View Full Version : ever smoke Salvia?
11-11-2008, 10:17 PM
it is 100% legal here in Iowa (only illegal in 11 states). I seen it on Dr. Phil today (i fukkin hate that guy) and apparently it has the same effects as LSD which we all know is an hallucinogen... Out of curiousity I called a few placed localy and found it at a couple places, also found it online for like $30 for four ounces.... I am by no means going to try it due to the fact I am an M.P. and plan to be a civi-officer as well in the next year or two so no drugs is a must, plus i D.A.R.E. to resist :)
plenty of Salvia smoking vids on YouTube if you wanna see some funny shit....
11-11-2008, 10:42 PM
They sell it at the waterloo mall. A few of my friends have done it, depending on witch kind you get is to what happens. If you get the more expensive stuff its like an acid trip, if you get the cheaper stuff you will just laugh hysterically for like 30 minutes straight. My friend did the cheaper stuff and he laughed so hard (at a lamp lol, plain jane lamp) that he was drooling and his mouth was sore for hours afterwards. Other friend did the expensive stuff and he tripped out, his living room turned into a white room with rows and rows of kids dressed in white and a lady tried to pull him through the wall behind the couch he was sitting on.
11-11-2008, 10:56 PM
Other friend did the expensive stuff and he tripped out, his living room turned into a white room with rows and rows of kids dressed in white and a lady tried to pull him through the wall behind the couch he was sitting on.
Wow... I may have to buy some for my friends and just video tape shit... Personaly i would be too scared to do the expensive stuff as I get violent. If i start tripping balls, there are way too many knives adn guns around my house... No Good.... Being that is is perfectly legal, would I (theoreticaly) get in any trouble if i was caught smoking it? Does it make you "drop dirty" or...? I am just curious as to why this isn't illegal in every state yet pot is.....
11-11-2008, 11:19 PM
They havent caught on...I'm sure it will be illegal soon enough. And yea I wouldnt want to do it alone thats for sure, people kill themselves from other hallucinogens so I wouldn't risk it lol.
11-11-2008, 11:55 PM
HAHAHAHA acid trip yeah right. I tried the 20x a few times. Talk about being *instantly* ripped from reality. The times I have tried salvia were not pleasurable. It's one of the most powerful hallucinogens known or something like that. Wears off in under 15 minutes but that can seem like hours. The fact that salvia is legal and something like marijuana is illegal is laughable and ridiculous. I wanted to catch that Dr. Phil. Smoking salvia regularly is batshit crazy. No thanks. I can't imagine salvia being a real fun experience. Much less something you would want to do more than a couple times ever. If you decide to try it, good luck!
As for drug tests, why would anyone test for it? It's legal. Have a sober sitter around, don't do it while driving or something stupid like that.
Drug laws are based on racism, goverment spreads propaganda demonizing (insert any illegal drug here), public believes propaganda and that conceals the real intentions of the law. Unconstitutional to boot.
What race uses salvia? The native americans? I think we already got them pretty good
11-12-2008, 04:32 AM
i'll stick to my booze, thanks. with the things the float through my mind on a normal basis, i dont think id want take anything that would leave me at the mercy of my own thoughts.
11-12-2008, 08:33 AM
I tried that stuff about 4 or 5 years ago.. Crazy shit man!! it wears off very fast "like 5 -10 minutes, but first thing you notice is you get really warm, I had to take off my shirt and I was still sweating.. then I looked up and thought the TV was falling on me!! my buddy Zach did it the same time I did and he was walking through the room and a KFC commercial on TV or something, and he thought the vertical stripes on the TV were actually coming OUT of the TV and he fell right on his ass like someone clothes lined him... it was pretty fun but I wont ever try it again, too strong for me anymore.. Ooohh yeah and I was driving the first time I tried it and that is THE WORST IDEA EVER!! no depth perception WHAT SO EVER.. so if you try it dont be driving, if you dont stop almost immediately you WILL crash your car.. I recomend to someone looking to get real fucked up but I warn you, you might really freak out :bigthumb:
11-12-2008, 09:18 AM
There are a couple videos on youtube of Joe Rogan explaining in depth the type of trip you get from it. *ripped* from reality is about the best you can say when you take the heavy stuff. I've heard few very scary stories of people I know that have taken it, or saw people take it. Basically think of the craziest/scariest/most f-ed up thing you can think of, then multiply that by 100 and put yourself in the middle with no control.
11-12-2008, 10:42 AM
It wears out in like 5-15 minutes huh?
If i did i would for sure want to be around people that can keep me safe. Never had that kind of experience before, I like freaky weird shit so... There will be video If me or any of my friends decide to give it a try
11-12-2008, 11:27 AM
Just look on youtube for Joe Rogan talking about Salvia or DMT.
11-12-2008, 12:54 PM
my buddy has a gram of the 13x shit up here in iowa city, i'll prolly try it eventually since its legal and not too potent, should be interesting...
Domestic Disturbance
11-12-2008, 02:24 PM
the joe rogan video about dmt sounds nuts.
11-12-2008, 03:57 PM
Lol. try it. There is no way to explain it. It can be fun, or very much not fun. You have NO control.
It is definitely not something anyone would do on a regular basis. Get the extract, at least 17x. I bought 1g and gave half of it away.
There are plenty of stories and videos on youtube of how to do it. They key thing is, hand off the pipe as soon as you inhale, hold it as long as you can, and as soon as you exhale....your world ends.
11-12-2008, 04:27 PM
I think one of the main problems with it is that there is no "come up" to get in the groove of. Exhale and BAM, see ya later, you forget where you are, why you are there etc.. The thing with hallucinogens is it's best not to fight the effects. Just hold on and enjoy the ride...if you can handle it. :bigthumb:
11-12-2008, 08:11 PM
haha my favorite vid, writing a letter to congress on selvia, its great.
11-12-2008, 09:57 PM
he isnt talking about salvia in that vid, its the DMT shit that is super illegal and salvia is in the mint family and contains some hallucinagen in it and is completely legal in iowa...
11-13-2008, 08:29 PM
i want to watch u do it sometime derek
11-13-2008, 08:42 PM
Waterloo is too far to drive... anywhere closer to get it...?
11-13-2008, 09:51 PM
hawks den in iowa city?
11-14-2008, 01:37 PM
actually i think they dont have it, you have to go to the konnektion by downtown iowa city...
11-14-2008, 03:49 PM
yeah Konnexions has it in IC. On the corner of Washington and S. Linn st. cool place
And Ricky, negative man. My salvia days are over.
11-14-2008, 05:39 PM ... re=related (
11-14-2008, 06:40 PM
that vid was weak. the kid just sat like a dumbass for the whole vid...
11-14-2008, 11:36 PM
that's typically what happens
11-16-2008, 10:58 PM
I live in Waterloo, I'll probably get some next weekend and report the results back :P
Some of my friends have been tossing the idea back and forth just to see what it was like, so I guess if the topic is relevant why not?
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