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View Full Version : Eclipse Restoration

08-20-2008, 08:27 PM
So the time has come where my eclipse is actually ripped in pieces. No not the motor again. The interior and exterior. Almost all of you know how plagued I have been with my motor. Oil leaks from day one. Timing belt breaking. Lower ball joints breaking. I finallly was able to buy my old car back and be able to put my Eclipse on jackstands to start taking care of all the issues my car has.

First off the interior was ripped out. Removed the seats, side panels, door panels, center console, and removed the carpet. Carpet has been soaking in a mixture of simple green and commercial carpet cleaner. Let it sit for 24 hours, took it to a car wash and pressure washed it for just about 8 mins. Got almost all of the nastiest stains you could ever imagine out. Now sitting on the deck drying. I am still trying to decide if I would like to dye or making use fabric paint to clean it up the rest of the way (might even leave it as is).

Next up the oil leak that has just been rediculous. I wiped everything down underneath. Which this oil leak has been killer since I have owned this car. So think of years of leaks. I have tried to keep up with degreasing and cleaning it but there is only so much you can do. Topped off the oil and topped off coolant as well. (was slowly loosing a small amount of coolant and god could i not figure it out. just happened to drop my cap and what do you know. The gasket is cracking and in pieces. Which makes me mad because it is a new cap SO problem found) Start the motor up and lay underneath watch for oil to drip. See some oil that seems to be running down the wire loom of the knock sensor. Enough said call Trevor cause it looks like there is air blowing past the loom. Turns out between my dad and I switching looking up top and the other laying underneath. I can see oil shooting out as a mist from a bolt hole in the back of the block. Turns out its basically a check spot for seeing if your balance shafts are line up when timing your engine. Sweet oil leak found.

Next I hope to fix all exhaust leaks, clean up the engine bay quite a bit, fix my power door locks, fix the window rattles, clean the interior and reinstall everything. Fix the sunroof (seems like the motor is going weak) Rear upper knuckle bushings need replaced. Repaint the whole car. Basically just go through and make the car as nice as the day I bought it and even better.

I will try to start taking pictures as I go so any friends of mine who live far away now, can see how much better my car is starting to look and become again.

Updates to come.

08-21-2008, 07:37 AM
Soon here I'll come out and help. Maybe tonight? Or this weekend sometime.

I told you to check for that bolt a looong time ago ;) should listened.

Paint the hood yet?

08-21-2008, 03:04 PM
you make more money parting them out.

08-21-2008, 06:26 PM
Nah I can't do that, this car means too much to me. Maybe one day will come where it is just too hard to upkeep, but it not that time....yet

I didn't go out tonight Trev, my back was killing me before I even left the house today. Haven't had a chance to get some sand discs for my sander. I will definately be out there this weekend working on all kinds of shit. If you want you can come out and just work with me. I'm gonna sand the hood, start putting some coats on. replace the upper knuckle bushings. Find a bolt for the block and diagnose my power door locks. If I finish those. There are tons of things to do still.

08-22-2008, 01:57 AM
I should have refered to my build as a restoration. Like your doing, Ive pulled the interior, cleaned it all, some wiring...New motor ya know, make sure its all sound. Are you trying to color match the hood or take the easy way out and go black?

08-22-2008, 07:25 AM
We are going to paint the whole car...$50 paint job. We'll see how it turns out.

08-22-2008, 10:02 AM
red, roll on?

08-22-2008, 02:13 PM

08-24-2008, 12:54 PM
Well yesterday I spent some time out at my parents. I was able to get the old rear upper knuckle bushings partially out. The sleeves and the bolt came out very easily using my Snap On Air Hammer. Just need to burn or cut out the rest of the rubber that is stuck to the knuckle. Then the new bushings go in. I started to reroute some vacuum lines and wiring around the fuel rail area so it doesn't look so congested. Started sanding the hood down and put one coat of paint on it. Ended up actually using a WAY too coarse grit of sandpaper and put some DEEP grooves and scratches in the hood. So we will see if this acrylic enamel fills in the gaps or if I have to sand everything down again. Use sandable primer and start over again. I actually may even wait to do the roll on paint job till I get all the mechanical work done and get my car in town. My parents live in the country and the amount of dust gets rediculous. So I might do it here in town.

