It has come to my attention if anyone should come over to your computer and goes online. If you or anyone should have that remember me checked for logon here, it is very easy to go to your history or just the address bar and look and see where someone has been click the address and viola you are 69gt4speed or who evers computer it is. Although they are Not 69gt4speed it appears it is them on here and can post any trash they want. So for those that say xxxx posted me threats or what have you, who is to say it is them? I put this as very irritating but who am I to know for sure it is them?

I can write like zac, dustin, ashley or tbtalon. Doesn't take rocket science. I myself put this in the photo camera speeding/redlight category which was thrown out and I hope stays out. Big bro assumes I am driving my car when someone else is driving and runs a red light or is speeding in my car. Fuk that I can't control what someone might do... The temptation is great. Damn ppl at work do this if you forget to log out. So as a public service message I am posting this up to those that might have let some use their computer. Bottom line who is to say who it is? End of story...

I am so tired of ppl suing someone else, fuk the politicans, fuk the lawyers, all I want is to see some racin without the bs. Oh he won, I'm suing his azz is next or his car looks better... My rant is real take ur to the bank. Sorry, but damn I guess I will have someone sign a disclaimer from now on...