-2008, 12:38 AM
WOW is fuckin right, you think Im not sick of this shit by now. Put yourself in our shoes chekal, car gets brought to a shop along with another car. Then we find out at a grand openning get together that one car wasnt paid for and that the owner of the car is pissed and wants his car back. 2 hours later the owner shows up and a fight breaks out on our property. Then we have people arguing back and foruth on here about whos who and who did what and who owes what. So finally people uninvolved with this car deal, (blake Travis and myself) have to take action and figure out exactly whats what and how to make it right with the person all because the fuckin thing is sitting in our shop. Gotta love life let me tell ya.
10-29-2008, 09:16 AM
"So finally people uninvolved with this car deal, (blake Travis and myself) have to take action and figure out exactly whats what and how to make it right with the person all because the fuckin thing is sitting in our shop."
Welcome to owning a business. In the real world of business ownership we call that your "responsibility." Big word, I know.
10-29-2008, 10:12 AM
I have an idea of where your wheels went dustin. I imagine, sine the ones you have are bald, the person with them put them on the front preparing for winter...just a guess though.
10-29-2008, 10:57 AM
just call up you lawyer, its pretty obvious them trying to fix things is not working; give them a little motivation through litigation
you've given them PLENTY of opportunity.
10-29-2008, 11:55 AM
WOW is fuckin right, you think Im not sick of this shit by now. Put yourself in our shoes chekal, car gets brought to a shop along with another car. Then we find out at a grand openning get together that one car wasnt paid for and that the owner of the car is pissed and wants his car back. 2 hours later the owner shows up and a fight breaks out on our property. Then we have people arguing back and foruth on here about whos who and who did what and who owes what. So finally people uninvolved with this car deal, (blake Travis and myself) have to take action and figure out exactly whats what and how to make it right with the person all because the fuckin thing is sitting in our shop. Gotta love life let me tell ya.
your right, its definitely a shitty deal on all ends, but you handled the situation in a HORRIBLE way throughout most of this up until the end (and you ONLY marc are the one that handled it decent at the end) and imo you all need a better understanding of how business works before you jump into this (the shop), all this was handled in the wrong way and seemingly not bashing on anyone, just giving my .02 as a business major..
10-29-2008, 12:49 PM
Well in all honesty If someone had a car with an uncompleted deal or pending deal and took the car to dennys to get worked on and this sort of thing happened, Im pretty sure they would do exaclty what I wanted to do, call the police and have the car removed so its out of their hair if the owner wont come get it and they arent liable for the car or anything that happens to it. I dout Dennys would be calling up Dustin asking him what they can do to put this car into the condition it was (having no clue how the car was or when the deal was even made before it entered the sop) and then take the initiative to deliver the car as well. Im sorry but I just dont see it ever happening that way. Ill do it that way, only because I have known Dustin for a long time, never were really friends but I have done a deal with some wheels with him in the past and I dont like seeing people I know get screwed.
10-29-2008, 01:05 PM
but it makes it a bit different when a part owner of denny's is involved in the deal...and you probably should have called the cops in the first place, then it all would have been solved, but matt would of likely had to pay up also..
10-29-2008, 01:19 PM
Matts about as involved as Jacob lol hes a good friend who comes down and screws around on his own cars. But I get what you are saying.
10-29-2008, 01:33 PM
Also makes a difference when Dustin goes and visit's Denny's because they are throwing a "party" and he gets jumped on the property and put in the hospital.
10-29-2008, 01:39 PM
Ok so use a smaller shop as an example, I know of quite a few small auto shops where the people involved are downright alcoholics, not saying its right but after hours is after hours haha
10-29-2008, 02:10 PM
prolly shouldnt use shops like that as an example, my family owns a body shop and i know how things go in a small town business, but there are so many legalities and liabilities that make it possible for total devastation over something you may think is trival and/or rediculous...its the way business works, many things are generally overlooked and thought of as not a big deal, but until something happens and someones pissed, those things can be used against you in a very negative way....just like if i had some friends over at eastside and had a party without my uncle knowing about it, and someone got drunk and got hurt on the equipment there, my UNCLE is responsible for it...sad but true facts of owning/running a business..
10-29-2008, 02:11 PM
Ok so use a smaller shop as an example, I know of quite a few small auto shops where the people involved are downright alcoholics, not saying its right but after hours is after hours haha
do those alcoholics jump people or advertise and throw parties that provide to minors?
10-29-2008, 02:48 PM
The difference you will find at a place like Denny's is that they wouldnt let a car just sit on their property, nor would they let a "buddy" just haul something into their shop. They definitely wouldnt go as far as letting a tool in their shop touch a car they don't know the whole deal about. Plus theres that little thing called profit- A REAL automotive shop is in it to make money, not to make friends. Friends will come with the quality of work. Your house is for friends, your business is for your livelihood.
10-29-2008, 04:20 PM
No offense but these are bad examples mainly because your "shop" is not an ACTUAL business...
