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View Full Version : LOL... now i feel like a dick

06-13-2008, 10:13 AM
Well, me and a couple buddies did some volunteer sandbagging for the last couple days. Wednesday night before the floods down town got TOO bad we decided to have a little fun and go tubing around on 1st ave. Well apparently the Chicago Tribune got a picture of me and Tim and put it on their site.

I feel like a dick, they have a bunch of serious pictures of people sandbagging and looking worries and all that, then me and my buddy just havin' a good time on 1st ave by the DQ...

(We are picture #16 i am on the right, Tim is on the left....)
http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nati ... otogallery (http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/chi-080609-wisconsin-flooding-photogallery,0,4457994.photogallery)

in case you are wondering, some hot blonde slut was showing us her tits, i "think" trying to get the photographers attention... oh, and in case you are wondering again.... YES they where VERY, VERY nice boobies :bigthumb:

06-13-2008, 10:20 AM
hehe oh man thats awesome.

06-13-2008, 01:04 PM
haha thats great man...you cant always be serious in a situation like this..gotta have some fun or relax time too haha

06-13-2008, 04:06 PM
Too funny.

06-13-2008, 06:14 PM
yeah, we where having fun... I didn't feel too bad because we spent three days off work ($14/hr) volunteering so i figured we where entitled to a bit of fun...

It's now picture #19, apparently thay are still adding.... Gonna just post it up here....

Tim Oehler and Keith Schutte float down 1st Avenue as flooding from the swollen Cedar River soaks downtown Cedar Rapids, Iowa. (Tribune photo by E. Jason Wambsgans / June 11, 2008)
http://imgplace.com/image_bin/4830/46c53c349b862d520b33c5afaa35f547.jpg.th.jpg (http://imgplace.com/image/view/46c53c349b862d520b33c5afaa35f547)

06-13-2008, 06:24 PM
because you suck at linking...


06-14-2008, 01:27 AM
if they cant take a joke, fuck 'em. i say you're doing well if you can look on the brighter side of things

06-14-2008, 06:53 PM
is that a sideburn on your face? Lol it looks weird.

06-14-2008, 07:19 PM
is that a sideburn on your face? Lol it looks weird.

LOL.... yeah....
I trimmed my hair and accidently chopped of part of my sideburn in the process. Plus with my head turned like it was made it even more strange looking...

This isn't a great picture either but its the only othe rone i have. I had some 70's burns that went about 2/3 of the way to my mouth but i ditched them that day, It is HARD tryin to get sideburns straight yourself. That and my facial hair grows like a 12 year old boys... Hell, my dad is like 47 and he STILL can't grow any facial hair... mine comes in all white trashy, exactly like Joe Dirts to be honest...
http://imgplace.com/image_bin/3633/37edfb58554ecada133ea0b79e6ffe63.jpg.th.jpg (http://imgplace.com/image/view/37edfb58554ecada133ea0b79e6ffe63)