View Full Version : Why Obama won't fix our economy.
11-03-2008, 06:13 PM
This is my reply to an email distributed by my girlfriends mailing list comprised mostly of obama supporters. I've done alot of trying to inform so far this election, and I'm a bit burned out. This is probably the simplest, yet possibly the most real and scary piece of information I've passed on to people this whole election. It hits home locally and applies equally to the business sectors all around our country. You raise the bottom line of a small business and it severely hampers its ability to grow. And with all the numbers being thrown around this campaign in regards to how much money means small business, middle class, or rich things get confusing. The fact of the matter is most of the small businesses providing jobs have gross profit numbers that make them look insanely profitable, when the fact is they often make only enough net profit to provide for steady growth without fear of slipping under the red line when something unforseen happens. Anyway here is the story...and this is local mind you not a chain email:
You know...I had a huge long reply typed up, but I figured it was too late in the election to bother trying to sway anyone. Furthermore nobody likes reading a wall of text.
So I'll try to make it short and sweet being that I can't pass up the opportunity to get a word in from the right wing in what seems so far to be a liberal email club :) I work for a small business employing nearly 30 people, 2/3 of which are engineers with degrees, and the remaining are techs, and a secretary working hourly wages. Due to the extreme liberal aspects of the proposed Obama economy the company has just decided to scrap a huge addition to our building that was meant to house an addition of 2+ hourly wage techs, and another salaried engineer and room for future job expansion. With the prospect of the cost of doing business increasing by massive numbers it became obvious we couldn't afford to take the chance of investing in something which could offset otherwise good profits for the better part of the next decade. This is a perfect example of why Obama's "build the economy from the bottom up" will not work. Its simply not feasable to expect the economy to grow when you increase taxes on the driving force of the economy in order to provide for the people who otherwise would have benefitted from an increase in business profits. It may seem insignificant that the fear alone of a 60 vote democrat senate with an extreme liberal executive branch has already scrapped plans for the growth of a local business, and killed 3 strong jobs that would not only provide our state with more income, but also bring out of state, and even out of country money into Iowa. However if it is happening here in the small chunk of America we are personally familiar with how hard is it hitting the country as a whole? Furthermore what will happen after tuesday if the agenda our job providers fear comes to full fruition? Look at Rhode Island if you need an example, the most expensive state to run a business in also happens to be the state carrying an unemployment rate 25% over the national average.
Anyway as a gesture of faith from the other side of the aisle good luck dodging lines tomorrow, and I hope your chads don't hang.
11-03-2008, 07:14 PM
Well said! I don't think enough people are looking at the big picture. There is so much evidence out there that big government does not work as well as limited government, and Rode Island is just one example. And before someone starts talking about how much government has grown under Bush, you need to realize that Bush is not much a fiscal conservative, and is not liked much by a lot of conservatives just for that reason. Which explains his current approval ratings. I also think McCain, like Bush, is a Liberal Republican, and is not the ideal answer for this country. But never the less, we need to vote for someone. And I can say with 100% confidence that government will be larger under Obama, than it will with McCain.
11-04-2008, 03:42 PM
[Edited for immense douchebagnessesses]
- Layne
11-04-2008, 03:51 PM
No, you are fucking ignorant...if you read the shit in obamas tax plan on his own fucking website, and also understood anything about business classes you would realize I am right. But you're too caught up in your emotional obama support to fucking realize it.
here is the followup email I sent out when someone else said I was wrong:
Obama has not only put in writing, but also many times said he plans to raise federal taxes for businesses from 35% up to 39.5% and increase FICA another 2.5% on both the employee side, and the employer side with the employee getting a $500 rebate to compensate for his 2.5% increase. Thats a solid 7% increase
Now what I'm sure you don't know because youre too fucking stupid and full of yourself to bother to learn is that most small businesses run in a corporate class where ALL profits are counted as income for the owners regardless of wether it goes into their pockets or not, so that tax rate obama listed as being a personal "rich person" tax bracket will basically take EVERY SINGLE SMALL BUSINESS and rape its owner on taxes. Even if the income of the owner is small when his business profits are counted he will be in that bracket. Our company could theoretically make 1 million dollars profit, and even if we spent 800,000 of it putting an addition on the building the owners eat an income of what they really made plus 800,000 of what they didn't. Now thats fairly simplified but if you had half a fucking brain you should be able to add up what that will do to the people providing alot of our jobs.
11-04-2008, 03:54 PM
Oh and for future reference if you ever want to tell me I'm wrong you better be prepared to prove it with more than calling me names or I WILL make you look like the fucking idiot you really are.
Oh, also I probably own more books on economics than you've ever read.
11-04-2008, 04:09 PM
11-04-2008, 04:23 PM
I am Joe the Plumber.
Voting is so trendy now....Electoral College, people! Popular vote isn't the final say. But thank god, there are a lot of idiots registered to vote!
