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View Full Version : My Philosophy on Moderating

03-23-2008, 04:21 PM
I've heard people commenting about how "nice" and "lax" we are with our moderating here at IAF. I guess that's a reflection on my (and many of our moderators and other admin) philosophy on moderating. I'm currently a member of a lot of other online forums, and I have to agree that our style of moderating is the way to go.

Here is my philosophy on moderating:

Rule #1: Moderating an online forum is not a prestigious job. Don't treat it like one.

Rule #2: If you're going to lock a topic, or delete a post/topic, don't talk about it; just do it. Threats like "if this topic doesn't get back on track, I'm going to start deleting posts" only makes you look like an asshole and makes people want to leave your forums.

Rule #3: Learn the difference between a simple heated argument, and an argument that is actually out of control. If everybody were required to agree on everything, and forbidden to argue, then what is the point of even having a forum?

Rule #4: Sometimes you have to ask yourself: Is this really so bad? Is my locking/deleting this topic going to change the world in some way? If the answer is no, then maybe you should just let it be.

Rule #5: We live in a free country; a democracy. Don't act surprised if people leave because you run your forums like a dictatorship. There's a reason Americans chose this type of government.

Rule #7: As a moderator, you are not any more important than anyone else on the forums. Odds are you've been here longer and were determined to be trustworthy. Don't pretend like your contributions to conversations are more significant than anyone else's.

I could go on and on. All of our moderators here at IAF understand this philosophy and they do an outstanding job of moderating by it. It sounds really harsh, but I'm a member of a sports forum that is completely off the deep end with their moderating and I've been trying to pound it into their heads ever since I got there that they need to quit acting surprised that members come in and get like 15 posts and then disappear forever. Needless to say I am in a feud with the moderators/admin out there. Maybe I need to create a "Admin Rules" as well stating that "Good advice can come from anywhere. Just because someone is a n00b on your website doesn't mean they don't know way more about running a forum than you do."

Maybe if we had 2,000 regular users we might be a little more inclined to strengthen our moderating. I don't like to delete posts and I hate the idea of locking a topic. I just like to let things be, for the most part. We've got a trash forum here where we just move posts that don't belong elsewhere. That way if you don't like it, you can stay out of there.

03-23-2008, 07:30 PM
Yea I pretty much agree. Some forums, I just dont post. To afraid it will get me banned.

03-23-2008, 07:35 PM
Yeah I'm on another forum where I refuse to start new topics. If you start a topic that has already been discussed within the last month or so, they'll lock it and tell you to dig through the archives of posts until you find the topic similar to the one you started and make your post in there. Really sucks for a forum that has at least 10-15 new members per week. They'll make that first post, and usually someone has already made a post similar to that, so it gets locked and then the user gets pissed and leaves.

My response to that is: What does it hurt? If there's people that want to discuss the topic, then why not just let it be? I just hate that stuff. If I want to talk about something, and other people are responding to it, it shouldn't be locked/deleted just because it's been discussed already. Don't like the topic, then don't read it. Simple as that.

03-23-2008, 09:08 PM
Pretty much the same stuff I use as criteria for the section I moderate on my cougar site I'm still on.

03-24-2008, 07:15 AM
There is a dsm forum called TeamNABR. They will ban you for life if you post something wrong. You have to be invited into that forum with someone with over 250posts and if you do something wrong BOTH of you get banned. It's really stupid. I agree our moderating methods are the best :)

03-24-2008, 12:53 PM
See, you should never be scared to make a post in a forum. I just think that cancels out the entire idea of having a forum.

Really the only thing I don't want on my forums are posts/topics critisizing the website or staff. Only because it makes the site look bad and it's something that can be ironed out in private messages.

I still can't believe there are successful forums out there that operate like that. There are a lot "nicer" ways to go about getting good information on your forums. They can have moderators move "worthwhile" topics to a specified forum that new topics aren't allowed to be posted, but rather good (informational) topics get moved to.

03-24-2008, 04:39 PM
There is a dsm forum called TeamNABR. They will ban you for life if you post something wrong. You have to be invited into that forum with someone with over 250posts and if you do something wrong BOTH of you get banned. It's really stupid. I agree our moderating methods are the best :)

sounds like a bunch of e-nerds to me...

03-24-2008, 05:53 PM
actually it's all the big dogs in the DSM game. All the old school guys. Names come to mind like John Shepard, Brent Rau, Curt Brown, David Buschar...etc. etc. Although all of them guys are on different forums and kind of make fun of NABR of how rediculous the rules are.

For instance your screen name...HAS to be some sort of variation of your real name. Nothing else.

03-26-2008, 09:18 AM
i've found the only people that ever bother me is george and ed. And all I have to do to feel better is make fun of them, and they dont even know Im doing it so its pretty great. Ironic, but pleasing. wheres everybody at anyway.

Fire Hawk
04-23-2008, 09:13 PM
I have a question for you here Zac.... I agree with the rules you follow for moderating but one thing that bugs the living hell, for better words, out of me. Just about any and every #@$% topic that gets doing and it seems more like George/Ed are starting some kind of shit with allgo//joe, or someone else. I'm sure it's the same way around on both ends on the forums. Honestly I find myself more and more not frequenting the site as I use too cause about 1/2 of the posts end up in a pissing match between people.

There has to be a point to where this will stop. I'm not sure how others feel but if it keeps up I honestly wont be wanting to post much anymore then what I have been trying too. I'm not a frequent poster myself but I read a lot and will chime in if someone catches my attention. I'm sure with new people that join up and start going thru and see the same group pissing on each other it's like immature and pointless unless you know them in real life.

There my litte rant $0.02