View Full Version : I'm an MP!!

09-27-2008, 12:59 PM
Well, decided it is time to do somethign with my life. I mean have have a decent paying job as a painter (painting signs... such as all the signs a Jumors casino, Diamond Jo casino, Biolifes new signs etc...) but I don't really want to be doing stuff like that my whole life. So i decided to join the Army reserves, took my practice test and scored a 68 using no scratch paper so they said i should score anywhere from 70-73 on the actual test, apparently 30 is a passing score and anything over 60 you can pretty much do anything you want to... So i chose Military Police, hoping that after a while i can pretty much just "walk on" to any police department i want to seeings as though the MP gets WAY mroe in depth trainging and everythign than a cadet or whatever in the police force.

As of now i am just in the reserves but i may end up going full-time and relocating eventualy, not 100% sur eon that yet. Only thing i have to do now is pass my physical and I am MP and get to go to Missouri for 3 months to do basic training! i am EXCITED! I tried to join right out of high school and actualy got a 66 or so back then ut due to my Ulcers and GIRD i was unabel to do so... anyways, wish me luck!

09-27-2008, 01:10 PM
hell yeah Keith, thats awesome. hope all goes well- keep us posted on it.

09-27-2008, 01:44 PM
Just an FYI from a former army guy. Be prepared to be deployed a lot. MP's are the new infantry. Not trying to scare ya away, just giving ya a heads up. Have fun and good luck. Ft. Leanordwood (sp?) is a fun place once you get through the BS.

09-27-2008, 01:49 PM
Way to go, I hear that story a lot "I want to do something with my live, thus joined army etc".
Its good, for all of us and you. hopefully it doesn't keep you away from your family to much though.

09-27-2008, 02:53 PM
Yeah, I am only worried about being away from my son for long periods of time. I can't stand the thought of being away form him for months/years but it would mean a better life for all of us when i get back so... I still have to ask them about overseas time since i am in the reserves and not active i don't think it shoudl be TOO bad. I am prepared to go and do what i have to do either way!

09-27-2008, 02:56 PM
My co-workers bf is an MP and he is being deployed to Iraq to guard one of the most dangerous prisons in one of the most dangerous locations in Iraq. Aside of that, its a kick ass thing to do no lie.

He gets to sleep in a cushy trailer everynight with big screen plasma tv, laptops, video game machines, music, you name it they get it. Its wicked sweet.

Gl man, no doubt

09-27-2008, 03:14 PM
^ they should get whatever they want...wheres the strippers?

09-27-2008, 05:59 PM
sweet congratulations! when do you leave for basic? i leave the day after thanksgiving for Master at Arms in the Navy. pretty much the same thing youre doing.

Good luck!

09-30-2008, 08:45 AM
That's awesome Keith!!!

You definitely should come to my unit in Ames. It's the 348th MP Co. Hint Hint. (Non-deployable for 2 years)

I go to MP school next March and Jailer school later in the year. These will be my second and third MOS. I hit 5 years in the the Army Reserve this February.

10-02-2008, 07:00 PM
Well, it is OFFICIAL! I was sworn in about 5 hours ago!

339th MP Co.

I get shipped to basic (Ft. Leornad Wood) on Jan 8th, basic actualy starts on the 16th. and is 19 weeks IIRC. Had to wait because i told them it was MP or nothing so... I am completely OK with that though because i get some more time to get in a little better shape. Have to be able to do a 2 mile run in 13 minutes (to max out PT) and right now i am at about 15~ so i gotta cut some time there. push-up and sit-ups i can already max so i don't have to worry about that. Got a 70 on my Asvab which is up a few points form my practice, only took me about 45 minutes and i didn't use scratch peper so i could have done better but I only needed like 45 to get my job so I didn't sit there any longer than i had to.

10-03-2008, 08:24 AM

10-03-2008, 03:39 PM
I mean have have a decent paying job as a painter (painting signs... such as all the signs a Jumors casino, Diamond Jo casino, Biolifes new signs etc...) but I don't really want to be doing stuff like that my whole life.
Where do you work now?

10-03-2008, 03:47 PM
Sign Productions out in Marion....

10-03-2008, 03:55 PM
Congrats man, good luck and have fun. You will enjoy leanord wood. Might not be the best going through during winter though.

Also just a heads up incase they didnt already tell you. The first week is reception which is just paperwork, getting all your gear, PT test and standing around, literally. Once you get down range (what they call starting basic) the fun will start.

10-03-2008, 06:23 PM
im curious; what all was on the test? just basic skills and comprehention and whatnot or what?