Also if the same thing happened at Denny's, you are 100% right it woulf have been COMPLETELY different. Dustin would be sitting on hundreds of thousands of dollars right now if not more...
10-29-2008, 05:01 PM
Marc waited for me to pick up the trans/engine/flywheel/clutch tonight, but I had a surprise visit from the president of where I work and ended up getting stuck till after 4 cause he's long winded. So I didn't get them today. Sorry, again, Marc, I really did not know I would be stuck at work.
10-29-2008, 05:23 PM
I'm sorry for the deal you got dealt Marc, but like other people have said. Owning a business is a huge step, you are responsible for anything that goes on there whether you know its going on or not. Thats why you have to have trust worthy employees. It is your responsibility to know what is being worked on and who owns it. I forgot that other kids name but if he is a part owner, or just a friend. You still become liable for anything he does. Thats the issue with going in to business with friends, another person, etc. You become liable for anything they do, you have to know this person inside and out. You have to have complete trust in them. It sounds like you may change your business practices after this deal is done and over with, but I would HIGHLY recommend you register your business and make sure you have all legal items taken care of before you continue to act as a "shop" Something will come along and it will bite you in the ass. You don't want the government finding out you have a "business" and you aren't registered. They will hammer you with all kinds of fines and you will probably be put on lists to be watched by the IRS and others. Just be smart and start researching what things you need to do to be a complete and legal automotive shop in Iowa.
10-29-2008, 05:34 PM
Yea no problem. As for the letting friends bring cars to a shop, hell you have no idea how many cars I have taken to shops where i know people, do you really think they ask all kinds of questions about whos car it is etc? no they work on the car because Im a cusomer. You ever been to a shop where they asked you before working on your car if you are sure its yoru car and that no one is going to come here and start a god damn riot over it? I think not. Sorry but I have done what I can so far and will continue to do so, but there is only so much blame I can take fo something like this.
As for being legal we get our Tax ID number the first of the year, the Lift is coming next month and we still have a TON of tools to bring out. We arent trying to act as an actual business yet, we are just on a trial run to get our name out there etc which we made sure was ok for a short period. Thats why at any given time the only cars in the shop are our own projects right now, or friends projects. Every time I inquire about who could be at fault I hear the same thing, Since the property is leased not owned, and the space in which we lease ends at the door, we are not responsible for what goes on in the parking lot that we share with other businesses. Thats fine whatever but we still want to try and get it all sorted out and make it right between people.
10-29-2008, 05:34 PM
he's long winded.
is that a wind joke?
10-29-2008, 05:55 PM
Ok there was no reason to get all antsy about it. As for what you said. You cannot call yourself, Rapid Performance if you aren't registered. You have not applied to the State of Iowa to see if that name is in use. If that name were in use and they see you use it, they could sue you.
So your lease should be signed to you and your friends personally it should not be signed to Rapid Performance, otherwise it is not a proper legal document.
If you don't own parking area, you probably should not have a party with people outside on private property of which is not yours. They should probably be IN the building of which you lease.
As far as liability of the parking lot. There are different ways in how that works. Which should be in the fine print of your lease papers.
And yes I have been to shops where they ask if the vehicle is owned by you, the consumer.
10-29-2008, 05:57 PM
The lease is in two peoples names, not business name, and the name is not in use we already had that checked out but thanks for the concern.
10-29-2008, 07:39 PM
The name is in use in Sauk Rapids, MN
10-29-2008, 08:08 PM
o snap!
maybe you guys could try.... "young gay and just for you"... or maybe "stolen civics R us"
10-29-2008, 08:43 PM
How about "Rice A Phony" the North Liberty treat
"Google Performance Inc."
10-29-2008, 08:44 PM
or "we put on tail pipes while taking it in the tail pipe" i know its a long name but its a name your customers wont forget!
10-29-2008, 08:58 PM
lol good thing you guys got the shirts and cards made!
10-30-2008, 03:51 AM
Well I dont know what to tell you but our name is legally incorporated... Either the other company isnt a legal business or they arent official or INC. Either way it doesnt matter because thats the first thing we checked out. And aside from all of that it still wouldnt matter because our official name is Rapid Automotive & Performance...
10-30-2008, 04:25 AM
As long as they never copyrighted their name, you should be fine.
10-30-2008, 08:47 AM
I would go with the name "Honda Specialists." The motto could be, "Installing your stuff with no technical knowledge whatsoever."
10-30-2008, 08:52 AM
so your Incorporated? Damn you are lucky you didn't get sued.
lil krumm
10-30-2008, 12:21 PM
i would like to thank rapid performance for giving me a great persausive topic for my speech class. "Rapid Perforamce: Your One Stop Shop for Getting Fucked."
10-30-2008, 12:23 PM
Its only a name not a business thats incorporated and since the name doesnt yet formally belong to a registered business it doesnt make a difference. Its hard to explain I guess what Im getting at is nothing goes into affect until the 1st of the year.
10-30-2008, 06:37 PM
No we get what you are saying, your not even a registered business yet and you already failed in life.
