View Full Version : This Friday Night!!!!!
05-26-2008, 07:12 PM
I am racing the evo this friday night to shut george and jesse up. Cant wait for Jesse to hand me my ass tough guys!!
05-26-2008, 07:21 PM
Race is from a roll, no seat time at this point for Jesse, hope your wife gives you your balls for a roll race.
Weather says rain Friday, You might dodge a bullit :biggrin:
05-26-2008, 07:26 PM
roll racing is for fags thats why you guys want to do it. I ve told you 10 million times dig race or no race. Only people who race from a roll are people who cant drive.
05-26-2008, 07:27 PM
Keep running your mouth to me about my wife george and we will see who s the balls when I am in front of you!!!
05-26-2008, 07:34 PM
Just so everyone knows ed pmed me tonight I got home it said jesse and george want to race you tonight come out and get your ass handed to you, so I reply well cant come out tonight but I will do it this friday night. Now they are trying to change everything and say its a roll race, well not going happen. dig or no race dont give me thisshit about seat time either. So dont call me out and try to make up rules you 2 fuckin homos, Jesse I acttually thought you had gotten smarter, but start running your mouth to me again on the net just proves how big of a pussy you are. Bring the camaro to I give you guys a two for one ass whoopin!!!
05-26-2008, 07:41 PM
First off my dad PM you cause we were not at computor, get the story straight, also you want a dig race wait a few weeks till he gets some practice launching, but I can honestly understand why you all of a sudden dont roll race, after you wanted a roll race with buntings vette, and well you seen the bus lenghts. Our race will be at a track are you that dense sdandwhich boy! Mr. pick and choose, you know that EVO will blow you into the next county from a roll. So once again we have it your way, maybee you should open a Burger King, is'nt that there slogin. But since you get to pick and choose its Busa vs Wagamino TriState, PRO TREE bitch. see you betting on the red light for the once again easy win. Oh know you know how it feels when people get personal on here huh.
05-26-2008, 07:48 PM
First off my dad PM you cause we were not at computor, get the story straight, also you want a dig race wait a few weeks till he gets some practice launching, but I can honestly understand why you all of a sudden dont roll race, after you wanted a roll race with buntings vette, and well you seen the bus lenghts. Our race will be at a track are you that dense sdandwhich boy! Mr. pick and choose, you know that EVO will blow you into the next county from a roll. So once again we have it your way, maybee you should open a Burger King, is'nt that there slogin. But since you get to pick and choose its Busa vs Wagamino TriState, PRO TREE bitch. see you betting on the red light for the once again easy win. Oh know you know how it feels when people get personal on here huh.
Like I have told your dad the race with the twins is between them and you guys not me so turn the page. I DONT ROLL RACE WHAT DONT YOU UNDERSTAND ABOUT THAT!!! If you looked at it this way I think you two little pussies are the ones scared of a grocery getter!!! Last time I checked all the vids and races all you guys have done in the last 2 years was from a dig so who is the coward now!!!
05-26-2008, 07:54 PM
Thats fine grocery boy, give him a little time to get used to the car, its been out 2 weeks, and makes more power @ 4 cyls then all your junk, see you know your ass is grass so lets get the dig race in now that he not used to it. That ass whooping your big mouth got you into few years back must have left a scar, ouch! Whats funny is your comment to Jesse, you fucked with him just like Scotty, till you all knew there cars were about done, then you figured time to be buddies again so the dont humiliate me, same with steve'o. And were the pussies!
05-26-2008, 07:57 PM
Thats fine grocery boy, give him a little time to get used to the car, its been out 2 weeks, and makes more power @ 4 cyls then all your junk, see you know your ass is grass so lets get the dig race in now that he not used to it. That ass whooping your big mouth got you into few years back must have left a scar, ouch! Whats funny is your comment to Jesse, you fucked with him just like Scotty, till you all knew there cars were about done, then you figured time to be buddies again so the dont humiliate me, same with steve'o.
WOW I fucked with scotty? Have him get on here and tell us all that.If you think I have been scared to race him sorry tryed to last year and me and him have tried to set something up this year so dig into your straw hat and pull another one out dipshit. So now your changing it to when you guys are ready huh, typical bullshit it took over a year to finally get to blow away that junk talon.
P.S. georgey jesse has never beat anything from a dig so thats why he wants to roll race oh ouch!!! :butthead: I remeber watching cheif put bus hauling a camper lenghts on him.
05-26-2008, 08:03 PM
Tell ya what Sandwich Queen, come out do the roll race and after he plasters your ass and the true HP car is known, then you can take advantage of the fact he has not been out in 2 years and has a brand new car, and boost your AllgoEgo from a dig, either way we will video it. There simple. I think its the video that scares you, you know like the Bunting video that just happen to disapper :biggrin: Oh and you have never beat anyone from a dig either all those stories of years ago, funny how nobody remembers them!
