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View Full Version : Mr. TINT-Jason Parizek

kool kustumz
07-25-2008, 01:29 AM
Not actually a noob but its been a year or more since ive logged on. Just thought I'd refresh people of what I have to offer for the automotive aftermarket industry. Ive been a PROFESSIONAL window tinter for a little over 8 years. Ive done work for customers ALL over Iowa. Ive been an installer in Hawaii and Wisconsin. Ive worked with Scott at Trim Tint & Auto Accessories. I was an installer at another shop in Cedar Rapids a few years ago but that place was pretty much a joke and went down hill really fast. Ive been operating my own show on the side for 6 of 8 of my years and the other 2 years I was located in Iowa City. I am now located in my hometown of Belle Plaine and offer much more than window tinting. I also offer what no other tinters in Eastern Iowa offer .... MOBILE SERVICE/INSTALLS. Yup, I will come to you providing you have a decently clean garage/work space with electricity. With the economy being as unstable as it is and the gas prices as high as they are, this comes in handy for people looking for TOP NOTCH work at reasonable prices with LIFETIME warranties. Anyways, check out the info below for what I offer. Thanks!

Auto-Commercial-Residential-Security Window Tinting
Taillight Tinting
Clear Paint Protection
Vinyl Graphics-Decals-Signs-Lettering
Car Audio & Video (Sales & Installs)
Custom Fiberglass Work
Remote Starters
Security Alarms
Keyless Entry
Power Windows
Power Locks
Heated Seats

Give me a call at 319.202.3278 or email me at jparizek80@hotmail.com or just simply send me a messge for more info and price quotes!

07-26-2008, 10:39 PM
Hey cool, I may order up some yellow headlight tint may have to have you install it for me. GF's car needs tint real bad too. What would it cost if I were to have you cut a few vinyls? Just stuff under 12" for my own use.

welcome back


kool kustumz
07-27-2008, 12:50 PM
Vinyl just really depends on the size and how many colors, detail ect. $5-$10. Tint, $160 for 2 doors (all glass) or $120 for the rear section. $180 for 4 doors (all glass) or $140 for the rear section. Lifetime warranty. Thank you!