10-30-2008, 08:08 PM
new slogan...
"you bring the beer, and we'll fuck up you and your car"
10-30-2008, 08:53 PM
you guys could edit "Rapid Performance" into this comercial:
10-31-2008, 12:36 AM
lmao @ challenge pissing.
11-04-2008, 05:13 PM
so they were all about returning my stuff, but now they won't get back to me, and I still haven't received anything else back, or any communication from them.
11-04-2008, 05:21 PM
i cant say it enough.
LAWYER... get one, sue them and the shop for their liability, take every penny they are worth. THEN, press charges against the assault, if the shop wont help you identify them and the lawyer can prove they are hiding their identity, (which will be easy to do) they will be held as an accomplice.
11-04-2008, 05:42 PM
don't worry, that is in the works. I just thought everyone would like to know that Matthew Franks is still up to the same old bullshit he promised was over.
dustin is getting his car back and yes i will make it right with him. i have NO money right now but guess what? christmas and tax season is commin up and i always get money. lol its kinda nice. but any ways i want to give you some money for the car (you can keep the car) just for the whole deal getting messed up. (only like 3-4 hundred)
11-04-2008, 09:22 PM
after you clean them out. bend them over and take the money from selling their butt holes the night before too!
11-04-2008, 09:24 PM
I was just down by there shop...
good thing i didn't know this then...
they got a honda sittin' outside the shop at the moment... just for the record
11-04-2008, 11:27 PM
if its the silver 2-door coupe thats mine. im still trying to get the darn thing put back together :(
11-05-2008, 12:54 AM
Well Dustin you just texted me for the first time since not showing up last time, today... I just got the message and its midnight, my phone wasnt on me so I dont want to hear this no communication bullshit.
11-05-2008, 12:56 AM
11-05-2008, 12:57 AM
I was just down by there shop...
good thing i didn't know this then...
they got a honda sittin' outside the shop at the moment... just for the record
Well I got an update for your record, theres now a Camel cigarette butt sitting outside and I spilled a Mt Dew earlier in the gravel. Be sure to take this useful and extremely relevant info and keep it handy. :roll: :drool:
11-05-2008, 08:05 AM
I just thought may be you stole someone elses car and that if it was outside they could go get it.
You're still a joke... as is your "shop"...
11-05-2008, 08:10 AM
Well Dustin you just texted me for the first time since not showing up last time, today... I just got the message and its midnight, my phone wasnt on me so I dont want to hear this no communication bullshit.
Your phone not being on you is a failure to communicate on your end....correct me if i'm wrong?
11-05-2008, 08:38 AM
"What we have here is failure to communicate.
Some men you just can't reach...
So, you get what we had here last week
Which is the way he wants it!
Well, he gets it!
N' I don't like it any more than you men."
11-05-2008, 11:18 AM
"to be the best, you have to use the best!"
quote taken from rapid performance business card.
11-05-2008, 01:33 PM
TbTalon94, Tell me you have never missed a phone call?
11-05-2008, 03:41 PM
no no I have missed a phone call. But I always return it in a timely fashion. I absolutly despise when people "don't have their phone on them", or some excuse to that effect to miss a call. If you have a cell phone, answer the damn thing or get rid of it. That's the point of a have it on you at all times. If you don't then get a beeper.
11-05-2008, 03:44 PM
If you guys think marc's a joke you should talk to Matt! LOL
11-05-2008, 03:54 PM
I've been txting Matt since Sunday. I txted you, Marc, because Matt would not reply.
Speaking of loosing phones...I did that today. I do it on a regular basis. I hate having a cell phone, but I feel that modern society forces me to have one.
11-05-2008, 05:07 PM
I hate having a cell phone, but I feel that modern society forces me to have one.
Ditto. I didn't have one for about 3-4 months and people just thought i was completely insane and liked to ask if i lived under a rock or in a cardboard box... I used to be the douche bag that would always buy the new phone right when it came out then after i bought my Rokr for nearly $400 i was like, this is my LAST phone. Then i busted the shit out of it and didn't have a phone for a few months. Just got one about 3 weeks ago. the CHEAPEST megatalk phone there is, i feel wierd having Megatalk, like i should be dealing drugs or not seein' my 4 kids or all any of my baby momma's...
11-05-2008, 07:05 PM
i got my phone back about 3 hrs ago. whooo.
11-05-2008, 07:55 PM
Im free the rest of the week for the most part Dustin, shoot me a text or let me know a day and time.
Fire Hawk
11-05-2008, 10:08 PM
I hate having a cell phone, but I feel that modern society forces me to have one.i feel wierd having Megatalk, like i should be dealing drugs or not seein' my 4 kids or all any of my baby momma's...
Nothing wrong with megatalk. I've had it for going on I wanna say about 4 years now and I like it cause there's no worry about going over minutes when i get the bill. Pretty nice to have.