Domestic Disturbance
05-27-2008, 01:09 AM
Roll races are pretty lame. Its a HANDICAP for cars that can't handle a dig. Its like saying I can out run you on foot, but I dont have legs so i get a gocart. The only way they are cool is if its all just for fun, but as far as heads up with something to prove... go dig or go home, thats what drag racing is
05-27-2008, 05:55 AM
Roll races are pretty lame. Its a HANDICAP for cars that can't handle a dig. Its like saying I can out run you on foot, but I dont have legs so i get a gocart. The only way they are cool is if its all just for fun, but as far as heads up with something to prove... go dig or go home, thats what drag racing is
"go dig or go home"
I could not have said it better,
no disrespect to anyone.....most races are won/lost in the first 60'........and if a person don't want to race out of the hole that tells me their car can't 60' worth a crap.
man up, so no one can talk crap
good luck to everyone
90 notch
05-27-2008, 06:46 AM
All pm's have been answered.George you keep saying you've gone faster,than who?????You'll find out that it ain't that easy to keep going forward.Before you go as fast as were going you'll go 3 steps back before you go 1 forward.I don't have the money nor the patience anymore to race,i will help all my friends that want to keep going........As far as that novak thing,it's funny how things get twisted just from hear say.I told him i didn't say anything about meeting anyone at the track,sorry it's just the truth.We go racing to test,last i knew i didn't need anyones permission to go....Steve o
05-27-2008, 06:58 AM
Roll races are pretty lame. Its a HANDICAP for cars that can't handle a dig. Its like saying I can out run you on foot, but I dont have legs so i get a gocart. The only way they are cool is if its all just for fun, but as far as heads up with something to prove... go dig or go home, thats what drag racing is
LOL!! couldnt said it any better myself.
05-27-2008, 08:01 AM
Im not going to sit here and say that i hate roll races, personally i would rather take a dig race, but in this situation a roll is what we have to go with untill its set up to leave.. Put 900+ WHP in your camaro and lets talk about launching on the street!
05-27-2008, 08:21 AM
I can see why the guys who put time and effort to making a car leave off the line would be pissed at a roll race. But these high hp awd cars dont like to stay together to badly. I dont see him throwing away another transmission to race from a dig. Besides him only driving it about 3 times since it was finished 2 weekends ago. Im not taking sides, just pointing out driving the evo outa the hole is probably more a safety hazard than anything.
05-27-2008, 08:33 AM
This stuff is good, I think racing out of the hole is the way to go, but then again I have never roll raced either.
05-27-2008, 12:19 PM
Well d/d I am 100% sure u have roll raced before and so has everyone. Imo and I have done both vs most daily driver cars around here, a awd has the advantage on dig at around 350 to 400 whp without breaking a lot. A rwd has real problems hooking up most places w dr street tires at 400+ whp. It's a crap shoot esp w a manual. Just don't know at hi hp cause mine is a turd and it isn't awd. The one and one deal sounds reasonable imo. But they are not my cars.
Domestic Disturbance
05-27-2008, 02:06 PM
Im not going to sit here and say that i hate roll races, personally i would rather take a dig race, but in this situation a roll is what we have to go with untill its set up to leave.. Put 900+ WHP in your camaro and lets talk about launching on the street!
I wish I could, cause it would be fucking badass! Like rob said yes I have roll raced before, especially if its the only race I can get. You still can't beat the rush of sitting at a dead stop about to launch. Even in a slow 13 sec car. Like I said if its just for fun with nothing to prove, go ahead. But heads up MSCA car vs Streetpsi, I think theres a little competition there.
What would make the most sense is if you really needed a roll race, then you should be willing to dig race too. If he can't launch as good as he can later in the summer, then don't launch as hard and get a rematch when he's ready. Its not my fight or call, just my opinion
Urban Legend
05-27-2008, 10:34 PM
I thought that rolls were for fat chicks? Either way I'd like to see this go down. Screw it do both, but the only one that really counts would be the dig.
05-28-2008, 05:26 AM
I thought that rolls were for fat chicks? Either way I'd like to see this go down. Screw it do both, but the only one that really counts would be the dig.
I agree,
"the only race that counts is a dig"
05-28-2008, 05:33 AM
Im not going to sit here and say that i hate roll races, personally i would rather take a dig race, but in this situation a roll is what we have to go with untill its set up to leave.. Put 900+ WHP in your camaro and lets talk about launching on the street!
Your car looks like it launches kind of lazy, with the shit thats out reason why your can't leave the line harder.
If you need help, let me know....i've been building 4th gen f-body's since 1994
05-28-2008, 07:09 AM
We have figured out a few supsinsion issues that could have been hurting me.. Hopefully next time out i will be down in the mid to low 1.4's out of the hole.
06-05-2008, 09:00 AM
Look in here dipshit there it is
06-05-2008, 09:09 AM
First off my dad PM you cause we were not at computor, get the story straight, also you want a dig race wait a few weeks till he gets some practice launching, but I can honestly understand why you all of a sudden dont roll race, after you wanted a roll race with buntings vette, and well you seen the bus lenghts. Our race will be at a track are you that dense sdandwhich boy! Mr. pick and choose, you know that EVO will blow you into the next county from a roll. So once again we have it your way, maybee you should open a Burger King, is'nt that there slogin. But since you get to pick and choose its Busa vs Wagamino TriState, PRO TREE bitch. see you betting on the red light for the once again easy win. Oh know you know how it feels when people get personal on here huh.
Still waiting for some more back peddaling, come on streetsweeper. Allgo, the way I read it means next weekend.
06-05-2008, 11:49 AM
Where the 2 big mouths go? Oh it is lunch time.
06-05-2008, 02:49 PM
Race is from a roll, no seat time at this point for Jesse, hope your wife gives you your balls for a roll race.
Weather says rain Friday, You might dodge a bullit :biggrin:
Tom. night where at $500 from a roll bring the evo..
logans dad
06-05-2008, 04:04 PM
Don't give into the punk Jesse Joe. Race that shit from a Dig Only or I'm going to Jap slap the piss out of you. Call me Joe!!!
A real driver could go out and do 2 or three launches and figure out how to launch it.
