ok if you haven't heard yet i'm having a baby!!

just recently i have been posting a lot more then i had the past few months. when i found out i was having a baby i kinda isolated myself, i was at the point where i had no clue what i was going to do and i tryed to make myself realize that it wasn't a dream. but i'm back for a while now.

to answer a few questions that some of you might have no i don't know if i'm having a boy or a girl yet, i will hopefully have an idea of what i am having Feb. 4. In october i moved out of my moms house as some of you know and it just so happens that i got pregnant about a week after i moved out, though it was going to happen if i wasn't going to move out. right now i'm going to be still living at my apartment for another six months after this lease goins up. i'm going to have another year of school left after the baby is born and hopefully will be able to finish school with not much of a problem.

My brother was the first one i told and he was, i think, the most understanding because he was also 19 when his daughter was born. then i told my dad when i asked him if i can have my insurance card to get some vitamins i should take. all my dad really said that he was disappionted in me but he will help in any way he can and is able to. then i told my mom, i told here that i stopped smoking and she asked why thats when i laid it on her.

my mom just told my extended family sunday that i was expecting and my grandma has already called my mom 3 or 4 times and asked if i'm getting married..... no i'm not getting married not that i know of yet.

my last Doctors appointment was monday and everything was somewhat fine.... the heartbeat was a little slower then last time but still in the normal range, and the doctor said that she was wanting me to get an ultrasound because i am a bit bigger then i should be. there shouldn't be anything wrong with the baby , she thinks that the reason is because of how small i am to begin with the only way from the baby to grow is out.... so i'm going to get fat!

so thats th scoop of whats going on with that.... i'm willing to answer question of feel free to ask.