For all of you who have not read the PSI BS...Allgo stated the wagon would wipe the track up with this old fat guy on a BUSA...So I challenge him to a personall $1000 bet between me and him, I will drag that wagon down the 1320. And guess got it EXCUESS'S, EXCUESS'S from Mr Allgo, imagine that. He feel down and hit his head on a sub sandwhich and thinks all that bikes got is the 9.36 @151.8 it ran Sat night. Hold that thought SoSloGo. So for all of you who would like to see Mr. Money bags put up for once, you may be dissapointed hes dodgeing the challenge already...C'mon show everyone your a player, shit I bet and [pay when I loose, whats your excuess. You got 2 weeks bitch. see ya there. And like I said before...Steve'O nothing personall to you or Chris. Its about time Allgo mans up when his mouth run'ith over.