06-06-2008, 08:32 AM
so is this going to happen tonight? Or is one of you going to puss out
06-06-2008, 10:09 AM
You said next weekand! Jesse has been in parkersburg all week and wont be back unitll late sunday night.
06-06-2008, 10:40 AM
Don't give into the punk Jesse Joe. Race that shit from a Dig Only or I'm going to Jap slap the piss out of you. Call me Joe!!!
A real driver could go out and do 2 or three launches and figure out how to launch it.
You aint jap slappen anyone but your old lady in the ass.. Mr 11.7's... like to see you hop in somthin with a lill power and try to giddy up..
06-06-2008, 10:40 AM
so is this going to happen tonight? Or is one of you going to puss out
you aint going to be there anyway hider!
06-06-2008, 12:22 PM
You aint jap slappen anyone but your old lady in the ass.. Mr 11.7's... like to see you hop in somthin with a lill power and try to giddy up..
George... let's not forget that until you bought your new race car already pre-built that you were lucky to be running these times with your Talon. 11.70's is pretty good for a driver that HE built himself. Not trying to start anything it's just that this year you have been really cocky with your new Camaro and all you had to do, was what a few adjust ments and turn the key... which is not too hard.
06-06-2008, 12:25 PM
You aint jap slappen anyone but your old lady in the ass.. Mr 11.7's... like to see you hop in somthin with a lill power and try to giddy up..
George... let's not forget that until you bought your new race car already pre-built that you were lucky to be running these times with your Talon. 11.70's is pretty good for a driver that HE built himself. Not trying to start anything it's just that this year you have been really cocky with your new Camaro and all you had to do, was what a few adjust ments and turn the key... which is not too hard.
dude you have no idea what goes on in my garage. I have nto said one thing about racing anyone or anything untill joe started runnen his mouth.. you can stfu because you have NO IDEA!
Not to mention my talon ran consistant 131mph every pass. with low 11 ets with shity 60s. Nice try though poser!
logans dad
06-06-2008, 01:35 PM
You aint jap slappen anyone but your old lady in the ass.. Mr 11.7's... like to see you hop in somthin with a lill power and try to giddy up..
George... let's not forget that until you bought your new race car already pre-built that you were lucky to be running these times with your Talon. 11.70's is pretty good for a driver that HE built himself. Not trying to start anything it's just that this year you have been really cocky with your new Camaro and all you had to do, was what a few adjust ments and turn the key... which is not too hard.
Thanks Mike, I also ran the A/C in staging lane and it was a full weight car and spun out of the hole, Street tires all the way. Turbo was a baby turbo compared to some of the DSM's that always asked for a pussy roll start because they knew it was the only way they could beat me. One exception was kegar but the race where I won is long gone off the camcorder lol. Oh well I sold it instead of making it faster, Hate to see punks cry lol.
06-06-2008, 02:59 PM
Thanks Mike, I also ran the A/C in staging lane
Ummmm no offense, but that's not something I would brag about. Regular Drag Racers (those that normally race for points) do not like it when the condensation from your AC condensor drips at the starting line. I don't know how often I would hear the tower begging peope to run off their AC. :yawinkle:
logans dad
06-06-2008, 03:47 PM
Thanks Mike, I also ran the A/C in staging lane
Ummmm no offense, but that's not something I would brag about. Regular Drag Racers (those that normally race for points) do not like it when the condensation from your AC condensor drips at the starting line. I don't know how often I would hear the tower begging peope to run off their AC. :yawinkle:
You are stupid as they come dude. Do you go around the fucking water box before you run, Dah If I remember right it has water in it I think, Ive been wrong before though.
logans dad
06-06-2008, 03:52 PM
[quote="logans dad":k5xi4o88]Thanks Mike, I also ran the A/C in staging lane
Ummmm no offense, but that's not something I would brag about. Regular Drag Racers (those that normally race for points) do not like it when the condensation from your AC condensor drips at the starting line. I don't know how often I would hear the tower begging peope to run off their AC. :yawinkle:
You are stupid as they come dude. Do you go around the fucking water box before you run, Dah If I remember right it has water in it I think, Ive been wrong before though.[/quote:k5xi4o88]
When I ran it it was cold and I didnt have it on but thought putting it in my post that I ran the A/C would sound good. I also see you said at the starting line. Didnt see that the first time I read it.
06-06-2008, 04:13 PM
You said next weekand! Jesse has been in parkersburg all week and wont be back unitll late sunday night.
No I said 2 weeks ago I would give you 2 weeks and you agreed, so once again you are back peddalling. Better hope you get the motor back from the machine shop pretty soon.
06-06-2008, 04:39 PM
George, I am not going to turn this into some kind of bitchn thread so I will keep this short. No, I have no idea what goes on in your garage and really I don't care. Also 131 mph don't mean shit if you can't get the ET to go with it... I have a handful of timeslips for my stang showing 130mph with 11.4 ET but I don't go around saying "it's a 10second car look at the MPH'' As for the stfu and poser comments, watch your mouth, you don't know me that well george.Never had a problem with you before but say that to my face and I will show you a thing or two.
06-06-2008, 07:11 PM
Not trying to start bs Mike, but ur car running? Since this is turning into a Unknown what about we line up any way u want heads up, only thing I ask is a decent road. Sounds pretty even race to me. I just have the 03. :supz: tonight? weather is good..
06-06-2008, 08:32 PM
3 pages of shit talkin' and no race yet?
Times like this make me glad i don't "race"... Still just a bunch of people talkin shit but not really gettin' it done.
