View Full Version : 92 Talon
04-27-2010, 11:55 PM
Yeah hahaha ls1 would be way funner than lt1 but 95 percent of dsms are all unlucky the only way them things don't break is if there stock when you start moding them seem like that's when they start to break
04-28-2010, 11:32 AM
Looking like I'll need a whole new throttle cable.
Can't seem to find a non-cruise cable on IE, may have to call otherwise start hunting..
04-28-2010, 12:35 PM
yes Call them
04-28-2010, 01:04 PM
Lucky me, a friend actually has one that he never installed when he used to have his 1g.
$30, can't go wrong
04-28-2010, 02:17 PM
04-28-2010, 03:46 PM
Sell it get a gtp. And then worry about having to replace a trans.
04-29-2010, 01:27 PM
Throttle cable must have snapped from the abuse. The half shaft actually unbolts from the block with 2 bolts, you don't even have to jack it up. You can reach down and loosne them, cable would have come out then. That was actually a new mitsu OEM cable. Did you ever get the timing checked to verify its not off a tooth? I'd also do that one wheel bearing before it causes any serious damage or accidents.
btw theirs little value in parting out DSM's anymore, I know I'd be disapointed at the same time if you did.
04-29-2010, 02:23 PM
Yep exactly how I feel.
The car's shell itself is to clean to be parted.
Timing is spot on, just bad boost leaks. Once we actually got my friend's Boost leak tester to work with smaller couplers on my turbo, it was obvious where the leaks were from. Worst was the bov, now fixed. The throttlebody is also leaking badly, have a new gasket for it.
Picked up some spray adhesive to attempt to fix my headliner even if it is only temporary.
Also got my new motor mount today as well as timing cover. Mine was so brittle from years of grime and such, and cut up alot.
Got the motor mount + timing cover for a grand total of $30 shipped. Not too bad.
04-30-2010, 09:37 AM
i have a big room full of parts, i've had 3 going on 4 parts cars and quite a few parts for GM 350 and 454's. If you ever need any parts shoot me a pm i'll probably have what you need.
05-10-2010, 12:21 AM
So as of now I'm sticking it through with the talon... even though I don't understand why I am.
Anyways I have the wastegate off and never had taken one apart before - didn't know the pressure would spring it open, broke off one of the screws off in it.
Sooo going to have to try to drill it out and find a new allen-head screw for it.
Got some new gaskets and such on their way.
Also splurged a bit on something from IE that I think will really make the engine bay flow a lot more.
Going to try to get a dump tube set up for my wastegate
05-12-2010, 03:13 PM
Just curious if anyone here would have any idea on whether not I'll be okay with the 650cc's?
As of right now at WOT my injector's duty cycle is around 68-71% with the car running a tad rich, my AFR's sit around 10.8-10.9 at WOT
I'm running 15psi right now. This weekend when I'm finished the car will be at 22psi.
Just wondering before I do it if people think the 650cc's will hold up to 22psi on a 20g when they're at 70% duty at 15psi.
Otherwise I'll probably just take it out once I get done and ease into throttle until I'm at WOT and see if I hit fuel cut, otherwise if my injectors are at 95% duty and more even if I'm not hitting fuel cut I'll probably go ahead and pick up some new injectors. SBR has some good deals going on and I can pick up some 1100cc's for a pretty good price.
Also going to go ahead and take out the headliner and put it on the to-do-list.
Going to also remove the backseat for now until after the track.
Today was my last day of classes this semester(woot) so I'm pretty bored with only working 20 hours a week so I gotta keep busy somehow.
05-12-2010, 08:51 PM
So decided to pull out the headliner
Was drooping so bad I figured i'd rather have a metal roof.
I'll be re-doing the headliner here eventually, but for now it'll be like this for a few weeks
Still need to scrape off the insulation that was still sticking as you can see
Also decided why not remove the rear seats for now since the car really wont be on the road a whole lot till Cordova and those leather seats weigh a lot, any advantage is good!
Still waiting for all my stuff to get here then I can go take my o2 housing and wastegate to the machine shop to have everything set up :)
05-13-2010, 08:37 AM
Ideally the injector duty cycle should be in the 85-90% range when you're at your max. The 650's should be good for the 20g if you're not running over 25psi. You can always turn up your base fuel pressure slightly to help them out.
Also with DSMlink you won't hit fuel cut, you will just go lean if you run out of injector, so watch for that.
IF you do decide to go with bigger injector let me know, as I'm thinking of upgrading and i have some 1,000's in my car currently.
05-13-2010, 03:31 PM
Ahh shit no fuel cut? Now I'm worried! Just will have to keep my eyes glued to the wideband for sure.
Do you think from being at 70% duty that 7psi increase on a 20g could increase duty by 25 or more?
And yeah if I upgrade I definitely want 1000's or bigger as I'd like to switch to E85.
SBR is having some all-item sale on tuners and I asked what deal I could get on 1000-1200cc injectors and was quoted $269 for 1100cc injectors which I think is pretty fair - but if I can find a better deal, used or not I'm all for it.
I'm also selling my BOV, have a 1g coming. Going to crush it and run with it
05-14-2010, 07:17 AM
It's hard to say with a 7psi increase on a 20g on your particular car. Every car is different. I know the old g's of the DSM game used to run high 10's with 680's on a 20g.
Like I said you can bump up your base pressure a little if you are seeing a little high of duty cycle (95-100%).
05-19-2010, 09:53 PM
Woo its on the road again!
First off, I got my new/used BOV today :)
Next got my wastegate all setup and back on, ready to get the dump tube put on
Then I took care of what was causing my MASSIVE boost leak...
Here's what was left of the front most TB gasket! The 2nd one was still okay.
Can't wait to get my dump tube done tomorrow so I can see if the 650cc's will be okay, and if so - see how it feels at 22psi :)
05-21-2010, 01:32 AM
She's doin pretty good!
Got the dump tube done today.
I reverted it back to Jesse's tune just as I feel it's more of a safe-base area to start from.
Even with that tune with so much timing pulled, the car felt a lot better.
Did a few runs and made some adjustments, not a lot as I didn't want to do too much in the rainy conditions - just wanted to get it running better.
Am still getting some knock around 5500-6500rpms so I have a lot of timing pulled, other then that at WOT I'm sitting around 12 degrees of timing up till about 5500-6500 where I'm at around 8-9 degrees.
Fuel is good, injector duty only went up to about 85% at WOT, next boost increase though will definitely be with new injectors and E85.