Still need to find the bolt size for the back of the block. Need new bolts for the upper knuckle bushings as the old ones are destroyed. Need new turbo gasket and find a bolt and nut that are just long enough as one of the bolt holes is just drilled through. Bought a new transmission cooler. I need something more like a square to mount it in the passenger side, but for $20 I am just going to mount it between the intercooler and radiator, since I have no AC Condenser anymore. I have an autometer tranny temp gauge that I will use as well. Also since my oil pressure gauge no longer works I have been thinking about getting an electrical oil pressure gauge to be able to keep an eye on my pressure.

Have a few ideas to fabricate a new intake even using my stock maf or unless I find and buy a GM maf and translator I would love to go that route.

Also as of recently a person has designed a new button shifter for automatics. Been thinking about buying that and designing a paddle shifter or something similar to use with it.

08-26-2008, 07:54 PM
Boy you do need alot of shit.

Come down to IC and pick out what you need. I have 3-4 of everything your needing. Specifically that bolt on the back of the block.

08-27-2008, 01:00 AM
haha belittle you should just open up your own warehouse...i can see it now, "Belittle's DSM warehouse-you need a part, ihave 10 of it"

on topic though, sounds likeyou have a lot of work ahead of you, but it also sounds like your pretty determined to get it done. good luck!

08-27-2008, 08:54 AM
His warehouse is "open."

Andrew, you should get your car running, then do that paint stuff, unless your painting the engine bay...kinda gotta do that with it out.

08-27-2008, 04:44 PM
I'm not really concerned about my paint job at the moment, it was just everything else was waiting on something so I started the paint job, just wanted to see if it was gonna look good or if I needed to just sand the whole car and shoot it. I have basically just needed time to do things. I believe tonight I will go out and start getting some of the interior put back in.

08-27-2008, 05:13 PM
believe me, you'll feel a lot better, once one thing is done, and done right, and going on to the next thing. Just knowing I've gone over every inch of car, its clean solid, safe makes it a lot nicer to drive. I like my interiors really really clean, and once you get em that way you hate to see em go bad so it tends to stay that way. If it stays clean long enough you develope a habit of keeping things clean, people call me ocd, i just hate dirt, filth where it doesnt need to be...

call me ocd or whatever, if its a disease im happy to have it.

09-07-2008, 08:03 PM
Ok I was finally able to spend a little bit of time on my car. The carpet has been installed again. Looks way better than before, just need to vacuum it quickly before I put the seats back in. My car has had tweeters installed in the door, well while i was under the dash looking to find proper wires to tap in to for my new transmission temperature guage. I noticed some 6-8 gauge wire sticking from the way drivers side. I already had the door panel off so I removed the speaker to find the wire just laying in the bottom of the door. Pulled it through and threw it in the trash. The tweeters were butt connected along with the speakers into the stock speaker wires. So basically one wire going in each butt connector and two coming out. Just thought it was absolutely rediculous. So I removed the tweeters and the wires going in to the butt connectors. Lubed the door locks, and all appropriate sliders. Still need to diagnose my power door lock issue, but I'm almost positive my door lock actuators are dead, just need to bring my DVOM home to confirm. I performed a boost leak test and could only hold 4 psi!!! Was leaking from cylinder 3 injector. My "t" connector for my vacuum lines from Bov, EBC, etc was leaking HORRIBLY. As well as my turbo to J pipe gasket. So those definately need to be fixed, and guess what for the injectors I think its time to swap in the 550's. PROBLEM SOLVED!! Hood was sanded down and primered. I think I may just go to French's have them mix me up a can of my actual paint code and spray the hood. The rest of the body I am going to have a friend help my buff it. Overall my paint is very good but my hood was just absolutely horrible. Found that my water pipe is leaking at the oring into the thermostat housing. So that will be taken off, cleaned and replaced. I have decided on how I am going to mount my new transmission cooler. Let's see, things are starting to finaly come together. God, I have I fixed so many small things. I think soon I should probably take some pictures for you guys.

09-16-2008, 02:40 PM
held 4psi, no wonder you always hit fuel cut and it ran like shit. But now that you are finally going through it all we can see this car run down the track, without the fun bang bang haha.

10-04-2008, 08:19 PM
Update, haven't been able to touch my car at all lately. I moved out of my apartment last weekend. I am helping a friend of my dad's roof his house this weekend. I started a new job this week. I need to work on my car, my fiancee's car, my mother in law to be's car. my sister to be's car, a friend of my aunt's car. More work with TAB fabrication's, all kinds of stuff. I am not even sure if I will be able to paint my car, the hood might have to stay primered all winter.

