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View Full Version : Nice driving

03-17-2008, 10:22 PM
This genrlemen has many videos on his site and is a pretty good driver. Good video. Spray hits hard in it.

http://videos.streetfire.net/video/VENO ... 154458.htm (http://videos.streetfire.net/video/VENOMOUS03COBRA-in-car-video-767-rwhp-727-rwtq_154458.htm)

03-18-2008, 12:14 PM
I always like the in car videos. He should get it down et wise a bit more. I believe this is a new setup for him. We will have nines w blower only this yr w a fat hog or semi lightened daily driver model.

03-18-2008, 11:01 PM
Ya it is a new setup. The time should be better, just th shifting is pretty good,