A/F sitting around 10.9-11.2 at WOT.
Might try to get it more around 11.2-11.4 - I'm just paranoid about fuel in general and like to run a tad rich.
Car sounds really mean with the wastegate opened, I'm sure I picked up some hp from just doing the open dump.
Spent another $100 today and picked up a new wheel bearing, new front rotors, and new pads... Considering I was only running mid 13's and having trouble stopping at the end of the track - I figured I better do something about that. My brake pedal under that kind of braking feels like its in the midst of an earthquake.
Planning on fixing the e-brake soon too.
I have a new boost gauge on the way.
I went with Glowshift, I hear good things and it looks like it'll be able to at least somewhat blend in with my other gauges with its red led setting.
I'm positive now that my gauge is bad.
I know how everyone tells me how DSMLink estimates boost - however on ECMLINK forums it's said it ought to be fairly accurate up to about 5500+ rpms
When I thought i was overboosting at 15psi, my boost gauge would read 18-20psi.
DSMLink would estimate it at 15-16.
Now, the gauge is reading 25-26psi however DSMLink is staying at a rock solid 22psi, exactly what my spring pressure is.
Basically now the only things I have on my to-do list are, fixing the e-brake, new springs, and just some other maintenance in general.
Aside from money I'll need to spend to fix it whenever it breaks, I can finally start saving up for some bigger things- IE: Injectors/BC Valvetrain & 272's/Tune for E85
05-21-2010, 07:12 AM
Honestly you shouldn't go by the boost estimation....ever. You need to get a good accurate boost gauge and trust that, or get a map sensor and wire it into dsmlink to log.
What you need to do as far as timing is right when you hit full boost your timing should be your lowest, then you slowly increase timing as the rpms rise. Your getting knock at 5,500-6,000 because that is your peak power out of a stock 4g63. Your timing is too high coming into the highest cylinder pressures you will have and that is why it's knocking.
Your timing should hit like 6-7 right when you hit full boost, then creep up to about 10-12 around 7k or wherever you rev to. Every car is different and every fill of gas is different. When it comes to a/f just stick around 11.0's for pump gas and decent boost. You're not going to gain much of anything from going leaner then that and it's always a riskier tune.
If you need any help just ask me.
05-21-2010, 10:59 AM
Alright, thanks a ton trevor.
I tried contactin jesse about coming up this weekend and having him look over my tune again for me, but I dont think hes gotten on at all. Trying to get ahold of Colton about coming up for the hood this weekend too but I don't think he checks his pm's lol, probably too busy racing hondas in the fozzy :toimonster:
I didn't know my timing should creep up, seems strange though that I'm knocking most where I really have a ton of timing pulled, in fact when jesse was tuning it, that was where he had the most timing in the 5500-6500 range - then again i had ridiculous boost leaks at the time so that probably was a big part of it.
I need to BLT it hopefully tonight or tomorrow, I know my bov still leaks a bit but I'm hoping overall it's pretty tight now that we know it wasnt the BLTester leaking. Going to have to reflange my IC piping, I think mine is pretty used up :)
Got the new boost gauge coming, hopefully I'll get it in time to get her set up for the track :)
05-21-2010, 02:31 PM
You could be heat soaking your intercooler as well. That core that's on there isn't the best and isn't really designed for high boost pull after pull. Once it gets hot it will knock and no amount of tuning will cure it.
You always want to have the lowest timing right when you hit full boost or slightly after because that is where you are going to make peak torque. As the rpms rise your volumetric efficiency rises, airflow increases, fuel consumption rises, so timing should rise as well. There is a fine line between too much timing and just enough, which is hard to find on a road tune.
You can also get knock from overly rich conditions, so make sure you don't have that issues as well.
05-21-2010, 08:14 PM
I might be coming to you eventually for some IC piping and perhaps the core even depending on what prices I find on cores.
The car makes full boost around the 4k area and my timing there is now at about 13 degrees and it doesnt knock at all and pulls great. Timing at around 6k rpms is sitting around 10 degrees now and not knocking at all either.
I think I'm getting there, if I could upload a log here easily I would but attachments here don't allow it and I don't feel like going through mega upload right now lol
05-22-2010, 02:01 AM
Bored and messing with launch control tonight trying to build more boost as I was only making 4psi before.
With anti-lag timing at 5 degrees and 10% enriched fuel, building 15psi.
Definitely shocked me when i first set it up and my launch control basically changed to gunshots and shot flames.
Had my friend hit once so I could get a quick video of it, probably will only use anti-lag on my LC for the track though as from what I've read it decreases turbo life-span so it wont be used much if ever aside from the messing with it I did tonight.
I might have to use it in a parking garage sometime though and set off some alarms...:neener: :neener: :supz:
Was always fun doing it in the firebird just revving.. only problem was i had to get real close with it and do it - and half the time there'd be people walking around and I wont do that with people around lol :bigthumb: (¤t=BANGBANGBANG.flv)
05-22-2010, 02:04 AM
and I can definitely see why Colton dumped the wastegate back into the exhaust..
Today was the first day its been nice enough to have my windows down, and I went out and did a 2nd-3rd gear pull while doing some adjustments with my tune, and holy fuck the damn thing is louder than any other wastegate i've heard.
My friend's civic's wastegates are open dumped and definitely arent as loud as this.
05-23-2010, 01:45 AM
New rotors/bearing still need to be put on..
Basically waiting for my new boost gauge to get here so I can do it all at once while we have it at my friends house.
Fine tuned it a bit today and have it running pretty good if I say so myself.
It still starts to hit about 3 counts of knock around 5500-6000 rpms in 4th gear.
1st / 2nd / 3rd are all great though. It doesn't worry me a whole lot as I rarely ever am at the top of 4th gear unless I'm like, really into a race and its close and I want to stay in it - which has only happened once. That and theres a road about 15 mins from town that is just a huge straightaway in good shape that goes to basically nothing except some wooded area and a couple houses, each of which we know the people who live there - which is when I decided to do a speed run. No knock at all, speedo was reading 140-143ish but probably was more like 130ish, still pulling but I started to get paranoid about being in full boost that long.
Granted that was back in February at 15psi on the keydiver chip and before I started to actually take the car further.
Anyways, I got side tracked.
The car is definitely pulling hard and running good now, feels great.
I decided to launch it for the first time since my launch control is building 15psi - and holy shit. If I can't cut some good 60 foots and run 12's this time around, then I better hand someone else the keys. Car put me back in the seat a lot more than expected and I jerked my foot and the launch ended up bein janky but was still a much stronger launch than before.
