View Full Version : 2000 audi s4 2.7TT
04-20-2008, 08:32 PM
its not my car but my mom's bf's. i do all the work on it so i think ill post some pics.
the car has an APR 93 octane tune runnin 20psi, borla 3" cat back. Evolution motorsports cold air intake, samco hose kit, upgraded bosch DV's, bilstein shocks with eibach pro kit, OZ wheels (18x8) and will soon be gettin BFG g-force KDW2's the sound system was in stalled by auto toys and includes, pioneer headunit (DVD, Nav, and cool g force meters) boston speakers in front doors, rear doors, and rear deck, also a boston 12 in the trunk to handle the bass. Viper alarm system was installed also. On to the pics ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
me and my gf b4 her senior prom
04-20-2008, 08:40 PM
looks like a fun DD; pretty nice of him to let you drive it for prom...
04-20-2008, 08:43 PM
won't be a DD come winter, the motor is being pulled and fully built, gt28r turbo's, 3" DP's, FMIC, and all the goodies that go with that. along with the fuel mods to make it all work.
05-09-2008, 02:04 AM
A little different then the 11 second s4 you said YOU owned... lol
05-09-2008, 09:29 AM
I like the wheels, but they sure are dirty.
05-09-2008, 06:02 PM
hah dude your smile in the last pic is so gay.
05-10-2008, 10:58 PM
never said i owned an 11 sec audi.... and yea ik my smile is gay in that pic but my gf and the car make up for my uglyness lol
and yes the whole car was really really dirty i just snapped these really quick so i could post them. the car got a good detailing a couple days later..
05-13-2008, 01:50 AM
My bad u said u owned a audi s4 and was buying the kit to make it run 11s.
05-15-2008, 02:04 PM
slick lookin ride but are you sure that car is a 2000? it has 2001.5+ badges on the trunk. GET RIDE OF THOSE TAILIGHTS!!!!! who do you plan on buying the GT kit from? Hope you got $12.000+ to sink in to that project....hahaha....good luck with the car. If you need any help with it i may happen to know a few things about it..
05-15-2008, 07:21 PM
well the gt kit isn't going to happen. we decided to go with just ko4's from APR. and i am positive it is a 2000. i personally love those tail lights and they will be staying on the car. and i have way more than just 12,000 to sink into this car. tom. we will be ordering the ko4 kit along with stage 2 clutch, DP, and a few other goodies to go with it....
05-16-2008, 10:32 AM
we or he?
05-16-2008, 10:47 AM
we i am the one doing all the work he is just the one writing the checks.....
07-22-2008, 11:46 AM
so is the dealership doing the work or you? because your other posts are completely different from these, and the ones on iawbody, lol just tell the truth TOOL
07-22-2008, 02:08 PM
ha another compulsive lier on these boards. faaaantastic.
07-22-2008, 03:42 PM
no i was going to do all the work but with a full time job and school full time it just couldn't happen in the time frame he wanted. so y not get it done at a place that knows what they are doing and get a warranty on it too....... sounds pretty smart to me.....
07-22-2008, 04:48 PM
ok, thats cool and everything, but then why would you say you are the one doing all the work? just tell the truth dude, no one cares anyway....
07-22-2008, 05:20 PM
i was planning on doing all the work when i wrote that....
11-17-2009, 12:20 AM
its not my car but my mom's bf's. i do all the work on it so i think ill post some pics.
the car has an APR 93 octane tune runnin 20psi, borla 3" cat back. Evolution motorsports cold air intake, samco hose kit, upgraded bosch DV's, bilstein shocks with eibach pro kit, OZ wheels (18x8) and will soon be gettin BFG g-force KDW2's the sound system was in stalled by auto toys and includes, pioneer headunit (DVD, Nav, and cool g force meters) boston speakers in front doors, rear doors, and rear deck, also a boston 12 in the trunk to handle the bass. Viper alarm system was installed also. On to the pics ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
me and my gf b4 her senior prom
Bringing back this topic for the dead for the hilarity.
He does all the work on it...
11-17-2009, 05:53 AM
11-17-2009, 09:26 AM
LOL... that is EXACTLY what I was expecting this kid to look like!!
how the hell have I never seen this before?!?
11-17-2009, 10:56 AM
If you want even more fun - just go search all Derek's post and start in the first few pages from his first posts.
Tons of fun reading of this kid being called out and making shit up.
11-17-2009, 10:57 AM
If you want even more fun - just go search all Derek's post and start in the first few pages from his first posts.
