View Full Version : new race car
09-24-2008, 03:27 PM
whats up every one. I know I havent been on here in a while ( password wasnt working).I just wanted everyone to check out the new ride that is just about finished.Also I need to get at least 40 cars with contact info . I talked to DAN Driscoll about starting a heads up class for single power adder(turbo blower) and up to 2 stages on nitrous cars with 28x10.5 slicks and dot radials and slicks up to 13 in. I need everyones support I will have a great rule setup with little politics. Lets make heads up racing the norm around here ,email info at I will need, car make model, name , and phone number. if any one wants to contact me please call anytime. 319-464-7319 Mike Salkowski
on a budget
09-24-2008, 10:40 PM
Looks pretty good...what combo are you running in it? anypics of that
09-25-2008, 07:38 AM
If you serious about some heads-up racing there is a small tire class at Eddyville Iowa where people might be interested in coming here too. The problem with that is in a small town like this there is usually 1 or 2 guys who dominate and payouts suck.. but maybe something will happen, that would be awesome.. The only headsup racing I know is Cedar Falls night race "this sat" or grudge races..
90 notch
09-25-2008, 12:44 PM
Car looks good!Steve o
09-29-2008, 08:47 AM
Ok everyone, I need to get 40 cars min. before the end of dec. If we get the cars then we have a heads up race for 2009. It will only cost $75 to enter a car and 90% will go to the payout and the rest for the track. I will post rules soon. NO wheelie bars will be alowed though.
09-29-2008, 09:32 AM
ONLY $75?? Post up the rules!
90 notch
09-29-2008, 10:46 AM
That would be cool but 40 cars around here may be hard to find.....I'm down maybe i'll bring whitey out of retirement as soon as my girlfriend gets a real job!Steve o
09-29-2008, 11:24 AM
sounds like a plan to me, lets see some rules!! and better race on sat cuz I drive in circles on fri and sun
09-29-2008, 06:56 PM
My new car will be ready. Lets see some rules!!!!!!!
09-30-2008, 08:44 AM
Tires: Any slick up to a 10.5" sidewall designation allowed. "W" tires are not allowed. DOT tires up to a 12.50" sidewall designation allowed. Hoosier tire, part number 18192D05 will not be allowed.
Stock-type suspensions with bolt-on devices only. or extra 150lbs with ladder bar BACK HALF
Mini-tubing allowed.
Stock frame rails must remain in stock location. Rear frame rails may be notched for tire clearence.
OEM Trans only! No Lenco or clutch less transmissions allowed unless in n/a application.
No Big Chief, Pontiac, Big Dukes , 15 degree or oldsmobile heads allowed for big blocks
Any single power adder allowed.
4-6 cyl engines may use dual power adders.
Any engine allowed.
No sheet metal intakes unless used on a n/a application or imports.
No dual carbs allowed
Must have mufflers unless turbo car
88mm turbo limit or twin equal to one 88mm
Coil overs allowed on all cars.
Stock firewall must be retained and in stock location. Notching for clearance of bell housing, distributor, supercharger or intercooler allowed. Smoothing of firewall for appearance is allowed.
All rule will be evaluated after the completion of the 2nd race and adjusted as needed.
2800lbs Small Blocks
3100lbs Big Block
Add 200 for superchargers/turbos
n/a cars s/b 2600 b/b 2800
Deduct 150lbs for mod motors
Imports 2500lbs
90 notch
09-30-2008, 10:57 AM
Tires: Any slick up to a 10.5" sidewall designation allowed. "W" tires are not allowed. DOT tires up to a 12.50" sidewall designation allowed. Hoosier tire, part number 18192D05 will not be allowed.
Stock-type suspensions with bolt-on devices only. or extra 100lbs with ladder bars
Mini-tubing allowed.
Stock frame rails must remain in stock location. Rear frame rails may be notched for tire clearence.
OEM Trans only! No Lenco or clutch less transmissions allowed unless in n/a application.
No Big Chief, Pontiac, Big Dukes , 15 degree or oldsmobile heads allowed for big blocks
Any single power adder allowed.
4-6 cyl engines may use dual power adders.
Any engine allowed.
No sheet metal intakes unless used on a n/a application or imports.
No dual carbs allowed
Must have mufflers unless turbo car
88mm turbo limit or twin equal to one 88mm
Coil overs allowed on all cars.
Stock firewall must be retained and in stock location. Notching for clearance of bell housing, distributor, supercharger or intercooler allowed. Smoothing of firewall for appearance is allowed.
All rule will be evaluated after the completion of the 2nd race and adjusted as needed.