After this track day, it's going to be time to do some maintenance and general mods/work.
Springs / reflange my IC piping for my 1g / T-Bolt clamps / etc.
After I hit my goal I intend to do no more real go-fast mods for the summer, but more maintenance and to just enjoy the car for what it is - that way I can save up and hopefully have money to make some big upgrades this winter.
Thinking about picking up a FPGreen next January... if I don't go holset.
05-23-2010, 10:22 AM
I just remembered that your car has my old VDO gauges from my evo. They ARE accurate. You NEED TO STOP LOOKING AT BOOST ESTIMATION ON DSMLINK. How many times do I have to tell you, it's estimated. DON"T EVEN PAY ATTENTION to it anymore.
That being said you need to have LESS TIMING when you hit full boost, and slowly creep up. You DO NOT want more timing in the 5-6k range then the 7k range.
Also stop using anti-lag, it WILL kill that 20g and it will do it fast. There are other ways to build boost on 2-step and anti-lag isn't the answer.
05-23-2010, 11:05 AM
haha sounds like your running 26psi, because that gauge read very accurately. So I would bet it does feel quick. I'd also avoid top speed runs with a bad wheel bearing, that could end badly.
oh i gave away all my dsm parts to brent, his dsm graveyard is loaded with parts.
05-23-2010, 12:12 PM
Well I just recall the gauge making strange noises back in the winter and a couple times the gauge would jump around during a pull but the power would never change, then all of a sudden it started working fine and it was right then that i started thinking I was overboosting to 18-20psi.
I had simply read on ECMLink's forums that the estimated boost COULD be fairly accurate up until around 6k rpms.
And i DO have less timing when I first hit boost, I have a lot less timing in the 5k range than I do in the 7k range.
I'll get my new gauge monday and we'll see if it reads different
What should I do to try to build more boost with launch control?
I read on ECMLink about some people building 10psi without anti-lag, by simply finding a good RPM to set the launch control at. I've set it at about everything from 4500-6000 and the most I ever got was 5psi out of 6k and I really am not sure if I like having the launch control that high :/
05-23-2010, 03:09 PM
Some pics I snapped last night at the car show:
Next to some friend's cars:
Heres the new WG Dumptube
And as of now the car is off the road until I get the new wheel bearing on.
I have it and the new rotors, hopefully will be all back on Tuesday or Wednesday
05-23-2010, 06:01 PM
You must not of read HOW the boostestimation COULD be close. You have to log a map source then tune the mad scale to get it close and even then it's ONLY an estimation. That VDO boost gauge is way more trustworthy then a 4-5 sensor estimation for boost.
Stop going by boost estimation. Do a little more reading on dsmlink of how to tune and maybe download a few others maps and see what they are doing. You've got to learn a lot more if your going to be tweaking anything.
05-23-2010, 09:20 PM
Found out tonight my wheel bearing is fine, the nut was simply loose.
Going to get a new one
05-24-2010, 09:55 AM
What should I do to try to build more boost with launch control?
I read on ECMLink about some people building 10psi without anti-lag, by simply finding a good RPM to set the launch control at. I've set it at about everything from 4500-6000 and the most I ever got was 5psi out of 6k and I really am not sure if I like having the launch control that high :/
My car only builds around 5-8psi on 2 step around 5600, I've heard there are ways to build more but we haven't gotten a chance to mess with them yet. The more boost your building on the line the more power you are making before you let out the clutch and that can end badly if something doesn't go right or just end up cooking the tires. I would take it to the track and see how that 5psi works, and if it leaves good there is no reason to mess with it.
05-24-2010, 04:58 PM
new boost gauge got here today.
Put it in, didnt wire the lighting up or anything - just wanted to see what it'd tell me.
Did a pull and it showed me holding a rock solid 22psi.
Put the VDO back in, using the new gauge's vacuum line even, and it again showed me from 24-26psi, varying between 3 pulls. With 3 pulls on the new gauge it was a solid 22psi.
So I don't get whats up with it. The VDO sits at 0 with the car off, so who knows.
So I'm happy to know I'm not overboosting.
05-24-2010, 09:09 PM
that is good^
oh, and im not sure you have any options for changing how your 2 step works with v3lite.
05-24-2010, 09:21 PM
Thats my worry..
I'm just going to mess with different RPM settings at Cordova, and if I can't get a good launch I might do one run with anti-lag.
I'm betting if I get the E-brake operational again, I could do a good launch on 4-5psi with preloading the car and not have to worry about it again.
05-25-2010, 07:19 AM
4-5psi off the line is fine. What you don't realize is right when you let out the clutch boost will go full.
In my evo with the 35r and my settings i can build around 10-15psi at the line...but that's with AEM so i have adjustments.
05-26-2010, 06:57 AM
agreed, set it at 5500 and slip her out of the hole!
05-26-2010, 04:43 PM
agreed, set it at 5500 and slip her out of the hole!
+1 Works pretty well, and I imagine would work better with a operational ebrake. Can't wait to try my new one this year :supz:
05-26-2010, 05:19 PM
You don't happen to have both left and right parking brake cables in decent shape would you slow4cyl? :D
05-26-2010, 08:27 PM
You don't happen to have both left and right parking brake cables in decent shape would you slow4cyl? :D
I know i have a right but due to a certain someone i had to cut the left one because they didn't bolt the brake caliper back on. I'll see if i have a set in the room from a previous car. I'll let you know
05-26-2010, 09:59 PM
just fyi...wasnt me! lol
05-27-2010, 12:02 AM
Thanks, if not no biggy - only will end up being around $60 for them both new, but I'm cheap and will save where I can :P
05-27-2010, 01:00 AM
Wow, talk about a good feeling - Just checked my account balance and I have about $300 more than I thought I did. Time for some springs!!! after I make my car payment/insurance payment of course :P
05-27-2010, 07:15 AM
just fyi...wasnt me! lol
Wasn't me either!
05-27-2010, 12:05 PM
we are an authorized megan racing dealer now at work. Megan springs are a good way to go. also cost less than any one else other than ebay brands.
05-27-2010, 12:39 PM
I can vouch for Megan springs as well as the Coilovers. Both have treated me very well and rode awesome.
05-28-2010, 08:24 PM
agreed Megan coilovers are great had them on the evo, and have them on the supra
05-29-2010, 06:06 AM
Ran 12.701 best time at Midnight Mayhem.
Video will be coming.
