View Full Version : 92 Talon
01-27-2010, 08:50 PM
Guess I should start one of these threads
As most people know I bought Drifte's talon.
I hadn't intended at all to buy his or one anywhere near as modded as his. However I was days from buying:
(incase link goes dead, it's a basically stock DSM with intake/exhaust/mint exterior&interior/99k)
Drifte messaged me saying he'd do 4500 and I was hesitant because working on such a modded car with my knowledge was a worry to me but I had so many people telling me how stupid I'd be to pass it up.
Anyways. Definitely have some plans for it.
Some 272 cams, DSMLink, springs, a good tune, bigger injectors, E85 are all on the primary agenda.
As any thread needs pictures, although I'm sure everyone has seen it before - here are just a few random pictures I've taken. Unfortunately it's not 100% clean as due to selling the laser I've been forced to DD it. It's only been taking me to and from school.
A sight I'm sure I'll get used to :P
Anyways. I'll keep this updated with updates to the car & fixes and such if I'm bored enough to post them like I am tonight.
When I first brought it home all was great.
Started hearing an exhaust leak form.
Found the downpipe completely missing one bolt and the other one was loose. Didn't see a gasket at all, must have gotten toasted. Went ahead and found a bolt that fit and tightened the downpipe up.
Also fixed an issue with the car sputtering in boost - was just the plugs.
Found the top right motor mount not attached, dont know how I missed that :banghead:
Started getting a rattle from the front left wheel, was just the dust shield. Boy did that thing look sexy:
All was fine for a couple weeks and then last week I had my first 'real' race in the car. Although I'd ran against my friend's 300whp civic with the boost turned down just because he wanted to see how bad he'd pull on me. I encounted some 06-07 black WRX on my way home from class wanting to play and led him to the typical spot here and we ran. I pulled on him pretty good, was lots of fun. Second time however, mid pull I heard loud clicking so i let off.
Was definitely an exhaust leak. Pulled over, chatted with the WRX driver for about 5 minutes and then went home. Waited for the car to cool off and started it, felt for the leak and found it on the right side under the manifold. Figured it was the gasket. Went ahead and ordered a new one - tried to take off the manifold bolts but got too hard.
Sprayed some PB blaster on the bolts for the last couple of days and went out today, and they came out without any issue - there was NO snap or anything. However after taking them all out and hardly looking at them - I realized all but one of them snapped off inside the turbo housing!
I still can't believe it, i didn't fight with them at all before or anything.
Anyways, going to start taking stuff off tomorrow so I can drop the turbo and take it to a local machine shop to have the housing drilled/tapped as per DSMTuner's advice. Wish I had the tools to do it.
Sure enough that gasket went.
So thats basically everything that has gone on lately.
People weren't lying to me when they said prepare to have your work cut out for you in a DSM :P
Oh well, I still love it. I can't wait for tax return / spring & hopefully a new job :mad:
Hopefully ordering the new injectors and DSMLink within the next couple weeks.
If anyone has some 800cc+ injectors laying around and they want to sell them let me know :P
Anyways overall it's an extremely well kept DSM.. Drifte really took care of it and I intend to do the same. My mechanical knowledge literally has been building a lot because of this car and me spending so much free time on DSMTuners just reading guides and DIY writeups.
Thats it for now
I will say this things already making me start to want a heated garage!
01-27-2010, 09:06 PM
I've heard of bolts snapping like that. I suggest new OEM bolts, they are expensive at $6 each but I believe they are coated and or treated. I have them if you want some.
01-27-2010, 09:13 PM
Yeah I'd like to go with OEM but I may need some bigger ones now if we have to re-drill everything larger
01-27-2010, 10:23 PM
glad to hear the car finally took down a WRX..... ;)
01-27-2010, 10:33 PM
Haha it was bone stock except for intake/exhaust.
It was exactly the WRX I've wanted though, Black 06/07 Damn sexy cars.
Pulled over and talked to the guy, he said he just bought it.
It'll be the only WRX that does anything around here. Theres a couple WRX Wagons each driven by middle-age housewives, a white 06/07 WRX driven by some kid I've seen for the last couple years (looks like yours)- always stays the same.
Then theres an 08 or newer STi driven by some really old guy.
01-27-2010, 10:59 PM
if you want to run e85 i would run bigger than a 800cc injector. atleast a 1000cc if you are on a 16g. i made the mistake of getting 680s thinking i will run pump but decided to run e85 and have 1200 on the way.
01-27-2010, 11:09 PM
yeah I'm preferably looking for 1000cc's or bigger.
My friend's actual tune is 380whp and I believe he's on 1020cc on E85 on his talon
May still stay on pumpgas for now unless I find a new cheap DD
01-28-2010, 06:14 AM
I would think stainless bolts may be a good idea but I could be wrong. They won't rust or get corroded into place but I could be wrong, I'm sure someone else will chime in.
01-28-2010, 07:46 AM
Haha it was bone stock except for intake/exhaust.
It was exactly the WRX I've wanted though, Black 06/07 Damn sexy cars.
Pulled over and talked to the guy, he said he just bought it.
It'll be the only WRX that does anything around here. Theres a couple WRX Wagons each driven by middle-age housewives, a white 06/07 WRX driven by some kid I've seen for the last couple years (looks like yours)- always stays the same.
Then theres an 08 or newer STi driven by some really old guy.
Mine would have saved me money if i would have left it alone.. but whats the fun in that. Glad to hear you have plans for her cant wait to hear what she does the first day at the track :)
01-28-2010, 10:47 AM
Someone on DSMTuners was mentioning ARP mani bolts.
Really doesn't matter a whole lot to me, I think the current bolts were just old anyway - they had to be or something with how weak they must have been. OEM bolts may be the way to go. Still not sure what size I'll need though once the holes are all tapped
01-28-2010, 11:23 AM
Cant believe that gasket blew, was new right before you got it. Bolts were new too, thats weird. OEM bolts are good, but tough to find helecoil kits for. As for the manifold head studs they are ss, if that was mentioned. I sorta scanned through this quick.
looks like the brake dust shield rusted itself off?
01-28-2010, 11:39 AM
Yeah I'm surprised too.
On the opposite side you can see another crack forming. Maybe this particular gasket was made on a friday night haha
The bolts being new really makes me worried. Hopefully this isn't something I'll deal with often haha
Going out today to start taking stuff off to drop the turbo. My friend with the civic is going to come over and help to make sure I do everything right haha. I'm confident but I feel a lot better when I have someone experienced there.
And yeah the brake dust shield had been rattling. At first I was afraid it something with the springs. However I got down and found it was the shield. Tried pulling it off with the wheel still on. Took the wheel off and just pulled and it slid right off, no bolts were removed or anything lol
If only it weren't so damn cold today. I'm really thinking about going and getting a good room heater.. not that it'd heat my garage but maybe it'd at least take the chill off.
01-28-2010, 01:41 PM
The gasket will blow/crack if the bolts come loose. I have more gaskets in stock. Yea oem wont work if its helicoiled. Find some good bolts though! Or if you were wanting a new turbo, now is the time, especially if the machine shop is going to charge you a lot.
01-28-2010, 02:37 PM
Yeah I'm surprised too.
On the opposite side you can see another crack forming. Maybe this particular gasket was made on a friday night haha
The bolts being new really makes me worried. Hopefully this isn't something I'll deal with often haha
Going out today to start taking stuff off to drop the turbo. My friend with the civic is going to come over and help to make sure I do everything right haha. I'm confident but I feel a lot better when I have someone experienced there.
And yeah the brake dust shield had been rattling. At first I was afraid it something with the springs. However I got down and found it was the shield. Tried pulling it off with the wheel still on. Took the wheel off and just pulled and it slid right off, no bolts were removed or anything lol
If only it weren't so damn cold today. I'm really thinking about going and getting a good room heater.. not that it'd heat my garage but maybe it'd at least take the chill off.
For a heater id recommend purchasing one that hooks onto a propane tank (such as the one that goes on girlls). We have one and it works wonders, relativley cheap too. Dont know where we purchased it though.
01-28-2010, 02:39 PM
Do not get stainless or ARP bolts. They will get stuck, and they will break off when you take them out.
Stick with OEM bolts, or hardware store grade 8 bolts that are easy to drill out.
Stainless, and the ARP material expand/contract completely different then the cast DSM housing and causes the bolts to get seized. The OEM bolts are designed to take heat cycles along with the turbine housing.
Best thing to do, in my experience, is to helicoil all 4 threads and use hardware store bolts. I took a turbo in/out probably 10 times and they never gave me an issue.
01-28-2010, 03:10 PM
That's exactly what I did jacob haha
Here's my present to myself.
Works amazing. Gotta turn it off every now and then to let it air out a bit though but it heats up my little garage really nice and quick.
01-28-2010, 08:04 PM
got the new gasket in today.
It's from extremepsi, stainless steel
01-28-2010, 08:48 PM
"Best thing to do, in my experience, is to helicoil all 4 threads and use hardware store bolts. I took a turbo in/out probably 10 times and they never gave me an issue."
Thats what I have done in the past and did for this car. I guess they werent up to the job this time. have a Turbonetics 50 trim that will bolt up to that car in stock at work ;).
01-28-2010, 08:58 PM
I always put locktite on mine. I just got some hardware store grade 8s. I would not suggest arp head to manifold studs.
I had a set and the studs were nice but the nuts not so much. ended up going with some copper ones from
01-29-2010, 12:20 AM
Sounds like I'll just stick to hardware store bolts.. I'll just hope I won't have to take this all off again any time soon.
Waiting for my damn W2 from my other job to get here so i can file for my tax return.
Then I can go ahead and get DSMLink ordered and put aside money for a tune. I'm really hoping I end up having enough money to pick up some 1000cc+ injectors.
I'd love to run E85. I've a set of 1200's for $250 with low miles on them on tuners, thinking over it. If I really end up with extra money I'd love to pick up some 272's before the tune but very doubtful on that in my current jobless situation.
I started taking stuff off tonight. Going to wait for my buddy to come Saturday to do the rest.
Only issue I had was with the wire that goes to the wastegate, could not get those plugs separated for the life of me.
01-29-2010, 07:22 AM
Wire to the wastegate??
01-29-2010, 08:02 AM
Wire to the wastegate??
haha thats what I said to myself. IDK, plugs sepereated...Im trying to think what it could be, but I got nothin.
01-29-2010, 08:10 AM
What an epic thread about a bad gasket. I love cars.
01-29-2010, 09:02 AM
What an epic thread about a bad gasket. I love cars.
Lol it's not just for the gasket, just a general thread for the car. I'm sure they'll be more to come haha.
Yeah the wire haha, sorry I'm retarded - I thought the wire was going to the wastegate xD
It's the wire that you have going around the hood support rod.
I also need to remove the horn. It doesn't work at all with the wheel - and it's been going off randomly while driving it.
Was funny at first but now it's more embarressing when you're sitting at a light with your horn randomly going on and off lol.
Think I'm just going to remove it or see if I can find a way to relocate a new one.
01-29-2010, 10:14 AM
LOL I have no idea why the horns going off. That wire is your 02 sensor, the new one had twice as much wire as the old one. Just disconnect the plug dont bother unscrewing it from the 02 housing.
lol, the horn.
