View Full Version : Did Obama's Campaign Cause Prop 8 to be Passed?

11-07-2008, 03:36 PM
Let me preface this by saying that this writing is not about the election. I am an American and a Patriot, and as such I will stand behind Barack Obama until he has given me reason not to, regardless of my own personal political beliefs or stances. I stand by my statement that if Obama is successful, then we all win. Wishing for anything other than success for Mr. Obama is like wishing for your own personal failure.

I'd like to call into question whether or not the election of Barack Obama is truly a step in the right direction for racism and gay rights. I am not a racist person or a homophobic person, and that is the reason why I am bringing this topic to light. One of the worst things a society can do is BELIEVE they've taken a step forward when truly they've taken a step back.

The Leavey Center for the Study of Los Angeles gave 1,200 respondants anonymous, self-administered surveys to inquire about who they voted for and various questions as to what issues caused them to vote that way. The two questions asked in these surveys that I want to bring to your attention are as follows:

1. In the Presidential election, for whom did you vote today?
2. How did you vote on the following: Prop. 8, Eliminates Right of
Same-Sex Couples to Marry. Initiative Constitutional Amendment?

For the first question, a whopping 96% of African Americans voted for Barack Obama compared to 3% who voted for John McCain. Let that sink in for just a moment. What does this say about racism in America? Racism is defined as a "hatred or intolerance of other races." Racism doesn't simply have to be white-to-black, it can also be the other way around. What kinds of questions would arise if 96% of White voters voted AGAINST Barack Obama? That would raise a huge issue of racism, but in my opinion, 96% of black voters voting for Obama represents a racism of the kind that goes ignored in our country. There were millions of black voters who had previously never voted before in their lives who registered to vote simply to vote for Barack Obama.

Now, for those of you who are upset at the results of the Prop 8 voting in California (as I happen to be), you may have Barack Obama to blame for that as well. Millions of newly-registered voters voted Obama this year, and many of them were African American voters as previously mentioned. Sans my last point, this is a great thing and I hope all of these voters show up to vote in the next election. However, here are the results of the second question, "How did you vote on the following: Prop. 8..."

Of the white voter respondants, an astonishing 75% voted NO on Prop. 8 to only 18% voting YES. So why was it passed? Probably because 50% of the hispanic population and 47% of the black population voted YES on Prop 8. Of those two populations, 11% of the hispanic population and 13% of the black population didn't even respond to the question. Since the measure was passed, effectively 61% of the Hispanic voters and 60% of black voters helped to pass Proposition 8.

My conclusion? Barack Obama's campaign brought over nine million previously unregistered voters to the booths on November 4th. Many of them went to the booths for the wrong reasons, such as voting for someone based on their race. Barack Obama won the election, however, when uninformed voters hit the booths, things like Prop. 8 get passed because these voters don't know any better... they only came to the booth to vote for the President. Gay marriage was banned in every state that it was voted on in this election.

According to the exit polls in Los Angeles, now you may know why. If you don't believe me that the newly-registered voters largely defined themselves as Democrats, the Associated Press reports that in the 6 months prior to the election, newly registered Democrats outnumbered newly registered Republicans by a margin of 4 to 1.

Next time, let's preach that all voters become informed before hitting the booths. Not just about the President they're voting for, but the issues such as gay rights as well.

(Again, please do not take this note as racist propoganda. These are facts gathered from http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/T ... 2ED7CF1%7D (http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/The-Leavey-Center-Study-Los/story.aspx?guid=%7B074DCD71-FB68-4880-BFB6-6EAF82ED7CF1%7D) in a very unbiased article that only reported the results of their findings. I am not racist, and I support gay rights. Homosexuals all over the country were shocked this past Wednesday to find out that gay marriage was banned in every state that included it on the ballot, when the overwhelming expectation was that the results would be the other way around. In the next election, everyone should be campaigning that only informed voters should vote in the election. Regardless of my opinions on the president that was elected, millions of gay and lesbian couples were done an injustice on November 4th. Did the newly registered, uninformed voters have a hand in that? You bet!)

11-07-2008, 03:45 PM
Thank god, theres no way in hell gays should have the right to marry.

11-07-2008, 08:26 PM
Wow Marc, that was...ignorant?

but I agree with you Zac, it's not good when voters come to the booth, and don't realize they have more than one thing to vote for and start filling in random things. An uninformed vote, is worse than no vote at all.

