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09-26-2008, 01:31 AM

I wonder how McCain's gonna lie his way out of this one,OPPSSSSSSS it was his lying that caused it.

Way to go John McShame :neener: :neener:

09-26-2008, 01:36 AM
Here we go again.

09-26-2008, 01:45 AM
Agreed. Youtube also has video of Obama blubbering like an idiot because his teleprompter broke during a speech and he doesn't know how to form sentences any better than the current president. But in the end nobody really cares.

Do we really need a reminder of your hatred of Republicans on a monthly basis? What is it about arguing politics that is so entertaining? After the last several of them on these forums, it's pretty evident that it's a gigantic waste of time. You're posting these things on a forum where 95% of the members don't care about politics... and among the 5% that do; most of them aren't going to argue with you anymore.

Isn't there a forum where the subject matter is.... politics..... that you can post these things on?

09-26-2008, 02:29 AM
And I didn't want that to sound like me saying that you can't post political things on these forums because you certainly can. But you speak on a completely different wavelength from most of us. Most of us are car junkies (or in my case, more of a sports and finance junkie actually). When we argue about politics amongst ourselves, it leads to an interesting and sometimes heated discussion. As with all internet debates, the end result is a bunch of people who wasted a bunch of time typing to one-another. Nobody's minds are changed... the only difference in the end is that we like eachother a little bit less than we did before.

So really what is the point? What do either of these presidents have that should make any of us excited? We're all going to vote for the candidate that's going to represent our own personal beliefs, and nobody is going to erase 50 years or even 23 years of beliefs and start anew again.

I am excited to get this election in the books... regardless of how it turns out. If Obama is elected, then I'll be excited to see if all our hopes and dreams will come true as I am constantly told, and then of course I will be happy if McCain is elected also. Either way, we can stop worrying about it for another 2 years. I just have a big concern about electing a president who belongs to the same party who's congress has an 18% approval rate to the president's 32%.

09-26-2008, 09:51 AM
Bush's averages around the mid to upper 20%s for approval ;) Which isnt too terribly worse from 32%


As for congress, no comment....Dems have certainly sucked ass in recent times

Only problem I have with any of the candidates and their running mates comes to Palin ...come on...seriously? McCain might not be too terrible...but Palin is horrid....the best thing the Obama camp can hope for is that Palin gets to do more interviews and gets to keep talking. Shes Obama's best weapon hah. (Hate to repub bash....but she is all too easy of a target)

FYI...I am for neither ;) Ralph Nader FTMFW

09-26-2008, 11:49 AM
Sure Sean. My point was that the only person/people more hated in this country than President Bush is the democratic-controlled Congress.

It's kind of funny when you think about it, right? Two years ago, the country was given a democratic-majority congress in both the house and the senate. THESE guys are the ones that create the laws for the president to sign. I think people forget too often that the president has no role in the law creating process other than the fact that he can "suggest" laws, but they still have to be approved by Congress first. While it's nice that they preach about their "ideas" all the time, really all they can do about them is suggest their ideas to Congress and hope they vote for them.

That's really all I have to say about that. I get confused when trying to figure out how changing the guy who simply signs the bills into law is going to make a huge difference.

Palin.... no comment really. She's not who I would have chosen, especially with all the drama surrounding her life (daughter is a teenage mother, her husband getting inquiries back in Alaska, etc).

Sean you remember when we used to bitch politics all the time back in the day? Back and forth all day for a couple months back in 2004. I even remember going to school one day and getting bored and drawing devil horns on a picture of John Kerry and scanning it and posting it here. lol.... good times! That was back when debating politics was really fun on these forums. We'd bitch back and forth and sometimes it would get a little nasty, but when it came time for Buffalo Wild Wings we were all there laughing it off like nothing happened.

09-26-2008, 06:04 PM
Haha oh yea I remember the good ol politics talk, was a buncha fun. Ill still bs about it along with economics, but eh forum chatter gets old quickly haha. We used to have some good times though I remember, im down for some more throw downs.

Palin is a tragedy, thats all there is to it. Thats all that really needs to be said too.

