View Full Version : wagomino 3rd pass of the year 9.2@152
05-24-2008, 10:52 AM
tristate today more passes to come. It just gets better now...UT OHHH!
05-24-2008, 12:03 PM
Sounds great!!
looks like 8's will be here shortly
05-24-2008, 12:06 PM
update 9.02@154.9!!!
logans dad
05-24-2008, 12:53 PM
update 9.02@154.9!!!
Congrats man, Looks like George will be sucking the hind tit.
05-24-2008, 01:37 PM
you know it!
05-24-2008, 02:27 PM
Low boost 30 mph head wind, Id say the 8 second pass is there already.
05-24-2008, 03:10 PM
Low boost 30 mph head wind, Id say the 8 second pass is there already.
Congrats! glad to see everthing is coming together on the new combo.
stay safe man!
what kind of 60' times today?
05-24-2008, 03:40 PM
i know it's a big tire car, but is it hooking well and going straight? just wondering when the boost is getting turned up?
05-24-2008, 03:51 PM
i know it's a big tire car, but is it hooking well and going straight? just wondering when the boost is getting turned up?
Its not a big tire car dustin
05-24-2008, 05:06 PM
i know it's a big tire car, but is it hooking well and going straight? just wondering when the boost is getting turned up?
Its not a big tire car dustin
What size tire?
05-24-2008, 05:31 PM
knowing those boys its probably an 8" wide tire. 8s on 8s was the sort of the theme of the last car.
05-24-2008, 06:09 PM
i meant it was a big tire for them. i know its not a pro-street car, but i thought it had a lot wider tires than the wagon did...
90 notch
05-25-2008, 06:09 AM
29.5 by 10.5...All in all day went good,more power to come.Thanks,steve o
05-25-2008, 07:34 AM
update 9.02@154.9!!!
Congrats man, Looks like George will be sucking the hind tit.
WTF are you talking about? when have i ever thought that i was going to beat that wagon?? Hopefully they will get it down to around a mid two low 8 where it should be..
But let me tell you it better get there soon if it wants a fighting chance with the busa.
Not trying to start no shit, but i didnt quite understand your post vic.
05-25-2008, 01:36 PM
congrats :)
keep up the good work, cant wait to see what it runs when everything gets ironed out
05-26-2008, 08:51 AM
update 9.02@154.9!!!
Congrats man, Looks like George will be sucking the hind tit.
WTF are you talking about? when have i ever thought that i was going to beat that wagon?? Hopefully they will get it down to around a mid two low 8 where it should be..
But let me tell you it better get there soon if it wants a fighting chance with the busa.
Not trying to start no shit, but i didnt quite understand your post vic.
Give me a break that elcamino will eat up the busa with that 9.0 pass. Give it a rest tubby!!
05-26-2008, 09:29 AM
I have been saving some money for a few things i would like to buy for my car.. And im willing to put it all on the line.. I got 1k to shuv up your ass saying th busa will royally suck the paint off that thing. But your a screen name hider and so it wont ever matter.
05-26-2008, 11:11 AM
I have been saving some money for a few things i would like to buy for my car.. And im willing to put it all on the line.. I got 1k to shuv up your ass saying th busa will royally suck the paint off that thing. But your a screen name hider and so it wont ever matter.
I m in, oh wait you wont have $1000 unless you borrow it. First we have to see if this is even going to happen. But bring YOUR shit to the track and I will show you some paint sucking machine.
05-26-2008, 01:29 PM
o yea! just like you came to the back that one night after i called you out...why waste the gas to go to the track when we know for a fact you wont be there?
congrats guys!
05-26-2008, 01:43 PM
idk sherm, but your lady friends are gonna get us all put in jail!!
this car sounds like fun to watch, you guys should let us know where its running next so we can come watch it.
05-26-2008, 02:59 PM
Thats funny 9.0 pass, yep the first pass of the trailer was 9.06, maybee you should have either stuck around or got your info from a different source you, but it goes to show what you know, the MPH would have told you if it was a full pass or not, but your stupidity is showing again . Dont worry we all know what it ran,and whats left in it, and so do they, they are not stupid like yourself and can figure mph to true ET, but this will never happen, untill they get about 75 passes on that car, spend another few grand, and know its a for sure thing. Must really suck having to hide behind a screen name, is it that bad! Anyway Steve'o is not responding to the PMs my dad sent to him, and Steve'o knows where he stands, Busa is on Ebay right now go check it out, I got the vids and slips for them to shoot for. Let me know when the imaginary slopar runs.
05-26-2008, 03:00 PM
well...tell everyone not to egg them on next time then... :biggrin:
05-26-2008, 03:12 PM
whats funnier yet is every person involved in this post has something to race, besides you, must suck being told what to post by another guttless member of this site.
05-26-2008, 03:31 PM
Stevo doesnt have a computer at home so you will have to wait until he works tom. to answer your pms. Not everything is on your guys schedule.
P.S. Mufflover its not hard to get under streetsweepers skin so keep up the good work.
Goerge when is the big race going down then with the GN?