11-06-2008, 06:49 PM
got my engine and trans back, along with the clutch and flywheel. My axles were in his car, so I was pulling those out and noticed that his car had one of my spindles. Matt must have been planning on a circle track car, with the 8.5" brake on the LF and the 10.1" on the RF. Also had my strut bars installed on his car, so I grabbed those.
Many thanks to Marc and Blake for hanging out while I pulled the parts, and for the use of their tools.
11-06-2008, 09:27 PM
I hate having a cell phone, but I feel that modern society forces me to have one.
Ditto. I didn't have one for about 3-4 months and people just thought i was completely insane and liked to ask if i lived under a rock or in a cardboard box... I used to be the douche bag that would always buy the new phone right when it came out then after i bought my Rokr for nearly $400 i was like, this is my LAST phone. Then i busted the shit out of it and didn't have a phone for a few months. Just got one about 3 weeks ago. the CHEAPEST megatalk phone there is, i feel wierd having Megatalk, like i should be dealing drugs or not seein' my 4 kids or all any of my baby momma's...
Proud iPhone user right heree
Yay 200 dollar phone and 80 dollar phone bill!
11-06-2008, 09:43 PM
got my engine and trans back, along with the clutch and flywheel. My axles were in his car, so I was pulling those out and noticed that his car had one of my spindles. Matt must have been planning on a circle track car, with the 8.5" brake on the LF and the 10.1" on the RF. Also had my strut bars installed on his car, so I grabbed those.
Many thanks to Marc and Blake for hanging out while I pulled the parts, and for the use of their tools.
Thats so pathetic. Im glad I never met this kid.
11-06-2008, 11:42 PM
Yea and like we said, just let us know a list of anything I dont care if its a fuckin 10mm bolt, thats missing and we will hunt it down in a timely fashion. Sorry about the lack of tools, we took most of the valuable stuff home after the shop had a window broken out and the door attempted to be kicked in. The alarm guy is supposed to be here this week or early next week though.
11-07-2008, 09:57 AM
omg resolution!
11-07-2008, 01:00 PM
"omg resolution!"
Yeah....well....You jerk off long enough somethings bound to happen...
11-07-2008, 04:00 PM
Yea and I thought it was pretty cool that Dustin hung around for awhile, we got a chance to catch up on some old projects that used to be running around town in the good old days and a few new ones as well. He had some helpful insight on a few areas of circle track 4 banger racing that I had no idea about... Dustins a well educated guy, and even though I havent talked to him in probably 2 years and there was a lot of shit talking going on on the internet, Hes still an alright guy in my book lol and more than welcome at the shop anytime.
11-10-2008, 12:44 PM
i heard rapid performance was doing dsms now and had to check it out
11-10-2008, 02:16 PM
i heard rapid performance was doing dsms now and had to check it out
The person that built that car needs to be slapped back to reality, that blue is god awful, and the ebay clutch and port work thats supposed to go to 900hp, I wouldnt trust a ebay clutch on a geo metro.
11-10-2008, 02:49 PM
the ebay clutch was the least of that car's problems
11-10-2008, 11:26 PM
From the outside it didn't look to bad. I defintailly like the lip spoiler. But the paint of things was overkill, and don't get me wrong i paint things, but I paint suspension peices black. That and the port work was defintally scary and not thought out, the "SIN" marks, never seen that before. All I can say is leave port work, to the professionals, from all the reasearch ive done, all of garage homemade port jobs hurt the performance.
11-10-2008, 11:35 PM
Oh god, I didnt even have to click on the link and I know what your talkin about. That car is a death trap end of story.
11-11-2008, 12:16 AM
is that detonation kind of by the valves? i dont think ive ever seen it, just heard about it haha
and the grinding wheel? are they serious?
11-11-2008, 04:00 PM
So today was the day Matt promised he would hand over the title to his car. I asked him about it, and first he said that it's not even titled to him, then said he would not give it to me until 'they' bought him another car, because 'they' said 'they' would if he gave me his. Who are 'they' I wonder?
So he sells the car he is supposed to give me, 'to pay me', now promises to give me a car that isn't even his. Sounds like another scam. Gawd fucking damn, this kid needs to be incarcerated, or he's going to keep ripping people off till he dies. What magnificent parents can raise someone like this?
11-11-2008, 04:03 PM
My guess is the one-toothed hillbillies that had him are oh-so-proud when he comes home and says, "Here mom and dad, let me open that cigarette carton for you so you don't have to cut through it with your tooth this time."
11-11-2008, 04:15 PM
my money says Matt will have 8 children with at least 3 different women. things in the world always seem to work out that way...
11-11-2008, 05:44 PM
Oh, yeah, forgot to mention. My clutch is toast. Was a brand spankin new Clutch Specialties 6-puck with a brand new Fidanza 7.5lb flywheel. The flywheel and PP show marks that they were used (not damaged or worn out, but ya know), but the friction disk has chunks knocked out of the edges of the pucks. I showed it to Seth and he figures they unbolted the PP with the engine hanging, and the disc fell out. Makes sense to me.