2800lbs Small Blocks
3100lbs Big Block
Add 200 for superchargers/turbos
n/a cars s/b 2600 b/b 2800
Deduct 150lbs for mod motors
Imports 2500lbs
Adding 200lbs for a supercharger/turbo?????Didn't know we were at an advantage....Why is nitrous always the underdog?Steve o
90 notch
09-30-2008, 11:11 AM
Stock rear framerails???It should be fair game from the firewall back!I know i'm not scared of a backhalfed car.That's what the tire size is for!Steve o
09-30-2008, 11:12 AM
As of now those are the rules, it is very possible they will change some to allow for other combos . If any one has any other options please feel free to tell me. cell# 319-464-7319.
90 notch
09-30-2008, 11:13 AM
Nitrous ftw!
09-30-2008, 11:16 AM
I changed the back half rules. It will be allowed with 150 added
09-30-2008, 11:17 AM
Hey im trying my best here. Since no one has stepped up around here to try it that is why im doing this. Please just be patient
90 notch
09-30-2008, 11:30 AM
So how many kits do nitrous cars get???
09-30-2008, 11:31 AM
sounds like very typical 10.5 rules to me.. If you plan on running a 10.5 class or real street anywhere these would be very very close.. sounds fair to me, the only problem I see is alot of cars around here are back halfed or full chassis cars, and if this actually happens it will be very hard to get the car count. As most people already know it is very hard to get a nitrous car to compete with a unlimited turbo car, hence the weight and turbo size limit. Basically what Im saying is these have been tried and true, but they will need a little massaging/exceptions to get more local cars
09-30-2008, 08:32 PM
try something like this so everyone can race. :supz:
Heads Up racing on a Pro Tree.
Street legal with current tabs and proof of insurance.
Minimum weight with driver 2800lbs.
Any size DOT tire or max size10.5 x 30 slick allowed. (No “W” tires)
Any power adder adds 300lbs. (Includes Alcohol).
V6 Engine gains a 200lb weight break.
4cyl Engine gains a 300lb weight break.
Trucks get a weight break of 75lbs
Factory style rear Suspension gains a 50lb break.
Tube Chassis vehicles adds 200lbs.
Back Half Cars permitted; Four Link or ladder bars are permitted.
Pre-1978 strut or shock tower may be removed in lieu of installing commercially available kits (i.e. Heidts, Fatman etc).
Must run mufflers exiting no farther forward than the back edge of driver’s seat.
Must maintain full interior with finished appearance, including two functioning side windows*(See Below), the only exception being the removal of the back seat. (If rear seat is removed, floor must have finished appearance all the way up to the package tray.)
10-01-2008, 07:43 AM
Theres some good additions to the rules right there Mike!!! :bigthumb:
10-01-2008, 01:35 PM
that close to what I was going for. I like that alot some I will add that to the rules and subtract some of mine out. Thanks for the input guys.
10-01-2008, 08:20 PM
No matter what you do not everyone will be happy...
10-02-2008, 07:02 AM
very true, theres not a huge amount of cars here that even fit into the same rule category's, obviously theres a few turbo cars capable of low 8, uwillose already been in the 7's!! I will be happy with a high 8 along with a few others around here.. but the large majority seems to be running in the mid nine to mid ten second range. Experience tells me it will be hard getting the cars to show up only to get smoked by 1500+hp land missles!! I would love to see this happen so I encourage you to try it at least, maybe try to get a little entertainment value back into local drag racing around here. :supz:
90 notch
10-02-2008, 08:28 AM
As long as the turbo cars have to run 88's i think it won't be so bad......For us.Steve o
10-02-2008, 11:17 AM
with an 88 I think it would even things out just fine... :supz:
90 notch
10-02-2008, 12:19 PM
Think of it this way better they run mid to low 8's instead of 7's the 106mm is capable of running.....It won't even it at all but it's better than looking like a complete ASSS!Steve o
90 notch
10-02-2008, 12:21 PM
So how many kits do nitrous cars get???My question never did get answered???
10-02-2008, 03:01 PM
well yeah I know it wont even things out with my car, shit I got a homebuilt Vic Jr headed small block making 540hp with one kit on it!! that isnt gonna hold a candle to a FI 88mm turbo back half car I will be the first to admit that one, Im sure I will be down about 20mph at least!!! but against a nitrous car with a real engine in it might be different story.. Im sure there will be about 3 of those lurking around the streets some time next year.. Could get interesting if everyone gets there combo somewhat figured out by then. Steve I thought you were going to the night races last weekend??
90 notch
10-02-2008, 04:09 PM
With what??
10-02-2008, 09:07 PM
Sounds cool, definately need to get local cars together
10-02-2008, 11:09 PM
I agree with all the rules except the two turbos that one equal 88mm, thats not possible. Two 44mm turbos wont make half the power of an 88mm. Shit why have a turbo size limit at all, just make it a radial class, that will be the equalizer. Not all of us can fit big tires anyways.