As for my $.02: Roll races are for pussies who can't drive. A TON of races are won/lost on the launch. Launching is a VERY, VERY important part of a race!! here is a quick little list of people i have NEVER seen race from a "roll"
John Force
Tim Wilkerson
Tony Schumacher
Rod Fuller
Doug Herbert
Allen Johnson
Mike Edwards
ETC.... ETC.... ETC....
If you can't race from a dead stand still then you can't race. If YOUR CAR can't launch without breaking shit and the other persons can than HE has a better car even if it is a little slower. Speed isn't everything, anyone ever hear of consistancy? Being able to launch a car OVER AND OVER AGAIN without rebuilding it every other week is much more impressive than having a 800+HP car you can't TRUELY race...
06-06-2008, 10:16 PM
You said next weekand! Jesse has been in parkersburg all week and wont be back unitll late sunday night.
That and the motor isn't not done yet.
I don't doubt Jessie want to race from a roll, I keeping it above 7000 rpm during the launch isn't easy, that's why you don't see the other 42r evo in town racing.......he can't drive it.
06-07-2008, 12:46 AM
69gt4speed, my 94 is not running at the moment, I have been putting all my extra cash into other things for awhile, it will be next year though. Right now I just take my 07 gt to the strip every now and then. It's not much just tuner, gears, xpipe, and zex kit but it runs low 12's all day with an auto. If you want to run them for fun some time I'm game, never ran against a newer cobra, always fun to try?
06-07-2008, 01:17 AM
so your telling me your 11.4s at 130 is getting the et with the mph.. NOt... Maybe you shouldnt chime in where you dont belong to... anyone knows me knows i will tell you straight up in person.. So don't think yoru going to show me anything i dont already know.. Have a nice night, hope your other car runs better then the thing you had out last summer! :Hangman:
06-07-2008, 01:40 AM
You aint jap slappen anyone but your old lady in the ass.. Mr 11.7's... like to see you hop in somthin with a lill power and try to giddy up..
George... let's not forget that until you bought your new race car already pre-built that you were lucky to be running these times with your Talon. 11.70's is pretty good for a driver that HE built himself. Not trying to start anything it's just that this year you have been really cocky with your new Camaro and all you had to do, was what a few adjust ments and turn the key... which is not too hard.
Thanks Mike, I also ran the A/C in staging lane and it was a full weight car and spun out of the hole, Street tires all the way. Turbo was a baby turbo compared to some of the DSM's that always asked for a pussy roll start because they knew it was the only way they could beat me. One exception was kegar but the race where I won is long gone off the camcorder lol. Oh well I sold it instead of making it faster, Hate to see punks cry lol.
but vick i did run faster on a 16g than your built 6 bolt motor from sperry and a 60 trim i went 11.67 at 119.87 and than went 120.55 the pass after that with a bad 60'
06-07-2008, 09:54 AM
George, first off like I said watch your mouth, you are not as much of a bad ass as you try to make yourself out to be. As for what I had out last summer, that car is worth more than your Camaro and all your little cronies cars together, plus still has 4 years left on warranty! What it has done to it is all that will be done until it is out of warranty, shit my wife drives it to work everyday, never said it was fast anyways, just a quick driver. Also, wasn't saying the 11.4@130 is getting et with mph, was just using it as an example to your " I went 131mph last year" comment to show that mph don't really mean shit unless you can get it to ET as well.
06-07-2008, 09:54 AM
George, first off like I said watch your mouth, you are not as much of a bad ass as you try to make yourself out to be. As for what I had out last summer, that car is worth more than your Camaro and all your little cronies cars together, plus still has 4 years left on warranty! What it has done to it is all that will be done until it is out of warranty, shit my wife drives it to work everyday, never said it was fast anyways, just a quick driver. Also, wasn't saying the 11.4@130 is getting et with mph, was just using it as an example to your " I went 131mph last year" comment to show that mph don't really mean shit unless you can get it to ET as well.
06-07-2008, 10:12 AM
69gt4speed, my 94 is not running at the moment, I have been putting all my extra cash into other things for awhile, it will be next year though. Right now I just take my 07 gt to the strip every now and then. It's not much just tuner, gears, xpipe, and zex kit but it runs low 12's all day with an auto. If you want to run them for fun some time I'm game, never ran against a newer cobra, always fun to try?
low 12's now? thats quite an improvment from last year when i saw you at Midnight Madness...
06-07-2008, 10:40 AM
Mike you need to stop telling me to watch my mouth cause i DONT GIVE A FUCK! Your shit box ford isnt worth shit to anyone but trade in value at the dealer... NICE try though!
06-07-2008, 11:58 AM
Mike, ya sure I need another video of a new stang. I'm not going to waste time $ off work and or track fee to do it though. It appears I will be tied up this week. Besides suppose to rain. Just pm me, no problem, figure late after my work. We'll gidde up and beat the ponys. Last time went without a problem vs that modded 06 gt. In the vid section here.
06-07-2008, 12:05 PM
dustin, yeah the car ran a fastest of 12.24@118mph two weeks ago at Cordova's friday fun night on the 100hp shot. Finally figured out how to play with the tuner I got for it and firming up the shifts and other adjustments have helped it out alot.
george, not going to sit here and get in a pissing match with you as that was not the intention. we'll just leave it at that as i have too much going on right now in my life to worry about the opinions of a 19yr old "racer" . Have a nice day!
06-07-2008, 08:33 PM
all I see is people tearing each other apart. :vom:
It would be nice to see this site used as a resorce to make everyone's cars better. :)
My advice, Race from a dig...thats REAL drag racing. A roll race is for pussies
If you don't like each other, race for alot of cash!