Fire Hawk
10-06-2008, 09:51 PM
Update, haven't been able to touch my car at all lately. I moved out of my apartment last weekend. I am helping a friend of my dad's roof his house this weekend. I started a new job this week. I need to work on my car, my fiancee's car, my mother in law to be's car. my sister to be's car, a friend of my aunt's car. More work with TAB fabrication's, all kinds of stuff. I am not even sure if I will be able to paint my car, the hood might have to stay primered all winter.

Did Lithia go under or something? It's like they were there for a few months then poof, all the cars were gone. Where you working now?

10-07-2008, 09:12 AM
They were bought out by Toyota. He works for Saturn now!

10-07-2008, 10:03 AM
Working for GM...that's most definitely profitable, shit a comapany that wont sell a car because it requires no maintenance!

10-12-2008, 06:48 PM
Update. I am currently working for Saturn now. I have worked there for what roughly two weeks. Absolutely love it. Only problem is as KIA was becoming a pain in the ass we all applied at Toyota. Now that I found a new job (Saturn) Toyota has called me as well as VW which VW was now bought by CR Toyota. So I am torn on what to do. VW has many things to offer me, but I still love Saturn, am making good money, the guys I work with are absolutely awesome.

I haven't had anytime to work on my car. I got out there for a few mins. Ripped my old tranny cooler out as well as the lines. Get home and my fiancee's mom's car is leaking coolant. I find oil all over the engine. 3.8 liter GM, intake manifold gaskets are all leaking. SO great one more thing to add to my list. The house needs a ton of work. My fiancee's sister car went up in flames at the Kennedy High School parking lot, so I need to find her a new car. My fiancee's car I need to replace her turbo oil return line gasket. Also put her stock springs back on. Just so many things to do and so little time.

10-12-2008, 06:55 PM
like Aerosmith said, "Chip away, chip away at the stone...". keep at it man, i know you'll get stuff taken care of. congrats on the new job.

10-13-2008, 08:44 AM
leave the bitches to their own junk!

10-14-2008, 02:46 AM
I worked at Saturn in Des moines. easy shit and was always fun and laid back.

11-08-2008, 04:59 PM
UPDATE: The car is back together save the passenger cv shaft. I went to take it out and it is completely solid in the wheel bearing. Heated it up, hit it with a sledge hammer. Nothing. Began to melt the cv shaft out. The shaft is almost all the way melted out of the wheel bearing and it still will not budge with a large punch and sledge hammer. Ran out of acetylene so I will have to wait till monday to fill the bottle. I did cut the shaft in half so when I was banging on the end of the shaft it wasn't jarring the transmission. I did a boost leak test and my boost gauge was only reading 4 psi. I fixed a few small leaks and the throttle body was leaking through the shaft seals although not bad. Then the boost leak tester shot off the turbo. I found out my boost guage is malfunctioning and giving me incorrect readings. My transmission gauge seems to be reading just fine. No leaks from the engine both coolant and oil. No transmission leaks from the sender or the new transmission cooler. The car is running fantastic and thanks to my dad it is waxed and looking sharp from about the doors back. The front fender needs repainted, the hood is primered close to ready for paint and the front bumper I still have not decided if I want to buy a 2gb front bumper and then buy 2gb headlamps as well.

11-09-2008, 06:33 PM
2gb front for the win. From what I hear people have a lot of trouble with the front ends forging together.

11-22-2008, 07:25 PM
Well the everything is finished. The new halfshaft and wheel bearing are on. Front bumper is back on and I drove it out of the barn and up to my parents house. Drove it down the gravel road not very far. Wheel was cocked way off to the right, not sure if it was just from the road crown and the hill. Might just be in my head. Drove it back, parked it. I am still not finished with everything I have wanted, but its mostly done. Basically I just want to fix some electrical for now. Boost gauge is still not responding so I think that will need replaced. Overall it ran good, I am going back out tomorrow to make sure its ready to my the trip in town. I will update everyone when I get it back in town, get the garage cleaned out some and park it inside. My garage here is much warmer and I should be able to do lots more with the limited amount of time I have after work and between TAB Fab and of course...life. We will see what the future stores for her. Who knows, maybe next year she will be tearing up the streets and maybe her sister car will be too. My fiancee's 98 GSX. Update with pictures to come tomorrow.

11-26-2008, 05:34 PM
well...the pics Andrew. I knew we wouldnt have time to drive over and check it out. I'll probably be on Drums again tonight over at Trevs, if you show up and havent taken pics..be prepared.