Anyone voting should have to take a test on the issues at hand at the polls....if you get 50% on the test then your vote counts for a half of a vote, so on and so forth.
Both candidates have their share of empty promises...these are politicians, it's what gets them elected!
And those politicians are the puppets of the corporations that run America.
RIP Democracy.
Sarah Palin next in line when that old dirtbag McCain kicks the bucket....Scary...But how could she be more dense than Dubya?
11-04-2008, 04:49 PM
yes i'm sure a 16 year old has a good grasp on economic policies and how the real world works.
[insert large eye roll HERE]
11-04-2008, 04:57 PM
Lol, I would back it up, but I just don't want to start anything. I'm sorry I called you ignorant, I was just holding my gut and trying to type at the same time. Who's economy books do you have, George Bush's? I don't even think you understand Obama's Economic policy, but whatever you say good sir'.
you drive a firebird
11-04-2008, 05:30 PM
Lol, I would back it up, but I just don't want to start anything. I'm sorry I called you ignorant, I was just holding my gut and trying to type at the same time. Who's economy books do you have, George Bush's? I don't even think you understand Obama's Economic policy, but whatever you say good sir'.
hahahaha, you have no idea what you're getting yourself into...
11-04-2008, 06:07 PM
Lol, I would back it up, but I just don't want to start anything. I'm sorry I called you ignorant, I was just holding my gut and trying to type at the same time. Who's economy books do you have, George Bush's? I don't even think you understand Obama's Economic policy, but whatever you say good sir'. don't understand and you won't even listen when you are wrong thats a terrible place to be.
Obamas OWN tax plan PDF lists what he intends to do with the tax brackets, and I just told you exactly how it will affect the majority of small businesses in this country. If you refuse to believe it then thats your own problem. It just makes me sick when peoples emotions about Obama overcome logic and reasoning when you give them indisputable evidence they know will hurt the country.
11-04-2008, 06:15 PM
Layne, I don't think you quite understand who you're speaking to. There are several people on these forums, many of which have posted in this topic, who are college educated in economics (this includes myself).
Please be respectful if you're going to post about politics. I understand you're young and excited about politics, but you need to understand that Republicans and Democrats CAN speak about politics without being disrespectful to one-another. Once one person starts being disrespectful, then everyone becomes disrespectful.
Let's keep our conversations respectful and civil. We're not going to make the same mistakes from previous years.
11-04-2008, 06:32 PM
Layne I asked JJ to post this up so I could read his side of the story so please don't flame. I have not followed the elections as closely as I should but I currently am supporting obama. JJ jumped in another thread so I asked him if he would post his side in his own thread so I could read it. Thank you, I just want this thread to be informative. If you have something to add, just state it. Don't debate it.
11-04-2008, 07:35 PM
Fair enough. I apologize. I've been through a lot of flaming lately, and it's all welling up. Still no excuse, but like I said I'm sorry. Though to be fair, I don't see where my age, and/or car I drive[?], come into this, soooo...=/
11-04-2008, 07:45 PM
You're all right Layne.
Your age is a factor. Lots of us were 16 not too long ago, and I know I didn't know nearly as much back then as I know today. That's not to say that your opinion is not valid, because it is, but all I'm saying is that once you're done with college (especially the several required micro and macro economics courses), you'll feel very differently about a lot of things.
I've jumped on both sides of the fence many times. In my opinion, the BEST political minds are the ones that are willing to accept portions of ideas from the other side of the fence. That's one thing to keep in mind. Some of the dumbest political minds are the ones that are extreme one way or the other.
I will vote for the first candidate, Democrat or Republican, who defines themselves as directly in the middle of the political spectrum (and of course creates policies to justify that stance).
11-04-2008, 07:48 PM
11-04-2008, 08:36 PM
i fully agree with all that has been said, mostly the fact that a test should be distributed to people wanting to vote, idiot, uninformed voters are being thrown into play because everyone is pushing everyone else to vote for no damn reason...people should have educated and reasonable opinions formed and should know what they are voting for before they just vote, too many people are being pursuaded by outside forces other than politics and i see it EVERY DAY...the university is CRAWLING with political jackasses, and all they want you to do is vote...
oh and you guys dont like firebirds? i'll line up to ya dustin ;)
11-04-2008, 09:16 PM
Firebird love! XD
Very nice one you got there btw XD
11-04-2008, 09:42 PM
race card ftw
but seriously...
"People who harbor strong convictions without evidence belong at the margins of our societies, not in our halls of power." - Sam Harris
sub. "without evidence" to "on behalf of god" (or whatever religion you prefer)
Dr. Ron Paul was my dude, too bad he isn't running...meh, electoral college doesn't pay much mind to Independent/Libertarian ticket anyways
11-04-2008, 10:06 PM
P.S: It's official ;3
11-04-2008, 10:36 PM ... re=related (
/comedy/the chronic is timeless
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