If you hate each other, race for PINKS! :neener:
Not taking sides here guys, just calling it as I see it...either way if the race goes down, good luck to everyone, and most of all stay safe.
06-07-2008, 08:56 PM
Here is what I say, bring that blown up junk fucking EVO to the streets and watch a grocery getter GN eat it alive, Then bring the drag car of a camaro to the streets and watch a bone stock motor cobra drag you down the 1320.
Mustang mike its good to see you and me at least see eye to eye on this.
06-07-2008, 08:57 PM
all I see is people tearing each other apart. :vom:
It would be nice to see this site used as a resorce to make everyone's cars better. :)
My advice, Race from a dig...thats REAL drag racing. A roll race is for pussies
If you don't like each other, race for alot of cash!
If you hate each other, race for PINKS! :neener:
Not taking sides here guys, just calling it as I see it...either way if the race goes down, good luck to everyone, and most of all stay safe.
Scott you know thats how it is, my penis is bigger then yours thats why I ve tried to get this to pop off 10 times on the streets but all I get is just wait, which is typical....
06-07-2008, 10:00 PM
allgo, yeah we don't seem to agree on much but this subject we can. Let me know in a pm when and if this goes down I want to watch you spank the evo and camaro on their own ''turf''!
06-07-2008, 10:33 PM
allgo, yeah we don't seem to agree on much but this subject we can. Let me know in a pm when and if this goes down I want to watch you spank the evo and camaro on their own ''turf''!
Will do!!!
06-07-2008, 11:10 PM
Here is what I say, bring that blown up junk fucking EVO to the streets and watch a grocery getter GN eat it alive, Then bring the drag car of a camaro to the streets and watch a bone stock motor cobra drag you down the 1320.
Mustang mike its good to see you and me at least see eye to eye on this.
The race is the GN vs Camaro at the track, the only thing your gonna be dragging is your pride home sandwich Queen, the only million dollar whipple,N20,Meth injected,automatic, cobra running high 10s :banghead: dude your a discrace and a joke to all the cobra owners in the US, I hope that when I am your age I am still stuck in the high 10s. NOT! opps already been faster then all your JUNK, First day out not 300 passes later, and gonna go 9s before you also on pump gas, not that high dollar c16 and meth injection, how many more power adders :rolleyes: do you add to add to race a 19yr old with a pump gas car, what a BIG AZZ TOOL you are. Now thats funny, maybee you should add another turbo to all your dyno queens. Or better yet maybee you should get Corp. Quizno's to sponser you. So keep running your lips, and let everybody see your true stupidity.
06-07-2008, 11:15 PM
allgo, yeah we don't seem to agree on much but this subject we can. Let me know in a pm when and if this goes down I want to watch you spank the evo and camaro on their own ''turf''!
Why dont you come out and try to do it yourself? BECAUSE YOU CAN'T. AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAH. Shit we got a little stock motor 16g talon for you to race, well maybee for the first 30' because from there on its GOOOOOOOOD BY! I think the only thing your gonna see getting spanked is you spanking yourself. So keep on talking! Allgo could use another shirt tail follower :biggrin:
06-07-2008, 11:17 PM
Wow you really look stupid everytime you post, how does that feel???????
06-07-2008, 11:19 PM
Here is what I say, bring that blown up junk fucking EVO to the streets and watch a grocery getter GN eat it alive, Then bring the drag car of a camaro to the streets and watch a bone stock motor cobra drag you down the 1320.
Mustang mike its good to see you and me at least see eye to eye on this.
The race is the GN vs Camaro at the track, the only thing your gonna be dragging is your pride home sandwich Queen, the only million dollar whipple,N20,Meth injected,automatic, cobra running high 10s :banghead: dude your a discrace and a joke to all the cobra owners in the US, I hope that when I am your age I am still stuck in the high 10s. NOT! opps already been faster then all your JUNK, First day out not 300 passes later, and gonna go 9s before you also on pump gas, not that high dollar c16 and meth injection, how many more power adders :rolleyes: do you add to add to race a 19yr old with a pump gas car, what a BIG AZZ TOOL you are. Now thats funny, maybee you should add another turbo to all your dyno queens. Or better yet maybee you should get Corp. Quizno's to sponser you. So keep running your lips, and let everybody see your true stupidity.
Difference between me and you I build a car from stock to where it is and you go out and buy one already built because you FAILED at your last junk talon!!!
06-07-2008, 11:22 PM
all I see is people tearing each other apart. :vom:
It would be nice to see this site used as a resorce to make everyone's cars better. :)
My advice, Race from a dig...thats REAL drag racing. A roll race is for pussies
If you don't like each other, race for alot of cash!
If you hate each other, race for PINKS! :neener:
Not taking sides here guys, just calling it as I see it...either way if the race goes down, good luck to everyone, and most of all stay safe.
Scott you know thats how it is, my penis is bigger then yours thats why I ve tried to get this to pop off 10 times on the streets but all I get is just wait, which is typical....
I agree allgo
you have been VERY willing to make the race happen. I'm just sick of hearing other people on here run there mouth....."just wait, you better watch out then"
Someone on the other side of this deal needs to man up, or let it go. But I think too much shit has been talked to do that now.
Win or loose to keep honor at this point, the race needs to happen soon
and your very right......"my dick is bigger than yours" thing goes hand and hand ( no pun intended, lol) with drag racing...and theres no such thing as a fair race, someone always has a bigger one. :biggrin:
I have offered my services on your Camaro 2 times now (and I've never even met you) I just want to see this race go down.