01-29-2010, 10:15 AM
ECMTuning (dsmlink) just notied us a few days ago of a new slimmed down version of their tuning software that is a couple hundred bucks cheaper and still includes most features. . Let me know when your ready for it.
01-29-2010, 11:05 AM
Yeah the v3 lite is what I believe I'll go with.
I was originally going to order it through you guys however I'm worried about the drivability of an untuned chip? As i'd have to put it in and drive it to revhard unless I can find a trailer.
I was contacting someone at keydiver about an issue with the clutchwire and in the midst he told me if I get DSMLink through them he can put the tune from my chip onto the dsmlink chip so my drivability will be almost the same.
Does anyone know how drivability is on an untuned DSMLink?
01-29-2010, 11:05 AM
LOL I have no idea why the horns going off. That wire is your 02 sensor, the new one had twice as much wire as the old one. Just disconnect the plug dont bother unscrewing it from the 02 housing.
lol, the horn.
Yeah, exactly how I felt lol
Oh and the plug is what I can't get undone - oh well I really haven't messed with it a whole lot yet.
01-29-2010, 11:58 AM
Driveability will be just fine if you have them put in your current injector size onto the chip.
Your car is basically stock, so the stock ecu should control it just fine. Just keep the boost down until you can tune it.
01-29-2010, 12:01 PM
Didnt Revhard build that Civic from Burlington thats now blown up?
edit, this one:
01-29-2010, 12:02 PM
Yeah, well the intention is to install DSMLink basically the day before going up for my tune.
I wouldn't be doing anything other than highway driving until tuned. Unless I get the link through keydiver and have the tune already there for the 15psi setup..
However if I'd be good to drive 4 hours on the highway with what comes with the dsmlink stock setup, then I'll order through Import Evolution.
Didnt Revhard build that Civic from Burlington thats now blown up?
Honestly not 100% sure.
I believe it was at Revhard at one or two points.
It got thrown around to MANY different shops.. probably explains why stuff ended up shoddy with different shops doing different work on it. When it WAS in town making 440whp, it was puking out antifreeze and had 3 or so boost leaks..
The car met its end about a month after I started getting into the car scene here and learning about the cars so I'm not exactly on top of the history of it.
Now it sits as a doorless/fenderless/trunkless/hoodless shell in a driveway
01-29-2010, 12:09 PM
Didnt Revhard build that Civic from Burlington thats now blown up?
edit, this one:
yep that's the one!
01-29-2010, 12:25 PM
We (at ImportEvolution) can actually get you a better price on link, and have the chip copied as well. Theirs not much work involved in getting the tune back, most of the nice little chip items are just part of standard instal with link.
Get our local trevor to tune it, we work well together.
01-29-2010, 12:28 PM
Alright sounds good
I'll PM you first about it when I get my tax return.
Would I be just sending the current chip up?
Or would it be easier when I did it if I just drove up - I'm always up to get the hell out of Burlington.
01-29-2010, 12:45 PM
lol @ local Trevor
01-29-2010, 01:35 PM
Stock dsmlink tunes run great and are safe with just the proper injector size selected. If you think about it, from a tuning aspect your car is almost stock. Your intake and exhaust mods will have only a minor effect on the tune. You still are running a mass air sensor that will measure the incoming airflow and inject proper fuel even above stock boost, you have a stock camshaft, intake, head, stock displacement and are running closed loop idle/cruise with narrowband feedback. Your turbo upgrade itself doesn't do much to the tune at factory boost levels, its just when you run high boost 18+ you have toi keep an eye on knock and afr's.
01-30-2010, 07:40 PM
Well dropped the turbo tonight..
Found out why the gasket blew and will probably blow again.
There's a crack running from the top of the flange down into the housing.
So I'm guessing I need a new exhaust side, or perhaps even a good chance to upgrade.. not really sure I have the money to do it though.
I may just end up having to run it this way until I can find a job again to begin turbo searching unless I can find an exhaust side.
01-31-2010, 02:15 AM
Some more even, I didn't realize how messed up the inside of this was.
I asked my friend what could cause this and he said it'd just be heat and old age/etc.
I figured I'd check the turbo for shaft play, absolutely none whatsoever so that made me relieved.
Still need to figure out what I'm going to do though.
I can't seem to find just a hotside for a 20g though.
01-31-2010, 10:17 AM
It's just a 7cm hotside. They come on all 16gs, 18gs, 20gs. Should be easy to find on forums or if you want new check extremepsi or
01-31-2010, 12:42 PM
Well I've found ... urbo-Parts (
However I'm not sure that the housing->manifold setup looks the same as mine.. mine doesn't curve like that.
Not sure if that one will work or not?
01-31-2010, 01:17 PM
I wouldnt think that crack would cause a gasket blow out, however their are a LOT of cracks going on inside their. You can get a used one cheap, could get a whole turbo for less than that FP turbine housing. I had one and sold it on Tuners for $50 crack free.
01-31-2010, 02:20 PM
Yeah that crack will definitely let the air get under the gasket and slowly wither it.
Thats definitely why it blew the new gasket so fast.
I've been trying to find a housing for cheaper but I'm having no luck whatsoever.
01-31-2010, 07:10 PM
Well got the turbo and everything all pulled apart tonight, i may have found a housing for cheap. Waiting for pictures/more info on it.
As it sits :(
01-31-2010, 08:45 PM
It does appear I'll be getting a tune in April.
Thanks for the offers guys but Steve Kan made me a deal I couldn't refuse for a tune.
Just hoping the talon has no issues at the time and makes it up to the twin cities and back alright.
Just praying I have the money when the time comes...
No luck on a new housing, the one that i had found wont work.
Really need to find something, having a really hard time getting a ride to and from all my classes with my funky schedule.
02-01-2010, 04:08 PM
I've got a housing for you. Friend of mine in my shop has one laying around. PM me for details.
02-01-2010, 04:22 PM
awesome!!! u got a pm
02-02-2010, 01:25 PM
Just payed for the housing.
Thanks trevor you're a life saver!!
Praying it all bolts up fine.
Is there a difference between the way the port that bolts in the manifold is square on mine and the one he's sending me and the 7cm I found online has curves on each side?
Assuming not but just want to make sure.
02-02-2010, 02:48 PM
The curved 7cm housing is from an Evo3 16g. It's the same thing, just a revised design.
You will have to remove the flapper on the turbine housing you are getting in order for your external gate set-up to work properly. Just use a drill and drill the center rivet of the flapper and it will come right off. Then you can either cut the arm out with a dremel, or wire it open with something. Doesn't really matter just so it doesn't flap around in there.
02-03-2010, 02:51 AM
Lol those are my old black racing seats in that civic!
02-03-2010, 09:00 PM
Well I got the housing tonight
Inside definitely looks smaller than mine
Removed the actuator thing however the flapper is still there.
Going to a shop tomorrow to have them cut it out and see if they can grind the thing open a bit more.
My gaskets I ordered should be here Friday, so hopefully I'll have it back on the road again Saturday.
Bleh, driving me nuts haha
02-04-2010, 07:03 AM
That housing was ported all to hell so I know a stock 7cm housing is smaller. But its also probably cracked because of how ported it was. Should measure it, IDK who ported it but they really opened it up. I dont think Buscher would open it up that much.
02-04-2010, 07:24 AM
Yea the 20g housing was just ported, the housing you got isn't. There are 3 housings, 6cm..7cm...8cm. The 6cm came on 13g's and 14b's...the 7cm comes on 16g's and 20g's...the 8cm housing is kind of a special housing that FP supplies. The housing will fit your 20g, believe me.
02-04-2010, 07:59 AM
Yeah I know it'll fit, I lined all the gaskets and such up with it to make sure.
Should I port it a bit?
Probably not as much of course as the old one but would it be that beneficial to port it a bit?
02-04-2010, 09:37 AM
yea it's beneficial to port it, but you need to know how. Do some reading on how to port the 7cm housing. It's not about just hogging it colton's old one was.
02-04-2010, 12:21 PM
Well I dropped it off at Balzur's, a shop that does a bit of everything - they do pretty good work for a good price.
Told them what I wanted and they said they'd have it Saturday morning, blah!
Oh well, at least progress is being made and I'm not going backwards.
It'll be opened up/ported a bit but not as much as the old housing was. Should at least be good enough for my plans.
02-04-2010, 12:40 PM
lol should have just brought it to me. I hope they port the wastegate passage properly.
02-04-2010, 12:46 PM
I would of loved to but I have no way to get up there :P
Otherwise I for sure would of!
I suppose I could of come up in the firebird lol, I'm actually probably going to be driving it tomorrow because I have no other way to get to class. Ugh and it's supposed to snow. No insurance on it either, oh well just for one day.
02-04-2010, 02:06 PM
I guess you forgot that the turbo was sitting in my shop....
02-04-2010, 02:17 PM
Oh it was your shop?
Sorry I thought it was a friend of your's shop.
Guess I misread the "in my shop" part of your post.
bleh, oh well - hopefully balzur's work turns out okay
02-04-2010, 08:48 PM
Theirs 3 shops in one their, so his friend with the housing technically was in his own shop haha. Could have just polished up the new housing, and gasket matched the inlet. Lets get some video of it beating some dumbass civics.
02-04-2010, 09:12 PM
haha it definitely wont beat the civics here as it sits.
Although after the new tune tune from a stop I may be able to take them for awhile.
But now they're each looking at 400whp this summer :( Maybe some day I'll catch em
There is a DSM that apparently just got finished being built though down in Fort Madison, where my friend with the talon works. Supposed to be making 540whp... I haven't seen it but if it's true I can't wait to see it. It'll definitely take down some civics if so!
02-05-2010, 07:10 AM
Going from a stop they will definatly loose, hell they'd probably loose from a lower speed roll. High hp honda's spin on the street. Specially those that just make a bunch of power and pay no attention to getting that power to the ground.
02-05-2010, 07:59 AM
yea, I hate turbo Hondas. Its a real temporary game for them anyway, Open deck, aluminum block, SOHC for the most part. Sure theirs dohc, I know. My brothers gone through enough Hondas for me to know exactly what you can get out of one and for how long. His last honda was probably overly setup to put down power and didnt have any.
02-05-2010, 09:09 AM
Yeah, the one I've ridden in the most (the multicolored rainbow one) spins all through 1st/2nd and part of third.
Even with drag radials he spins through 1st and has a hard time hooking in second.
I'm not sure what has been done to the actual suspension.
Everyone around here is about roll racing it seems, bleh.
I hate roll racing
02-05-2010, 11:40 AM
Can get 650-750-850cc injectors right now for the next week for $240 for a set of 4. If you want to go big now is the time. Wont see pricing like this for a looong time, FIC cut a deal.
02-05-2010, 01:10 PM
Unfortunately my money is literally so tight right now I can't afford anything outside of DSMLink and a tune. I'm getting $700 in my tax return and the tune/DSMLink will take up all of that.
Then I don't have much in my account. I've spent a total of around $140 so far trying to fix the talon's current housing/gasket issue and still have yet to foot the bill at the shop the housing's getting done at.
If I can get a job though, I'll without a doubt step it up a lot.
I hopefully might get on at Menards where money's pretty good for students and such like myself as opposed to other jobs.
God damn I want a job.
This town sucks so hard.