Yea I agree about hating the dem non-productivity that seems to be happening, its rather lame considering that so much was expected and nothing was delivered. Who knows what will come from a dem controlled executive office, dem house and dem senate with the fillabuster proof vote count. Things MAY happen, change is truly what this country needs....you see our economy, you see how fast its collapsing. Of course...the only thing to blame for the economy crashing now is GREED from the financial industry, thats is why this is going on and now the american tax payer is getting strung out to pay for it all.

I want change, this country needs change...will we get it? Well....who knows, if we dont, you will find a lot of people becoming very anti-government because of it. We will see!

Im all up for debates on issues though, throw down someone :D

09-26-2008, 06:12 PM
You've got it Sean. I'll start a good issue debate in another thread in just a second. Looking forward to your (and everyone elses) input.

09-30-2008, 01:23 AM
Agreed. Youtube also has video of Obama blubbering like an idiot because his teleprompter broke during a speech and he doesn't know how to form sentences any better than the current president.

You MUST have McCain mixed-up with Obama Zac. Obama being a person with a law degrees and had to work hard to get those degrees, speeches and such needs no "teleprompter" for help.

Whereas McCain needs a script to read from every time he opens his mouth in front of the reporters/media, why is that.............. maybe his age/beginnings of dementia has a lot to do with it............

Do we really need a reminder of your hatred of Republicans on a monthly basis?

"Monthly basis" ???? Hmmmmmmmmmm, funny I haven't been posting "monthly" about politics as you claim,............ maybe a few times I have posted about politics BUT A MONTHLY BASIS nope that's an out and out lie! I may pop in now and than and post something but posting a LOT and on a MONTHLY BASIS ABOUT POLITICS , sorry dude but that's a lie.

It's kind of funny when you think about it, right? Two years ago, the country was given a democratic-majority congress in both the house and the senate. THESE guys are the ones that create the laws for the president to sign. I think people forget too often that the president has no role in the law creating process other than the fact that he can "suggest" laws, but they still have to be approved by Congress first. While it's nice that they preach about their "ideas" all the time, really all they can do about them is suggest their ideas to Congress and hope they vote for them.

As far as hating Republicans that's not true either. I hate Bush/Cheney and their Administration,........ why cuz they are the root to everything that's happened , they are the reason we're in all this mess that's happened over the last 8 years. You can try and blame the Democrats all you want but everyone knows that the Democratic-majority in both house and congress can not get pass Bush and his VETO pen / or get things passed when the Republican minority filibust anything the Democrats try to get put through. So...... go ahead and try to put the blame on the Democrats for the past two years they've held the majority in the house/congress BUT at the end of the day it was STILL the REPUBLICANS/BUSH/CHENEY AND THIER BUNCH that caused the mess we're in to begin with and if you actually think voters are going to forget who held control for 6 years and caused this mess,.............. well I've got a bridge I'll sell you. :)

As far as PALIN , she's a joke. Back in my day she would be known as a ditizy - dingbat, all show and no brains. McCain could have done better at picking a VP someone that knows what's what not some skirt with no brains.

Domestic Disturbance
09-30-2008, 01:44 AM
Here we go again.
you called it

09-30-2008, 10:06 AM
All I'm going to comment on is the teleprompter part, because the rest is a load of shit I'm not going to comment on. The teleprompter situation with Obama is actually very funny, however.


Yeah you're right, all his law degrees REALLY helped him out right there. I don't see a need for a teleprompter one bit.

EDIT: And as far as dementia, goes don't EVEN try and diagnose people. I worked for several years with people who have dementia, and it's not something to just throw around because someone is old. It's an extremely nasty thing, and McCain doesn't have even the slightest sign of dementia.

09-30-2008, 10:38 AM
I won't post my views or political positions either, but the teleprompter issue is a pretty embarassing moment if you ask me. I knew where he was going with that sentence before he did. lol

09-30-2008, 11:25 AM
[quote=ZacFields]Agreed. Youtube also has video of Obama blubbering like an idiot because his teleprompter broke during a speech and he doesn't know how to form sentences any better than the current president.

You MUST have McCain mixed-up with Obama Zac. Obama being a person with a law degrees and had to work hard to get those degrees, speeches and such needs no "teleprompter" for help.

Whereas McCain needs a script to read from every time he opens his mouth in front of the reporters/media, why is that.............. maybe his age/beginnings of dementia has a lot to do with it............

