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Thread: Warning: Kirkwood will fuck your life up

  1. #21
    Senior Member
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    Re: Warning: Kirkwood will fuck your life up

    I had no problems with Kirkwood. It’s all pretty cut and dry on what is required to transfer and what wont. Everything that an advisor would tell you is also in print somewhere and can be accessed by anyone. Reading it myself, works better than listening to someone who has to deal with 400 other students all around the same time frame.

    I didn’t have much student loan issues either. After 2 years at k wood I only $1400 in loans and just paid the rest out of my pocket with the Kirkwood loan program. (Split up in 3 payments once a month).

  2. #22
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    ^ Agreed.

    Ultimately as an adult you should be able to handle it. I was taken a little off-guard when I first got to kirkwood when I realized that they weren't going to hold my hand and make sure I took the necessary classes like my high school did. Once I realized that they were just expecting me to be an adult and take care of my own business I have been doing just fine.

    In fact, it never hurts to keep in contact with the college that you plan to transfer to. This semester I have had multiple email conversations with advisers from the U of Iowa and advisers from Kirkwood in preparation for my transfer (and also to make sure i've taken the MAXIMUM amount of classes at kirkwood that will make my time at Iowa as short as possible)

    To me it was really simple. If I'm hearing the same things from Iowa as I'm hearing from kirkwood, then we're good. When there's conflicting comments being made to me by each party, I was able to investigate it further and find out which one had their facts straight... and I'd hate to say it but 9 times out of 10 it was the kirkwood advisers that had everything under control and the Iowa advisers that were leading me in the wrong direction.


  3. #23
    Senior Member Ashley's Avatar
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    plus they have degree audits... a list of every single class you need to transfer/graduate, and its right on eaglenet. all you do is read your degree audit... and register for classes. not real difficult, i havent met with my advisor once, i'm not even sure who she is? dont really need her.

  4. #24
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    I got k-wood to give me that $3800 back, it was easier than I thought it would be, but there is still no excuse for a Financial Aid office to misplace that amount of money.

    As for the teacher not speaking english, it wasn't just that he couldn't. It was that he would substitute terms for each other and not even notice (ex. say addition, mean subtraction) and he wrote everything in his own shortand completely out of order on the board, so it was basically impossable to take notes. The only way I got through was to read the book and ignore him during class.

  5. #25
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    Sounds like my intermediate algebra class, Krustin.

    It's amazing how I can float through Business Calculus and be getting near 100% in Fundamentals of Statistics, yet I could barely manage a C in Intermediate Algebra. I had a teacher (who was very nice, and tried hard) who had a little bit of trouble speaking clear English.

    Sometimes she would be talking and she would say a word, or sometimes even a sentence that I didn't understand and I had to sit there and try and figure out what she'd just said. It was very hard to take notes in that class at all and it was a very difficult class for me.

    Then again, it's also strange how I got a D in statistical ideas (the easy as pie stats class) and I'm getting an A in Fundamentals of Statistics (the specific prerequisite course for Iowa's business college). But I took the first stats class in my first semester... lots of stuff has changed in me since then.


  6. #26
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    Re: Warning: Kirkwood will fuck your life up

    I did pretty well in all of my classes. I had a Photo class that the instructor and I did not see eye to eye on everthing. He was this Libral artsie type who wanted pictures of this abstract art, and well i just wanted to take pictures of cars and cars doing burnouts and wheelies and such. In the end i still got a decent grade, I just didint plan on taking so many pictures of trees, creeks and rocks.

  7. #27
    Owner AutoMods's Avatar
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    My wife's advisor at Allen College screwed up on her scheduling and she had to go another semester. She had to pay for another semester and lose 6 months of a better income she would've got if she graduated earlier.

    We were pissed, I wonder if you could ever file a lawsuit on the colloge or advisor for stuff like that.

    Always double check scheduling and graduation/transfer requirements yourself !!
    2012 Iowa Manual Shootout Champion, on low boost setting. -Flying Ryan
    "The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten." - Ben Franklin

  8. #28
    i check and double check what i need to graduate. I am actually planning to meet with my adviser again at UNI, because he really doesn't have a clue what im supposed to be in. No one untill this semester had even checked to see if i met prerequisites to transfer as a junior.

    right now my intro to business class (which im taking after several other business i completely ignore the teacher, and just read in class. soft spoken indian...

  9. #29
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    I did about a year at Kirkwood (and then went back for Calc II because I knew it'd be easier there than IA) and every single class I took, even the bullshit ones I took for fun (like photography and intro to HTML) transferred and satisfied a requirement for my degree (didn't get counted as electives).

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