I never got a "great" run.
It DEFINITELY had 12.5's in it and I was gunning for it but when I launched my wastegate dump tube fell off + something in the tranny definitely let go.
I can barely get into second and fourth is sketchy too.
Going to have to pull the tranny and inspect the damage.
Most likely shift fork/synchros. If so we'll fix it - don't intend to pay a shop for it.
Not going to have a shop do anything with my tranny until I have enough money for either a performance shep trans or tre trans rebuild.
Had a blast though, the car ran great.
Overheated like it was paid to do it the whole way there.
Ran 13.4 - 13.2 - 13.0 during the day when it was still hot.
Then took off the hood, ran my first 12.7
Took out headlight, and after than I ran about 4 more times.
All 12.7's with someone slightly going wrong, one time I started to get knock so I got out of it and got back in. Another time my launch was good but it seemed to bog right after the launch. Had a whole bunch of little issues but I went there with a goal of running 12's at all, and I'm just happy to of hit 12.7's.
Now the plan is to simply fix the tranny, new springs, a couple other maintenance things. Then just save money till this winter when I'll build the head.
05-29-2010, 01:00 PM
Heres some video footage. (¤t=talon127.flv)
05-29-2010, 01:08 PM
nice runs!
05-29-2010, 02:17 PM
nice runs!
Thanks, I'm pretty psyched.
When I first decided I wanted a DSM I just wanted to build one and run mid-high 13's, I figured that'd be pretty quick for me.
Then I picked this up, did mainly maintenance and DSMLink, with ginormous boost leaks and only 15psi - running 13.6 I realized I want a lot more :P
I've definitely hit my summer goals already. Now I feel like I can kinda relax and fix the car up a bit. I'd like to be able to make it to the next midnight mayhem though.. the amount of cars was ridiculous and I just love seeing all the other DSM's/Evo's/STi's/etc.
I was really surprised how many people I had come up to me and compliment me on how quick my car was, I never considered my car one of the faster ones. But I guess of the midnight mayhem group it was. Most cars were riced cars, stock cars, simple bolt on cars. Granted mine is mostly a bolt on car too. I'm just so used to every time I've been at the track, being surrounded by the 8-11 second drag cars.
Made me feel good though knowing that I still have a lot more potential left.
Next summer I'm gunning for 11's for sure with a built head, new turbo, and a good E85 tune.
So now just to get new springs/all new brakes/rad fan/intercooler&piping(heatsoaking mine bad as trevor said)/tranny fixed. Then I'll pretty much be set for this year
05-29-2010, 05:06 PM
Nice runs, idk if its just my computer or what but does anyone else have problems with the photobucket vids? They take forever to buffer and then if I re watch them same shit i can never just watch a smooth vid like youtube.
06-01-2010, 09:02 AM
Nice runs, idk if its just my computer or what but does anyone else have problems with the photobucket vids? They take forever to buffer and then if I re watch them same shit i can never just watch a smooth vid like youtube.
Worked fine for me. Its that Tama internet you have.
06-01-2010, 09:48 AM
Worked fine for me. Its that Tama internet you have.
Your just jealous :neener:
06-02-2010, 12:42 PM
lol i think my transmission may be fine due to something simple I found today.
Will confirm later
06-05-2010, 09:33 AM
Lil up-to-date engine bay pic because I was bored and got my cover finally.
Need to spend some cleaning time on it, haven't cleaned it up in about a month now - and i've been in it a lot lol.
06-05-2010, 01:14 PM
wheres the dump tube?
06-05-2010, 02:07 PM
It fell off at the track, need to get a new bolt for it.
I should of checked it after having the tube put on, they must have tightened the clamp and not of tightened it at operating temp as well or something. I should of checked it myself /facepalm
But oh well, i still have the tube/clamp.
I just haven't had much free time at all lately to bother with it with my new job working 2 jobs now.
Should be back on today though. + Need to check and see what I found fixed what I thought was a tranny problem.
06-13-2010, 02:57 AM
Well tonight confirmed a few new things.
First on the way to davenport, my crank pulley broke off one bolt and the other 3 came loose.. 2nd time..
So I'm going to be getting just all new pulleys.
On the way back I had a lot more issues - which made me realize that my heating issue isnt just needing a different fan setup - but my headgasket is on its way out.
Going from colton who never beat the crap out of it, to me who has taken it to the dragstrip twice and run it back to back, and raised the boost 7 psi, probably done about 20-30 races by now, and those few days I had no idea what I was doing with tuning it and was running ridiculous timing - has all taken its toll.
People can feel free to say I'm running it into the ground or w/e - I don't care. Its my car I'll beat the fuck out of it if I want.
I still take very good care of it, wash it constantly, but I also want a fast car :)
exact issue I'm having, the second one - pushing coolant from the overflow bottle and pressurizing the entire system.
2. “Pushing coolant”, or coolant in the cylinders
If a break occurs in the head gasket between a cylinder sealing ring and a water passage, a couple of things can happen. Depending on the temperature and pressure in the coolant system, coolant can be drawn into the combustion chamber and burned, or pressure from the cylinders can leak into the coolant system…or both.
When coolant is drawn into the cylinders and burned, you will usually notice the distinctive “sweet” smell of burning anti-freeze from the exhaust, assuming you aren’t running pure water. You can also smell this under the hood sometimes, but check for a radiator or coolant hose leak before assuming you have a blown HG. There may also be white smoke coming from the exhaust. (FYI – burning coolant produces white smoke, a rich fuel mixture produces black smoke, and burning oil usually produces blue or bluish-white smoke).
You’ll also more than likely feel a difference in the car’s power, although this can vary a great deal from hardly noticeable to extreme, again depending on the size of the leak. At the very least, you’ll likely notice a miss or strange idle; at the most you could theoretically hydro lock the motor due to fluid in the cylinders, although I’ve never actually heard of this happening.
When it goes the other way and air escapes from the cylinders into the coolant, you’ll get the often-mentioned “pushing coolant” scenario. What happens is the compression in the combustion chamber pressurizes the coolant system, causing it to bubble or flow out of the radiator overflow bottle. This type of failure will usually cause the car to run hot, and can quickly cause a cascade of other problems.
Anyways I'm trying to make this into a positive.. I'm going to do some of my plans a bit early.
It'll plunge my financial situation down a bit but I ought to be able to manage.
I'm going to get all new gaskets/seals of course.. Also going to go ahead and get my cams and springs/retainers. I may have to pass on the 3g lifters and valves for now.. Still gonna have a $200ish bill to foot to have some machining done and probably going to have the shop install my cams/springs/retainers. Just worried about messing something up.