02-05-2010, 10:53 PM
I'm pretty pissed off right now.
UPS on their tracking says literally "Delivered 6:17pm Frt Porch" and my package is no where. No tracks or anything in my driveway or up leading to my porch.
I'm going to be so pissed if I don't have those gaskets tomorrow and end up screwing up my school schedule further and halting my job seeking further.
Really getting pissed, about to pull the firebird out and just drive it.
Well I just got off the phone with UPS.
Sure enough they said it was delivered and they're going to have to begin an investigation on the shipment and I'll need extremepsi to contact them. I've already contacted extremepsi - nothing will happen until monday though. God knows how long that will all take. I seriously can't afford to be without a car for another 1-2 weeks.
I can't really say how pissed off I am right now. If this weren't screwing my job/school situation up worse than it already was it wouldnt be such an issue.
Fuck I just want to strangle someone right now.
02-06-2010, 07:55 AM
say fuck it and drive the firebird. just keep it clean afterwards and you'll be fine.
02-06-2010, 08:57 AM
You act like that turd is a show car or something
02-06-2010, 09:11 AM
I'm pretty pissed off right now.
UPS on their tracking says literally "Delivered 6:17pm Frt Porch" and my package is no where. No tracks or anything in my driveway or up leading to my porch.
I'm going to be so pissed if I don't have those gaskets tomorrow and end up screwing up my school schedule further and halting my job seeking further.
Really getting pissed, about to pull the firebird out and just drive it.
Well I just got off the phone with UPS.
Sure enough they said it was delivered and they're going to have to begin an investigation on the shipment and I'll need extremepsi to contact them. I've already contacted extremepsi - nothing will happen until monday though. God knows how long that will all take. I seriously can't afford to be without a car for another 1-2 weeks.
I can't really say how pissed off I am right now. If this weren't screwing my job/school situation up worse than it already was it wouldnt be such an issue.
Fuck I just want to strangle someone right now.
Shoulda bought local, we have that stuff in stock. Just call the office next time you need something!
02-06-2010, 09:38 AM
You act like that turd is a show car or something
It's a lot better than anything you own that's for sure.
And dustin the reason being is I can't afford insurance on it right now, it has bald rear tires, and no heat and the roads are still crappy as hell here.
But I'm running out of options right now so I might have no choice.
02-06-2010, 11:48 PM
Well we got it all fixed tonight.
Went out and gave it a few runs and she was doin great.
Then by peer pressure I got pushed into a race with a local mustang that runs 13.8.
We went from around a 30-50 roll for each race - for a total of 5 races.
I took him pretty well without ever brake boosting.
Although I blew out my dipstick and sprayed a bit of oil. Looks like I need a catch can.
Then we, being one of my civic friends, and my friend with the talon and his girlfriend, were all sitting in taco bell parking lot side by side with them eating their orders. We were all idling for our heat for about 20 minutes. The talon's lights suddenly dulled and it died.
First we thought the alternator died and I was about to drive the thing into a lake haha, or tow it I guess :P Jumping it didnt do anything. Then Jake, the guy with the talon, goes and looks at the fuses and saw the main fuse was blown.
So we switched the fuse for the radiator fan and I drove it home. Going to get a new fuse tomorrow. I'm really glad Jake thought to check the fuse because I may have went and spent a bunch of money on a new alternator.
God damn DSM's :)
Anyway here are some random pictures from the day.
The two housings side by side after getting them back from Balzurs.
They really didn't get this opened as much as I wanted but oh well. Only ended up being a $19 job
I thought they did a pretty good job here.
My buddy with the civic helping me get the turbo setup all back on and ready to fire up.
Engine bay especially is dirty as hell. I can't wait for some decent weather so I can really detail the car good. Interior is still spotless but the engine bay has gotten nasty.
02-07-2010, 10:20 AM
You probably hit the positive connection on the alternator when you were down there messing with the o2 housing. If you arc it out it will blow the main fuse (80amp). You should always disconnect the battery when doing anything down by the alternator.
02-07-2010, 08:27 PM
hopefully your luck gets better. yea I can ship you gaskets and stuff for as little as $4 and you should have it the next day since we're both in iowa
02-07-2010, 09:06 PM
hopefully your luck gets better. yea I can ship you gaskets and stuff for as little as $4 and you should have it the next day since we're both in iowa
awesome, I'll keep that all in mind.
I need to start being more smart about this stuff, bleh.
Today I started having a TON of front end noise, was clanking and vibrating bad at higher speeds.
I took it home and removed both front wheels, all lugs had been tight, I checked around and didn't find anything.
Put the wheels back on, and it drives fine now. Wtf?
Lol oh well, if it happens again I'll investigate it better.
02-08-2010, 07:12 AM
did you have snow in the wheels?
02-08-2010, 07:28 AM
Nope nada, I had just washed it about an hour earlier - was nice and clean yet.
02-08-2010, 08:53 PM
lol, tonight two bolts fell out of my o2 housing and my front bumper came off on the passenger side.
The two bolts, IDK - I got them as tight as I could. Going to fix it tomorrow.
The front bumper, I'm guessing probably came off when I pulled into my friend's driveway, is the only really large drift of snow or anything I was in.
No damage at all, but still I'm annoyed. Ziptied it back up when I found it about 5 mins after dropping my friend off. Looks like I'm missing one of the screws that holds it up, going to get that fixed tomorrow.
Jeeze colton I don't think this car wanted to leave the previous owner lol!
I even spent a ridiculous amount of time washing it yesterday and cleaning/detailing the interior in the cold today - I just can't keep it happy with me!
02-08-2010, 09:27 PM
good thing tomorrow's gonna be a snow-day; because Colton's getting no sleep tonight!
02-08-2010, 09:31 PM
I really don't know what could have knocked the front bumper loose, it must have already been loose from something - I really can't see the bit of snow I drove through to my friend's driveway being enough to get it loose. Really baffling me.
Ugh, I need a DD bad - hopefully I may have a job in a few weeks though so that may be a possibility soon.
02-09-2010, 07:41 AM
its gone through snow so deep it needed a tractor and a day to get out. I remember seeing it the next day.... the snow was higher then the car (no lie) i dont know how a little drift would knock the bumper off when i have seen it drive through snow above the roof. (didnt mean to. It was a white out and didnt see the drift. Made it farther then any of the trucks)
02-09-2010, 08:00 AM
Ugh, I need a DD bad - hopefully I may have a job in a few weeks though so that may be a possibility soon.
I'm sorry, but this statement amuses me, since you bought that car to be your DD for awhile. :rolleyes:
02-09-2010, 09:44 AM
did i not predict this? the car would never be as nice as when colton owned it, and now this kid is just runnin her in the ground harder than hell :( poor car
02-09-2010, 10:12 AM
lol man you did the same thing ^
02-09-2010, 11:18 AM
lol man you did the same thing ^
it was a parts car when i got it...and was a parts car when i got rid of it
02-09-2010, 11:31 AM
did i not predict this? the car would never be as nice as when colton owned it, and now this kid is just runnin her in the ground harder than hell :( poor car
Tell me, what can I do to maintain it better?
I've fixed every problem that's come my way.
Was it my fault the housing was fucked to all hell? No I don't blame Colton for it - but was I supposed to drop the turbo and everything right there when I was looking at it?
I've been washing/cleaning it out regularly, in fact on these snowy days I usually always stop at a car wash and blast the underside/wheel wells at least before I head home.
I have no other car to drive, so how am I supposed to get to school without it?
The bumper / o2 housing are fixed as well, I took care of that right away this morning.
The car still looks about just damn good now as it did when I bought it.
I've raced it 3-4 times, I had some fun in the snow about the second week I had it.
I drive it like a grandma most of the time ffs. I even park it way back in the end of the parking lots of stores / school to avoid door dings and such.
So yeah, I'm running it into the ground aren't I?
I'm sorry, if you wanted to see it put in a garage and never get into boost at all - you should have bought it.
It's running amazing right now. I redrilled the hole for the screw in the bumper as I found out only one screw had been holding it up and the hole was rusted (its like the only spot on the car that has any rust) so I redrilled it and put in a new screw, also another hole that had no screw I put one in - now it's held up nice and snug.
Seriously, get off my ass - I'm taking care of this car as best as I can.
Most of the problems I've had are just things that happen, needing a new housing, the downpipe gasket, the dust shield, etc. I'm sure eventually no matter who the owner was the bumper would of come loose for them too - the hole rusted - it happens.
Just so you know I have class tomorrow, so I'll be "running it into the ground" again tomorrow.
02-09-2010, 11:39 AM
oh jeez, get the sand out of your vagina...
02-09-2010, 11:50 AM
oh jeez, get the sand out of your vagina...
That's all, really?
So you can't tell me what I'm doing wrong? Are you just bitter?
You're the one who threw the first stone posting saying how I'm running the car into the ground.
So, really - who has the sand in their vagina?
02-09-2010, 12:49 PM
Sounds like you got more problems then a AA meeting, evertime you get on here you have something going wrong with one of your turds. your turn to make shit out of my so called car
I like men
02-09-2010, 12:50 PM
Sounds like you got more problems then a AA meeting, evertime you get on here you have something going wrong with one of your turds. your turn to make shit out of my so called car
I like men
Well Muff, this happens with cars that have quite a bit done to them.
I'm sure if you turbo'd / nitrous'd / etc your huffy - I'm sure it'd have a problem or two too :)
02-09-2010, 01:01 PM
Sounds like you got more problems then a AA meeting, evertime you get on here you have something going wrong with one of your turds. your turn to make shit out of my so called car
I like men
Well Muff, this happens with cars that have quite a bit done to them.
I'm sure if you turbo'd / nitrous'd / etc your huffy - I'm sure it'd have a problem or two too :)
Really quite a bit done to it huh what are the mods
02-09-2010, 01:04 PM
Sounds like you got more problems then a AA meeting, evertime you get on here you have something going wrong with one of your turds. your turn to make shit out of my so called car
I like men
Well Muff, this happens with cars that have quite a bit done to them.
I'm sure if you turbo'd / nitrous'd / etc your huffy - I'm sure it'd have a problem or two too :)
Really quite a bit done to it huh what are the mods
Muff, is it that hard to look at the original mod list? It isnt that much different. Not to mention this car has had basically everything re-done. Rarely unless done by highly trained professionals will such restorations be "factory quality new"
But you wouldn't know that, as we're talking about cars here.
02-09-2010, 01:07 PM
wow for having everything redone a by a highly trained professional you sure work on it alot lol
02-09-2010, 01:15 PM
wow for having everything redone a by a highly trained professional you sure work on it alot lol
It wasnt all done by a highly trained professional, that was my point. The motor was rebuilt by a shop and the tranny from my knowledge. The rest was Colton. He did an extremely good job - but it's still a 18 year old car with a body of 117k on it - and many of the parts were used, ie the turbo/housing from what I know.
Can't be perfect
02-09-2010, 01:54 PM
give it up muff..
02-09-2010, 04:47 PM
I was waiting for someone else to say something finally. I think the point is that there is 5 pages about 1 car having nothing but problems. Just so we're clear on MY OPINION, I don't blame you per say. It's a DSM thing. They're built like a new Toyota (forgive me if you don't get this). You knew what you were getting into before you bought it. If you're up for the challenge, more power to you. Just sucks you don't have the time or money to keep it in the garage during one of the most shity winters we've had in years. I can say one thing though. If I was Coulton, I would make sure I never read this thread. Of coarse, I wouldn't of sold it to anyone that lived around me either.
