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View Full Version : BAD GAS IN CR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-15-2008, 02:20 PM
I just wanted to let EVERYONE know there has been a few cases of people buying bad gas in CR.
On friday I had a vehical I worked on that would not start, I did a fuel test and it tested a 162.40 that ='s a acitone!! A co-worker right next to me had 2 other cars that tested exactly the same. And a buddy of mine cought in the flood.. I think has the same problem.
I'm not sure where the gas came from, If I can find out i'll try to let everyone know..be careful!

I hope this helps

06-15-2008, 03:19 PM
oh wow, thats a good bulletin. I wish we still go make it show up on the homepage or something.

06-15-2008, 05:48 PM
yeah; but it sucks we have no idea where the gas came from. any way to figure that out?

06-15-2008, 06:39 PM
made it a global announcement. Good post!

I'll just run on the tank that I've got until it's completely empty. hopefully then the problem will be solved.

Y'know, back at Quik-Trip, we used to guarantee gasoline :) Never once had a report of a car malfunctioning due to the gas we sold. It's harder to find good gas I think, and no they're not all the same. Different additives and different qualities.

06-15-2008, 07:01 PM
yeah; but it sucks we have no idea where the gas came from. any way to figure that out?

I'll do my best to find out