Going to clean the motor up as much as I can. Dont intend to pull the entire motor.
Hopefully I'll have it all done within a month or so.
06-13-2010, 12:25 PM
Woohoo! Love random luck!
Got my cams/springs/retainers all barely used. Have like an hours worth of idling on them and a couple dyno pulls.
Sorry Colton/Ryan! but I'm saving too much money on this to pass up with as much of a budget as I'm on.
I still need quite a few things though, I'll be getting in touch.
06-15-2010, 09:47 AM
Hope that pushing coolant problem isn't a cracked block. Being that its only a .020 over block its not as likely, but make sure you find a problem with the head gasket, and check for cracks in the cylinder walls. Don't want to go through all that work again. #1 towards the water pump is a common spot for them.
06-15-2010, 01:55 PM
DSM's have a ton of common problems....
06-15-2010, 02:48 PM
Subarus have the common problem of getting beat by DSMs...
haha jkjk!
06-15-2010, 03:16 PM
Subarus have the common problem of getting beat by DSMs...
haha jkjk!
No that is a true statement no need to sugar coat it :biggrin:
DSM's have a ton of common problems....
coming from a man owning a 07' lets see where the subi sits in the year 2027. Wanna place some bets? :Hangman: lol
06-15-2010, 03:52 PM
Subarus have the common problem of getting beat by DSMs...
haha jkjk!
No that is a true statement no need to sugar coat it :biggrin:
I noticed your car on the trailer when you take it to the track.... to run a 1/4 mile... mine is a second slower but will make it to the beach and back with the ladies wanted to jump my bones (happend in a dream i had once :-/ )
DSM's have a ton of common problems....
coming from a man owning a 07' lets see where the subi sits in the year 2027. Wanna place some bets? :Hangman: lol[/quote]
I will not own it :) but im sure running fine with no problems.....
06-15-2010, 11:07 PM
Did you check your oil for coolant?
Also I did have spirited drives around town, but never over heating. Make sure that slim line is pushing air and the wires arent switched and trying to pull, that will cause it to over heat at highway speeds.
06-15-2010, 11:50 PM
Oh don't get me wrong, I've beat the hell out of the car and never had it overheat at all.
My first time ever having heating issues was on the highway coming to CR to get tuned by Jesse the coolant temps were going to the point that triggers the CEL. Then it went off and didnt come back.
As its gotten warmer its gotten worse.
Now however the car is having the exact symptoms listed as a blown headgasket as I posted from DSMTuners.
Fan definitely pushes, I felt it to be sure.
I'll check the oil when I drain it here in a couple days when I put it up.
Either way the head is getting pulled and I'm doing all the headwork. I just intend to pull the head once and do everything and put it back and hope I dont have to do it again haha. Ever since I got the car it has needed new cam seals, revised lifters, and recently its seeming like it may need valve seals from its random smokey moments after long idling. At cordova in the staging lanes I was idling for about 10 minutes and suddenly started smoking, gave it a couple small revs and spewed blue smoke - then hit launch control and I heard everyone going "Holy shit" as I filled the lanes with smoke then it cleared up and didnt smoke again.
Never smokes in boost or just driving(unless it has one of its smoke sessions after lengthy idle), just after idling for a long time it'll smoke a bit and clear out after a run or revs.
I already have my cams, springs, and retainers payed for and being shipped. Trying to find the best place for 3g lifters.
Car also has had a leak from the Intake manifold gasket for awhile now. Two broken studs on my exhaust manifold also need replaced.
Overall I think it'll do the car good either way to get the head off now and freshened up. Clean up the carbon off the pistons as well.
If anything I'm actually excited to be taking it apart a bit. Tired of doing it to hondas :P
06-16-2010, 12:29 PM
Cleaned it up a bit today since anti-freeze was everywhere
06-16-2010, 01:00 PM
06-20-2010, 11:21 PM
Everythings ordered and on the way.
BC 272 Cams / Springs / Retainers / Revised Lifters.
All new cometic upper gasket kit minus headgasket.
Mitsubishi OEM Improved 4-Layer Head Gasket
New manifold studs/nuts. Two of mine are broke and ones missing a nut.
New timing hardware including waterpump.
Looks like I'll probably be pulling the head wednesday and taking it to be surfaced/cleaned.
Hopefully she'll be up and running here in a couple weeks again.
06-21-2010, 09:11 AM
Hopefully she'll be up and running here in a couple weeks again.
I feel like this should be part of your signature....
06-21-2010, 10:32 PM
Everythings ordered and on the way.
BC 272 Cams / Springs / Retainers / Revised Lifters.
All new cometic upper gasket kit minus headgasket.
Mitsubishi OEM Improved 4-Layer Head Gasket
New manifold studs/nuts. Two of mine are broke and ones missing a nut.
New timing hardware including waterpump.
Looks like I'll probably be pulling the head wednesday and taking it to be surfaced/cleaned.
Hopefully she'll be up and running here in a couple weeks again.
Little late now but we have all that stuff in stock including the revised lifters. But I don't check the forums as much as I should so just shoot me an email if you need a quote sometime.
06-21-2010, 10:45 PM
Well I got the cams/springs/retainers for a hell of a price. $400 and they're basically new.
The lifters I didn't see on the IE site which were one of the reasons I bought some stuff elsewhere to avoid multiple shipping charges.
I will probably be buying all new timing hardware though since I ended up now not getting all new pullies/tensioner/etc.
06-21-2010, 11:26 PM
ohh yea, we have lots of stuff that isn't on our site. not enough time to upload it.
07-03-2010, 05:42 AM
Drove it to Cordova tonight
Call me crazy - no trailer no nothing (4 and 1/2 hours total of driving)
I've also officially put 10k on the car since I got it in December. Yeah I've driven the piss out of it. I daily drive it whenever I can if I'm not working even if I have a daily driver. I didn't buy it to leave it in the garage all the time.
ran a best of 13.830, hell yeaaaah.
I couldn't for the life of me get it in second. After my 2nd run I decided to call it quits - just too many people and I didn't feel like sitting in the staging lanes for 2 hours again.
I don't know what happened with 2nd, I didn't slam gears or anything - I was being really easy on it. My first run was a 14.4 where I simply couldnt get it to 2nd after 3 tries, the last one I let the revs completely drop and it just grinded. I gave up and just went to 3rd. I figured I broke 2nd gear at that point completely. Then on the return road I stopped and launched it and went 1st-2nd perfectly fine. Then about 3 more times on the way home I went 1st - 2nd. Only one time did I have an issue.
