View Full Version : WTB ASAP: Dog kennel (indoor)
10-26-2008, 11:09 AM
Looking for an indoor dog kennel, prefer the metal "bar" ones. has to be a large or XL as it is for my pitbull. Those really hard plastic ones would workt too... He ate his way out of the soft-krate and ate about 1.5lbs of my Whey protein today so....
let me knwo what you have ASAP. I don't want to post my new number because "Rapid Performance" affiliates blew my old number up liek crazy ever since I posted about them so... Feel free to PM me you number alogn with price adn size of kennel.
10-26-2008, 11:43 AM
you might want to post this on DS, i cant remember if someone replied to my WTB thread looking for one a few months back...
10-26-2008, 11:56 AM
1.5 pounds of whey protein? Damn the dog is going to be RIPPED XD
10-26-2008, 12:21 PM
1.5 pounds of whey protein? Damn the dog is going to be RIPPED XD
Thanks to the Orijen (organic dog food, 70% meat, 305 fruit and vegetables, 42% minimum protein) along with some eggs, steak and a lot of excercise. Training him for weight pulling and to just be a big scary fuckin dog so I don't have to worry about the 'Ol Lady and Landon when i am gone. He is a giant ass teddy bear to all of us though, as long as we are around he is nice to everyone. If we aren't home and you show up and he doesn't know you on teh other hand.... But he is very well trained...
10-26-2008, 12:23 PM
Thanks to the Orijen (organic dog food, 70% meat, 305 fruit and vegetables, 42% minimum protein) and a lot of excercise. Training him for weight pulling and to just be a big scary fuckin dog so I don't have to worry about the 'Ol Lady and Landon when i am gone. He is a giant ass teddy bear to all of us though, as long as we are around he is nice to everyone. If we aren't home and you show up and he doesn't know you on teh other hand.... But he is very well trained...
*Is skipping your house on Halloween* xP
10-26-2008, 12:32 PM
*Is skipping your house on Halloween* xP
youre going trick or treating?
stay away from this one for a few years!
10-26-2008, 12:36 PM
*Is skipping your house on Halloween* xP
youre going trick or treating?
stay away from this one for a few years!
No, not really.
and personally I think my girlfriend would be angry if any "single males" came after me... <_>
I don't swing that way
10-26-2008, 12:44 PM
OOPS... dude, I totaly thought you where a chick...
must have been the avatar/sig
Damn anime
10-26-2008, 12:48 PM
What a homo ;)
10-26-2008, 12:59 PM
OOPS... dude, I totaly thought you where a chick...
must have been the avatar/sig
Damn anime
10-27-2008, 04:35 PM
Going to pick one up from a D.S. member so feel free to delete this...
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