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11-04-2008, 09:09 PM
For a Democrat to finaly be in office again?!?!?!
not like it matters, Bush fucked this country up for all of eternity. Short of Jesus Christ becoming president it isn't going to make a difference because we will spend YEARS trying to clean up Bush's mess... Atleast he impressed his daddy like he was trying to do. ( (
11-04-2008, 09:26 PM
Truth ;)
11-04-2008, 09:32 PM
it started WAY before bush...
it started when people stopped caring and figured everything should be handed to them.
We are a socialist country now, and no one will do anything until its like V for Vendetta. But then... it will be too late. I've been scared of where this country is headed since i finally started to realize what was going on. and no party is going to fix it... just make it come faster then others.
11-04-2008, 09:37 PM
It started when we stopped caring about diplomacy and pulled out our "bigger bombs"
11-04-2008, 10:12 PM
I am already sick of hearing about how "great" it is that we elected an "african american". Since CNN's prjection a few minutes ago i have seen atleast a good handful of people talking about him being black, and talking about slavery and about how electing a black president will forever change this country and blah fuckin blah... I am over it already! I guess i forget that they should be praised for not raping/killing/robbing every day because they have it so hard living in this country.
Not to mention if he didn't win it would be because this country is racist, not because he was unqualified...
11-04-2008, 10:33 PM
i just got so irritated when i look down my dorm hall and hear nothing but rap music and people yelling then look out side to a parking lot full of african americans yelling and hooting and honking horns...makes me wonder if they really voted for his policy or because he is black...
11-04-2008, 10:38 PM
i just got so irritated when i look down my dorm hall and hear nothing but rap music and people yelling then look out side to a parking lot full of african americans yelling and hooting and honking horns...makes me wonder if they really voted for his policy or because he is black...
Felons can't vote........roflcopter
11-04-2008, 10:44 PM
actually i think i read somewhere that in iowa, if you are a felon, have served your time, and are off probation you can vote...i could be wrong though.
11-04-2008, 10:46 PM
actually i think i read somewhere that in iowa, if you are a felon, have served your time, and are off probation you can vote...i could be wrong though.
Well son of a bitch
11-05-2008, 08:11 AM
Its very disgusting, people defiently voted in his favor because he is black and not for any other reason.. There is something wrong here when the news is showing Kenya and 3rd world countries celebrating Obama being president!! Why do they care?? only one reason. :help: :help: :help:
11-05-2008, 08:11 AM
My point exactly. I have said that form the beginning. If he wins it is simply because he is black. How much better was the "african American" turn out this year? I am going to guess it was MUCH higher than ever before. I have heard a TON of people saying that they where voting for him because he is black and ONLY because he is black. I mean I don't really care either way because i kew a LONG time ago he would be president. The second i found out a black man was running i said he would be president, hands down.
Now we get to deal with all these black folks being on some sort of power trip for a while because a black man "changed our country". Seriously i turned the T.V. on again this morning and seen P. Diddy talking about civil rights and how great it is we elected a black man and shit. I HONESTLY don't think i have heard a single "We have elected a very qualified candidate" or anything like that... it's all about him being a negro
11-05-2008, 08:15 AM
Atleast Palin didn't get into Office. Jesus that lady was dumb.
11-05-2008, 08:35 AM
Atleast Palin didn't get into Office. Jesus that lady was dumb.
Agreed. total MILF though!
11-05-2008, 10:00 AM
I don't know if I could have handled 4 years of people bitching about Palin...You don't get to where she was being dumb first off, and secondly you shouldn't be so impressed with obama's intellect...when his teleprompter dropped I wanted to shoot myself in the face listening to him struggle to pick words. It doesn't really take intellect to be president anyway, just knowlege, a good choice in advisors, and common sense.
11-05-2008, 10:29 AM
Yea no one said any candidate wasn't an idiot. Specially when put up to the test to think for themselves, but Palin was just stupid...period. You can't disagree Maverick.