I just need to pull the damn tranny and check it all out. Something is definitely broke in there, and has been since I got it . It has never wanted to shift smoothly 1-2nd at WOT.
That or its the master cyl since it always has been weird with shifting and shit
Either way that'll be a winter project since I can still run it the way it is and I have other things I need to worry about first as long as it drives as it is. I just probably won't be setting any new best times this summer at the track.
07-11-2010, 01:01 AM
Well no blown headgasket - confirmed now.
New radiator cap = all problems fixed.
Oh well, I can't complain for buying what I've bought - I caught some damn good deals and I'm all set for my winter build aside from injectors / intercooler which I already know what I want.
Did an oil change today and fixed a couple minor things that had been bugging me.
Raced a civic and got beat like always :(
I need a new o2 sensor though for sure right now, dont got the money :(
My buddy is coming back here in about a week though and we'll be fixing my transmission finally. I'm stoked!
07-12-2010, 08:34 AM
Raced a civic and got beat like always :(
wat? :roll:
07-12-2010, 02:26 PM
Raced a civic and got beat like always :(
wat? :roll:
Can't beat the civics here unless it's from a dig :(
And I can't dig race right now at all not being able to go 1st-2nd at WOT
07-18-2010, 01:26 AM
Broke something else. Don't want to call anything yet.
Could of been a valve, or something in the timing area. I expected a valve spring at first but I pulled the VC and all springs/rockers look good.
There was a grinding/chattering coming from what sounded like the timing/head so I drove it straight home. Had an issue with the oil cap not locking in apparently and was spraying oil everywhere. Still was in but shot oil everywhere. I hadn't driven the car in days and got ready to take it out. Cleaned up the motor, washing it all up nice - added a bit of oil and then go out and come back with oil everywhere :(
Anyways I looked around for a bit, added some more oil cause I wasnt sure how much I lost yet as the car was still hot and I didnt know whether to trust the dipstick. I know I overfilled it but I just wanted to idle it for a couple seconds. Started it and the chattering was going, was grabbing a screw driver to do the ear->screwdriver->head thing but before I even made it there was a loud POP and the noise went away. I quickly turned the car off and as it completely turned off I heard the chatter faintly for a second.
No damage visible under the VC - I figured oil was shooting out the oil cap not getting to a rocker/spring and heating it and stressing it and it let go.
I really hope its not a valve as valves are the only things I don't have, let alone if it messed up a piston - but I really can't imagine anything of happening to a valve. Anyway tomorrow I'm pulling the timing cover and checking timing. If something in the timing snapped and thats it - then I'll breath a sigh of relief as I know my belts okay as it ran really smooth after that pop noise like normal for the couple seconds it took me to turn it off...
Anyways thats whats going on with my car. It's been a few days since something broke so I'm sure people were starting to wonder wtf happened to me.
Anyway - theres another fast car here now:
Supposed to be 500whp. Trent's old laser.
Needs a new clutch but other then that it's pretty quick. Tuned at 24psi and currently at 19psi it's pretty nice. It's broke now too xD Hopefully it'll be fixed soon enough :P
Woo dsms
07-18-2010, 09:20 AM
its not makeing 500whp at 24lbs of boost.
07-19-2010, 08:45 AM
its not makeing 500whp at 24lbs of boost.
07-19-2010, 03:39 PM
its not makeing 500whp at 24lbs of boost.
It sure looks like its making 500whp, the paint is melting right off... :roll:
07-19-2010, 10:27 PM
Just stating what is being told around the camp fire.
Was trent's car.
I don't know what the best run is that is done or anything.
07-20-2010, 08:44 AM
maybe trents old parts car? or the first DSM he touched? who knows.... those damn camp fire stories get out of hand!
07-20-2010, 12:24 PM
its not makeing 500whp at 24lbs of boost.
It sure looks like its making 500whp, the paint is melting right off... :roll:
lmao thats what i was doesnt look "nice"
07-20-2010, 01:23 PM
its not makeing 500whp at 24lbs of boost.
It sure looks like its making 500whp, the paint is melting right off... :roll:
lmao thats what i was doesnt look "nice"
to my knowledge that was trent's idea, a pure sleeper which 500whp or not it definitely is.
When the boost gets raised to what it's actually tuned at, after seeing it now, it oughta be pretty cool.
07-20-2010, 04:58 PM
I think I remember smoking that car when he said he broke a clutch fork (lol 3 times). If memory serves it launches pretty darn good. I wouldn't mind racing it again for old times sake.
07-20-2010, 05:02 PM
Yeah, well my buddies civic traps 116mph in the 1/4 - and this is the first 4banger around here that has finally been able to keep up with it. If the clutch wasnt slipping right now it'd take it, definitely with the boost raised.
However the alternator belt broke the other day and it heated up, hopefully it's alright. I wasn't there when it happened.
But it is for sure a sleeper.
07-20-2010, 05:09 PM
If its the car I am thinking of it would be fun to race it with my old 12 second whenever it gets finished
07-21-2010, 12:28 AM
Okay so I finally heard some more facts on that laser tonight.
It technically wasn't Trents, but owned by someone else but most of it done by trent? Still confused a bit on the actual ownership but it doesn't matter.
The 500whp will be after the re-tune at around 27psi.
Needs a few things right now though.
If anyone has K-Sport Coilovers for a 1g, let me know and for what price.
As for my car, no damage has been found at all, no damage to pistons from looking down the plug wells. We idled it for a few seconds tonight with the valve cover off checking a few different things and the noise never occured - car ran perfect, no smoke.
I'm going to put it all back together again and we'll see what happens I guess. Transmission still will be coming out to be fixed though.
Need to get some prothane inserts for my motor mount though. It has fallen apart again.
07-21-2010, 06:02 AM
Sorry bud not the car I was thinking of best of luck to ya.
07-21-2010, 12:33 PM
i love when imports dont ET for shit so they gab about trap speeds haha
07-21-2010, 02:15 PM
i love when imports dont ET for shit so they gab about trap speeds haha
I love when domestics don't MPH for shit so as they complain about roll racing they gab about ET's haha
07-21-2010, 03:07 PM
i knew that post was coming real soon
07-21-2010, 03:13 PM
But which one gets you to the finish line first? ;)
07-21-2010, 03:38 PM
^Cheating with a leg wiggle.