05-26-2008, 04:00 PM
29.5 by 10.5...All in all day went good,more power to come.Thanks,steve o
Posted: Sunday may 25th sandwich boy, must have worked on sunday morning on Memorial day weekend, my bad. dude hes not getting under my skin or should I say you! I am just laughing it off just like I do about everything that involves you guys, fuck you and your million dollar, I sent my GN to get built for me, cause I can not even change oil, Mr 40 year old, 3 cars, 5 bussinesses and spend all the money I can hide from my wife on my cars, never been in the nines yet, looser, fuck you I am 19 and been faster first day out then you have since I have met you, NOW thats funny :biggrin: whats funny is you should win clown fuck! Now contact your boy to post for ya, then you follow up! Oh I heard your into stock car racing now, got the trailer for it I hear. :biggrin: putting your extra tires on the tire rack up top :biggrin:
05-26-2008, 04:17 PM
29.5 by 10.5...All in all day went good,more power to come.Thanks,steve o
Posted: Sunday may 25th sandwich boy, must have worked on sunday morning on Memorial day weekend, my bad. dude hes not getting under my skin or should I say you! I am just laughing it off just like I do about everything that involves you guys, fuck you and your million dollar, I sent my GN to get built for me, cause I can not even change oil, Mr 40 year old, 3 cars, 5 bussinesses and spend all the money I can hide from my wife on my cars, never been in the nines yet, looser, fuck you I am 19 and been faster first day out then you have since I have met you, NOW thats funny :biggrin: whats funny is you should win clown fuck! Now contact your boy to post for ya, then you follow up! Oh I heard your into stock car racing now, got the trailer for it I hear. :biggrin: putting your extra tires on the tire rack up top :biggrin:
first off I dont know mufflover, I dont need anyone on here to post for me I will say it on here and to your face and back it up unlike you always throwing threat out to stevo like 10 times a year how your going to bloody his face and all you do when you see him is throw your arms together like your some big body Big difference from me to you beides the obvious, is I did not go out and buy a car already built cause you surely cant. I have never sent my car away to get built but so what if I have. And for a you calling people out hiding behind a screen name you better go look at your clown mirror in your room, mister pm people on dragsource talking shit about me. oh what do you think they didnt pm me to? But I just left it alone cause thats the way you roll right! Know go spend all your money trying to get the car that you already bought to go faster, but you better hurry cause just like your junk talon it should BLOW UP SOON!!!! :Hangman:
P.S. I am 38 years
05-26-2008, 04:23 PM
Post subject: Re: Vid of Allgo Beating Streetsweeper after he redlights!!! Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 4:57 pm
Replies: 197
Views: 1805
SHEEET.. With no challanger I guess STREETPSI & the StreetCreeper Remain KING OF THE STREETS FOO :WORSHIP: ! Congrats I am sure your family is proud of you!! Only as proud as yours is of you FEATHERBACK!!! Let me know when your balls drop and your ready to race your street car on ...
How many head gaskets did you put in that car last year? lol
05-26-2008, 04:51 PM
Thats the best you got! I will have to thank you though, for boosting my EGO to the point of NO RETURN, all that money and all those cars and 38 yrs old, and #1 priority is to race a 19 yr old kid. Thank you ALLGO, oh and I bought a prepped car and my dad and I redid it, dont worry Joe Barton tells the whole world your car bussiness, so we now, and tell Steveo if he has something to say I will see him soon, and to come on over and say it, we see what happens. And dont worrie not backing out, waiting for a few items and then its off to TriState, I am not like you and Steveo PMing my dad and begging him for the race when you know hes not up to it right now, and when he PMs you and says lets do this and get it over with, no reply! You must not have said one word to him cause he sure had the "deer in the headlight look" when Novak came up to him at Tristate, and he says WHAT! I dont know nothing about a race. It will happen, unlike the other scheduled race, and I thought Steve said bring opening day, good thing that did not happen or the weekend after :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: See ya soon sandwich king.
Headgaskets thats is REALLY funny comming from you, dam your good with the jokes today. How many passes have you made and not went as fast as I did first day out, here I will help you about 2000. what a TOOOOOL you are. Now stop talking about cars and spending money, before your wife finds out, oh you can store your trailer over here if you want we wont tell :biggrin:
05-26-2008, 04:58 PM
Oh and weather I bought it or built it, it still went faster ET and MPH first day out, now thats FUNNY, and was getting ready for another pass and Cassil said NO, get your saftey equip. and license, opps you dont know about that shit. Ok gotta got to Jimmy Johns and get a real sandwich. :bigthumb: Some people asked me how mad you would be that I 1 uped you on day 1, well I wont mention any names, because you buy parts from them, AHAHAHAHA
05-26-2008, 05:06 PM
SO are we racing or not. trust me you are not a priority with me but since you got such a big mouth thats why eveyone on heres wonts it to shut up. I never pm your dad thats funny ask him he pmd me so go back to sipping on you slushy why your dad works on your car flunky
my foxbody has been faster and better mph 10 years ago
05-26-2008, 06:10 PM
Yes the race is on, and my bad your fox went 10.0s after you owned for years, not much of a difference from my day 1. And the PM to my dad I was talking about was a few weeks back and you asked in that PM if the race was still own, was not recently. I will shut up for your benifit for now. Oh that sandwich at JJ was awsome.
