We'll probably u all have heard my troubles all yr I'll relate what happened yesterday, this ranks way up there and I was mighty embarrased. Ate dinner around 6pm at work and prob around 7pm or so I got feeling real sick to the stomach. Then I got so hot sweat was pouring off me soaked my shirt. About 5 min later I ran to the sink and puked. Then I went back and sat down w my head on the table in maint computer room. Coworkers came in giving me crap (sleeping) I said I was sick then some damn reason my stomach just blew puke everywhere the screen, the keyboard, my glasses, the floor. It happened so fast I could not turn my head.

And I have to take back what I said about Todd.. He came in did the vitals, called the boss and I left work at 8 pm. So I'll let damn snaketr thing go, whatever trips his trigger, just ticks me he won't line up just once. Appears my wife brought me some bad food from a place. Damn that was embarrassing and a damn mess Todd had to clean up....lol.. I never have puked in like 20 yrs, never at work. It'll be the big talk of the week.