02-09-2010, 05:20 PM
I was waiting for someone else to say something finally. I think the point is that there is 5 pages about 1 car having nothing but problems. Just so we're clear on MY OPINION, I don't blame you per say. It's a DSM thing. They're built like a new Toyota (forgive me if you don't get this). You knew what you were getting into before you bought it. If you're up for the challenge, more power to you. Just sucks you don't have the time or money to keep it in the garage during one of the most shity winters we've had in years. I can say one thing though. If I was Coulton, I would make sure I never read this thread. Of coarse, I wouldn't of sold it to anyone that lived around me either.
Yeah - I honestly would of thought twice about it if I had known I'd lose my job about 2 weeks after getting it heh.
But I don't regret it. It's a DSM, stuff happens. Colton hardly drove it - didn't really see the road it's seeing now. I believe he had around 3-4k on the build in like a year or two? I've already put around 1,500 on it, which isnt much for me. I mean heck, even Colton had quite a few problems come up if you read his build thread with it.
I believe its a factor of the build still having some bugs worked out as it's still pretty new. I will be getting a new DD when the firebird's gone and keeping the talon in the garage quite a bit. I'm hoping by next winter it'll be able to sit in the garage.
02-09-2010, 09:01 PM
Dude Colton is the kind of guy that if he broke a half shaft he would replace both axles. Just the kind of guy he was with his cars. If it wasn't broke he would fix it anyway.
02-09-2010, 09:15 PM
I'll toss my 2 cents in (and hope I don't get caught in the storm) but no Mamamia probably doesn't treat the car as good as Colton did but he treated that car better than people treat their first born child. It was a garage queen that was driven once every blue moon-granted that was partially because he was building it. All I'm saying is a dsm isn't the type of thing you can depend on as a daily driver. It is seeing the road more and that's why the problems are surfacing. My friend had a '90 TSi that he used for a dd (basic bolt on-car) and he still had to dump tons of money and complained about fixing stuff constantly.
02-09-2010, 10:58 PM
Well said, although I do try to take very good care of the car without a doubt.
It's a very clean DSM, its not quite a garage queen - has a few dings and some rust spots, but it's extremely clean for a DSM.
Like I said too though - the car basically still never got driven enough to get all the bugs worked out of the new build, I bought the car and had already considered that.
Yeah a bit more has come up in a short time than I expected - but what are ya gonna do? As of now everything's fixed and it's running good. DSMLink and a tune is still on the to-do list. Also need new springs.. preferably some 272's and injectors - but those probably won't be able to come until summerish.
02-14-2010, 12:53 AM
Well should hopefully be able to try to get my DSMLink this next week. Although my money situation is going to be tighter than I thought so I may not be able to get tuned by Steve Kan.
Car is still doing fine other than over boosting a lot.
It had been boosting to around 16-17psi. Now the last couple of days I've been seeing 20-22psi.
Going to see about getting some t-bolt clamps for the IC piping and hooking up my MBC to control the boost a bit more.
02-14-2010, 09:58 AM
That wastegate was holding a solid 15 no more less. Something must be loose regarding the wastegate. You will boost less if their is a boost leak. Its built to run higher boost no prob, but I'd make sure that gates still tight. If you want to run more boost anyway we can swap out a spring or just use the manual boost controller in it.
02-14-2010, 10:19 AM
You can run higher boost if there is a vacuum leak in the vacuum lines to the wastegate. Look for cracking or anything.
02-14-2010, 10:47 AM
Alright thanks, I'll go check it out.
Hopefully that's all it is.
02-14-2010, 05:12 PM
Fun fact for today.
Decided to do some MPG testing.
Ended up getting 31.6mpg with highway driving.
I'm honestly pretty impressed!
02-22-2010, 01:29 AM
So, me and some of my car buddies decided to randomly build a snowman in the parking lot we always meet up in! Winter boredom is hitting sky high!
No more problems with the talon lately either, hopefully I have all the main issues worked out now.
Once weather gets nicer and I can drive the firebird I may pull the tranny and see about replacing the 1-2 shift fork, I'm guessing thats my grind issue with 1-2shifts.
Still need to get DSMLink but my god damn tax return date got pushed back to the 26th.
I have orientation for a new job Saturday thank god, been driving me nuts sitting around home especially since both my xbox and my main computer died.
May also be getting a deal on some new shoes for the talon, can't wait!
02-26-2010, 03:15 PM
So I'm trying to get my t-bolt clamps ordered, as the spring comes closer - so does my dsmlink & new tune.
I was hoping I could figure out what sizes of clamps I need without unhooking anything/taking off the bumper. Otherwise I may just go ahead and take off the bumper and such to get exact measurements the weekend after next when I have more free time.
From what I can tell all the piping seems to be 2.5" (aside from turbo outlet) - just from me measuring the pipe 8" around and dividing by 3.14.
I was hoping I'd need these spec of couplers: 2.63-2.93 (use with 2.5" I.D. coupler) however I'm assuming my couplers are larger than 2.5" - unfortunately I didn't measure them while I was out. The 2.63-2.93's are on sale for only $3.89 a coupler.
Next up are the 2.88" - 3.19" (Use for 2.75" I.D. Coupler) which are $6 a coupler - I haven't really shopped around on coupler prices so I'm sure that I can find a better price if that's the size I need.
I really don't know a whole lot about t-bolt clamps, am just used to the typical good ol' hardware store couplers - but with the new tune I know I'll need something better, hell even right now I'm still boosting at 20-21psi. It definitely feels good, but I've checked the line to the WG and no leak from what I can see. Could the new turbine housing have anything to do with it?
Hopefully when my buddy gets his boost leak tester back from my friend whose using it on his talon, I can use some soapy water and check everything out.
I have tonight free but I really don't want to do anything with the car right now as tomorrow I need it to be able to take me an hour to my orientation for my new job then the hour back. The best part is 4 people got hired and my new boss told me the other 3 don't have a vehicle and they prefer car pooling anyway when traveling like this (then they compensate for less gas) - sooo i'm going to have the talon loaded with four people... This will be VERY interesting, I have my seat scooted forward to the point my legs are smushed against the dash so I can get a bit of a feel for it for tomorrow lol.
She's lookin good right now, was nice out today and took the chance to wash it thoroughly and vacuum it. Spent a good 10 minutes at the carwash then another 15-20 at home cleaning it. Lately it's just been me taking 5 minutes and using the soap pressure washer at the wash for about 1 minute then rinsing it all off for 2 minutes and using the other 2 minutes to rinse out the wheel wells, undercarriage, etc.
Can't wait for this warmer weather and I can start DDing the firebird again until it sells which then I'll find a nice pos I won't care about.
02-26-2010, 10:04 PM
so you are looking at tbolt clamps but need new silicone couplers for a tune? Whats wrong with the current couplers. I would just go with 3" clamps.
4 people in a talon is not going to be comfortable for anyone in the car.
02-27-2010, 12:03 AM
If you're not blowing the pipes apart, why would you need to upgrade the hardware again?
02-27-2010, 05:48 AM
I'm just getting t-bolt clamps, not new couplers.
Sparkles, I'm getting t-bolt clamps because they're something you really want to have when running 20+ pounds of boost. + Places like revhard won't tune the car over a certain amount of boost if you don't have the clamps. I'm not sure that I'll get tuned by Revhard, but I may as well go ahead and get them.
02-27-2010, 09:16 AM
IC. I thought you were already pushing around 20lbs of Boost (you should change your name to that. It'd be funny). Anywho, was just curious. Post some pics when you get them in.
02-27-2010, 04:22 PM
IC. I thought you were already pushing around 20lbs of Boost (you should change your name to that. It'd be funny). Anywho, was just curious. Post some pics when you get them in.
haha yea right. I bet at 20psi im faster than uncle t even right now!
I'm STILL waiting for my tax return, my date got pushed back twice now.. Its looking like I wont be able to afford my tune till april/may but I will be getting DSMLink here soon either way.
I actually am boosting 20psi right now for some reason, I saw no cracks/loose line to the wastegate. I'm wondering if the new turbine housing could be doing it? Maybe trevor or someone would know. I figure I'd pick up quite a bit of power just from a good tune on DSMLink for 20psi. Although either way 20psi right now feels a lot better than 15 for sure.
02-27-2010, 07:57 PM
t bolt clamps are nice but if Curt Brown doesnt need them I don't think you do either.
02-27-2010, 10:34 PM
Boost could have increase from the gasket you replaced between the manifold and turbo. A cracked turbine housing can cause some problems as well, but i don't really see it gaining 5psi. Could though.
Have you tried turning down the boost?
02-27-2010, 11:01 PM
wastegate springs are set for 15psi. A leak pre gate could cause a problem.
03-07-2010, 10:15 AM
Mother fucker, so I was driving home last night.
Big ass pothole in the middle of the road, I moved over to avoid it, and hit another smaller pothole that I didn't see (was out of the sight of my lights at the time). It wasn't even that bad of a pot hole, but as soon as I hit I lost all interior lights and the radio. The dash light for my brights is on when the brights are off and off when they're on.
I got home and looked, the big tube of wires that goes from the fusebox to the harness is split open, and some wires are split apart. There was sizzling/a bit of smoke from the wires. I disconnected the battery cables for now - going to go check it out here in about an hour.
I need to move the fusebox back to the engine bay, having it down in the fender is just asking for trouble. Ugh
03-07-2010, 10:29 AM
domestic cheese is having troubles
03-07-2010, 10:35 AM
03-07-2010, 10:58 AM
I hate the roads here so much. You can't drive anywhere without having to play dodge the hole. Still amazed the one I hit even did this, it was tiny, was no loud thud or anything.
The wiring though all runs slightly lower than the IC piping/bumper.
I checked it out, doesn't look too bad.. Definitely a split wire or two. I can't see where they go though, and I'm still not sure exactly what was smoking/sizziling, nothing looks burned.
Going to try to find a wiring diagram and go from there.
03-07-2010, 11:06 AM
My mother in law hit a nice 8" deep pot hole one night around 10pm. I went out, put the doughnut on, and sent her on her way. Get back home, she calls me, says she just hit another one. I head back out and see what the deal is. She hit another one 1 mile up the road and TOASTED the tire and wheel. Have it towed to her work and take her home for the night. Get her all fixed up the next day. She heads home from work, and guess what. Toasts the back wheel this time. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
This winter has just been stupid bad for out roads. We've had so much snow that every town's budget for snow removal has been depleted. No extra money for road repair. Sucks. Iowa FTL.
03-07-2010, 11:13 AM
Time to call the junk yard to get some rims. Get your mom some road hazard warranty for her tires so when she toasts them its warrantied.
03-07-2010, 04:10 PM
Time to call the junk yard to get some rims. Get your mom some road hazard warranty for her tires so when she toasts them its warrantied.
Yeah, we had to have 2 of them repaired. The freaking junk yards around here wanted way too much for a used doughnut too. Wound up "acquiring" one finally for pretty cheap.
03-08-2010, 08:58 AM
Well I went ahead and got under the car and checked it all out better now that is nice and dry. I cleaned the wires best i could. I did have one blown fuse.