05-26-2008, 08:43 PM
What were your 60 foot times and how much does it weigh? The reason I ask is I went 9.37@155 on a 275.60.15 drag radial today and wondering how much I can pick up with slicks and more boost. Thanks Ryan
05-26-2008, 09:19 PM
What were your 60 foot times and how much does it weigh? The reason I ask is I went 9.37@155 on a 275.60.15 drag radial today and wondering how much I can pick up with slicks and more boost. Thanks Ryan
Congrats Ryan.
05-26-2008, 09:39 PM
Congrats Ryan.
Thanks Joe, I did all passes this weekend with a slipping trans, it was really bad in second, Len is fixing it this week. I should go 8's with a little more boost. Did you race that Evo this weekend?
05-26-2008, 09:47 PM
No now they want to wait a couple weeks. Cant lenteck get that tranny right for you? Proable not quite used to having a 4r70w behind a monster like yours. When are you coming this way? That evo said he would race anyone from a roll. You know I dont do roll races so I am sticking with the dig.
Urban Legend
05-26-2008, 11:02 PM
Streetsweeper, leave Joe Bartons name out of this. He's no hater. So don't drag his name in the mud. If you know him, then you know he is the nicest, most trust worthy mechanic in town. Probably one of the best. He's helped me out plenty.
05-27-2008, 01:48 AM
What were your 60 foot times and how much does it weigh? The reason I ask is I went 9.37@155 on a 275.60.15 drag radial today and wondering how much I can pick up with slicks and more boost. Thanks Ryan
wow big congrats. keep us updated :supz:
05-27-2008, 05:43 AM
What were your 60 foot times and how much does it weigh? The reason I ask is I went 9.37@155 on a 275.60.15 drag radial today and wondering how much I can pick up with slicks and more boost. Thanks Ryan
Way to go ryan!
90 notch
05-27-2008, 06:34 AM
Those passes were done on the footbrake,no transbrake yet.Best 60ft was a 1.39,their's definately some mid 20's in their.We have some boost to play with as soon as we can stop it from spinning!!!!!!!!Steve o
05-27-2008, 08:35 AM
If this is the Joe Barton that works down at Jims tune up then I will say his is one hell of a guy.
05-27-2008, 08:36 AM
What were your 60 foot times and how much does it weigh? The reason I ask is I went 9.37@155 on a 275.60.15 drag radial today and wondering how much I can pick up with slicks and more boost. Thanks Ryan
Wow thats impresive, what car is this? maybe a mustang or a viper? Hopefully a viper
05-27-2008, 09:17 AM
Ryan, I got a 9.34 at 144, and another 9.34 at 143+change..but its on the bottle so mph dont really compare, 60's were at 1.34
05-27-2008, 12:45 PM
What were your 60 foot times and how much does it weigh? The reason I ask is I went 9.37@155 on a 275.60.15 drag radial today and wondering how much I can pick up with slicks and more boost. Thanks Ryan
Wow thats impresive, what car is this? maybe a mustang or a viper? Hopefully a viper
lol its a 93 cobra
05-27-2008, 07:20 PM
Thanks Everyone, we are finally figuring out what it takes to make big turbos work on small inch motors.
Scott, I had a few 1.48's,one 1.44 and the rest were between 1.50-1.88 this weekend, last year I had a couple 1.33's on radials I wonder if I could do much better on real slicks. Did you get your car back together?
Sorry for hijacking your thread.
Urban Legend
05-27-2008, 10:19 PM
If this is the Joe Barton that works down at Jims tune up then I will say his is one hell of a guy.
He used to work there, he finally opened up his place in Palo full time, Palo Auto Repair. I just hate to see his name bashed, when he has worked so hard to make a name for himself.
05-28-2008, 07:29 AM
Nah its not together yet, I went to put it together and Fel-pro had packaged the wrong gaskets, not even close to right number, now I have been waiting a week for them cocksuckers to send me the right ones. Thats all Im waiting on now. That 1.33 60' is outstanding for drag radials, I would think with a 1.33 and 155 mph you would be hitting 8's pretty easy on a clean pass
05-28-2008, 07:43 AM
Im sure slicks would help alot, probably not as much as it would help on a nitrous or big inch engine I wouldnt think because the soft side walls help soften the hit off the hole, where on a turbo car the power usually seems to come on a little later. I noticed alot of turbo cars at wsc running the stiff sidewall slicks instead of standard slicks. But they also have alot taller tire than the normal 28" that you can stuff in a stock fox body. My opinion would be alot looser converter, launch retard, working trans brake, and a 28 10.5 slick would be a world of difference. 8.8's at 155+ weight transfer will be tough though..
05-28-2008, 01:30 PM
Steve-O, did I read your going stock car racing??
05-28-2008, 02:53 PM
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