11-07-2008, 09:44 PM
Umm,Marc, just a cpuple questions, are gays and lesbians human beings just like you are? What would you do if someone said you couldn't marry your wife/husband. Gay and Lesbians are very comman, Yes im Catholic, and my religon states its wrong, but I as a person Respect peoples choices to be happy, and to be a human being. Thats why I get so upset when I tell people, Im a catholic, and they start rambling on about gay and lesbian marrige, and how its wrong. But if these people were hetrosexual we would have no problem with them. I've opened my eyes to gay and lesbian marraige, and alot of social issues, with my sociology class,theres alot of things out there to learn, and understand. So Marc please do not judge people that are honestly no different that you in anyway,shape,or form.

Also Im not a rascist and very unbiased, but I would have to beleive that race played thee biggest part in this years election. But I will admit personally that on the local level of candiates that I was compeletly lost. In my area we had health advisors, and all sorts or things. I personally think that everything political needs to be addressed locally before we get to the country goverment. We all wonder about some of the goverment screw ups, well guess what the state goverment is helping it in too and it is mostly over looked.

11-07-2008, 11:48 PM
Ok lets put this in a time perspective in 1860 blacks were slaves, after that they still couldn't vote, eat places or even ride certain spots on the bus. It has taken them what 140 yrs to achieve a top goal of a us citizen. And nowhere in the bible, koran etc. does it say being black is bad.

They in California also voted down legal prostitution. Both being gay and prostitution is denounced severely in the religious community. So that leads me to believe even in the most liberal state, religious values still exist. I don't have a issue with it. I think there is a reason for it to exist. Though I am happy my kids don't lean that way. If Mccain would of won been same outcome, I'd lay money on it. 50 yrs maybe not. The public gay scene here in usa is recent, you can hide it lot easier than skin color. I never heard of it in the early 70's publicly. Give it 50 to 75 yrs.

But by then who's to say parents won't or couldn't genetically manipulate the dna? You ask any parent in confidence, give them a choice of ill behaved, gay, drug user, etc. etc. or a upstanding kid excelling in life and healthy. What would they say? Or the gov. influence, look at germany in ww2, they tried to manipulate dna. Lot cheaper and a huge advantage to have well behaved healthy smart citizens. It's a stretch but been promoted before. Aryan race etc. Same goals.

11-08-2008, 12:11 AM
I also should add maybe many of you haven't been to a typical black church? Ol Rob's been there, done that. I had black friends, same w Anita. Typically I would put most of their beliefs in a southern baptist flavor. I can imagine Hispanics being catholic denounce gayness also. Let's not get into what priests did, just what they say to the masses. I did my tour into religion and different Christan variations and it cost lil.

11-08-2008, 01:13 AM
in a strictly outsider view(those who know me would probablt agree, i am about as outside of politics as possible), i really think the marriage thing is hard to argue, strictly because it hasnt been labled. is marraige strictly legal? is maraige strictly religious? i think most would agree its somewhere in the middle, which is where all of the problems start.

everyone has a different point a view, its just too bad we all didnt start from the same point...

11-08-2008, 02:21 AM
well, if people dont like gay marriage just because its not in there religion, fine, all the more power to them. but isnt there suppose to be a separation of religion and government?

11-08-2008, 08:41 AM
well, if people dont like gay marriage just because its not in there religion, fine, all the more power to them. but isnt there suppose to be a separation of religion and government?

yeah, there's SUPPOSED to be...

11-08-2008, 09:39 AM
I'm face it, old. I talk to lots of older ppl. Though I was surprised myself that California ppl didn't uphold the court ruling. What u want can happen, face it we get old and die. Can't vote then. Old ppl die first. About 50 yrs ago no way a half black would have been elected president. A catholic was elected barely by popular vote.

U ppl carry on, I'm out of it. Not arguing about anything. Start your own poll around here. We have few blacks and not too many hispanics but it is the midwest. 20 yrs ago I hired a woman found out later she was gay, she did a excellent job so my concerns were put to rest then. She was catholic also and career military. I suppose they booted her out idk.

11-09-2008, 06:57 PM
I voted and I didn't even mark Prop 8 mainly because I didn't know about it. But as for gays/lesbians, I don't mind it one bit. It is against nature standards of living, reproducing, to keep the cycle going. BUT were human, everyone has a choice of what they want to do and no one should stop them. Just because one person likes something you don't like, doesn't mean it should be controlled and regulated just because you don't agree with it. Besides, its good population control lol.

11-09-2008, 10:16 PM
I voted and I didn't even mark Prop 8 mainly because I didn't know about it.

and because you couldn't unless you had a california ballot :)

11-09-2008, 10:43 PM
OK lol :|