After cleaning/drying/replacing the fuse to the brights (mind you the brights still worked, just the dash light for brights was operating the opposite of what it should) I now have power windows, brights dash light fixed. AND my power locks work only with keyless entry. If I try using them from inside the car, they don't work. Weird - must be set up differently? Not sure how this keyless entry is run. I'm going to go ahead and run electrical tape around the exposed wires for now and drive it to a friend who isnt into cars but knows wiring and have him look at it.
I connected everything and started it last night and theres no activity at the wires(ie: sizzling/smoking, think it was just because they were wet from getting splashed from the hole)
Hopefully this just turns out to be all something easy/minor to fix. I was planning to order my DSMLink today and see about getting tuned in the next few weeks but now yet again I get a set back, blaaaaah.
I will say its kind of funny, saturday night TONS of cars were out and we ended up going out to the usual spots and getting some runs in. I intended to race one guy and his formula, but got pressured into two more. Every time I race someone I worry I'll break something lol. Then just driving home of course bleh.
<3 DSM's
At least it's nice enough for me to drive the firebird right now or I'd really be in a mess. Wish we'd get a good rain to wash out all this salt sand though
03-08-2010, 12:30 PM
Couple videos from saturday night for fun.
Me vs a bolt on WS6 LS1 - still at 19psi, can't wait for that tune (¤t=MVI_0313.flv)
LT1 Bird with heads and bolt ons vs my friend's civic - he knew civic would win just wanted to see how bad. Civic is at 16psi, regularly he's at 23. (¤t=MVI_0318-1.flv)
03-09-2010, 07:09 AM
Man you need a new camera!
03-09-2010, 10:09 AM
No money for a camera, I can barely afford to keep both my cars on the road lol
03-09-2010, 11:10 PM
Okay well talon is fixed. Ended up having a lot more broken wires than I thought. Got them all back together and layers upon layers of electrical tape around them. Tomorrow I'll buy some tubing and put it on.
However I'm having an issue with the keyless entry now. It'll lock the doors, lights will blink, and still can be used to set off the alarm - except it wont unlock the doors, the one thing I really need it to do considering the driverside door wont unlock with the key.
Might have to ask Drifte, not sure anyone else would know anything about this keyless entry set up. Right now I have to unlock the passenger door with the key to unlock the drivers door. A bunch of fuses / wires were messed with in all this, so not sure what could cause the keyless entry to quit unlocking the door but still function for everything else.. Weird.
Anyways glad to have everything back together and fixed. Got the bundle of wires from the fuse box pulled further up too so they aren't so low to the ground. Going to probably go ahead and buy my DSMLink now too!
03-10-2010, 07:39 AM
No money for a camera, I can barely afford to keep both my cars on the road lol
Going to probably go ahead and buy my DSMLink now too!
03-10-2010, 08:28 AM
lol the money that I have for the DSMLink and the tune I end up getting is from my tax return. I'm just pretending it's only there for the car :biggrin:
I'd rather spend it on the car than a camera just to record races. The camera I have is actually really good for being a $120 digital camera. Takes great pictures and video quality isnt terrible. I'd rather reach some hp goals than have the best videos :supz:
03-10-2010, 09:57 AM
Damn the talon is such an attention whore I swear!
This morning and such the keyless entry unlock still wasnt working at all.
Just about 20 minutes ago I was sitting in my car waiting for my class and randomly pressed the keyless entry button, and it worked! Now it's working fine locking/unlocking - WTF!?
God I love and hate this car :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
03-10-2010, 11:18 AM
God I love and hate this car :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
That saying is said by every single DSM owner in the history of the world. :rock:
03-10-2010, 12:16 PM
Well just got my DSMLink ordered.
Got a pretty cool deal on it too, thanks to Colton and Ryan(i'm assuming that's who I probably talked to)
Probably won't be installed for a couple weeks though, runs great with the keydiver chip and gets 31mpg with it on the highway so I'd rather just keep it in for my upcoming 6 hours of driving that I'll be doing lol. Excited to finally be able to spend some money on this thing that doesn't involve fixing broken stuff haha! :supz:
03-10-2010, 03:20 PM
Well just got my DSMLink ordered.
Got a pretty cool deal on it too, thanks to Colton and Ryan(i'm assuming that's who I probably talked to)
If it came from Import evolution then thats who you talked to.
03-10-2010, 04:29 PM
Yeah I figured it was since it wasn't Colton
03-10-2010, 05:10 PM
Did you get the full version 3 or just the lite?
03-10-2010, 09:14 PM
Just lite for now, should be more than enough for my goals for now and if anything they keep adding more of the full version's features into lite. If I ever take the car to the point I feel I'd need the full version I can always upgrade to it.
03-11-2010, 09:52 AM
here is your track number ups 1Z0A3Y530398208830
03-16-2010, 09:39 PM
Got it today just as I was told :)
Took the box and everything out but haven't opened anything yet.
No reason to install it until I figure out who's going to tune it and when.
+ I'll be heading up to Des Moines from Friday->Sunday so I'd rather just leave the Keydiver chip in for the trip since it runs real good on it. I'm sure it'll run good on the DSMLink stock setup but no reason to change anything yet.
03-17-2010, 06:26 AM
It will run perfectly fine with dsmlink in it. Why don't you just do some reading of the manual and i'm sure you could make a few tweaks yourself to get it running fine. It's really not hard.
03-17-2010, 09:09 AM
I'll be in DSM on sunday in the fozzy.
03-17-2010, 10:49 AM
It will run perfectly fine with dsmlink in it. Why don't you just do some reading of the manual and i'm sure you could make a few tweaks yourself to get it running fine. It's really not hard.
Oh I know, I'm sure it would be fine.
But I'd just rather not bother with it for the trip for now. I just figure it'll be easier to wait until I have some spare time after the trip to get it in and everything all set up. Call me paranoid :P
I'll be in DSM on sunday in the fozzy.
Sweet, what you goin to be doin up there?
I'm just visiting my aunt and uncle for a few days. I'll probably head home sunday late afternoon
03-17-2010, 03:05 PM
Well I just changed the oil.
I probably put about 5 miles on it(no hard driving), then pulled into the typical car meet place here to talk to a buddy who was sitting on there. Car was idling for about 4 minutes and he pointed out I was smoking. Sure enough there was quite a bit of smoke coming out. All definitely oil. I gave it a couple small revs to just around 3k and blew out nice clouds of blue smoke.
I decided to take it out to the highway and get on it a couple times to see if it was just something that'd work its way out.
First time I got on it, was maybe 2/3 throttle - only hit around 12psi and it blew a few puffs of blue smoke.
Then coming back I got into it and saw nothing, got on it again and went WOT and no smoke at all. Is fine at idle now too. I'm really hoping thats the last of it.
I'm still pretty worried. I've never seen the car burn oil before. I've smelt a hint of it before but that was after being at WOT in a race. But in high boost it does leak some oil from what I'm pretty sure is the cam seal.
Either way next winter I'll be pulling the head for new valve springs/retainers/cams. Hopefully I can check everything then if nothing else happens here..
Fingers crossed.
03-17-2010, 03:20 PM
I'd do head work for sure. Never have seen it burn oil, what oil did you put in? Ill be in dsm visiting an old college friend.
03-17-2010, 05:08 PM
Switched from 5w-30 Mobil Clean 5000 to 10w-30 Mobil Clean 5000
It seems to be perfectly fine now.. who knows?
This is the third oil change I've done for the car, did one when I first got it and one mid-winter cause it was getting black, and its getting dark again so I changed it early again.
I never had the issue before so i'm not sure.
I'm just glad it seems to have gone away, especially with me needing it to take me to DSM and back this weekend heh
Sent you a pm about that hood btw
03-18-2010, 10:36 AM
btw, BC is backordered until may. But when we can restock we can get ya a killer deal on valves, springs, retainers and cams!
03-18-2010, 12:11 PM
ew BC cams suck, valves and springs aren't bad though.
03-18-2010, 02:00 PM
yeah I was thinking BC Springs/retainers and HKS 272's
03-18-2010, 02:26 PM
how about Kelford's or GSC's.
HKS 272's and BC's are old news.
03-18-2010, 03:23 PM
I was reading about Delta cam's recently on dsmtuners. They are suppose to be replica's of HKS 272's and they can do regrinds if your on a budget. Couple people on there have had good experiences with them. Another option you could look into.
Edit: They also have Kelford replica's too, new or regrind.
03-18-2010, 05:36 PM
I remember seeing a comparison of a bunch of the popular cams for DSM's/Evo's on tuners. I'll have to track the thread down and look at it again.
I probably wont be buying them for awhile though so I can save up some money.
I intend to do all this next winter and pull the head.
I'm heavily trying to debate whether or not I want to turn the talon into more of a strip car or not. I could save up and try for pistons/rods as well and just pull the entire motor next winter. However I'm really not sure if I even want to take the car that far. I'd probably be looking at a new turbo/manifold/intercooler.. I'd basically need everything and probably couldn't afford it on my budget. Because if I decided to actually build the motor, it'd be to shoot for 500 or more whp. I probably couldn't afford the entire setup for a couple years.
So my current final end goal will probably 400-450whp on stock internals after next winter. Plan for now is to just get dsmlink(done), clamps, bov, tune. Next winter will probably be injectors/springs&retainers/cams/clutch/tranny. no tranny does't need rebuilt, but it definitely probably needs a new 1-2 shift fork. It grinds terribly going 1st-2nd if I'm on it, no matter how slow/easy I take it.
I also gotta factor in the cost of fixing all the stuff that'll break between then and now too, it is a DSM :P
03-18-2010, 08:00 PM ... -cams.html (
He hasn't tested the Delta hks 272 grind yet.
This is the particular thread I was talking about. ... eview.html (
If/When I do cams I might go that route, people seem to have good experience with them and they are cheaper than name brand. Not like the engine knows the difference =P
03-20-2010, 11:32 AM
Getting up to see this sucked lol
First day of spring joy!
03-22-2010, 11:48 AM
DSMLink is installed.
Runs pretty good on it.
Decided to try out the launch control, felt really good with a good launch.
Can't wait to raise the boost and get it tuned.
03-22-2010, 10:38 PM
new bov is on the way.
Got a really good deal on it :)
03-22-2010, 10:48 PM
that has got to be the biggest pic i have ever seen on an internet forum...
03-22-2010, 10:49 PM
lol damn, I was hoping I'd get it resized before someone got to it :P
Didn't realize how big it'd be till after I posted it
03-25-2010, 10:13 PM
Well replaced vacuum line to wastegate, didn't do anything.
I did by hand tighten the old lines as much as I could and it stopped going to 20-21psi and only 18 instead.
However now even with the new one it's still boosting at 18psi.
Here's just a video of the boost gauge in a 2nd gear pull, I know it's pretty pointless - but just to show the way its boosting. (¤t=Overboost.flv)
Boost leak tested the car and all seems pretty good!
Only real leak I found was the BOV and I knew that it was crappy.
New one should be here tomorrow, saturday, or monday.
Really hoping it's here tomorrow or saturday and I can install it Saturday night.
03-26-2010, 06:44 AM
Logging on DSMLink shows me staying right around 15 psi, fluctuating from around 14.8-15.8psi It did at one spot hit 16psi.