Tons of fun reading of this kid being called out and making shit up.
oh yeah, I have bene in MANY of those threads and went back and forth with him a few times myself but I never seen THAT particular thread LOL...
Fukkin Clown Shoes
11-17-2009, 12:48 PM
I can't wait to run into him at Cordova or something sometime and see if he still talks shit
11-17-2009, 04:13 PM
You mean like a walking penis?
11-17-2009, 04:39 PM
LOL... that is EXACTLY what I was expecting this kid to look like!!
how the hell have I never seen this before?!?
funny thing is, you have met me in person.....
11-17-2009, 04:40 PM
Looking again at the pictures - I don't think I any real tools / equipment for working on a car in that garage xD
Why am I not surprised?
11-17-2009, 06:37 PM
and you can deff see the entire garage in the pic's...... good call buddy...
11-17-2009, 06:59 PM
and you can deff see the entire garage in the pic's...... good call buddy...
Point is - you don't do shit.
I like how you always ignore 80% of what we say cause you can't say shit back.
lets see your collection of equipment you use for working on the car
11-17-2009, 07:06 PM
lol mama's on a roll!
11-17-2009, 07:06 PM
lol, you don't need to see what i have cause you would prolly find where i live and steal it... never a good practice to show pics of that shit and where it is stored.... oh and if i did see you at cordova i would gladly talk shit to you and would love to run you at the strip or on the street lol, ill even put the car in the 91 octane tune and turn off the meth injection.... theres a good 50-60 crank hp less then when im on the race tune with the meth on.... you down? shit i won't even launch the car...
11-17-2009, 07:12 PM
lol, you don't need to see what i have cause you would prolly find where i live and steal it... never a good practice to show pics of that shit and where it is stored.... oh and if i did see you at cordova i would gladly talk shit to you and would love to run you at the strip or on the street lol, ill even put the car in the 91 octane tune and turn off the meth injection.... theres a good 50-60 crank hp less then when im on the race tune with the meth on.... you down? shit i won't even launch the car...
I dont give a fuck about daddys car - if I run you in my shit I'll run YOUR car.
Okay then - If we see each other at Cordova, I'll be waiting for you to talk some shit. I can't fucking wait. I'll keep my eye out for the fag in the pic in this thread. Shouldn't be too hard to spot such a tool trying to act like the baddest mother fucker there in his daddys audi. Seriously I can't wait to be face to face with you if you talk shit.
Yeah what do you have? A phonebook with all the local mechanic shops listed in the back?
I've never stolen in my life and wouldn't come to your place unless it was to put your shit talking mouth to the test.
Again - fuck your dad's audi. Race me in your shit and I'll race you in mine.
11-17-2009, 07:48 PM
no i was going to do all the work but with a full time job and school full time it just couldn't happen in the time frame he wanted. so y not get it done at a place that knows what they are doing and get a warranty on it too....... sounds pretty smart to me.....
FYI I met a lot of dumb people who worked at dealerships.
11-17-2009, 08:12 PM
no i was going to do all the work but with a full time job and school full time it just couldn't happen in the time frame he wanted. so y not get it done at a place that knows what they are doing and get a warranty on it too....... sounds pretty smart to me.....
FYI I met a lot of dumb people who worked at dealerships.
11-17-2009, 08:15 PM
yes there are a bunch of dumb people that work at dealerships... but it does have a warranty on the OEM parts and on the labor....
mama- you can say fuck the audi all you want... your jealous your broke ass will NEVER beable to afford any car close to an audi.... shit prolly not even a VW lol, your a broke ass high school student that has a shitty ass job and will never make it anywhere in life... oh wait did you even ever find a job??
11-17-2009, 08:21 PM
does that mean quit fucking talking? I'm not much into internet lingo
11-17-2009, 08:49 PM
yes there are a bunch of dumb people that work at dealerships... but it does have a warranty on the OEM parts and on the labor....
mama- you can say fuck the audi all you want... your jealous your broke ass will NEVER beable to afford any car close to an audi.... shit prolly not even a VW lol, your a broke ass high school student that has a shitty ass job and will never make it anywhere in life... oh wait did you even ever find a job??
ROFL I'm not jealous of the piece of shit audi.
They aren't the rare/expensive car you think they are.
However if I spend money on a car it'll either be an LT1 / LS1 / DSM / WRX because they're easier to work on - better aftermarkets.. Not to mention a bolt on LS1 will probably destroy your daddy's audi that has $40k of work into it when the parts it has probably weren't more than $4000 - just because you cant do fucking shit yourself.