90 notch
10-03-2008, 06:39 AM
No matter what you do not everyone will be happy...
Not all of us have TWO good size turbos either.hahah
10-03-2008, 07:24 AM
Steve what are you talking about, "with what"
90 notch
10-03-2008, 07:51 AM
With what??I thought you meant we were going to bring a car.We were until we decided to put fi on the el camino.I stayed home that night to work on "whitey" finally.It just might make it out still this year to make my one pass for the year........Steve o
10-03-2008, 11:32 PM
No matter what you do not everyone will be happy...
Not all of us have TWO good size turbos either.hahah
I know, I just wana have a place to do some heads up racing. Im tired of this bracket racing shit. I think me having these larger turbos is an advantage to everyone else, I couldn't get any traction at 1000 wheel, I cant imagine how bad its going to be with this new motor. Either way like Joe stated there is no way to make everyone happy, but lets at least do some racing!!
90 notch
10-04-2008, 01:51 PM
just giving ya shit,i don't have a problem with it.......It will be no diff than getting spanked by tory!Steve o
10-06-2008, 08:58 AM
You guys are going to have like 10 cars to do this, if that.. There is no way the rules are going to let me in, i just cant justify smending $75 dollars every weekand to go get waxed buy 155 + mph cars.. The best thing ive seen yet is the pro tree.
10-06-2008, 11:10 AM
you would definetly have more cars attend if it was more of a nine second car field. How many cars around here are seriously capable of even running mid eights?? I can think of 3 cars, maybe 4 that COULD be capable of mid eights or faster.. and trying to get them 3-4 cars together on a regular basis would be next to impossible. Im not sure what to suggest except make the rules to accept more cars so there is a chance to have enough cars in the first place, see who shows up and modify more rules from there.. Even at Cedar Falls heads up there used to be 10+ cars running and they would have to qualify for the quick 8, now theres maybe 3 or 4 cars that show up to do it!! and theres almost NO RULES for that!! how do you expect to slap regulations on everyone and get more cars? Maybe no one wants to stay up that late anymore and having races during the day will help
10-06-2008, 11:51 AM
If this was based around a mid 9 to mid 10 second feild you would have plenty willing to participate!
90 notch
10-06-2008, 11:57 AM
It's one of those things like a couple people have said"you'll never make everybody happy".Way i see it is do you think i want to race tory or my bro for that matter,think of the spanking i'll get or anybody else for that matter.Their's always the chance of them breaking or spinning......It's anybodys race.Steve o
10-06-2008, 02:47 PM
Make two index classes 9.0 and 10.0 or 9.5 and 10.5
Run what what ever combo you want.
Kind of like pinks does now. The guys have a 10.50 setup for at least one race.
I know there are some tracks out east that run 8.5, 8.0 and 7.5 indexs and draw big numbers but we just don't have that many fast cars around here.
My .02
10-06-2008, 03:10 PM
hmmm, Sounds interesting, I think there is a couple different ways to set-up Index racing as far as qualifying and everything goes too.. Post up some suggestions about how its done because alot of people on here including me, dont know excatly how it goes..
90 notch
10-06-2008, 03:54 PM
Bracket race :sleep:
10-06-2008, 05:01 PM
Run what you brung and who cares if you win or lose its more about getting a bunch of cool cars together and having fun, I will try to do as much as possible but I think this sounds fun but will never happen like everything else on here like street racing.
10-07-2008, 06:59 AM
I dunno Allgo, you MIGHT get enough cars to show up to race.. I would definetly show up and give it a shot, the range of times you will see will probably be pretty broad making for some non-competitive racing but it would still be fun
10-07-2008, 11:03 AM
We could just have a car show at K mart allgo, that way we can keep the $75.00 :supz:
10-26-2008, 09:38 AM
mike, im in for the heads up racing. we wont know what kind of cars will be there until it happens, it could be 40 9.0 to 10.0 cars. it could be 40 8.50 to 9.0 cars. im going to guess that it might take a couple of shows for people to hear about it and bring in different cars. if there would be a large car count im sure there could be some index racing.
on a budget
10-26-2008, 01:20 PM
Run what you brung and who cares if you win or lose its more about getting a bunch of cool cars together and having fun, .
02-28-2009, 04:36 PM
Just wanted to tell everyone we got the heads up 10.5 class at cedar falls now for this year. I guess I bugged Dan enough to do it. Now we just need people to show.
02-28-2009, 04:47 PM
when? Rules? how much?
03-01-2009, 03:06 PM
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