So maybe the car IS boosting correctly? Could my gauge just be bad?
I don't see how a boost gauge would OVER-read - If something would be wrong with it, wouldn't it be reading less?
03-26-2010, 07:25 AM
DSM link has just a Estimated Boost amount, you have to really tweek the settings in order to get it to read close. I dont even bother seting that up its pointless with link. Go by your boost gauge, your gauge could be off a little but thats fine you just dont want it showing 30psi. only way to get a correct boost reading would be to install a MAP sensor and log with that.
03-26-2010, 09:04 AM
Ahh gotcha. Even so I just datalogged a couple pulls before my class to just check again.
This time DSMLink did end up showing 17-18psi. So yeah, it's staying close enough to the gauge that I'm sure the gauge is still fine.
Oh well, I'll forget about it and just go with what I have now.
Just need to put on the MBC and the BOV whenever I get it and it'll be all set.
03-26-2010, 10:34 AM
lol did you not read what he wrote?
DSMlink ESTIMATES boost. Don't even pay attention to it, untill it is actually tuned.
03-26-2010, 10:59 AM
I know..
I read exactly what he wrote.
I was just saying that either way this morning it was saying on DSMLink 16-17ish psi so even before I read what he said I figured that the gauge is right. I know DSMLink isnt accurate.
03-30-2010, 11:14 AM
So heard a rattling yesterday when I left class.
I got home and took a look, and wahlah!
The top timing belt side motor mount's bolts are each busted off in the bottom of the mount.
I'm really baffled as to how I never heard any noise or saw it until I started it to leave class.
Anyway heres what it looks like.
So I'll have drill them out, hoping I dont need to rethread the holes.
I also decided to clean the bay a bit today..
I intend to do a MUCH more thorough cleaning though in a few weeks or so.
It's still absolutely filthy from the winter but it looks a bit better.
You can also see my temporary ghetto fix to the BOV's pressure adjustment screw lol
03-31-2010, 04:13 PM
Had the bolts drilled out and put new ones in and snapped them right back off...
And the BOV i ordered was the wrong one, also not going to be able to simply drill new holes in my flange, so I ordered an adapter plate for the greddy s.. $40, shipping $9 bleh.
Praying it gets here by Friday.
I guess I'll just be driving it up to Cordova without the motor mount attached at all, I drove it for who knows how long with it not bolted in for the first month or two I had it - so I'm sure it'll be fine. Not sure what else to do with it right now.
03-31-2010, 05:13 PM
is this the mount at the front of the engine? arent those two studs with nuts, not bolts?
03-31-2010, 07:49 PM
Check your other mounts, I dont know why it'd snap off unless its holding to much weight. If you want the full bracket that wraps around I have a newer OEM one.
03-31-2010, 11:08 PM
How much play is the mount supposed to have? I can freely wiggle it around, I figure it ought to be a bit more firm?
04-01-2010, 09:17 AM
should be pretty firm, for all of them. Don't want to drive it with anyone of them broken otherwise it will be a major headache later...can trust me on that one
04-01-2010, 12:18 PM
I wonder if this mount is just bad then. Maybe a reason to step up to polyeurothane? haha
I'll go ahead and fix it and keep using the current mount for now. Hopefully in may sometime I can afford to switch it around.
Either way I'm not driving the car a whole lot now that I can drive the firebird - it's now my DD until it sells.
Now I'm currently trouble shooting the car not making hardly any power in boost since I installed the new BOV.
Drives/cruises fine and the bov vents fine with 5ish pounds but if I get into it, the car says it makes full boost but doesn't go hardly anywhere and 15psi - the BOV definitely isn't venting, sounds like pure compressor surge.
I'm going to search the issue and see what I come up with. Also going to get it recirculated here in a bit, already got my hose for it.
04-02-2010, 07:39 AM
This is why the Tial is the only way to go.
04-02-2010, 08:07 AM
Strange, after recirculating the car feels like it pulls a lot better now.
I definitely notice a difference between shifts with it recirculated.
However it still doesn't seem to vent right at WOT.
I think it's leaking as its kind of ghetto'd on the flange right now until I get my adapter plate from IE.
Hoping that fixes it.
Edit: Scratch that, it's DEFINITELY leaking haha. Good ol soapy water. It's simply cause the flange doesn't fit the bov(well it doesnt fit it WELL) and I just ghetto rigged it to be able to drive it.
Soon as the adapter plate comes from Import Evolution I should be good to go.
04-02-2010, 09:07 AM
Also I can definitely see my motor mount needs replaced, bad.
I looked at a 1.8's motor mount which is the same yesterday and wow.. mine's trashed - no wonder it didn't hold.
I'm going to go ahead and drill the bolts back out and use the current mount until I find a new one.
I'll probably just get it good enough to drive up to CR Tuesday to get tuned, and run it at the strip saturday - then just disconnect it again until I find a new one.
If anyone has one in good shape let me know how much you want for it!
04-02-2010, 09:54 AM
you need a mount before tuning and the strip. Is it the drivers side mount you need?
What style flange is your bov? THe flange on the car is for a greddy, just have to fill the 2 extra holes from the blitz. BTW, you ordered an aluminum flange, need mild steel. Give us a call we'll get it all straightened out.
04-02-2010, 10:47 AM
Yeah it's the driver side mount I need.
Really the flange is for a greddy? It's definitely leaking bad
I had to use a drill bit to just get a bit off one of the holes to get it to fit.
I'll try to call up there.
I'm really starting to get worried now, all this junk happening a week before I'm supposed to go up, and Tuesday for a tune. I've already got my day off and I know I'm already running myself short on days off.
We'll see.
04-02-2010, 11:30 AM
I had a greddy on their, no problems (long story, but it went back to my friend). Make sure you have a gasket, fill the blitz holes, and I dont see why it would work. I would expect the Greddy knock off would fit the greddy flange though, we have a steel one (same price) if you still want it.
04-02-2010, 12:08 PM
You will need all leaks fixed, and the motor mount fixed before tuning will do any good.
When going to a tuner, you make sure that everything is in tip top condition. That's just common sense.
04-02-2010, 12:18 PM
You will need all leaks fixed, and the motor mount fixed before tuning will do any good.
When going to a tuner, you make sure that everything is in tip top condition. That's just common sense.
I believed most everything was fixed until a few days ago - that's the thing.
We boost leak tested it and the only real leak we found was the BOV.
I replaced a few vacuum lines including the WG line from the Intake Manifold as I had been curious about it.
Everything was fine (or so I thought) until I saw the motor mount popped loose and installed the new BOV.
Anyway got ahold of Colton today and cancelled the flange, going to see about filling the Blitz's holes and just using some make-a-gasket or RTV as colton suggested since I'm not sure how well the one I got with the bov is going to perform.
04-04-2010, 01:36 AM
picture of the mount:
So cleaning this, this side had a lot of oil on it... need those new cam seals.
Also other random pics from the night..
04-04-2010, 05:42 PM
Some more done today.
Timing belt back on, it was never meant to be off but my buddy accidentally slipped it off. Motor wasnt at TDC or anything.
He knows how to do a Honda timing belt but has never done a DSM timing belt, so via guides/tutorials on DSMTuners and such, we got it back on and running good!
Also my recirculation of the bov was pretty cruddy due to where the bov flange/bov was placed and where the recirculation hole is on the intake, however I managed to get it unkinked with a bit of cutting and now its about perfect, or as perfect as it can get.
Then we saw my left outer tie-rod was in pretty bad shape, so replaced that while we were at it.
I also did some repainting on my rear passenger wheel, it was pretty bad with scuffs and the entire lip was white due to burned off paint from being stuck in snow once when still on my friend's car.
A few pics from the day:
New tie rod
Heres the old one, side to side play, easy to move
Definitely gonna need to invest in some new springs!
Doing the wheel (no i didn't prep it or anything - just washed it and wiped it down, I just wanted to touch it up and get rid of the pure white lip - going to sand them and do all of them in a month or so anyway.)
As she sits until I get my UICP back with the bov flange welded.
04-06-2010, 09:40 AM
Well got my UICP back yesterday with the blitz holes welded and now the bov is fine.
Car is overall running really good again, at least as good as it can run with how ridiculously rich it seems to run right now.
Going to go pick up my new plug wires and get those on, put in new plugs yesterday.
I'll be heading up to CR later on to visit Jesse for a tuning session :)
I can't wait to see how the car runs with a good tune at higher boost.
If only I had of had the money to already build the head, get bigger injectors and run E85..
Oh well, that's my next winter project plan :P
I'm aiming to get into the 12's this summer which I may even do on this tune - after that I'm going to go ahead and take it easy on going faster till winter and try to put some money into some other things the car needs that aren't really performance related like: fix e-brake, headliner, some new gauges, new headunit, fix the front bumper where it drug on the ground in the winter and put a small burn mark on it, maybe a sound system - idk, I've never been a sound system person and have never upgraded anything sound related but I think I might finally pick up something like a small amp and just a 8" sub to have a little bass.
I do still need to get new springs and a wheel bearing as well. I also need to get my 1st-2nd gear fixed in my tranny but i don't know how I'll work that yet. My buddy here said he can replace the fork for me - he rebuilt his talon's tranny himself, but everything in the tranny is fine minus that one fork so it's hard for me to justify pulling it right now.
Anyways, lots of plans, too little money!
04-06-2010, 10:45 PM
Today didn't really go as planned, just cause it looked like rain when I drove up so I didn't bother trying to get the hood or anything.
Jesse looked at and tuned the car to the extent we could, it all went fine until we started trying to raise the boost.
It just wanted to shoot to 15 and creep up to 18 or so in third. Kept cranking it up more and more, and never went any further - then we hit it in second gear and it shot way off the boost gauge, did it in 4th too.
A ton of messing around and finally had to call it quits, at least got it to the point it wasn't knocking/running rich.
Need to check the wastegate and for boost leaks again - something has to be really wrong.
As of now the car is boosting at around 18psi.
When I left it seemed to be pretty decent without any knock or anything, on the way home I decided to try a 2nd-3rd pull, basically theres near no power at full boost up until 5500 rpms - at 5500 rpms the power comes on extremely strong and it pulls very hard. It also is hitting about 4degrees of knock in 2nd/third again.
Ugh, I just don't know what to do with it!
Going to see what I can find tomorrow, still have till Saturday so hopefully can find out whats going on by then.
Jesse gave me a few ideas to start with so hopefully I'll be able to figure out whats up.
04-07-2010, 06:26 AM
remember check:
1 Boost leaks: (try geting it to 15+psi as im not to sure about that BOV)
2 Cam Sensor Timing: (5 degrees before TDC when Grounded)
3 Engine Timing on crank: ( make sure its at TDC when the cams are at TDC)
The power is not there till 5k or so because your car does not like timing at 4000-4500. also when it creaps to 18 your going to feel more power up top.
The way your car does not like timing makes me think its #2 or #3 that I listed as I have seen a few DSM's with similer problems.
hopfully its a easy fix for you.
04-07-2010, 09:20 AM
Interesting development today.
So I went out on my way to school, I got on it once in 2nd around 4k and of course it didn't have much power because of the timing, but yet I got 3-4 counts of knock.
So I decided to pull a bit more timing just wanting it to not knock.