I've never been without a job since the day I first had one dumbshit. I actually am switching to a better paying/better hours job on the 1st.
I'm a high school student? No buddy I'm in college. My life is actually proceeding pretty damn well. I'm assuming my life is going better than yours considering I don't sit around and lie my ass off on an internet forum talking shit and have to drive daddy's car.
This just proves how much bullshit you spew. You don't know anything about me and you call me on shit.
If you think you can talk this kind of shit to me face to face - then I'll let you know next time I drive up to IC/CR( may even be this sunday) .Dont even think it'd be for a race either you fucking tool.
Are you even in school? Or did you drop out from getting picked on for being a dumb fuck so much? You drive a FUCKING CELICA thats probably bone stock - those things are fucking shit slow. Do you even have a job?
You're a fucking tool and a pussy.
11-17-2009, 08:50 PM
does that mean quit fucking talking? I'm not much into internet lingo
and no it means quoted for truth.
11-17-2009, 08:57 PM
wow I was way off, learn something new everyday
11-17-2009, 08:57 PM
wow I was way off, learn something new everyday
Lol I have too much internet/forum lingo in me from back in my gaming days :P
11-17-2009, 09:05 PM
OMG....I bet this kids semen is even looking for new balls......
11-17-2009, 09:09 PM
:cop: That just happened...
11-17-2009, 09:13 PM
OMG....I bet this kids semen is even looking for new balls......
I'm wondering if they've even dropped yet.
11-17-2009, 09:14 PM
OMG....I bet this kids semen is even looking for new balls......
I'm wondering if they've even dropped yet.
Oh, they've dropped.....right into his stepdads mouth with how hard he's been blowing him on this board.
11-17-2009, 09:17 PM
11-17-2009, 09:20 PM
wow I was way off, learn something new everyday
QFT is like a high school girl at a kegger... it goes both ways....
I have seen it used a "Quoted For Truth" and as "Quit Fukking Talking"... personaly I use is as quit fukking talking but....
Derek.... I don't recall ever meeting you in person. I might have been at the same place as you once and you knew who I was but I don't recall every meeting someone named Derek from IAF....
11-17-2009, 09:40 PM
wow I was way off, learn something new everyday
QFT is like a high school girl at a kegger... it goes both ways....
I have seen it used a "Quoted For Truth" and as "Quit Fukking Talking"... personaly I use is as quit fukking talking but....
Derek.... I don't recall ever meeting you in person. I might have been at the same place as you once and you knew who I was but I don't recall every meeting someone named Derek from IAF....
He probably knew better than to let someone from here know who he was
11-17-2009, 10:08 PM
i even bought something from him..... we met face to face.... and i was in my celica lol
11-17-2009, 10:15 PM
i even bought something from him..... we met face to face.... and i was in my celica lol
I think you might be thinking of someone else.... or I am just drawing a blank for some reason... Only person I ever remember meeting from IAF in person to sell something was my Execution 15" but that was a LONG time ago and I am pretty sure it wasn't you...
11-18-2009, 02:11 AM
What kind of Celica do you have Derek?
11-18-2009, 06:01 AM
personally Id rather have the celica than the audi. I hate VW's and audi's I've seen them at 19,000 miles with bad half shafts and tierods.
11-18-2009, 06:27 AM
What kind of Celica do you have Derek?
its a 2001 GT
11-18-2009, 06:28 AM
personally Id rather have the celica than the audi. I hate VW's and audi's I've seen them at 19,000 miles with bad half shafts and tierods.
were those Audi's and VW's track cars lol, other wise i am calling BS.....
11-18-2009, 07:14 AM
VWs and Audis are EXTREMELY terrible cars off warranty, nice cars and all but they always seem to have something wrong!
I guess Derek wouldn't have a prob with that since it isn't his car. So since you can lie about a car you own does that mean I can lie about mine and all will be well?
11-18-2009, 07:43 AM
Looking again at the pictures - I don't think I any real tools / equipment for working on a car in that garage xD
Why am I not surprised?
what tools do you need to work on a car. you can pull a dsm motor with a 10,12,14,17,19, and 22mm and a set of pliers and a hoist. You def don't need that many tools.
11-18-2009, 07:44 AM
personally Id rather have the celica than the audi. I hate VW's and audi's I've seen them at 19,000 miles with bad half shafts and tierods.
were those Audi's and VW's track cars lol, other wise i am calling BS.....
