If you're reading this, you might notice is the fact that the domain name up in your address bar is now IowaAutoForums.com instead of CRunderground.com. We've officially said goodbye to CR:U as a domain name, and as a website/group name. Now, you'll still be able to access this site using the old CR:U domain name, but it is now NOT our official domain name anymore.

We got over 3 and a half years of good service out of the old domain name, and it was retired in style as we prepare for a new future with this new name. CR:U was a great name back when this site was associated with street racing and attracting a certain kind of crowd, but now that we've moved on ---and more importantly, moved forward--- we find ourselves with a new face and a new place.

I present to you, Iowa Auto Forums. A place where young people and older people alike will be able to come together and discuss the common interest of cars. A place to retreat after a long day at work, a long day at school, or even a long day of working on the car out in the sweltering heat (or frigid cold). A place where you know there will always be familiar people to have worthwhile discussions with, and even some that are not so worthwhile.

Most importantly, this is a place you always know will be there, in a world where not much is guaranteed. I present to you a website with no limits as to what it can and will become. A website that will continue to grow, in every aspect of the word, everyday....