Do we really need a reminder of your hatred of Republicans on a monthly basis?

"Monthly basis" ???? Hmmmmmmmmmm, funny I haven't been posting "monthly" about politics as you claim,............ maybe a few times I have posted about politics BUT A MONTHLY BASIS nope that's an out and out lie! I may pop in now and than and post something but posting a LOT and on a MONTHLY BASIS ABOUT POLITICS , sorry dude but that's a lie.

It's kind of funny when you think about it, right? Two years ago, the country was given a democratic-majority congress in both the house and the senate. THESE guys are the ones that create the laws for the president to sign. I think people forget too often that the president has no role in the law creating process other than the fact that he can "suggest" laws, but they still have to be approved by Congress first. While it's nice that they preach about their "ideas" all the time, really all they can do about them is suggest their ideas to Congress and hope they vote for them.

As far as hating Republicans that's not true either. I hate Bush/Cheney and their Administration,........ why cuz they are the root to everything that's happened , they are the reason we're in all this mess that's happened over the last 8 years. You can try and blame the Democrats all you want but everyone knows that the Democratic-majority in both house and congress can not get pass Bush and his VETO pen / or get things passed when the Republican minority filibust anything the Democrats try to get put through. So...... go ahead and try to put the blame on the Democrats for the past two years they've held the majority in the house/congress BUT at the end of the day it was STILL the REPUBLICANS/BUSH/CHENEY AND THIER BUNCH that caused the mess we're in to begin with and if you actually think voters are going to forget who held control for 6 years and caused this mess,.............. well I've got a bridge I'll sell you. :)

As far as PALIN , she's a joke. Back in my day she would be known as a ditizy - dingbat, all show and no brains. McCain could have done better at picking a VP someone that knows what's what not some skirt with no brains.[/quote:4dugnton]

The point is Anita that the only reason you ever come into these forums is to stir up shit and post your political conspiracy theories and/or dirt you've dug up about republicans. You would think that with this being a car forum, at least some of your posts would be about CARS. But your interests are not to come in here and be a part of the community and participate in the hundreds of other conversations that we have happening on these forums, you only stop by to join in a political conversations so that you can ALL CAPS about 20 of the words you type and argue with everyone who disagrees with you.

Again I ask you: What is the point? Wouldn't you rather join some of the other worthwhile conversations on here where we're not arguing? It would make you seem like less of a person that is only here to cause trouble and more like someone who is genuinely interested in being here. You get angry at the people like me who you argue with on these topics... but that's only because these are the only topics you take part in! The only time you speak to us is when you feel like arguing about politics. Like I said in my first post, there are millions of forums out there full of political buffs who are debating politics 24-7 every day of the year. If that's all you want to talk about, then why not find one of those? Like I said, it can't possibly be interesting for you to talk about politics with us car buffs who are only casually discussing politics during an election year. Like I said before, you speak on a different level; you are much more in tune with politics than we are. You're spinning your tires with us.

09-30-2008, 12:04 PM
the only difference in the end is that we like eachother a little bit less than we did before.

not possible, I already hate everyone.

09-30-2008, 12:13 PM
Holy large picture Dustin. LOL Isn't there a smaller Ron Paul for prez picture?

09-30-2008, 12:30 PM
She does post lots of places on politics. And talks it a lot. Trust me. Usually the deal goes like this we get a medical bill of a lot and she gets thinking my major co. insurance sucks because xxx. Or her kids can't get a loan the other day or some college kid can't get a student loan, or my 401k isn't doing all that good because of xxx. Or gas is high and biting the kids and neighbors. Or someone she knows is losing their job. That's the deal. Or the national debt. It's not conspiracy just what she sees. Yes cars are better mostly but I have seen fights over that too. Import/domestic, chevy/ford etc. etc. 10 to 20 pgs worth you know that to be true.

09-30-2008, 02:47 PM
Holy large picture Dustin. LOL Isn't there a smaller Ron Paul for prez picture?


09-30-2008, 04:47 PM
the only difference in the end is that we like eachother a little bit less than we did before.

not possible, I already hate everyone.

I like the picture Dude :bigthumb: , if Ron Paul would have been the Republican"s choice instead of McCain, I would have voted Ron Paul for sure, he's a good man !