11-11-2008, 09:41 PM
haha..but they are pro's, they wouldnt do that!
11-11-2008, 10:09 PM
omg when does it end....
11-11-2008, 10:13 PM
omg when does it end....
At this rate NEVER,
This is 17/18 pages of humor. Opening this thread is like opening the cereal box to see the surprise.
11-11-2008, 11:04 PM
again call a lawyer and let him deal with it
11-12-2008, 12:06 AM
my money says Matt will have 8 children with at least 3 different women. things in the world always seem to work out that way...
Good luck getting child support from this deadbeat!
11-13-2008, 08:17 PM
haha..but they are pro's, they wouldnt do that!
Considering no work was done on that car in our shop I find that funny, Im assuming by "they" you are referring to Matt...? Go sand some fenders or something.
11-14-2008, 01:41 PM
by pro's i mean people that can handle a business (rolly eye smiley *here*) funny thing is, me sanding fenders when i was *16* i acutally made some money and didnt piss people off! ;) dont start our shit up again marc, everyone is sick of listening to it.
11-14-2008, 03:53 PM
Sick of it? I can't get enough of this shit! Pure comedy!
11-27-2008, 01:45 AM
haha..but they are pro's, they wouldnt do that!
Considering no work was done on that car in our shop I find that funny, Im assuming by "they" you are referring to Matt...? Go sand some fenders or something.
So the motor and shit..that just climbed out right?
Is anyone else worried about our country when stuff like this can happen...and whats been the punishment thus far for the retards at fault (I apologize now for the term..and not for the people Im referring to..for those mentally handicapped.)?...Nothing?
11-27-2008, 10:19 PM
I was down there this past weekend to pull my brothers car out of there that, mainly, Blake fucked up and I can say the only good thing they have going for them is Travis. Fuck the rest of them, they have no standing in eastern Iowa and might as well close up shop until they get their shit sorted out.
11-28-2008, 09:48 AM
I agree, thats why I never used his name before.
Joseph Davis
12-02-2008, 12:03 AM
first of all its a known fact that the cylinder walls are indeed thinner, while they are fiber reinforced you cannot argue that they are thinner I have done the swap and before hand researched in depth on exactly what the limitations of the engine are and why.
H23A1 and H22A1 bare blocks are identical, down to the sleeve. One is not thinner than the other, Marcie.
Also, the H23A1 is the biggest piece of shit ever. Not only is it a bottom oiling pile of piss attached to a leper whore of a transmission (just like H22), but it has an unbalanced crank that causes rod bearings to wear prematurely... not that they are known for rod knock, as the incorrectly crossdrilled crank typically breaks in two pieces before bearing wear becomes an issue. There is a reason Honda went with a larger 55mm main journal for the H22A4, and ditched the H23A1 entirely. Are we clear on that, chumpy?
Im sorry but a gt28/71r would be find for 25psi on an H series, there is a reason I chose that setup, car would still be very fun on the street, and not take all day long to spool... Instead of throwing out bullshit statistics try doing some real research... Anyone can sit online and look up specs.
You are on crack, princess. All you are going to do with a T2 turbine is strangle that H22; an H22 spools a T67 like a stock GSR spools a T3/T04E. A D16 with a cam would suck a GT2871R dry before 25 psi, much less an H22.
Here we go to prove my point, a nice bone stock H22 with a .60 T3/T04E at 19 psi. Keep in mind your faggot parts list, elaborate fantasyland build sheet, and $$$ effeminant baller bearing turbos are not needed. Just a cast manifold and crank on the boost controller like you have a pair - works every time.
Marcie, you have less than zero experience/talent at anything other than fingering your own asshole, and you should not be allowed to forget that simple fact. I can not abide a fool, and you should pray to whatever deity would own you that you never meet me in real life.
12-02-2008, 12:28 AM
12-02-2008, 01:02 AM
Domestic Disturbance
12-02-2008, 02:00 AM
i wish i could frame that
12-02-2008, 04:04 PM
If you enjoyed that show, feel free to check out more of JD's original work at
Absolutely priceless.
12-02-2008, 04:15 PM
That was bad...
12-02-2008, 04:35 PM
That was glorious.
12-02-2008, 04:43 PM
i read that, and upon the last word, i heard the Price is Right losing music. awesome.
12-02-2008, 07:09 PM
wow if there was a word above owned that would be the word i would insert here ------
12-03-2008, 09:40 AM
epic win?
I read that post and had a fireworks finale like the ones held on the 4th of July!
12-03-2008, 12:14 PM
the word above owned would be pwned...
Joseph Davis
12-03-2008, 02:15 PM
That was bad...
I call it honesty.
While I do not morally approve of the manner in which krustindumm has been treated by several people concerning this affair, it is the sort of basic stupidity that Marcie displays that is the root cause, and what should be addressed. While some are not as vocal as Marcie the rest of that crew is equally retarded, as demonstrated by their actions and obvious sense of self-justification.