Drag racing is about winning and loseing, plain and simple. Roll races and excuses don't count.
The offer for help still stands.
06-07-2008, 11:39 PM
Here is what I say, bring that blown up junk fucking EVO to the streets and watch a grocery getter GN eat it alive, Then bring the drag car of a camaro to the streets and watch a bone stock motor cobra drag you down the 1320.
Mustang mike its good to see you and me at least see eye to eye on this.
The race is the GN vs Camaro at the track, the only thing your gonna be dragging is your pride home sandwich Queen, the only million dollar whipple,N20,Meth injected,automatic, cobra running high 10s :banghead: dude your a discrace and a joke to all the cobra owners in the US, I hope that when I am your age I am still stuck in the high 10s. NOT! opps already been faster then all your JUNK, First day out not 300 passes later, and gonna go 9s before you also on pump gas, not that high dollar c16 and meth injection, how many more power adders :rolleyes: do you add to add to race a 19yr old with a pump gas car, what a BIG AZZ TOOL you are. Now thats funny, maybee you should add another turbo to all your dyno queens. Or better yet maybee you should get Corp. Quizno's to sponser you. So keep running your lips, and let everybody see your true stupidity.
Difference between me and you I build a car from stock to where it is and you go out and buy one already built because you FAILED at your last junk talon!!!
1 turbo.....20 turbos, pump gas, race gas Whatever it takes to get down the track. Who cares
With a mouth like yours maybe I should not have offered my help
06-07-2008, 11:40 PM
George, i am glad you have a car that can beat me, do you want a fucking cookie or something? I have already stated that my car is not a drag car so why do you keep bringin it up? I have better things to do right now than dump all my extra cash into my car and spend hours in the garage tuning it just to try and impress people.
I, like alot of others on here just want to see the 2 races go down and got tired of hearing lame ass excuses from your side all the time and then more shit talking right with it. Allgo, and I usually don't agree on much but this time it's pretty clear, he has offered you both races (roll and dig) and all you have done so far is back out and then talk shit to try and make yourself feel cool about punkin out. Man up george, if your shit is so fucking fast then show everyone and stop dodging races!
06-07-2008, 11:44 PM
George, i am glad you have a car that can beat me, do you want a fucking cookie or something? I have already stated that my car is not a drag car so why do you keep bringin it up? I have better things to do right now than dump all my extra cash into my car and spend hours in the garage tuning it just to try and impress people.
I, like alot of others on here just want to see the 2 races go down and got tired of hearing lame ass excuses from your side all the time and then more shit talking right with it. Allgo, and I usually don't agree on much but this time it's pretty clear, he has offered you both races (roll and dig) and all you have done so far is back out and then talk shit to try and make yourself feel cool about punkin out. Man up george, if your shit is so fucking fast then show everyone and stop dodging races!
Very well said
Domestic Disturbance
06-08-2008, 02:43 AM
very well put. heard he was scared to race a harley the other night
06-08-2008, 03:58 AM
Here is what I say, bring that blown up junk fucking EVO to the streets and watch a grocery getter GN eat it alive, Then bring the drag car of a camaro to the streets and watch a bone stock motor cobra drag you down the 1320.
Mustang mike its good to see you and me at least see eye to eye on this.
The race is the GN vs Camaro at the track, the only thing your gonna be dragging is your pride home sandwich Queen, the only million dollar whipple,N20,Meth injected,automatic, cobra running high 10s :banghead: dude your a discrace and a joke to all the cobra owners in the US, I hope that when I am your age I am still stuck in the high 10s. NOT! opps already been faster then all your JUNK, First day out not 300 passes later, and gonna go 9s before you also on pump gas, not that high dollar c16 and meth injection, how many more power adders :rolleyes: do you add to add to race a 19yr old with a pump gas car, what a BIG AZZ TOOL you are. Now thats funny, maybee you should add another turbo to all your dyno queens. Or better yet maybee you should get Corp. Quizno's to sponser you. So keep running your lips, and let everybody see your true stupidity.
HAHA If your car was as fast as your mouth you'd be NHRA material.
06-08-2008, 05:59 AM
George likes to make his car out to be something not very special with a few bolt-ons. Last time I checked they didn't make 4th gen Camaros with a 402 LS2 motor and a 150shot...
logans dad
06-08-2008, 08:56 AM
You aint jap slappen anyone but your old lady in the ass.. Mr 11.7's... like to see you hop in somthin with a lill power and try to giddy up..
George... let's not forget that until you bought your new race car already pre-built that you were lucky to be running these times with your Talon. 11.70's is pretty good for a driver that HE built himself. Not trying to start anything it's just that this year you have been really cocky with your new Camaro and all you had to do, was what a few adjust ments and turn the key... which is not too hard.
Thanks Mike, I also ran the A/C in staging lane and it was a full weight car and spun out of the hole, Street tires all the way. Turbo was a baby turbo compared to some of the DSM's that always asked for a pussy roll start because they knew it was the only way they could beat me. One exception was kegar but the race where I won is long gone off the camcorder lol. Oh well I sold it instead of making it faster, Hate to see punks cry lol.
but vick i did run faster on a 16g than your built 6 bolt motor from sperry and a 60 trim i went 11.67 at 119.87 and than went 120.55 the pass after that with a bad 60'
But Kegar, I'm pretty sure most ppl on here would rather have my car then your stripped down rust bucket that you bought modified already and had hours of tuning compared to Trevor's low boost 1 day 4 pull tune. It was far from being tuned on high boost and running pump gas. Nice try though. Wish I would of kept it and got a bigger turbo but I cant stand the bragging that goes on when ppl buy a modded car and think there the best thing that ever happened.