09-30-2008, 05:26 PM
I don't believe you Anita! You're lying to us!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

Now my question becomes this: Do you support Obama as the lesser of two evils? Or do you support him in general? Myself, I like *some* of both Obama and McCains ideas, but I don't like *all* of either of their ideas. Honestly I'm not looking forward for either of them.

Like I said earlier, I think Obama probably has this one, and he'll get his chance to prove that the Democrats can deliver on all of the hype that has surrounded them for the last 8 years. I'm not completely sold, myself, but we'll what happens when it happens.

09-30-2008, 10:39 PM
All I can tell you Zac is she used to talk Ron Paul a lot. Seriously. More than Obama for sure. Remember she was not a delegate for him originally. Nor Hillary.

10-01-2008, 12:39 AM
I don't believe you Anita! You're lying to us!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

Now my question becomes this: Do you support Obama as the lesser of two evils? Or do you support him in general? Myself, I like *some* of both Obama and McCains ideas, but I don't like *all* of either of their ideas. Honestly I'm not looking forward for either of them.

Like I said earlier, I think Obama probably has this one, and he'll get his chance to prove that the Democrats can deliver on all of the hype that has surrounded them for the last 8 years. I'm not completely sold, myself, but we'll what happens when it happens.


I hate to tell you dude but I was on one of those town house group that Ron Paul had by phone right after John Edwards dropped from the race. I spoke to Ron Paul just as everyone else had done that was involved in the discussion group by phone. Ron Paul reminded me more of a Republican-Democrat and I liked that , he stood for a lot of things I agreed with.

Ron Paul was my second choice, John Edwards was my first choice, and Obama is my only choice since it's down to Obama and McCain.

Last election I thought McCain could be someone I would vote for because of what he "pretented" stood for but the true McCain is out in the open this election and I do not like anything about him , he's another Bush just the last name has changed.

Obama and Ron Paul stood for a lot of the same principles " For The People"! Matter of fact I bought a book " The Revolution" by J. Peel and Ron Paul as a gift for my father.
As a Democrat I do follow everything thats going on during election year, I listen to what both Republican and Democrat has to say then reflect and make my choice.

There is No Way, No How, No McCain as his true colors have finally flown which I happen to disagree with the Bush/Mccain doctorine.

So Mr. Zac you don't know as much as you thought you did about me, now did you ?

10-01-2008, 01:13 AM
Hey, all I can see is what you say on the forums Anita since I haven't spoken to you in person since the picnic 2 years ago I believe. You fly the democrat flag when you're in here usually so that's all we see. Gotta remember that you see very little of a person in a forum environment anyways and you see even less of them when you're arguing with them (you only see their nasty side and you only see what they have the guts to say online). I'll be the first one to admit that I'm not as big of a tough guy in real life. I don't take part in ANY political discussion in real life because I don't like confrontation and I don't like to argue. That's why I get on here and vent my frustrations sometimes because I have to listen to people endlessly talking in the real world and I never say anything :)

I don't know anything about you Anita and you don't really know anything about me either. We both think we know more about eachother but we don't. Like I said... we only ever talk politics and we both get nasty with eachother with politics, so we only see eachother's angry/nasty sides. If we spoke about things other than politics I think we'd get along just fine ;-)

Ron Paul reminded me more of a Republican-Democrat and I liked that , he stood for a lot of things I agreed with.

I don't know much about Ron Paul, but if that statement is true then he sounds like a guy that could run this country better than most. One thing I truly believe is that the country will never be as good as it can be until we have a president that is pretty much smack in the middle of the political spectrum, and we have approximately 50-50 in congress.

I like some of Obama's ideas and I like some of McCains ideas... and that's the way it is with EVERY election year. Every time I wish that we could combine both side's ideas into one candidate. Have a guy that's willing to listen to ideas from the other side of the fence. I'd like a guy who's mind can be changed a bit if one of his ideas doesn't seem like it will pan out like he's hoped. I want a guy who wants to look for some more oil in America, but at the same time wants to commit us almost wholeheartedly to finding an alternative energy solution within 5-10 years. I want a guy who will fight for the upper middle class as well as the lower class. A guy who wants a balance of fairness all the way up and down the pay chart. I like some ideas about creating some sort of restriction on CEO pay, but I still think they should be making extremely good money. I want war when it's needed and I want peace when it's not needed. I want the poor to always have access to affordable health care and government assistance, but I want it to be set up in a way that entices them to help themselves out of their bad situation if they're able (exe: more government assistance if they go back to college, better incentives for people to get a job after they've become unemployed). I want ALL jobs openings to be required to be posted in one central database for people to search and apply. People shouldn't have to look in 20 different places to see all the jobs that are available. I think a company should be penalized for sending ANY jobs overseas without extremely good reason. Chinese good should be held to the same safety and inspection standards that US products are held to, and if that means having a company in america that inspects every product from China (thus forcing their prices up a bit) then so be it.