If everyone was as proactive as I am at singling out the mentally incapable and directing them toward fulfilling careers as ditch diggers the world would be a better place. Instead this polite social manners shit - which has NOTHING to do with honesty or the simple truth - makes these people think they have carte blanc to do what the fuck they want because they are never told otherwise: it's not "nice" to point out cretinism.
I posit that telling these insufferable fools that they are utterly useless at every turn would condition them to do the (few) things they receive praise for in their lives. For example, if the gentleman who hit Dustin from behind was taught he was only good for manual labor and standing in the corner with his mouth shut, the situation at Vapid Performance would not have devolved in the manner in which it did.
Stay tuned for my next installment when I explain clearly and in no uncertain terms why these individuals should not be allowed to breed, and a strict program of eugenics enforced. Also, I will explain the beauty, and in some cases absolute necessity, of retroactive abortion.
12-03-2008, 03:05 PM
I like you.
12-03-2008, 03:36 PM
Sweet I can't wait for the next part!
12-03-2008, 03:37 PM
Stay tuned for my next installment when I explain clearly and in no uncertain terms why these individuals should not be allowed to breed, and a strict program of eugenics enforced. Also, I will explain the beauty, and in some cases absolute necessity, of retroactive abortion.
this part speaks very well to me. why is it that the stupidest people all seem to be the most fertile? i swear, ive met people who are so dumb, they'd get knocked up from shaking hands...
12-03-2008, 05:50 PM
Vapid Performance
12-03-2008, 05:55 PM
Brilliant, just brilliant...Sad thing is, they won't even be able to comprehend the level of well said and implemented grammer used to bash them in a totally intellecutal way..
12-04-2008, 08:44 AM
Stay tuned for my next installment when I explain clearly and in no uncertain terms why these individuals should not be allowed to breed, and a strict program of eugenics enforced. Also, I will explain the beauty, and in some cases absolute necessity, of retroactive abortion.
this part speaks very well to me. why is it that the stupidest people all seem to be the most fertile? i swear, ive met people who are so dumb, they'd get knocked up from shaking hands...
That's because they are too stupid to do anything else but make babies. Don't know about "safe sex" routines, or at east pulling out for pete's sake.
12-05-2008, 02:54 PM
Stay tuned for my next installment when I explain clearly and in no uncertain terms why these individuals should not be allowed to breed, and a strict program of eugenics enforced. Also, I will explain the beauty, and in some cases absolute necessity, of retroactive abortion.
this part speaks very well to me. why is it that the stupidest people all seem to be the most fertile? i swear, ive met people who are so dumb, they'd get knocked up from shaking hands...
That's because they are too stupid to do anything else but make babies. Don't know about "safe sex" routines, or at east pulling out for pete's sake.
i dont know about your sex life trevor but when i pull out its not for pete's sake.... its for her sake...
hahah i had to im sorry.
12-05-2008, 03:04 PM
this part speaks very well to me. why is it that the stupidest people all seem to be the most fertile? i swear, ive met people who are so dumb, they'd get knocked up from shaking hands...
That has mostly to do with natural selection. See, God has decided that as a species, we are becoming too smart for our own good. He has altered the gene pool so that we'll de-evolutionize back to cavemen in a couple thousand years ;)
12-05-2008, 03:05 PM
Stay tuned for my next installment when I explain clearly and in no uncertain terms why these individuals should not be allowed to breed, and a strict program of eugenics enforced. Also, I will explain the beauty, and in some cases absolute necessity, of retroactive abortion.
this part speaks very well to me. why is it that the stupidest people all seem to be the most fertile? i swear, ive met people who are so dumb, they'd get knocked up from shaking hands...
That's because they are too stupid to do anything else but make babies. Don't know about "safe sex" routines, or at east pulling out for pete's sake.
i dont know about your sex life trevor but when i pull out its not for pete's sake.... its for her sake...
hahah i had to im sorry.
hahahah ZING!
12-05-2008, 03:12 PM
this part speaks very well to me. why is it that the stupidest people all seem to be the most fertile? i swear, ive met people who are so dumb, they'd get knocked up from shaking hands...
That has mostly to do with natural selection. See, God has decided that as a species, we are becoming too smart for our own good. He has altered the gene pool so that we'll de-evolutionize back to cavemen in a couple thousand years ;)
i can agree with the de-evolution theory, but the idea that we as a people are getting too smart, its like gay porn- i just dont buy it...
12-05-2008, 04:16 PM
Stay tuned for my next installment when I explain clearly and in no uncertain terms why these individuals should not be allowed to breed, and a strict program of eugenics enforced. Also, I will explain the beauty, and in some cases absolute necessity, of retroactive abortion.
this part speaks very well to me. why is it that the stupidest people all seem to be the most fertile? i swear, ive met people who are so dumb, they'd get knocked up from shaking hands...
That's because they are too stupid to do anything else but make babies. Don't know about "safe sex" routines, or at east pulling out for pete's sake.
i dont know about your sex life trevor but when i pull out its not for pete's sake.... its for her sake...
hahah i had to im sorry.