11-05-2008, 12:42 PM
Ppl will probably hate me but I grew up very close to big inner city. Not iowa. So ya I heard all the time about oppression, had to hire minorities. Lived, worked w lots of them everyday, I was a minority there. So it is a big deal for them. I think the excuses are over. It has now been proven you can do what you want even if you are a half and half. That tells me iowa can have a great president, a great whatever you want to do again.
Scott I hear ya but not long ago they didn't have a right to vote, eat places, ride the bus but went to war fought alongside us and got imo shortchanged. So let them have their victory because excuses are over imo. Maybe this will do some good overall, I'll give it a shot. If he can get a change of attitude that hard work is successful it's a win. Don't like it 4 yrs I can change my mind.
I have always admired ppl who work hard and came through many times for me or the co. No different than you of iaf do with your goals and I hear about it. Though I am really happy w Scotts success this yr along with George. I hear about you car ppl, I brag about corn state usa cars to my friends in k.c. How the lil guy worked hard and had success or had a plan and it worked. Even if I don't share your views 100% it's still good.
11-05-2008, 01:29 PM
I don't know if I could have handled 4 years of people bitching about Palin...You don't get to where she was being dumb first off, and secondly you shouldn't be so impressed with obama's intellect...when his teleprompter dropped I wanted to shoot myself in the face listening to him struggle to pick words. It doesn't really take intellect to be president anyway, just knowlege, a good choice in advisors, and common sense.
This was my number one reason to be happy about the election results. It has been long and tiresome having to be on "defense" for the past 8 years. People will always bitch and complain about the government... and now finally I won't feel compelled to stand in defense and defend what's going on.
The next year or two will still be annoying, though. If Obama doesn't succeed right away, we all know it will be "because he's still working to clean up the mess that Bush made."
As Rob said, there are no excuses at this point. They have a nearly overwhelming majority in both the house and the senate. They should be able to pass nearly anything they want to, and now they have a president that will sign it into law. The GOP still has a shot to stop their laws from passing through (I don't think they have the "fillibuster-proof" 60 seats in the senate), but that's all they have the power to do. You won't see a GOP plan actually pass through the house and senate for at least 2 years. So the ball is in their court now and they have all the power in the world.
I've said it before, but I hope and wish them the best. If I didn't do that, it'd be like hoping for my own failure.
11-05-2008, 01:35 PM
zomg bush fucked this country so bad that i failed my math test. if that idiot hadnt been president i would have a 4.0. waaaaaaaaa bush fucked this country waaaaaaaa
sorry just trying to take my IQ level down to that of all those who've cried about bush for the past 2 years
11-05-2008, 01:45 PM
^--- That's funny.
11-05-2008, 02:28 PM
11-06-2008, 04:43 AM
...You don't get to where she was being dumb first off
Negative. Palin is an idiot, as is the current leader of the free world.
It doesn't really take intellect to be president anyway, just knowlege, a good choice in advisors, and common sense.
:suspect: Those sound like they could be intellect based qualities. You CAN be President and have everything laid out for you, eg Dubya, and have your advisors decide things for you....but look where that got us.
Personally, I'd like to have a President that has a functioning brain and some rationality so when shit gets to his desk I can be confident in his decision.
Ron Paul 2012?
11-06-2008, 08:46 AM
Ron Paul would have been great, but I don't think he will try it again. And no, intellect has nothing to do with those things. I'm more intelligent than alot of super successful people, but I'm still making $12 an hour and they are millionaires because they posess the other qualities that make someone successful. I'm just fed up with the comments on politicians smarts. I've had to fucking hear about it for the last 6 years from every half-wit degenerate with no room to speak who probably couldn't pass high school algebra, and now its spreading to politicians like Palin who aren't even as inarticulate as Bush...If you think shes a poor politician and stupid you should probably take the time to look at what she managed to pull off in the last few years in Alaska...Massive government surplus through means other than taxation? Yes please
11-06-2008, 08:47 AM
Furthermore if you supported Ron Paul you should have been anxious to vote McCain in hopes that Palin would take over, shes more of a fiscal conservative than McCain is.