When I someday get my coupe and bring it out we will see who has the kewl car. Fuck fast Im going with style. Park by me so ppl will have your car to rest there asses on while looking at mine lol.
06-08-2008, 10:45 AM
First off..
Where do you guys get this drag car shit? It's a full interior street car with et streets and skinis on the front. Second off Show me where im backing down from a race?
06-08-2008, 11:00 AM
First off..
Where do you guys get this drag car shit? It's a full interior street car with et streets and skinis on the front. Second off Show me where im backing down from a race?
yea, my 94 Z28 .......25.5 chassis, turbo, drag radial car, is a street car :neener:
some people would call it a full racecar ......its all perception :biggrin:
06-08-2008, 11:32 AM
do you mean when Jesse gets the motor back from the machine shop???
06-08-2008, 12:10 PM
Here is what I say, bring that blown up junk fucking EVO to the streets and watch a grocery getter GN eat it alive, Then bring the drag car of a camaro to the streets and watch a bone stock motor cobra drag you down the 1320.
Mustang mike its good to see you and me at least see eye to eye on this.
The race is the GN vs Camaro at the track, the only thing your gonna be dragging is your pride home sandwich Queen, the only million dollar whipple,N20,Meth injected,automatic, cobra running high 10s :banghead: dude your a discrace and a joke to all the cobra owners in the US, I hope that when I am your age I am still stuck in the high 10s. NOT! opps already been faster then all your JUNK, First day out not 300 passes later, and gonna go 9s before you also on pump gas, not that high dollar c16 and meth injection, how many more power adders :rolleyes: do you add to add to race a 19yr old with a pump gas car, what a BIG AZZ TOOL you are. Now thats funny, maybee you should add another turbo to all your dyno queens. Or better yet maybee you should get Corp. Quizno's to sponser you. So keep running your lips, and let everybody see your true stupidity.
Difference between me and you I build a car from stock to where it is and you go out and buy one already built because you FAILED at your last junk talon!!!
No Sandwich Queen your wrong again: The differance is I bought a car that had some basic mods done to already, and then changed what I wanted, and add some, myself and with my Dads help.
You bought a cars from stock, got some magazines and paid everyone from Joe Barton to the twins, to Snickerlicker, to peolpe out of state to do it for you because your to fucking stupid to even change oil, dumb fuck, Unless it say Dillspread or Mayo on the cover your lost as hell, But I bet you do build a MEAN SUB.
06-08-2008, 12:18 PM
Here is what I say, bring that blown up junk fucking EVO to the streets and watch a grocery getter GN eat it alive, Then bring the drag car of a camaro to the streets and watch a bone stock motor cobra drag you down the 1320.
Mustang mike its good to see you and me at least see eye to eye on this.
The race is the GN vs Camaro at the track, the only thing your gonna be dragging is your pride home sandwich Queen, the only million dollar whipple,N20,Meth injected,automatic, cobra running high 10s :banghead: dude your a discrace and a joke to all the cobra owners in the US, I hope that when I am your age I am still stuck in the high 10s. NOT! opps already been faster then all your JUNK, First day out not 300 passes later, and gonna go 9s before you also on pump gas, not that high dollar c16 and meth injection, how many more power adders :rolleyes: do you add to add to race a 19yr old with a pump gas car, what a BIG AZZ TOOL you are. Now thats funny, maybee you should add another turbo to all your dyno queens. Or better yet maybee you should get Corp. Quizno's to sponser you. So keep running your lips, and let everybody see your true stupidity.
Difference between me and you I build a car from stock to where it is and you go out and buy one already built because you FAILED at your last junk talon!!!
No Sandwich Queen your wrong again: The differance is I bought a car that had some basic mods done to already, and then changed what I wanted, and add some, myself and with my Dads help.
You bought a cars from stock, got some magazines and paid everyone from Joe Barton to the twins, to Snickerlicker, to peolpe out of state to do it for you because your to fucking stupid to even change oil, dumb fuck, Unless it say Dillspread or Mayo on the cover your lost as hell, But I bet you do build a MEAN SUB.
just think......all this time on the net could have been spent having a race
06-08-2008, 12:18 PM
this entire thread brings one quote to mind
"those who can, DO! Those who can't, TALK ABOUT IT!!!"
STFU! and race already, not from a pussy ass roll but, REALLY RACE... Make sure there are PLENTY of people to witness and be sure to get it on tape so this shit talkin' can FINALY end....
StreetSweeper: you'r a fag... plain and simple! you are the reason people hate coming on sites like this. There is always one bitch that ruins it for the bunch and you are her... I don't know you, i have never met you, and to be honest i would love to punch you in the mouth simply based on all the shit you talk on here....
Now, go put Jesse's dick back in your mouth so we don't have to hear your voice....
06-08-2008, 01:02 PM
uh oh... Looks like i pissed of your daddy!
May be if i lived at home with my parents and didn' thave any bills or a family i could afford to waste a bunch of money on my cars. Until then i will be happy with what i got, which IMO is worth 10 TRILLION times ANY car on this planet. I wasn't talkin like I have something to race because i don't which is why i dont sit on here talkin shit to everyone about this and that... Simply observing others conversations and tossing out my opinnion.
Maybe you should move out of daddy's house so you can live by your own rules and actualy back up some of your shit talking...
06-08-2008, 01:23 PM
You guys can all hate all you want, thats all it has ever been.. But two things are going to happen this summer and i seem to say it every time but you guys must be dislexic and dont read it..
