View Full Version : NOGO.. BRING YOUR JUNK!

05-22-2008, 09:23 PM
First off jesse should be proud he took his time and built the car he wanted, he didnt go out and BUY A FAST CAR ALREADY BUILT, I hope it runs well. But I am first in line to racethe evo from a dig with the cobra since I have been waiting 2 years.
:biggrin: haha indeed. i want to see that race

I vote that is a waste of Q 16!

Cobra = Slower then old people fuck! :butthead:

I new your big mouth would have to get on here, so bring your shit out to I will race you to! Cobra= full weight, air, heat, stereo, cross country crusier, could care less if you race car beats my cobra at the end of the day I can still do anything I want in my car, like give all 4 or 5 of my friends a ride at the sametime not just one at a time, camaro= not built buy you, gutted race car.

P.S. . If you really want a race then race the gn streetsweeper. You would have to feel pretty brave beating a BONE STOCK MOTOR cobra.

Practice what you preach sandwich boy! You got allot of room to talk "MR. I send all my shit out to get bult" And "Mr i cant even wire a nitrous relay" ...

And i knew your dumb ass would try to kiss some ass once the evo was done and making power.. Thats right back pedlle big girl.. Remember you dont street race.. You cant loose your liscense! Or is that a different story this year.

05-22-2008, 09:26 PM
He won't race the gn,he's a bitch.......nuff said.

Id like to see you call me a bitch to my face! I will slap your :rolleyes: straight BITCH!

05-23-2008, 07:33 AM
First off jesse should be proud he took his time and built the car he wanted, he didnt go out and BUY A FAST CAR ALREADY BUILT, I hope it runs well. But I am first in line to racethe evo from a dig with the cobra since I have been waiting 2 years.
:biggrin: haha indeed. i want to see that race

I vote that is a waste of Q 16!

Cobra = Slower then old people fuck! :butthead:

I new your big mouth would have to get on here, so bring your shit out to I will race you to! Cobra= full weight, air, heat, stereo, cross country crusier, could care less if you race car beats my cobra at the end of the day I can still do anything I want in my car, like give all 4 or 5 of my friends a ride at the sametime not just one at a time, camaro= not built buy you, gutted race car.

P.S. . If you really want a race then race the gn streetsweeper. You would have to feel pretty brave beating a BONE STOCK MOTOR cobra.

Practice what you preach sandwich boy! You got allot of room to talk "MR. I send all my shit out to get bult" And "Mr i cant even wire a nitrous relay" ...

And i knew your dumb ass would try to kiss some ass once the evo was done and making power.. Thats right back pedlle big girl.. Remember you dont street race.. You cant loose your liscense! Or is that a different story this year.
You are as dumb as they come,
1)I always have a hand in getting my cars built
2) I said I would race Jesse as soon as he wanted if thats back pedalling then guilty
3) I wouldnt race on the street till after Feb of 08 and you and your dad new that cause of my tickets during the year.
4) dont change the subject THIS IS A CALL OUT TO YOU AND YOUR CAMARO AGAINST THE GN!!!!!!!

05-23-2008, 07:34 AM

90 notch
05-23-2008, 07:38 AM
Boy george,your not scared of the grocery getter are you?

05-23-2008, 07:39 AM
Bring your shit! give me a few more weeks to finish saving for the safty shit i need and ill meet your dumb ass at tri state!


05-23-2008, 07:41 AM

What part of "BRING IT ON BEEOTCH" dont you understand?

05-23-2008, 07:46 AM

Your day is comming, all i got to say is if your not ready when it comes.. Shit is going to get real real ugly! And you no what im talking about.

05-23-2008, 08:01 AM


logans dad
05-23-2008, 08:06 AM
I shouldn't respond to this and I'm glad You, your dad and I put the BS behind us but come on George. You don't need to talk the shit. You have a nice car. Joe has nice CARS. Even if you guys race I think it will be a close race. A 10 to 9 second car is what 3 lenths. I think you and Joe are somewhat alike believe it or not and that's why you guys don't get along. If you guys race no
matter who looses I still love both of you guys cars.

PS. Rumor has it Joe put a high dollar exhaust on both cars. Dont under estimate his cars. Its been a long winter!!

05-23-2008, 08:58 AM
I am racing you on the street street king!!! That is aways where you wanted to get down now all the sudden you want it at the track? Funny how you know that you cant beat the gn on the street so you want to do it at the track!
Goerge you arent tough so quit acting like you are before stevo beats you down like a red headed step child!!

Thank god carp got some help form h&w on his car cause you fucking idiots did a good job fucking it up.

05-23-2008, 09:37 AM
NOPE.. You wouldnt race on the street last year cause you knew who wasw boss, so im not racing this year.. What comes around goes around.
Ive never even launched my car on the street anyway.

I WILL FUCK YOUR SHIT UP.. BRING IT! Dont back down.. I gave you the race you wanted last year.. Man up and bring your shit..

Show everyone how small your balls are and back down now!

And any time Steve thinks hes fucking froggy then just fuckin leap.. Im not no little kid anymore i will show him a step child.

P.S. Good thing you got some H&W to, hopefully if you keep going there someday your shit will make more then 2 passes w/o blowing a head gasket!

05-23-2008, 09:51 AM
Heres the deal..

Im not going to argue with you for 5 months.. If you think you can hang PM my father on streetpsi when your ready to go and ill meet you at tri state. Steve-o your still the peace of shit the town has allways thought you are and if you got somthin to say ill see you there to.. then we will see who is bitch.

Enough said, im done posting... Put up or shut up! End of story.

05-23-2008, 01:17 PM
If I got the race I was suppose to get last year then you owe me $200 for me spanking you!!!

You own the streets thats all you would say last year so now you dont? I ll race you at the track then since you are a little bitch. bring the $200 for the race this time. I will race you with the cobra to if you want so maybe you can get a win one time agaisnt any of my cars.

05-23-2008, 05:20 PM
Boy george,your not scared of the grocery getter are you?

man, to comment or not to comment...

Urban Legend
05-24-2008, 11:01 PM
I saw that too!