11-06-2008, 11:10 AM
I didn't vote, the two party system is eternally flawed.
Sarah Palin is not Ron Paul.
I like Dr. Paul's ideas on smaller government and pulling out of Iraq and the hundred plus countries our military is occupying. More of the Libertarian views. Not quite Palin territory.
11-06-2008, 01:09 PM
Hell of alot closer than what we've had for 16 years, and will have for another 4. And by not voting you basically just gave up your right to an opinion in any political discussion in my opinion. Not particularly liking one candidate, or the system being flawed doesnt mean that by not voting you don't have to deal with the one that does get elected. For the record McCain sucks, and is barely a republican, however I voted for him because Obama is a fkn socialist.
11-06-2008, 02:28 PM
i didnt vote because i dont feel i should contribute if i didnt take the time to look into each person's policy and make an educated judgement on who i think would fit the position best...and i think thats how the millions of uneducated voters should feel as well...i didnt let campaign aids, supporters, tv, etc make my decision..i just didnt feel either canidate was someone i was crazy about so therefore didnt take the time to pick one...
11-06-2008, 03:06 PM
Hell of alot closer than what we've had for 16 years, and will have for another 4. And by not voting you basically just gave up your right to an opinion in any political discussion in my opinion. Not particularly liking one candidate, or the system being flawed doesnt mean that by not voting you don't have to deal with the one that does get elected. For the record McCain sucks, and is barely a republican, however I voted for him because Obama is a fkn socialist.
That's why it cracks me up when people compare him to Bush. McCain is nothing like Bush. He is so close to being a democrat that it's laughable to say that he's anything like Bush. Parties vote together... McCain voted with Bush 90% of the time because that's how the 2-party strategy works. That is why if the Democrats get 60 seats in the senate, the Republicans might as well not show up to the meetings anymore, because all of the Democrats will vote the same and they will get their 60 votes on every issue that they want to pass through.
This election was horrible for any Republican. Your two realistic options were a Republican that was borderline democrat, or a democrat that we could probably re-write the political spectrum for to give him another 2 inches to the left.
11-06-2008, 03:10 PM
i didnt vote because i dont feel i should contribute if i didnt take the time to look into each person's policy and make an educated judgement on who i think would fit the position best...and i think thats how the millions of uneducated voters should feel as well...i didnt let campaign aids, supporters, tv, etc make my decision..i just didnt feel either canidate was someone i was crazy about so therefore didnt take the time to pick one...
That's how I feel about it. I had an Obama "supporter" get all angry at me the other day because we were talking politics and I asked her to name me just one of Obama's policies or plans. She paused about 5 seconds and then stormed off. That is my only problem with this election. I believe the 18-24 crowd is what made the difference... and I'm not entirely confident that the majority of them knew what they were voting for. All I see is people screaming Obama's name and changing their middle name on Facebook to "Hussein" but I see very little of people now telling me exactly WHAT they are excited about. WHAT things Obama plans to do that makes them so happy right now. I could give them some ideas... because Obama has several decent ideas, but it's a shame that so many people chose not to bother informing themselves so they could make a decision based on what they truly believed was right based on the policies and plans and just voted for the guy that all their friends were voting for.
11-06-2008, 03:54 PM
Meh, I didn't vote because I'm enough of a realist to realize MY individual vote isn't enough to count. I'm not discouraging other people from voting. I'm not changing my daily routine regardless of who won the election. I don't care, and even if I did, there isn't shit I can do about it. OOO voting, how did that work out for you? So you have the right to complain because you voted? Let me know how that complaining goes. Do you feel more American? I didn't realize I had to stand in line and fill in bubbles to validate my opinion.