10-03-2008, 06:45 PM
ASVAB is a general knowledge test with math, language, mechanical and a couple more. It basically has at least one question from every job category.

10-04-2008, 02:13 AM
its like a version of the Iowa Test of Basic Skills. I got a 99/100 when i took it in 97. its that fast and simple multiple choice.

The intel tests you take after scoring above 95... are REALLY hard. They make you take those in boot camp if you score high enough.

But good luck man and Semper Fi...
MP's are busy guys out in Iraq and Afgan... they are the front and rear of every convoy and have to take care of all the detainees. You'll get little sleep and be overworked... but its very rewarding.

10-04-2008, 08:49 AM
Well, my unit was sent to Iraq a couple days ago. From what i am hearing (from people who may or may not have any idea what they are talking about) say that after they return home the unit will not be sent again for atleast 24 months. If that is the case than i will probably not end up going overseas unless they send me right out of basic to meet up with them or something... not sure how that works. they where shipped out yesterday morning i believe

10-04-2008, 08:59 AM
The ASVAB consists of:

General Science-25 questions of life, earth, and physical sciences.
Arithmetic Reasoning-30 questions involving basic math.
Word Knowledge-35 questions on vocabulary and synonyms.
Paragraph Comprehension-15 questions testing your reading and comprehension skills. Mathematics Knowledge-25 questions on math concepts and how to use them.
Electronics Information-20 questions on basic electronic principles.
Auto and Shop Information-25 questions about cars, both maintaining and repairing them, and working with wood and metal.
Mechanical Comprehension-25 questions on the properties of different materials, and mechanical principles.

It is scored as a percentile (sp?) so 99 is the highest possible score you can get, last i knew teh average was around 48~ and the lowest possible score you can get and still "pass" is like 31. I personaly got a 70 btu used no scratch paper and was finished in under an hour. I only needed 4X to get the job i wanted so i didn't stress over it too much. I got atleast 10 points more than needed on every section, maxing out the Auto and Shop information and Mechanical Comprehension.

10-04-2008, 10:10 AM
Sign Productions out in Marion....
how do you like taking orders from Adam?
Tell Adam I said whats up.

10-04-2008, 10:43 AM
huh they've chanced the asvab to have more questions. about time.

when i took it it was just 100 questions about all of those items and it was at random. the score was simply out of 100 and the average was still in the high 60s.
SO i would have a quick math problem to do, then a set of gears would pop up in front of me with a question, then an English question, etc. etc.

If you parent unit was just deployed... you are correct, they will not be deployed for 24 months upon return. KINDA... Depending on the size of your unit it might be split up into 2 or even 3 rotations as my unit was. When you are a reserve you might get broken up into large groups because when you are deployed you are attached to an Active duty unit to increase their numbers and ability.

So Group1 might have just been deployed, but Group2 is slated for 9 months from now and Group3 slated for 18months from now with 12 month rotations. It really depends on your units and how badly your MOS is needed ... and MPs are HIGHLY needed.

10-04-2008, 10:48 AM
Sign Productions out in Marion....
how do you like taking orders from Adam?
Tell Adam I said whats up.

Adams a pretty cool kid... not used to "taking orders" from someone younger than me but he isn't a dick about it or anythign so its pretty good. Probably won't be there too much longer but I do somewhat enjoy it there. I'll tell him you said Hi.

10-13-2008, 12:49 PM
Hello, Im new here... but anyone, I am currently serving in the US Army. I am in Germany, just got here. Basic Training will be extremely stressful and rigorous. BE PREPARED when you go. It will be the toughest thing you have ever had to do. I am a Tank mechanic, be sure not to tell your Drill Sergeants your MOS when you get there, they will tear you apart and tell you, you havent earned it and probably wont. Not trying to scare you, just be prepared to get yelled at. THANK YOU FOR SERVING, more people need too. You will see things differently when you get out of basic, and be a changed person... for the better!

10-13-2008, 01:01 PM
I am preparing myself further for the experience. I have a son so I can deal with screaming and yelling constantly. Plus i was a complete asshole in H.S. and got my ass reamed DAILY, yelling has never bothered me one bit. Not to mention I used to hang out with a bunch of "bad" people so i got my ass handed to me by the police a few dozen times before i pulled my head out of my ass...

the ONLY thing at all that concerns me is waking up at 4:30 and getting straight into P.T. not to mention the embarassment of knocking someone out with the morning wood ;)

10-14-2008, 12:36 PM
the ONLY thing at all that concerns me is waking up at 4:30 and getting straight into P.T. not to mention the embarassment of knocking someone out with the morning wood ;)

Don't worry... You probably won't have the wood.