Then I got 5 counts of knock. So I added timing back and a bit more.
It knocked less.
I went to class and then I have an hour off and I went and kept adding more and more timing, messed with the fuel a bit. I'm now about double the timing from yesterday and I haven't gotten hardly any knock at all. My CEL hasnt flashed yet. The car is pulling VERY hard. I decided to try launching it and I let go of the clutch prematurely and bogged it just because of all the power that suddenly came on, it was much more intense than before with the launch control.
I'm going to be getting new WG springs to get myself to 21psi. I think the car just doesn't like MBCs. However this Saturday I'll be running it at Cordova with just the 15psi. It's pulling much harder than before and has not had a bit of knock except at the beginning of launch control I get like .4
Tonight we're going to boost leak test the car and check the timing and see how everything looks.
04-07-2010, 09:28 AM
what were the a/f's like at 4k with the lower timing, and after with higher timing?
04-07-2010, 11:19 AM
at 4k with lower timing my a/f was around 10.0-10.5
With higher timing it was running even richer staying at 10.0
Now I have the a/f sitting at around 10.8-11.0 at WOT.
I just did a few more changes and although I haven't hit anymore knock, I have quite a bit more timing than before and don't feel like upping it anymore.
I'm still extremely new to this, I'm just glad I have it running to the point I feel like I can take it to the track now and not be embarresed lol!
04-07-2010, 12:11 PM
you need to make sure your TDC timing is correct. Sounds to me like it's off. Running low of timing and rich a/f can cause knock. You raising the timing more then likely leaned out the a/f and did away with some of the knock. You can get knock from being too rich.
Either that or you have a boost leak, and/or a bad knock sensor.
How much timing are you running now?
04-07-2010, 12:27 PM
3000 rpms im at 4, 3500 6, 4000 8, 4500 9, 5000 8, 5500 8, 6000 6, 6500 3, 7000 1
Tonight when my buddy gets off work I'm going to take it over to boost leak test it and we'll also check the timing while working on it.
04-07-2010, 12:40 PM
The timing should increase as you go up in rpm, or atleast flatten off. Do you have it that way because of boost creep?
That is REALLY low timing for a 1g with a stock motor and a 20g, something is up here. You've got some problems and need to narrow them down quickly.
04-07-2010, 04:00 PM
Those values I think he means all - from factory 0 setting of a stock 1g. When I left you the car you were ar 10-12 degrees timing at 4500RPM and you should be able to get away with that even at 18psi. 20psi might need 10 Max at 4500RPM on your 91 octane your running. but at 7000 RPM your at 16degrees should be totally fine till 18psi. again might have to knock it down to 15@7k for 20psi.
04-07-2010, 04:05 PM
3000 rpms im at 4, 3500 6, 4000 8, 4500 9, 5000 8, 5500 8, 6000 6, 6500 3, 7000 1
Tonight when my buddy gets off work I'm going to take it over to boost leak test it and we'll also check the timing while working on it.
I hope you mean -4,-6,-8,-8,-6,-3,-1 or else you are going to blow up if you went into the + part of the table. that would be 28 degrees timing at 6000RPM!!!
04-07-2010, 06:13 PM
3000 rpms im at 4, 3500 6, 4000 8, 4500 9, 5000 8, 5500 8, 6000 6, 6500 3, 7000 1
Tonight when my buddy gets off work I'm going to take it over to boost leak test it and we'll also check the timing while working on it.
I hope you mean -4,-6,-8,-8,-6,-3,-1 or else you are going to blow up if you went into the + part of the table. that would be 28 degrees timing at 6000RPM!!!
Yeah that's what I did, the + part.
I went ahead and reverted it back to what I left with yesterday.
Going to be investigating for leaks/timing issues tonight and see what we find.
Heres a third-gear pull from earlier when I was messing with it. ... .07-07.elg (
04-07-2010, 08:03 PM
Yea there is some serious issue going on, your BOV is earther leaking causeing your boost problem, or you have problem with motor timing being off. Do a boost leak test at 20psi and you will rule out one of the 2
04-07-2010, 09:55 PM
Yea there is some serious issue going on, your BOV is earther leaking causeing your boost problem, or you have problem with motor timing being off. Do a boost leak test at 20psi and you will rule out one of the 2
if you crammed a smartass comment or two in there, this would sound like a House comment, heh.
04-08-2010, 09:13 AM
make sure the timing belt was reinstalled correctly.
04-08-2010, 05:49 PM
You know the more I think about this the more I think its that new Ebay BOV. No matter what the car would hit 15psi then try to creap, like at 15psi that BOV started opening.... Throw a Tial on there or something.
04-08-2010, 09:39 PM
Tial qr in stock at work ;)
04-08-2010, 09:48 PM
Wait... this is Colton's old car? holy shit, I didn't even recognize it! :mad: I used to oggle that car a lot, now it just looks like every other tore down busted up DSM out there...
EDIT: yeah, I just kinda jumped in on the last page and then went backwards a few pages before going to the first page and seeing it was his old car....
04-08-2010, 10:02 PM
Wait... this is Colton's old car? holy shit, I didn't even recognize it! :mad: I used to oggle that car a lot, now it just looks like every other tore down busted up DSM out there...
EDIT: yeah, I just kinda jumped in on the last page and then went backwards a few pages before going to the first page and seeing it was his old car....
Yeah well realize too Colton didn't put many miles on this car.
Shit is breaking now that didn't have time to break before.
If anything I've been doing the best I can to keep it looking as nice as it always has.
People giving me shit for actually driving and trying to turn the car into more of a powerhouse is really getting old.
It's a clean 1g, clean but not a garage queen.
I seriously bet it's because I've had more technical related pictures and only 1 or 2 pictures that were taken to actually show the car, so people automatically assume it just looks like a broke down piece of shit.
In all fairness I do need some "pretty" pictures. I only have taken around 3 pictures to show the car off.
I'll take it out tomorrow and actually take some nice pictures.
04-08-2010, 10:11 PM
You know the more I think about this the more I think its that new Ebay BOV. No matter what the car would hit 15psi then try to creap, like at 15psi that BOV started opening.... Throw a Tial on there or something.
Yeah, timing & cam sensor are all good.
We were gonna boost leak test it tomorrow but my friend went ahead and did it while I was at work tonight (its at his house right now)
He did find the BOV was leaking and the throttlebody gasket is shot and leaking pretty bad.
I'm going to see if NGR will send me a different BOV and I'll see if it'll work better. If not I'll ask for a refund.
If so, I may just run a 1g due to my money situation.
Running a 1g would probably be the best idea anyway for the price and all.
I'd love a Tial Q tbh, but expensive!
04-08-2010, 10:18 PM
Wait... this is Colton's old car? holy shit, I didn't even recognize it! :mad: I used to oggle that car a lot, now it just looks like every other tore down busted up DSM out there...
EDIT: yeah, I just kinda jumped in on the last page and then went backwards a few pages before going to the first page and seeing it was his old car....
Yeah well realize too Colton didn't put many miles on this car.
Shit is breaking now that didn't have time to break before.
If anything I've been doing the best I can to keep it looking as nice as it always has.
People giving me shit for actually driving and trying to turn the car into more of a powerhouse is really getting old.
It's a clean 1g, clean but not a garage queen.
I seriously bet it's because I've had more technical related pictures and only 1 or 2 pictures that were taken to actually show the car, so people automatically assume it just looks like a broke down piece of shit.
In all fairness I do need some "pretty" pictures. I only have taken around 3 pictures to show the car off.
I'll take it out tomorrow and actually take some nice pictures.
I had a '91 TSI AWD, I know how they are LOL... Colton was smart, keep it pretty and don't drive it much so it just doesn't have the chance to break LOL...
I wasn't trying to be a dick about it or anything, I just would have never guessed it was the same car based on the pictures you posted. Fuck what people say anyways, it is YOUR car now. People on the SC forum and on the mustang forums give me shit all the time about "ruining" such low mileage "collectible" cars.
04-08-2010, 10:23 PM
Wait... this is Colton's old car? holy shit, I didn't even recognize it! :mad: I used to oggle that car a lot, now it just looks like every other tore down busted up DSM out there...
EDIT: yeah, I just kinda jumped in on the last page and then went backwards a few pages before going to the first page and seeing it was his old car....
Yeah well realize too Colton didn't put many miles on this car.
Shit is breaking now that didn't have time to break before.
If anything I've been doing the best I can to keep it looking as nice as it always has.
People giving me shit for actually driving and trying to turn the car into more of a powerhouse is really getting old.
It's a clean 1g, clean but not a garage queen.
I seriously bet it's because I've had more technical related pictures and only 1 or 2 pictures that were taken to actually show the car, so people automatically assume it just looks like a broke down piece of shit.
In all fairness I do need some "pretty" pictures. I only have taken around 3 pictures to show the car off.
I'll take it out tomorrow and actually take some nice pictures.
I had a '91 TSI AWD, I know how they are LOL... Colton was smart, keep it pretty and don't drive it much so it just doesn't have the chance to break LOL...
I wasn't trying to be a dick about it or anything, I just would have never guessed it was the same car based on the pictures you posted. Fuck what people say anyways, it is YOUR car now. People on the SC forum and on the mustang forums give me shit all the time about "ruining" such low mileage "collectible" cars.
Sorry I didn't mean to come off like an ass either.
I just feel like I'm constantly under scrutiny by people because it was so clean and owned by Colton. Colton basically took this car and re-did everything. I've already had one person give me shit about it and it set me off because I really do try to do my best to keep it nice.
The only real thing looks wise that has gone down is the headliner.
Yeah the talon has low mileage on the motor/tranny but the body still has 119k on it so it's not worth it to just let it sit. + I don't have the receipts from the motor/tranny rebuild so i can't really prove the mileage to anyone unless they read Colton's original thread.
04-09-2010, 07:13 AM
Ya run a crushed 1G BOV and you will be fine.
04-09-2010, 10:48 AM
Sorry I didn't mean to come off like an ass either.
I just feel like I'm constantly under scrutiny by people because it was so clean and owned by Colton. Colton basically took this car and re-did everything. I've already had one person give me shit about it and it set me off because I really do try to do my best to keep it nice.
The only real thing looks wise that has gone down is the headliner.
Yeah the talon has low mileage on the motor/tranny but the body still has 119k on it so it's not worth it to just let it sit. + I don't have the receipts from the motor/tranny rebuild so i can't really prove the mileage to anyone unless they read Colton's original thread.
It'll never be worth any money by preserving it. Drive the piss out of it and beat on it and make it your bitch and have fun with it. Thats what its for. The bugs will get worked out.
04-09-2010, 12:01 PM
Well good news today, I picked up the car from my buddies while he was at work.
I got on it as I got on the highway, and the bov sounded completely normal and the car felt stronger in general, and nothing was changed from the tune it had, which was basically Jesse's with a bit more timing (not the way high timing one) Right now it's hitting 18ish degrees timing at 6k rpms.
I texted my buddy and asked him if he did something to the bov, and he said yeah. Didn't tell me exactly what he did but it definitely is a lot better. Still need to fix the TB but the leak isnt bad enough to worry too much about till after Cordova.