07-21-2010, 04:01 PM
i only trapped 118mph running 11.4-11.5. torque and traction is great.
07-21-2010, 04:28 PM
yeah, I get destroyed by the civic from a roll.
If I could race from a dig I'd beat him for sure, but I can't shift to second at all at WOT though.
My trap speed is only 107.
07-21-2010, 07:56 PM
yeah, I get destroyed by the civic from a roll.
If I could race from a dig I'd beat him for sure, but I can't shift to second at all at WOT though.
My trap speed is only 107.
Make sure your clutch is adjusted properly and not dragging at high rpms, that will lock out gears.
07-21-2010, 08:53 PM
i only trapped 118mph running 11.4-11.5. torque and traction is great.
Exactly what I was thinking.
07-21-2010, 09:28 PM
yeah, I get destroyed by the civic from a roll.
If I could race from a dig I'd beat him for sure, but I can't shift to second at all at WOT though.
My trap speed is only 107.
your trap speed is 107 and your running 12's? mine was 101 and i ran a 13.8.... but i was granny shifting lol
07-21-2010, 09:56 PM
yeah, I get destroyed by the civic from a roll.
If I could race from a dig I'd beat him for sure, but I can't shift to second at all at WOT though.
My trap speed is only 107.
your trap speed is 107 and your running 12's? mine was 101 and i ran a 13.8.... but i was granny shifting lol
my 13.6 was 101mph :P
07-22-2010, 12:19 PM
my old gtp at one time trapped 101-102 and was running mid-high 13's with those traps iirc..
07-22-2010, 02:14 PM
my old gtp at one time trapped 101-102 and was running mid-high 13's with those traps iirc..
You got any times on your new setup?
07-22-2010, 04:11 PM
my old gtp at one time trapped 101-102 and was running mid-high 13's with those traps iirc..
You got any times on your new setup?
depends how many people are pushing it..... :neener:
07-22-2010, 11:22 PM
Ryan, you guys have prothane mounts right?
And do you guys stock the K-Sport Coilovers?
07-22-2010, 11:57 PM
Yes we have prothane in stock $75 for 1g. We have a direct account with Megan. We have 2g megan coilovers in stock for the 2g only but I can order 1g. I've heard k-sport and megan use the same company to manufacture so they could be the same thing. Is this stuff for your 1g?
07-23-2010, 01:34 AM
the mounts are, the coilovers are for my friends car. I'll call up to place an order on those mounts tomorrow
07-23-2010, 08:23 AM
I sold the gtp a couple years ago but since then I had only added a cutout, 1.9rr's, a REAL tune, and a 3.3 pulley
07-25-2010, 12:21 PM
Well, no more go fast goodies for me for awhile.
If anyone wants I'm selling some stuff off the car.
Apex-i GT FMIC
650cc FIC injectors
my Evo 8 wheels for the right price, great tires
Black leather front and rear seats in good shape.
NGR Type-S bov - works great
FP 4" Intake
2G Exhaust Manifold
Just a few of the things, may sell more still need to decide what I'm going to do
07-25-2010, 01:36 PM
looks like your cutting weight and upgrading. good luck.
07-25-2010, 02:24 PM
im dumb
07-25-2010, 04:51 PM
I would pass on the punishment fmic if its the budget one. I have had a couple of punishments parts on my previous talon and they were nice. but the FMIC are ebay ones.
If you looking for a good IC look for something with a garrett core. they will be a little more money but worth it. Or look into just getting a core and having someone fab up some end tanks.
What kind of power are you looking at making. If your looking at making decent power you should just rebuild the motor with pistons and rods. And save on the crank unless something is wrong with yours.
Cams you might want to look into FP cams or GSC again a little more money but you will be making more power with said cams over the BC.
I think you will like the going to e85. I switched to it on the stock evo turbo and just ran 11.8s. I would stick to your current turbo if its in good condition and push it. and save your money for other things.
sorry for the book.
07-25-2010, 05:27 PM
nvm im dumb
07-25-2010, 07:38 PM
I would pass on the punishment fmic if its the budget one. I have had a couple of punishments parts on my previous talon and they were nice. but the FMIC are ebay ones.
If you looking for a good IC look for something with a garrett core. they will be a little more money but worth it. Or look into just getting a core and having someone fab up some end tanks.
What kind of power are you looking at making. If your looking at making decent power you should just rebuild the motor with pistons and rods. And save on the crank unless something is wrong with yours.
Cams you might want to look into FP cams or GSC again a little more money but you will be making more power with said cams over the BC.
I think you will like the going to e85. I switched to it on the stock evo turbo and just ran 11.8s. I would stick to your current turbo if its in good condition and push it. and save your money for other things.
sorry for the book.
I'm not a fan of the BC cams but they will work if you already if you got them for a good deal. As for intercooler do not get a punishment, get a SBR or even a ETS core. I would suggest Mahle pistons with Eagle rods for your rebuild. If your shooting for 400 hp it would be on the safe side and would not require the machine work like puttin 2g pistons on 1g rods would. Have your crank turned if you can it will save you quite a bit of money and will be fine. I would keep that 20g and push it, I'm thinkin you will need e85 or 110 to make your power goal though.
07-25-2010, 08:14 PM
Motor is fine, I'm just dumb
07-26-2010, 03:24 PM
You confused a loose oil cap for a rod knock? I'm a little confused here...
07-26-2010, 03:29 PM
No, my crank pulley was loose and slapping.
Just a coincidence that the oil cap issue happened at the same time, thought I had been driving with no oil pressure and damaged a bearing.
07-29-2010, 11:37 PM
Car is fixed and running good, seems to be problem free finally!
Hopefully it stays this way and I can finally afford to get a few things I've been wanting to get that the car needs - springs, new o2 sensor, prothane mounts, fix my headliner, etc.
07-30-2010, 07:54 AM
So you bringing it down to Dyno then?
07-30-2010, 08:21 AM
better be bringing it to the dyno... would be nice to get some base numbers before your build...
07-30-2010, 01:04 PM
I really don't know if I want to.
I do WANT to but it simply has been having such bad luck constantly and I'm worried about it making the trip.
I'm going to check and see if my buddy could come to, I'm going to drive it a ton today and keep my ear/eyes out for any issues/problems. 2 months ago I wasn't so nervous to take it on a trip, these last couple months have really been bad for me :P
07-30-2010, 01:40 PM
you should come, your bad luck is over
07-30-2010, 02:59 PM
lol I don't know about that.