11-06-2008, 06:59 PM
If you voted for Obama because he was Black and you thought it would be a "step in breaking the racial barrier" you are a complete moron. I think the guy is straight retarded, and all I hear is blacks hurraying because the president is black... What the fuck does that mean? It doesnt mean shit. Here we go on a rampage of socialism and by the way dont discount the fact that everyone who thought they legally owned a gun of any kind probably wont anymore. Next thing you know wal-mart will be supplying the Marine Corp with hte latest sling shot technology. I gauruntee that over half the people who voted for obama, had they taken the time to really compare their own beliefs with his would have thought and probably acted MUCH differently. Hes defenitely NOT the guy most people think he is.
11-06-2008, 07:34 PM
If Obama tries to take all of our guns, dont you think there is a crazy southern guy who will get pissed of and "take care of the problem" using his 2ed amendment? thats what im banking on....
11-06-2008, 08:13 PM
How do you expect a ni99er to run the country when 8 of them can't even run a McDonalds
11-06-2008, 10:43 PM
I cannot believe how EVERY single forum i look at, not matter what it is for has atleast a hand full of "racialy charged' threads... It is nice seeing a TON of people that share my views...
[quote:24jz82z9]Hitler was a genius he got an entire country to follow him blindly and without question, unfortunately he was a genius for his ability to lead people... there was another side of him that was just a little bit off his rocker
HMMM, remove Hitler insert Ob....[/quote:24jz82z9]
11-06-2008, 10:54 PM
Hitler? Honestly?
I heard forced abortions and he's making everyone convert to Muslim.
Get real. Your life is not going to change, and if it does......there's plenty of other countries to choose from.
11-07-2008, 08:22 AM
What you guys don't understand is that the President is just a face or speaker if you will for the government. They make the decisions, tell him what to do, and he tells the people about it if they want them to know. Yea he can Veto bills, but he can't do anything if the senate doesn't want him to. That's why you really can't blame Bush for all the stupid shit that was done. It was the guys behind the scenes that screwed everything up, Bush was just the face to take the blame.
The whole "black president" thing is just severly overrated. The guy is half black for one, and he isn't a "ni88er". There is a difference between a black person and a ni88er. I for one think there is a VERY high chance of Obama getting assassinated or atleast several attempts because there is a lot of racist retards in the country that only see black and white.
11-07-2008, 08:39 AM
What you guys don't understand is that the President is just a face or speaker if you will for the government. They make the decisions, tell him what to do, and he tells the people about it if they want them to know. Yea he can Veto bills, but he can't do anything if the senate doesn't want him to. That's why you really can't blame Bush for all the stupid shit that was done. It was the guys behind the scenes that screwed everything up, Bush was just the face to take the blame.
The whole "black president" thing is just severly overrated. The guy is half black for one, and he isn't a "ni88er". There is a difference between a black person and a ni88er. I for one think there is a VERY high chance of Obama getting assassinated or atleast several attempts because there is a lot of racist retards in the country that only see black and white.
I am with you 100% on th black/ni99er thing, i have always said i have nothing against black people, its the ni99ers i don't like. The above comment ws simply to get a reaction as i was bored...
11-07-2008, 11:43 AM
Case in point for Obama getting elected because he is BLACK... plain and simple, THAT is why he is president... If he was white, he would not be president... ... 100108.mp3 (
Yes, it is only 3 people but you know thhat 98% of black people that voted fo rhim only voted for him because he is black... I wish I would have done somethign similar around here, not that i woudl really have to. Most of the black peopel i talked to about it straight out admited they where only voting fo rhim because he was back. Some of the people where 30+ years old and had never evn registered to vote before this election but because of Obamas skin color.....
11-07-2008, 12:56 PM
Hitler? Honestly?
I heard forced abortions and he's making everyone convert to Muslim.
Get real. Your life is not going to change, and if it does......there's plenty of other countries to choose from.
I've been looking for a good excuse to move to Canada anyway.