Thanks Ryan haha, although I don't intend to drive the piss out of it and make it my bitch - I do intend to give it a good run :)
04-09-2010, 01:51 PM
i really want to know what it runs. It has never been to the track. post up your times when you get back
04-09-2010, 02:46 PM
13.0 at 103mph?? That beat yours eric? lol
04-09-2010, 03:48 PM
^ thats mean... LOL
04-09-2010, 04:10 PM
Drive it, have fun with it. Shift slow.
04-09-2010, 04:13 PM
It probably wont run quite what it would of.. I'm still running with a bit less timing that it probably had before.
Soon as I can get all the boost leaks and stuff fixed though, and actually raise the boost with a good tune - I'd like to see high 12's :)
04-09-2010, 04:22 PM
And as promised, did a little photoshoot today.
Although I didn't really wash it or anything. Just rinsed it off and didn't clean the interior.
Needed to drive it still for school and didn't want to do a real wash till I could have it sit at home and wax it which I just did, but the pictures still turned out pretty decent.
Domestic Disturbance
04-10-2010, 04:16 PM
you need a shami and some tire shine.
04-10-2010, 07:29 PM
Well back from Cordova.
Ran 13.6@101 with a 2.1 60 foot.
Had trouble getting my launch down as I really didn't practice much yet - always worried about breaking it when launching it.
I did get a 1.8 60 foot on one run and knew during the race it was a good launch, then I missed 3rd :(
I'm positive I would of ran 13.5 if I had gotten a good launch.
but anyway, for rushing like crazy and as many problems that came up in the last 1-2 weeks I'm pleased with the turnout.
Most of us who went up from Burlington were all satisfied.
My friend's civic finally managed to break into 12's and not spin all the way through 1'st and 2nd.
Then a car that never left mid 13's and was running mid 13's today consistantly, my friend's Plymouth Valari Duster (sp?) suddenly managed an amazing run going 12.4@112.
Other friends all ran good too.
I really wish everything had worked out and I'd been able to get the talon tuned and running good at 20-22psi but for 15psi and kinda half-ass tuned by me, I'm happy with what it went.
Put it back to Jesse's safe tune even though we've fixed a couple of the major problems already.
Need new throttle-body gaskets, leaking bad from them. BOV is mostly fixed.
Need a new wheel bearing, want to get new gauges as well.
Videos will come soon
04-10-2010, 11:34 PM
People on the SC forum and on the mustang forums give me shit all the time about "ruining" such low mileage "collectible" cars.
Collectible, lol. Those cars are almost as bastardized as DSMs and Civics. Just geared more towards the domestic side of things along with the GTP.
04-11-2010, 12:14 AM
Heres a good vid from today :) (¤t=MeVsGT500.flv)
04-11-2010, 12:23 AM
Ahh nothing makes me happier then a dsm pulling something like that, good job. No burnout, just line it up and go. I still have a couple video's of a blue car from import evolution's site when it had forums and videos. One was a Talon vs a 69 Camaro, Talon wins and I always get a chuckle out of it.
Oh, I'm definitely going to show my dad this. He's a huge mustang/ford fan ;)
04-11-2010, 12:29 AM
Yeah the Mustang definitely needed driver mod in that race.
I raced him again later and we were side by side until the very end he pulled on me, had about 1/2 a car on me.
04-11-2010, 07:35 AM
Haha. Nice kill. Doorin some pony ass.
04-11-2010, 06:43 PM
what's your friend's Volare have done to it? is he looking for any parts?
04-11-2010, 09:53 PM
Honestly I don't know the specs of it.
Motor is a 400, pretty built /w I think a 50 shot, not 100%
I know it has a dual-jet holley carb
I'll ask him if he's lookin for anything in particular and maybe just hop onto the site.
04-11-2010, 10:00 PM
ive got a brand new Crane Commander cam and lifters for a 440, but i believe it will fit a B motor as well. also should have a couple torque converters he could probably use. the Cheetah shifter and command console should also work for him.
04-12-2010, 09:17 AM
She did roll over to 120k yesterday!
I've put just under 5,000 miles on it now since December.
Damn, and it has probably been broken at least 1 month worth of that time.
I guess when I think about it I've done quite a few little road trips in it.
Would of done my Des Moines trip in the Firebird but with the snow coming and near-bald tires, didn't want to chance it!
Anyway, now shes under the knife again.
Need to get new throttlebody gaskets in, take my wastegate off and take it to a shop here to do some work for me :)
Then get my WG springs so I can crank the boost.
I'm heavily debating whether or not to just pull the head and replace the cam seals.. I wanted to wait until I had cams and everything to replace it all but really. Ever since I got it I could see it spit oil around the tbelt area when it was in boost. It at least doesn't get on the timing belt. But ever since I had the cover off and saw the t-belt side of motor... it was absolutely caked in oil. Really would like to just have the issue gone, I just hate the idea most of getting the timing belt back on again.. I worry too much when it goes back on, even if I follow all the steps and things look good.
I also think I'll go ahead and see about getting some new rotors and springs before the next track day. Don't necessarily need them but it'd be nice. I definitely have some warped rotors and I'm guessing they're the front.. MY springs just look nasty and are broke in a couple places... Not good
04-12-2010, 10:01 AM
13.0 at 103mph?? That beat yours eric? lol
04-12-2010, 10:02 AM
someday ill have a car that bad ass and ill be chirping gears and pulling brodies
04-12-2010, 10:46 AM
Damn you guys, I never get these kinds of posts!!! haha
04-12-2010, 11:03 AM
13.6 at 101, well I knew it would take that wrx eric! So the fozzy has to beat a 13.6...
04-12-2010, 11:19 AM
13.6 at 101, well I knew it would take that wrx eric! So the fozzy has to beat a 13.6...
12's coming next month!
04-12-2010, 11:52 AM
13.6 at 101, well I knew it would take that wrx eric! So the fozzy has to beat a 13.6...
We need to get my tune a bit better on my car and do another track day!
04-12-2010, 12:00 PM
I probably will be going to the track again on the 28th - but it'll be Cordova. I know all you CR people seem to go to Cedar Falls :P
The 28th is the 1st midnight mayhem at cordova
04-12-2010, 01:37 PM
13.6 at 101, well I knew it would take that wrx eric! So the fozzy has to beat a 13.6...
We need to get my tune a bit better on my car and do another track day!
your cars running a lot better now than it was last year. Probably something to do with 5 more psi, and funcitoning tuning software?
04-12-2010, 03:19 PM
yeah. I want to try and make it out tonight and put some more fuel in and bump the timing back up a few degrees.
anyhow,,, not to thread jack proceed with the talon talk.
04-12-2010, 07:52 PM
talon talon talon dsm dsm > soobaaroossss!
04-12-2010, 11:17 PM
Uh oh...
Might have a tranny issue...
Maybe that track time took its toll, just started it up today and had some issues, drove fine yesterday and earlier to and from my classes. 2nd does not want to engage.
Going to check linkage and all that tomorrow.
04-22-2010, 12:20 AM
figured I'd throw up a pic from the cordova photographer that turned out pretty good
04-22-2010, 06:51 AM
man you need better tires....
04-22-2010, 08:08 AM
dang you must have a good eye, i can hardly see the tires but from what i can see of the tread and sidewall those look like BFG G-force Sports... not to bad of a tire actually, deff not a very sticky tire but more then just a street tire.
04-22-2010, 08:27 AM
If I had money I'd get new tires.
But these are still knee deep in tread and theres lots of other things I need to fix before the tiress right now :/
04-22-2010, 09:46 AM
love the number ;)
04-26-2010, 02:17 PM
noticed going to class today the throttle felt weird, vibrating a lot.
Get home and look at the throttle cable, it's wedged around the axle.
tugging and tugging, trying not to break anything... can't get it to friggin budge.
Also did an oil change and my lifters sound worse than ever, two bolts sheared their threads off in the crank pully the other day too - no idea how.
finally had to pry the damn throttle cable out
04-26-2010, 04:29 PM
Dang man you got what I call "cursed DSM sindrum" Happens to alot of DSM owners.
04-26-2010, 04:31 PM
You might be a DSMer'
Laugh it up!
04-26-2010, 07:57 PM
Dang man you got what I call "cursed DSM sindrum" Happens to alot of DSM owners.
I've never had any problems like that, i don't even know what to say to all of this
04-26-2010, 08:46 PM
noticed going to class today the throttle felt weird, vibrating a lot.
Get home and look at the throttle cable, it's wedged around the axle.
tugging and tugging, trying not to break anything... can't get it to friggin budge.
So pissed right now, I've put maybe 15 miles on it in the last week just going to and from work and school - driving it as little as i can just because of how sick I am of things breaking.
Also did an oil change and my lifters sound worse than ever, two bolts sheared their threads off in the crank pully the other day too - no idea how.
Ugh, driving me insane.
Well just went out and worked with it, jacked up the motor even and did everything I can think of, it wont budge. 10 minutes till I need to be to work.
Fuck I'm so tired of this shit.
I think I'm just going to go buy another car this weekend.
Unhook the throttle cable first.
why did the bolts shear off in the crank pulley?
04-26-2010, 10:06 PM
No idea on the crank pully bults.
When I took off everything the first time I noticed two of the bolts, the end of them were stripped so I put in new ones. The other two were fine, now those two were the ones that had the very ends sheared off again.
As for the throttle cable its not really that I need it unhooked. I need to find a way to push the axle/motor apart a bit.
I'm thinking about just doing it the ghetto way and trying to wedge a chunk of wood between the oil pan/axle. I never realized the throttle cable just sat in that area coiled up - I think I may rig up some sort of bracket to hook the throttle cable onto to keep this from happening again once I fix it
04-27-2010, 01:27 AM
Damn nothing like bad luck should go v8 or anything that isn't a dsm
04-27-2010, 09:08 AM
I'm almost considering to get another DSM.. I've found a bone stock one with 82k in mint condition for $3200, 92 4/6. Thinking about it.
I'm also considering a GTP / Regal GS..
I've always really wanted to build one of those.
If I can just keep this damn thing on the road for more than a couple days at a time i'd be set.
04-27-2010, 07:38 PM
So the cable was really really wedged bad.
I took it by a shop my grandmother usually takes her cars too, and asked them if they had any ideas and they said they'd charge me a flat $15 to get it.
30 minutes later it was done, driving home had no issue.
Went to work an hour later, throttle got stuck at WOT on the way. Pedal isnt stuck or anything, and the throttle itself on the Intake Manifold isn't stuck forward.
Gotta get it towed, DAMN YOU DSM!!!!
04-27-2010, 09:43 PM
Dang that thing sounds like its all kinds of messed up just get yourself a gtp or regal gs and part out that talon unless you got sum 1 to buy it for what you payd for it I could sale you the gtp I got pm me for more info if your intrested
04-27-2010, 10:09 PM
Well i got a new cable coming. Been thinking bout picking up a gtp too.
04-27-2010, 10:24 PM
Gotcha gtp would be more reliable but each there own I guess just my .02 cents
04-27-2010, 10:38 PM
Yeah for sure I know it would.
I just love boost and love my AWD - I think I just have an unlucky car.
However more likely than not I'll get a GTP or something.
Perhaps an LS1 / nice LT1 if I have enough money if I sell the talon.
It'd be a shame to part it out, despite all its issues - it is clean.
But it's also an option I've been thinking on.
I don't know though, depends how everything plays out.
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