I had a Axle break just driving down the highway and my tierods got so bad at one point that when i turned a corner the wheel would lean/change camber..... I i did was drive the car
11-18-2009, 08:42 AM
Looking again at the pictures - I don't think I any real tools / equipment for working on a car in that garage xD
Why am I not surprised?
what tools do you need to work on a car. you can pull a dsm motor with a 10,12,14,17,19, and 22mm and a set of pliers and a hoist. You def don't need that many tools.
Thats the thing - I don't even see something like those.
11-18-2009, 08:58 AM
So.... you ever going to say what you bought off me? Because I am pretty sure I have never sold you anything and/or met you in person....
Domestic Disturbance
11-18-2009, 11:37 AM
i even bought something from him..... we met face to face.... and i was in my celica lol
I think you might be thinking of someone else.... or I am just drawing a blank for some reason... Only person I ever remember meeting from IAF in person to sell something was my Execution 15" but that was a LONG time ago and I am pretty sure it wasn't you...
I bought that fridge from you. It's waiting to get satin blacked with some pinstriping.
11-18-2009, 11:42 AM
i even bought something from him..... we met face to face.... and i was in my celica lol
I think you might be thinking of someone else.... or I am just drawing a blank for some reason... Only person I ever remember meeting from IAF in person to sell something was my Execution 15" but that was a LONG time ago and I am pretty sure it wasn't you...
I bought that fridge from you. It's waiting to get satin blacked with some pinstriping.
fukker..... That is EXACTLY what I was planning to do with it. I was going to do satin black with metallic red pinstriping... and may be a little gold Leafing....
11-18-2009, 12:36 PM
i even bought something from him..... we met face to face.... and i was in my celica lol
I think you might be thinking of someone else.... or I am just drawing a blank for some reason... Only person I ever remember meeting from IAF in person to sell something was my Execution 15" but that was a LONG time ago and I am pretty sure it wasn't you...
I bought that fridge from you. It's waiting to get satin blacked with some pinstriping.
fukker..... That is EXACTLY what I was planning to do with it. I was going to do satin black with metallic red pinstriping... and may be a little gold Leafing....
and full of beer of course.... right?
11-18-2009, 12:49 PM
and full of beer of course.... right?
that's a no from me as I don't drink beer. Or anything really for that matter, some hard liqour once in a while but never beer :puke:
11-18-2009, 02:17 PM
He's just going to fill it with dead babies.
11-18-2009, 02:59 PM
personally Id rather have the celica than the audi. I hate VW's and audi's I've seen them at 19,000 miles with bad half shafts and tierods.
were those Audi's and VW's track cars lol, other wise i am calling BS.....
No track cars just POS daily drivers. I do work at two auto shops man. You can believe what you want. Those cars are junk I tell people how it is like it or not that car is shit... They are just poopy cars. Did you see the DSG recall for no power? Also you better have triple square sockets if you think about touching your daddy's car.
Domestic Disturbance
11-18-2009, 03:01 PM
I know it fits 4 cases. Can fit atleast 6 bottles in the freezerbox. Just need another shop to put it in.
11-18-2009, 03:21 PM
I know it fits 4 cases. Can fit atleast 6 bottles in the freezerbox. Just need another shop to put it in.
01-29-2010, 12:20 PM
I just realized, where has Derek been? He hasnt posted since november.
Threads involving him always turn into fun. Mufflover just doesn't give the entertainment Derek does.
I wonder if he wrecked the Audi and doesn't want to show his face anymore, or his parents have taken away his computer?
01-29-2010, 12:47 PM
im sure he got the picture that nobody wanted him here cuz he was a tool.
Muff is a different story. He hasnt posted in awhile but we are working on pissing him off enough so he doesnt come back.
01-29-2010, 02:31 PM
Derek's balls might have finally dropped and he hit maturity, then realized he was a tool.
01-29-2010, 03:43 PM
Maybe theres a "Jersey Shore" marathon on MTV?
01-29-2010, 05:17 PM
Maybe theres a "Jersey Shore" marathon on MTV?
01-29-2010, 06:27 PM
Maybe theres a "Jersey Shore" marathon on MTV?
That is hilarious!
I can't wait to see what retarded shit he comes up to counter that.
01-30-2010, 11:37 AM
Maybe theres a "Jersey Shore" marathon on MTV?
Maybe he's taping Jersey Shore... :Hangman:
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