11-07-2008, 02:05 PM
The only thing that really bothers me. Is that if i go around and say I don't support Obama or Don't care for his idea, People then call you a Racist. I think he has some good, idea, but I hate his gun control laws. And its true if he trys to pass gun control laws someone will shoot him. It will also disappoint me thats are economy is in shambles, and hes worrying about gun control, let important thing right now. In all honesty im sure we were voting for Vice Presidents. McCain was old and proablly would have had a heart attack, and there is a high chance Obama could get assinated. But I don't think Joe Biden has been in the media to know what he is truely about.
11-07-2008, 03:15 PM
Hes a fuckin Socialist, I mean for the love of god McCain was at least Pro life, anti stem cell research, and supported the American RIGHT to bear arms.. My question to obama is how can be against American rights and be a president? McCain has morals, hes a true American. I mean shit they dont even know 100% if Obama was even born here. The guy has two birth certificates from what I have read, one from Hawaii and another from Kenya. His Grandmother told the media months ago that she was there when he was born in Kenya... WTF AMERICA? Mysteriously shes now dead...
The outcome would have been gaurunteed different had we had some more educated voters. I feel there should be standards for voting so we dont get shit like this where the outcome was totally thrown off by a bunch of morons who heard a brother had a shot at being elected so they decided to register and vote. If you are on welfare and sucking tax dollars from every one of us educated hard working Americans, In my opinion you have no right to vote. Sorry to say, no offense to my black friends, but that right there alone could have changed the whole election.
I cant count how many times since Nov 4th I have heard from a black guy "haha how you feel knowing a nigga is in office!" For the love of god can you sound any more retarded? I mean I know I come on here and say some stupid shit sometimes and defenitely get a rise out of people but when it all comes down to it I think we are all getting fucked on this deal. If I get another text message about white people reporting to the cotton fields for payback Im going to flip the fuck out. Seriously freeing them was good enough, they should have been glad they were here and not stuck in a grass hut in africa. Slavery was wrong, but I dont feel like I owe anyone of them a single thing they all have equal oppertunity now so its time to stop bitching.
11-07-2008, 03:27 PM
What you guys don't understand is that the President is just a face or speaker if you will for the government. They make the decisions, tell him what to do, and he tells the people about it if they want them to know. Yea he can Veto bills, but he can't do anything if the senate doesn't want him to. That's why you really can't blame Bush for all the stupid shit that was done. It was the guys behind the scenes that screwed everything up, Bush was just the face to take the blame.
The whole "black president" thing is just severly overrated. The guy is half black for one, and he isn't a "ni88er". There is a difference between a black person and a ni88er. I for one think there is a VERY high chance of Obama getting assassinated or atleast several attempts because there is a lot of racist retards in the country that only see black and white.
Why wouldn't you ever admit that when I was trying to make that point for the last 8 years!? lol
It's true, In my humble opinion, Congress has more power than the president does. They are the ones that actually create the laws. All the president can do is prevent them from ever happening by vetoing them. There is more to it, but that is essentially the bread and butter of the presidency. They can suggest a veto-proof law (exe: If you create this law, I WILL sign it) and usually congress will happily oblige.
I agree with you that the entire concept of this being our first black president is so overrated. I think the fact that so many people registered to vote just so they could vote for a black presidential candidate tells you that racism is alive and well in this country. If they find out that 80% of blacks voted for Obama, I can't imagine how that's not racism all by itself. If you ask me, it's not a step forward for racism but a step backward.
11-07-2008, 03:28 PM
Zach, what you just said in that last paragraph, AMEN.
11-07-2008, 03:49 PM
How do you expect a ni99er to run the country when 8 of them can't even run a McDonalds
Thats the truth, I mean hell it takes two of them to run the drive thru, after I ask repeatedly what the guy said he has to go get another guy to repeat it to me in a way in which I can understand... I dont speak ebonics.
11-07-2008, 04:19 PM
i didnt vote because i dont feel i should contribute if i didnt take the time to look into each person's policy and make an educated judgement on who i think would fit the position best...and i think thats how the millions of uneducated voters should feel as well...i didnt let campaign aids, supporters, tv, etc make my decision..i just didnt feel either canidate was someone i was crazy about so therefore didnt take the time to pick one...