I rocked a 99 on my ASVAB. It's nice to wanted by all the branches.

10-15-2008, 09:01 AM
Damn... thats pretty sweet.

I think if i would do it again and take more time and may be use soem scratch paper this time i could probably get upwards of 80~ but that would be it! The science stuff is what really held me down. I was too focused on the hot Biology teacher more than what she was teaching...

As for the wood, I was told that would be the only muscle that wouldn't be stiff every morning. I have done a practice Physical test a couple times (just at home) and I have to admit i was pretty fuckin' beat. 2 minutes of situps (only HAVE to do like 43) 2 minutes of push-ups (HAVE to do like 31) and a 2 mile run (HAVE to do it in 17:30 or faster) I think it is a little bit loewr than those numbers that you actualy HAVE to do in order to pass but I am not sure... either way i am clear on everything but the 2-mile... first mile took me about 7:25~ but the last 1/2 mile or so of the second mile killed me and i got it done in like 11:03 so i just have to shave a minute or so which i don't think should be too hard to do... espescialy since i have like 3 months before i even leave to Basic so...

10-15-2008, 05:52 PM
i actually kindof miss the army recruitors calling my house and trying to get me to join. it was fun shooting them down, and seeing them come right back with something else, twice as assertive as before. one of them called my house at 8:30am on a saturday, and the convo went something like this:

him - "hey! is this Dustin?"
me - "...mmm, yeah..."
him - "hey man! my name's Brian. i'm with the Army Recruitors office. so you're graduating soon, do you have any plans after school?"
me - "yeah, it looks like i'm probably gonna go to UTI in Chicago"
him - "THAT'S AWESOME! how would you like to earn money for tuition from the Army?"
me - "nah, that's ok. i have money set aside for school already; so i don't really need that"
him - "that's cool, that's cool. well how about this- you could have the army pay for your schooling there, and then later on, you could use your college money you have saved to start your own shop!"
me - "nah, i dont think i'd want to deal with all of that responsibility; id rather just work for somebody i think"(in hindsight, he was probably going nuts with this response- i had just told him i would rather take orders than be in charge)
him - "....i'll tell you what; would it be alright if i called you back another time? i'll let you think about this about, and we'll chat about it more later, sound cool? great talkin to you man!"

i never did hear back from him- i dont know what happened with that, but it was fun coming up with reasons i couldnt join the army.

10-15-2008, 06:13 PM
I'm really planning on joining the Air Force Reserves real soon. I'm trying to time it right so I would go to basic at the start of the year so I don't have to deal with the snow up here.

10-15-2008, 06:41 PM
You don't really have to "time it" at all. If you want to wait then just tell them when you want to go to basic and they will make it happen. However if you want a certain job you should get on it just in case you have a situation like mine. For my M.P. job i HAVE to wait until Jan. to go to basic even though i would rather go now adn get it over with and all. If you wait until jan. or something to start talking to them you may not enf up actualy going to Basic until may/june depending on teh job and all. Good Luck with all that though!

Out of the 25+ people that where down there with me that day, i am one of TWO people that actualy got in. Some of them failed the ASVAB, some failed the Physicals, some failed the Psych. evelaution etc... Only me and the guy i was room mates with actualy got in. Mainly because i helped him out a lot, more or less "coaching" him on the proper answers to certain questions in the Psych. evaluation and preparing him for teh attack and the way they like to word same questions differently to try and trip you up. Like if you have ever had a stomach ache (even be it from bad mexican food or something) next thing you know, you had heart burn then all of a sudden you may have ulcers or some other sort of issue. You cannot join the Army with pretty much any health issue however if you "develop the illness or whatever after joining", the army will take care of it... Out of five girls, only one made it out of the psych. evaluation, only to fail the physical. One girl literally ran out after the psych. because of some ex B.F. issues that came up and such... ANYWAYS...

10-16-2008, 04:44 PM
lawl... yeah MP eval is pretty involved. I mean its just as difficult as it is applying for the civilian police department. Except i think you DONT have to take a lie detector test. But other then that its about the same.

Good job man... its a great job and when you're done you can walk on to any police department you want making 70k a year.

10-18-2008, 10:49 AM
If you fail the ASVAB's they should ship you off anyway, you probably aren't helping much over here. Well, maybe digging ditches.

10-19-2008, 03:41 AM
^actually we make those people take jet fuel and burn shit... literally... they burn poop.