Well since we are all arguing about something I didn't want to say "for christ sake" and start a relgious debate, cuz we'd all know where that would go.
12-05-2008, 05:15 PM
Did I hear Devolution?
12-11-2008, 10:22 PM
JD- Well played sir
12-12-2008, 12:15 AM
Johnson County Sheriff is trying to contact my brother to get the names of the kids who did this, since he is at basic they cannot get a hold of him. Anyone have the names yet?
12-12-2008, 07:32 PM
i haven't heard anything else on this for awhile
12-13-2008, 10:30 AM
we know the names. They want more proof.
12-13-2008, 02:03 PM
fucking cops. what more do they need? dustin to die or just get beat up so bad to go to the hospital? There where people there and you know the names. a police report was written that night...
12-13-2008, 04:30 PM
just recently though they got a statement from one of dustins friends who was their with him...pretty pathetic.
12-13-2008, 04:46 PM
no one died and there where no drugs so i guess its not a high priority.
I'm just going to assume that were speaking only of the Johnson County Sheriffs.
12-13-2008, 05:19 PM
I'll talk to Jacob when I get a chance and see if he has more info to provide.
12-13-2008, 05:19 PM
I'll talk to Jacob when I get a chance and see if he has more info to provide.
12-13-2008, 05:25 PM
Sad to say but pretty much all police around here are worthless... may be because they choose to be, may be because the "higher up" don't care but it is the sad truth. My garage was broken into about 7-8 years ago, we knew exactly who did it, we told the police adn the guy ws even tryin to sell teh stuff he stole but nothing was done.
We had just purchased a brand new riding mower, sweeper, dethatcher and trailer not too long after that. Someone took off with all of it, again we knew who it was (same person) told the police and again they did nothing. Later that day we seen him pulling OUR empty trailer down by czech village, dumped it off by some school thing or something and went back to his business, we told the police AGAIN they did nothing. He was also making/selling meth out of his house (across the alley adn down a houes) and we told the police about that but apparently us seeing the deals go down, cars coming and going at all hours of the night but never staying for more than a minute was never enough.
So me and my buddy handled it ourselves. when they (landlord/police) where cleaning out his house after he just up and left, they found a meth lab and weed plants and a TON of stolen property... I got both of my car CD players back but that was it
12-13-2008, 05:58 PM
I'm just going to assume that were speaking only of the Johnson County Sheriffs.
it was no personal comments on anyone that i know or you know in law enforcement.
I have never had anything against you and i still don't.
12-13-2008, 05:59 PM
Stro's a cop?
Oh shit it's the cops! Everybody scatter! : P
12-13-2008, 06:01 PM
no Stro isn't. close though.
12-14-2008, 08:02 PM
haha stro's harder than a cop.
and yea its a Johnson county ordeal.
12-14-2008, 08:03 PM
I have a feeling if anyone else other than a young dude was jumped, this would be totally different...Atleast Dustins not black, I think we know they woulda ignored that entirely..eeeey
12-14-2008, 08:06 PM
I have a feeling if anyone else other than a young dude was jumped, this would be totally different...Atleast Dustins not black, I think we know they woulda ignored that entirely..eeeey
A black guy getting jumed by a bunch of white guys would never be ignored... That shit would be on CNN and they would go to the most butt-fuck part of Iowa and interview the dumbest most red neck, KKK wannabe bastards around. Then there would be some fukkin million man march bullshit through downtown and blah blah blah...
12-14-2008, 08:15 PM
i just meant black people, not a white vs black thing. But yea I see your point, clearly.
12-23-2008, 03:53 PM
Started sorting through stuff this week (finally have some time off work), found a few more things missing.
Most of the new in package Honda susupension bolts
Rear lower tie bar, front upper tie bar
All 3 ECU's (1 chipped PM6, 1 stock PM6, 1 PS9)
All 3 distributors (2 newer reman PM6, 1 PM3)
D16A6 short block
Misc. gaskets and seals
They did give me a PM6 with a fried coil and ignitor from someone incorrectly connecting a tachometer.
So now I need a PM6 ECU, anyone have one? Contact me.
12-23-2008, 04:09 PM
Oh, and of course all bolts related to the engine/trans/clutch, along with my clutch cable.
12-25-2008, 02:47 AM
Doesn't surprise me Dustin that a lot of your shit was stolen off of it, they posted pictures on honda-tech of a swap they were doing and the trans was missing the VIN plate. . .
Heard some more from the grapevine, but I'll wait to talk about that till I verify it.
Joseph Davis
01-13-2009, 09:51 PM
I'm headed to Colorado in two weeks to pick up a truckload of R34 parts. Dustin, if you need me to detour your way to administer slaps to the cocksuckers of any fools who might have at any time stood within fifteen feet of your still missing property, let me know.
The nicest thing about living 1200 miles away is nothing short of a murder charge is likely to follow you home. It's like Baby Jesus handing you a blank check, and telling you to do whatever is necessary.