That's how I feel about it. I had an Obama "supporter" get all angry at me the other day because we were talking politics and I asked her to name me just one of Obama's policies or plans. She paused about 5 seconds and then stormed off. That is my only problem with this election. I believe the 18-24 crowd is what made the difference... and I'm not entirely confident that the majority of them knew what they were voting for. All I see is people screaming Obama's name and changing their middle name on Facebook to "Hussein" but I see very little of people now telling me exactly WHAT they are excited about. WHAT things Obama plans to do that makes them so happy right now. I could give them some ideas... because Obama has several decent ideas, but it's a shame that so many people chose not to bother informing themselves so they could make a decision based on what they truly believed was right based on the policies and plans and just voted for the guy that all their friends were voting for.
i just thought you'd enjoy this one Zac:
11-07-2008, 04:23 PM
If they find out that 80% of blacks voted for Obama, I can't imagine how that's not racism all by itself.
Because it was Black people doing it against white people... didn't you learn anythign from the "Jena Six" it's only racism if whites do somethign to other races.
11-07-2008, 04:35 PM
OMG dustin that is the most hilarious thing I've ever heard.
11-07-2008, 05:10 PM
I thought it was funny too ABOUT A PAGE AGO WHEN I POSTED IT....
11-07-2008, 06:16 PM
Did you really, Keith? Had I noticed it before the election I would have posted that link all over the place. LOL. I feel the exact way Howard Stern feels. Half the people voting doesnt or didn't know what the hell they were voting for.
11-07-2008, 06:38 PM
Well it doesnt really fuckin matter if the president has direct power, look at what congress allowed Bush to do to this country. Ill see everyone in hell, hopefully they have cool cars there because thats where this countrys heading.
11-07-2008, 08:17 PM
waaa bush made me fail my math midterm
11-08-2008, 12:26 AM
You have to be pretty worthless to be anti-stem cell research. McCain of all people should support it, he's got one foot in the grave.
It's a dead baby for fucks sake. You can play with it for a little while if you want, but when you're done can something useful be done with it? They aren't in the streets baby-napping and harvesting babies for this shit.
11-08-2008, 12:55 AM
If they find out that 80% of blacks voted for Obama, I can't imagine how that's not racism all by itself. If you ask me, it's not a step forward for racism but a step backward.
its even worse
95% of black americans voted for obama. interesting eh?
11-08-2008, 02:16 AM
If they find out that 80% of blacks voted for Obama, I can't imagine how that's not racism all by itself. If you ask me, it's not a step forward for racism but a step backward.
its even worse
95% of black americans voted for obama. interesting eh?
thats not racist, thats almost like being Patriotic, except with race. wait a minute...
11-08-2008, 11:28 AM
^ wow, thats horrible. Next a Latino will run and all latinos etc will blindly throw votes at him too.
11-08-2008, 11:44 AM
its also sad a lot of the younger generation voted for reasons other than policies, experience, etc.
all in all there were a lot of ballots cast for the wrong reasons.
i havent double checked the math but there are some claiming that if the black vote was even remotely split it would have been a very different result.
11-08-2008, 11:56 AM
I have said it form the beginning but was honestly hoping i would be wrong... From the second i heard a "black man" was running i knew he would win. Hell for ATLEAST a few good month i had no ide what is name even was, nor did a lot of people that where talking about him. It was always "the black man runnning for president".
I don't know enough about either candidate to make cast a valid vote IMO so i did not vote. However it does piss me off because there is no denying that he won simply because he is black! Bottom line! he may have won if he was white but it would not hav been anywhere near the 2/1 results we got.
I WANT TO MAKE THIS CLEAR: I have nothing against the president being "non white" no matter what race he is, I don't care. HOWEVER when the ONLY reason he is president is based on his race, that pisses me off. Out of that 95% how much do you want to bet that this was the first time registering and voting for atleast a good 80% of them. Now to be honest if a black man and a white man had the EXACT same views adn everything, yes i personal would want the white man in office simply so we wouldn't have all the black fuckers running around telling me to pick their cotton and shit. I have already got into a fist fight over some ignorant black man telling me i need ot "be careful" because a black man runs the country now. Funny thing is that person didn't even know Bush is still president for a couple more months (jan. 20th i think) but he did vote... For Obama of course...
