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View Full Version : ***So you're here, what now?***

03-17-2008, 08:22 AM
Welcome everyone who has chosen to be involved in this discussion.

If you haven't read the "State of the IAF" address, do that now. It's a post containing a few main concerns/ideas that I'd like to discuss. You can use anything from that topic (and anything else you can think of) to start new topics for discussion in this forum.

There is NO such thing as a dumb topic, if you have anything you would like to discuss pertaining to the development of the site, please feel free to start a topic. That's what this meeting is for.

Please don't be offended if you bring up an idea and it is determined to not be possible for us. We are bound up a bit, due to our forum software being newly released as of just a few months ago. New modifications are being created for this software everyday.

If you are familiar with PHPBB, feel free to browse their official support forums for modifications, please remember however that we will only be adding MODS that have been validated and approved by PHPBB. This will decrease the likelihood that we end up with malicious code and/or code that is easily hacked.

Overall, have fun with this! We have so much we can do with this site, so let us know whatever you'd like to see!