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View Full Version : My last 2 weekends

03-31-2008, 02:00 PM
Spring break for me consisted of thursday/friday of last week. I was having mechanic withdrawl, so I thought I'd give my car a once over. Found all kinds of little things. ANd considering it really didnt like to go into gear, i though OK, trannies coming out.

for the dsmers out their, i DID check my clutch pedal, no play.
SO, trannies out, put in new revised clutch fork, shimmed new pivot ball.
lots and lots of other little things were replaced.
Slave extension was so long I had to shave it down so the hydrolic system wasnt in constant abuse. Got it perfect.
Start the car and what do ya know, clutch pedal is sloppy and wont go in gear.

Long story short, 20hours of work wasted, as the problem was my clutch pedal assmebly needs to be replaced, or removed and welded. Not an easy task!!

But how bout some pics for those who actually read this:


03-31-2008, 06:46 PM
transverse mounted engines freak me out. kudos on all of the work though. youre more motivated than me.

03-31-2008, 09:10 PM
That sucks... I think this is the first time i have seen your car. Very nice!!

03-31-2008, 10:31 PM
so is it good to go or are u back to cr next weekend? i was gona come up to see you guys.

04-01-2008, 07:39 AM
so is it good to go or are u back to cr next weekend? i was gona come up to see you guys.


pretty sure he's got a lot of work left ahead of him :neener:

04-01-2008, 07:52 AM
Im gonna pretend like i dont need my car and not go back this weekend. Then the weekend after I will have to dedicate some serious time pulling the lower dash, steering column and hopefully the pedals themselves. :/