Still riding on broke springs, bad front tie rod, etc etc lol
07-30-2010, 03:42 PM
you will be fine. come do a pull! your going to regret it if you dont.....
07-30-2010, 04:42 PM
shoot, $30 tie rod can be replaced in 15minz! Can get you some Megan racing springs ordered at a great price too.
07-30-2010, 05:21 PM
Yeah took us a few mins to replace the driver side one, now just needs passenger side.
Springs though are a big need right now. The megans are what I'll be going with and I'll be ordering them through IE when I do.
08-01-2010, 02:35 PM
you should come, your bad luck is over
his bad luck will never be over!
08-01-2010, 02:37 PM
you should come, your bad luck is over
his bad luck will never be over!
08-17-2010, 10:33 AM
Finally got these a couple weeks ago. Took them over a month to get them to me.
Didn't take them long to get it out though after I started calling them every day and getting more beligerant every time I called
New front rotors, no more dancing brake pedal
08-21-2010, 12:36 AM
Had a bad clunking from the rear end that freaked me out the other night, turned out a wrench rolled under the carpeting in the trunk and was bouncing, haha.
Well then drove to school the next day and started getting some front end noise but I think I know what the one noise is.
Then my clutch started making some noise every time I shifted / press in the clutch.
If I press the clutch in, theres a faint constant squeaking. Between shifts there's some squeaking and other funky noise.
Also my clutch pedal has a lot of play and I can pull it up a bit.
I'm hoping the assembly doesn't need work, i REALLY don't want to mess with that shit.
Going to adjust the clutch a bit and see if it gets any better.
Still not sure what the noise is though.
09-13-2010, 01:05 PM
Been getting some more things on the talon squared away.
New tie rods / brakes / vacuum lines / interior put back in - did some hardcore washing and interior detailing, looks all purdy again.
Starting to have some clutch related issues though too now, some noises from what I think is the throwout bearing.
Sometimes when starting the car in gear it wont want to come out, I have to re-apply the clutch pedal one or two times to get it. Yet when driving it shifts fine and if anything shifts way better ever since I adjusted it when driving around.
Other then that its been doing pretty well, been driving it a lot outside of work lately without any issues.
Currently putting a new axle/cv shafts in my civic, been bad since I got it but my buddy has some he's selling to me for cheap so I took him up with the cold season coming.
Wednesday may bring something new, not sure yet.
10-12-2010, 09:19 PM
Got a text tonight from the kid that bought the car.
He blew the motor apparently. :banghead: :banghead:
I'm putting money on the fact that he ran shitty gas.
The tune i told him was set up for good 93, shitty 93 would knock bad. We have about 4 gas stations here that have "93" but the car ran like shit on it. Only one place it would run great on, and it would do okay on Shell's 91 v-power.
Ugh, I guess I'm not surprised.
Second day he had it he grenaded an axle.
A week or so later he said he messed up third gear.
10-12-2010, 09:49 PM
Yep that sounds about right for breakage on a DSM. 100% guarantee to break shit excessively...
10-12-2010, 10:20 PM
gee maybe Drifte should of kept the car.. I guess the bad luck stuck with the car or it could be how the owners took care of it and the new owner prolly turned up the boost and tryed tuning it
10-12-2010, 10:29 PM
idk, a boost controller never wanted to work right on that car, so I just had the boost at 21.75psi via wastegate springs.
I'm guessing either bad gas or did a long pull, the car heatsoaked that apex-i gt intercooler bad, one track pass would start making it heat up.
10-12-2010, 11:16 PM
sad to see dsm's trashed these days by people that don't know what they are doing. guess that happens when cars get old and any joe blow buys it and doesn't have the knowlege or money to treat it right. seems to be the trend nowadays on those
10-12-2010, 11:26 PM
It's just a waste, aside from the body the motor was the most solid thing on that car..
At least thats how I felt about it, had more faith in the motor than anything else really haha.
I think my laser kind of had a similar fate.
This thing hasn't had any mods to my knowledge done since the owner before the person I bought it from.. Just been beat on for a couple years now, but it does run good. Isn't the prettiest thing to look at.
At least, I have all the receipts for the car and everythings from 2006-2007, couple 2008.
+ A headgasket on its way out, a lot of other minor/small issues. Fuel sending unit is bad, stops at half a tank, I was tired and didn't even think about it coming home - but somehow the car made the 5 hour drive on one tank of E85.
So far, have a lower timing cover and catch can, and have to wait till friday for my new plug wires
Anyway, enough about my new pile.
But yeah, the kid sold his Srt-4 and bought the talon from me.
I asked him if he wanted me to revert it back to my 91 octane tune which it ran the 12.7@107 on to be safe and he said no.. so whatever
10-13-2010, 08:25 AM
RIP old buddy, got me through college.
10-13-2010, 09:05 AM
RIP old buddy, got me through college.
:goodman: :?
10-13-2010, 10:38 AM
Supposedly he says he has it at a shop getting a new motor put in. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Who knows :Hangman:
I knew next to nothing about working on cars when I got it, and thanks to it, through some pain & stress & an emptier wallet I came a long way
I'll add a couple nice pics, may be in this thread earlier but whatever jpg
Hate looking at pics of it, makes my laser that much uglier :puke:
10-13-2010, 06:09 PM
I should come and slap you for selling it if you where just going to stick to dsm lol jk all the problems it had i mean you drove it hard and beat it up what do you expect all cars break just some more than others..
10-13-2010, 06:27 PM
I should come and slap you for selling it if you where just going to stick to dsm lol jk all the problems it had i mean you drove it hard and beat it up what do you expect all cars break just some more than others..
I took care of it though, it really didn't break much from getting beat on is the weird thing about it.
This kid though judging by what has been breaking has been from beating on the thing.
It's like how I joked with my friends, I drove the talon to the track and back 4 separate times, 4 hours total of driving each time. Drove it to Cedar rapids, des moines, chicago, davenport, etc etc. Everyone else always trailered their cars, even an LT1 bolt on car and a bolt on 96-98 gt trailer their cars. I always was having issues here and there but I always drove my car there and back lol
Never had any issues with it on a road trip.
The only thing that ever really happened at the track was when I pretty much nearly finished off the shift fork that had been going bad.
Most of my issues happened while just driving around in town lol
But yeah I wish I would of kept the talon now.
My laser is a lot rougher, but feels a ton more solid overall and I just feel better about it in general driving it even though its a bit more obnoxious.
I still can't get used to having power steering in a DSM
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