01-13-2009, 10:10 PM
i have also heard some grapevine talk justin..
01-13-2009, 10:24 PM
Just to put some stuff out there that I have heard:
The dark green integra that was in their shop that they liked to beat on was, in fact, another stolen vehicle. Someone broke in and stole a bunch of shit so the cops came out and ran the vin on it lol. This is the car that the engine and trans combo with missing vin plates came out of, now some CR kid is rolling around with a stolen engine.
Their rent is no longer being paid because someone finally had enough, so they are, or should be already, getting kicked out of their "shop"
Matt is no longer allowed on the premises and will be charged with trespassing if he ever shows back up.
Gotta love the drama. I haven't really heard anything else recently so if this is old news, accept my apologies. :bigthumb:
01-14-2009, 11:44 AM
The dark green integra that was in their shop that they liked to beat on was, in fact, another stolen vehicle. Someone broke in and stole a bunch of shit so the cops came out and ran the vin on it lol. This is the car that the engine and trans combo with missing vin plates came out of, now some CR kid is rolling around with a stolen engine.
Hm, someone should get charged with that...
01-14-2009, 11:49 AM
I'm headed to Colorado in two weeks to pick up a truckload of R34 parts. Dustin, if you need me to detour your way to administer slaps to the cocksuckers of any fools who might have at any time stood within fifteen feet of your still missing property, let me know.
The nicest thing about living 1200 miles away is nothing short of a murder charge is likely to follow you home. It's like Baby Jesus handing you a blank check, and telling you to do whatever is necessary.
What are you chuck norris?
01-14-2009, 02:42 PM
The dark green integra that was in their shop that they liked to beat on was, in fact, another stolen vehicle. Someone broke in and stole a bunch of shit so the cops came out and ran the vin on it lol. This is the car that the engine and trans combo with missing vin plates came out of, now some CR kid is rolling around with a stolen engine.
Hm, someone should get charged with that...
I haven't heard an update on it, but I hope someone will be.
01-14-2009, 04:17 PM
I'm headed to Colorado in two weeks to pick up a truckload of R34 parts. Dustin, if you need me to detour your way to administer slaps to the cocksuckers of any fools who might have at any time stood within fifteen feet of your still missing property, let me know.
The nicest thing about living 1200 miles away is nothing short of a murder charge is likely to follow you home. It's like Baby Jesus handing you a blank check, and telling you to do whatever is necessary.
i think we've had enough illegal activities having to do with this situation... :cop:
01-15-2009, 10:34 AM
jesus yea at what point do they say. oh duh, you guys are explitive retards we should probably do something about it...
01-20-2009, 12:02 PM
its so funny how much shit people talk and how they think they know everything but yet nun of you know anything. sorry to say but yes for all of you hopping it would the shop is now being relocated with different owners (some). and for who ever knows where my tools are at ill pay $5,000 to get them back or $7,000 to who tells me who did it, the loan has been taken out and the cash is in hand. thanks. dustin go ahead and tell me what your missing please. and as far as me getting kicked out and not being able to go back thats a big lie cuz to be honest me and roy anderson talk pretty much once a week so keep talkin guys. before i forget the integra deal is being taken care of and to who ever wants to meet up i will be more then happy to show them receipts for the motor and tranny. be mad that we can put together clean ass cars and do good work. and for all you honda guys we will be importing JDM motors with less then 40k on them for a better cost then any dealer.
thanks for everyones support and hope to see you soon.
Rapid Performance.
p.s. there is nothing in our new shop worth losing your life. live smart not stupid. you'll go further in life.
01-20-2009, 12:24 PM
I am truly lmao
01-20-2009, 12:56 PM
I actually had to go buy some Depends because I'm laughing so hard at this place that I can't stop shitting myself. My sphincters won't even close on their own now.
01-20-2009, 03:06 PM
maybe i'll come check this place out sometime; "AfterDark"....
01-20-2009, 03:22 PM
remember to park a block away, have 4 or more friends with you, and leave your valuables at home.
01-20-2009, 05:06 PM
there is nothing in our new shop worth losing your life. live smart not stupid. you'll go further in life.
For what its worth, you cannot take a life in Iowa in defense of your property. Good luck with a Murder 1 charge when you do!
Where are the rest of Jacob's parts, huh Matt?
01-20-2009, 05:27 PM
Probably too drunk to remember where he left them.
01-20-2009, 05:38 PM
live smart not stupid. you'll go further in life.
Heed your own advice you weasel
01-26-2009, 10:50 PM
maybe i'll come check this place out sometime; "AfterDark"....
yeah no 5hit...
01-26-2009, 11:23 PM
oh, yeah, the list of what is missing is in this thread.
01-29-2009, 04:48 PM
Send them to federal pound me in the ass prison
01-29-2009, 04:58 PM
he always seems excited to give back my stuff, until it comes to doing it.
Matt, I smashed up one of the mint LS meshies with a sledge hammer. I'll smash the other one next week, and cut the front spindle in half the week after that. Unless I get my parts back.
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