11-09-2008, 12:10 PM
Man you guys act like it's not fair. If a community of previous non-voters wants to vote, let them. If allll the white people want to get together and vote for McCain so be it, would you be complaining then? What happened is simply part of our electoral system, and that's all it boils down to. Most of my family is white, and I mean WHITE, as white as you can get, but you know what, they still voted for Obama, and I guarantee you it was not because he was black. In a country where EVERY vote matters, that fact alone shoots a hole in your "he only won because he's black" argument.
11-09-2008, 12:27 PM
Not so much an arguement as a fact...
When both candidates are white, blacks don't give a fuck who runs the country. All of a sudden a black man is running and they want ot get "involved"... out of the 95% I GUARANTEE you atleast 60% of them voted for him because he is black and ONLY because he is black. That sound clip me and dustin posted, whiel only a few people ar actualy on it, they share teh same minds as a HUGE portion of african americans.
Ask 10 black people anything about Obama and i bet 8-9 of them couldn't tell you a fuckin thign except "he is black". They don't know his stand on guns, abortion, stem cell research, the "conflict" in Iraq etc... Ignorance is bliss....
11-09-2008, 08:33 PM
Hes a fuckin Socialist,
11-09-2008, 09:42 PM
Ok, now how about the MILLIONS of white people who don't know anything, and STILL don't, but have been voting for YEARS? Care to explain?
11-09-2008, 10:08 PM
Ok, now how about the MILLIONS of white people who don't know anything, and STILL don't, but have been voting for YEARS? Care to explain?
i dont think anyone said it was wrong that they all voted for Obama, just that its kindof racist, but no one will admit to it.
really though, if you're looking for an advocate of the general common sense of the rest of the world, you're talking to the wrong guy...
11-09-2008, 10:15 PM
Yeah, but what percent of white people voted for McCain? What percent of white people voted for a white person in every other election ;)
11-09-2008, 11:56 PM
Yeah, but what percent of white people voted for McCain? What percent of white people voted for a white person in every other election ;)
only 55% of white people voted for mccain.
11-10-2008, 01:55 AM
^----- Correct. And 95% of black people in Los Angeles voted for Obama according to exit polls. I couldn't find a general statistic for all of the states put together, but I can't imagine why that would be much different in any other state.
Doesn't really matter to me. I guess if there were only black presidential candidates forever and finally I could vote for a white one, I can't honestly say I wouldn't do it either. Regardless, it is a good point. Obama had the minority vote hands down whether they actually agreed with his policies/plans or not.
11-10-2008, 08:09 AM
Which goes goes to show that "minorities" aren't that much of a "minority" anymore. Since obama won 2/1, and 95% of "minorities" voted for him.
11-10-2008, 11:54 AM
Which goes goes to show that "minorities" aren't that much of a "minority" anymore. Since obama won 2/1, and 95% of "minorities" voted for him.
2-1 according to electoral votes, popular vote is much closer.
cnn has whites as 73% of the voting population
11-10-2008, 12:35 PM
Dustin is right... I was not saying that it was "wrong" just that is was racist. However since it was black people voting for a blak no one will say anything. So say "joe white guy" was running for president along side a few blacks and 95% of white people voted for him, there would be a million man march... and america would be "racist"
as said, only 55% of white people voted for McCain, wuite obviously not a country full of "white racists". In all honesty i have seen much more black racist than whites lately, but that is just around here... You have NO IDEA how much shit i get form blacks because i drive a nice cadillac with a killer stereo and tinted windows. Liek when the fuck did Cadillac becoma a black mans car. Yeah, they own a TON of the old 80's shit wagons that cost $500~ but you don't see many ridin' in NICE caddys
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