2. My camaro WILL WHOOP ALL GAY!
Thanks for your comments, it enlightened my day :WORSHIP:
06-08-2008, 01:25 PM
First off..
Where do you guys get this drag car shit? It's a full interior street car with et streets and skinis on the front. Second off Show me where im backing down from a race?
yea, my 94 Z28 .......25.5 chassis, turbo, drag radial car, is a street car :neener:
some people would call it a full racecar ......its all perception :biggrin:
I have to say its as much as a street car as you make it. Shit Spiro pappas has a street car. But im prety sure i can justfy my 99 camaro that i drive to school and work atleast 3 times a week depending on the weather is a street car!
06-08-2008, 02:35 PM
You guys can all hate all you want, thats all it has ever been.. But two things are going to happen this summer and i seem to say it every time but you guys must be dislexic and dont read it..
2. My camaro WILL WHOOP ALL GAY!
Thanks for your comments, it enlightened my day :WORSHIP:
Wow these are the same things you say every year and they NEVER happen, enough said I will just be waiting for the evo motor to be put back together and wait for your balls to drop to race me on the streets....poser
06-08-2008, 03:33 PM
so what did happen to the motor?? i havn't heard a straight answer.....
Domestic Disturbance
06-08-2008, 03:57 PM
... but I cant stand the bragging that goes on when ppl buy a modded car and think there the best thing that ever happened.
06-08-2008, 04:02 PM
Wow... think of that all by yourself or was daddy holding your hand telling you what to type? Less talk more action, but be sure not to piss daddy off! We don;t want you to get grounded and have yet another excuse why you can't race...
06-08-2008, 04:37 PM
Just like i was waiting all last year for your balls to drop and race ME on the street.. didnt happen.. Maybe the o'll ball and chain will get loosend up for you to come race the evo..
You of all people know we do our shit over hear as we have lent you a heavy hand here and there..
Who in there right mind would wast there time with a harley.. And that guy told me you made some bs up saying how my dad was running his mouth.. Thats not a place he wants to go trust me dude, his harley wouldnt hang with your car.. LOL
OH and heres my drag car, when keger got hungry.. Not to mention i drive the car allmost every day if its not raining. ... 165136.htm (
logans dad
06-08-2008, 05:03 PM
George, Pretty obvious you were checking that fat girls ass in the drive up window.
06-08-2008, 05:08 PM
George, Pretty obvious you were checking that fat girls ass in the drive up window.
hahaha.. i didnt even think of that untill now.
06-08-2008, 05:16 PM
sooooo what happened to the evo exactly???
06-08-2008, 06:06 PM
mmm... Arby's
So George, how come I never see ya drive the Camaro to class in the morning?
06-08-2008, 06:50 PM
draws attention, in the lot, i go home to get it after and drive to work, ill give you a ride some time when im not going to be in for 6 hours.
06-08-2008, 06:56 PM
Me and George and Ed have been talking shit and racing stuff since I was like 10 years old, its just a bunch of shit talking thats all it is, and all you fuckers that jump in and start bitchin about everyone argueing are NO BETTER, if you dont like what you read get the hell out of here and shut up. Allgo is playin the same games as George is, allgo has been challenged to race at the track "if I read it right" how does that make george a pussy just because he wont race on the street?? Sounds like a smart decision to me so quit fucking giving the kid shit about it already..
06-08-2008, 07:05 PM
Well put Scotty,
The only thing is, there are all these Wind chimers on here that think they no allot about what they really dont know!
Enough is enough
We will be racing allgo with the Evo,
and i will race allgo anytime he would like at tristate, He wouldnt race m on the street last year with the talon, so im going to play his game and only race him on the track this year.. The only difference is i actually had the balls to race him on the track!
1. let the ball and chain hang and bring your ass to the track and we will giddy up!
Domestic Disturbance
06-08-2008, 07:34 PM
haha i made stuff up huh? this isn't worth my time
racing is gay, I'm gonna start a salt water fish collection
06-08-2008, 07:39 PM
Urban Legend
06-08-2008, 10:54 PM
If it's at the track, so be it. If I had a fast car that's the only place I'd race. But after all this talk, I'd hate to be the one with the loss!
06-09-2008, 03:29 AM
Kitch I'll trade you two white tailed pygmy's for your queen angel fish as long as you quit making shit up you liar.
06-09-2008, 05:41 AM
Me and George and Ed have been talking shit and racing stuff since I was like 10 years old, its just a bunch of shit talking thats all it is, and all you fuckers that jump in and start bitchin about everyone argueing are NO BETTER, if you dont like what you read get the hell out of here and shut up. Allgo is playin the same games as George is, allgo has been challenged to race at the track "if I read it right" how does that make george a pussy just because he wont race on the street?? Sounds like a smart decision to me so quit fucking giving the kid shit about it already..
well said, I just would like to see it go down at the TRACK ...the only safe place to do it
06-09-2008, 10:30 AM
Kitch I'll trade you two white tailed pygmy's for your queen angel fish as long as you quit making shit up you liar.
i'll trade you my dwarf pufferfish for your car
06-09-2008, 01:45 PM
Kitch I'll trade you two white tailed pygmy's for your queen angel fish as long as you quit making shit up you liar.
i'll trade you my dwarf pufferfish for your car
hmmmm thats a tempting trade. If you have any makos its a deal im not much of a puffer lover.
Domestic Disturbance
06-09-2008, 04:07 PM
the queen angel got taken down by the hammer head. you can have my sargassum fish tho they use their fins as hands to crawl
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