I was just curious what you guys like the most out of everything I've done so far. Here's a description of what I've done thus far:

Karma Points: Good karma, bad karma...pretty self explanatory.

New Smilies (me and bryan): First I replaced all the old basic smileys with the smileys we have now, and yesterday Bryan installed about 11 more cool ones.

Change topic color: Admins and mods can change the colors of the topics to make the important ones stand out.

Smileys in topics: Nobody hardly uses this, but you can add smileys to the topic titles now.

Forum Statistics: My personal favorite. A list of almost every statistic you ever wondered about concerning CR:U.

CR:U Community Forums: Just added yesterday. These are the most extreme of our off-topic forums and I put them on a different page.

Quick-Reply!: That little box at the bottom of all topics where you can just type in your message and reply. Saves people from having to press the reply button and waiting for the page to load.

Green "New Post" buttons: THis was the first thing I did when I got the site. Does anyone remember when there was a new post there used to be 3 little tiny dots that were illuminated on the button. Well I just went into photoshop and made the whole button green. Nothing screams "NEW POST" like that. lol

I was just curious as to what everyone thinks about those things.