Whew... I'm leaving out so much. But my point is that if there was ever a presidential candidate that offered a balance of beliefs between liberal and conservative, not only do I think they have the potential to be the greatest president we ever had, I think the entire government would function so much more efficiently as a whole and the country could return to being the powerhouse of the world.

10-01-2008, 06:35 PM
Hey, all I can see is what you say on the forums Anita since I haven't spoken to you in person since the picnic 2 years ago I believe. You fly the democrat flag when you're in here usually so that's all we see. Gotta remember that you see very little of a person in a forum environment anyways and you see even less of them when you're arguing with them (you only see their nasty side and you only see what they have the guts to say online). I'll be the first one to admit that I'm not as big of a tough guy in real life. I don't take part in ANY political discussion in real life because I don't like confrontation and I don't like to argue. That's why I get on here and vent my frustrations sometimes because I have to listen to people endlessly talking in the real world and I never say anything :)

I don't know anything about you Anita and you don't really know anything about me either. We both think we know more about eachother but we don't. Like I said... we only ever talk politics and we both get nasty with eachother with politics, so we only see eachother's angry/nasty sides. If we spoke about things other than politics I think we'd get along just fine ;-)

Ron Paul reminded me more of a Republican-Democrat and I liked that , he stood for a lot of things I agreed with.

I don't know much about Ron Paul, but if that statement is true then he sounds like a guy that could run this country better than most. One thing I truly believe is that the country will never be as good as it can be until we have a president that is pretty much smack in the middle of the political spectrum, and we have approximately 50-50 in congress.

I like some of Obama's ideas and I like some of McCains ideas... and that's the way it is with EVERY election year. Every time I wish that we could combine both side's ideas into one candidate. Have a guy that's willing to listen to ideas from the other side of the fence. I'd like a guy who's mind can be changed a bit if one of his ideas doesn't seem like it will pan out like he's hoped. I want a guy who wants to look for some more oil in America, but at the same time wants to commit us almost wholeheartedly to finding an alternative energy solution within 5-10 years. I want a guy who will fight for the upper middle class as well as the lower class. A guy who wants a balance of fairness all the way up and down the pay chart. I like some ideas about creating some sort of restriction on CEO pay, but I still think they should be making extremely good money. I want war when it's needed and I want peace when it's not needed. I want the poor to always have access to affordable health care and government assistance, but I want it to be set up in a way that entices them to help themselves out of their bad situation if they're able (exe: more government assistance if they go back to college, better incentives for people to get a job after they've become unemployed). I want ALL jobs openings to be required to be posted in one central database for people to search and apply. People shouldn't have to look in 20 different places to see all the jobs that are available. I think a company should be penalized for sending ANY jobs overseas without extremely good reason. Chinese good should be held to the same safety and inspection standards that US products are held to, and if that means having a company in america that inspects every product from China (thus forcing their prices up a bit) then so be it.

Whew... I'm leaving out so much. But my point is that if there was ever a presidential candidate that offered a balance of beliefs between liberal and conservative, not only do I think they have the potential to be the greatest president we ever had, I think the entire government would function so much more efficiently as a whole and the country could return to being the powerhouse of the world.

FINALLY there's something we can agree upon and Ron Paul would have been the right choice for President.

You could do a search on Ron Paul ya know, just to learn alittle about the man and what makes him tick. The media did not give Ron Paul any coverage so the citizens of the US could learn about him, he was practically pushed off to the side and forgotten when the Republican debates were going on. Dr. Ron Paul is more like "real" people than any of them on both sides.

Like I said if Dr. Paul would have stayed in the running I would have voted for him over anyone else.