View Full Version : Saw something at work today. Harley ecm replacement

03-16-2008, 12:01 AM
Coworker got a new harley ecm few weeks ago. It replaces the original and he just got finished installing it and said it works great. I looked at the software and its a revolution imo, it runs closed loop all the time u set via a graph ur wanted a/f vs rpms and throttle position and it does it. 256 graphs for rpms vs throttle. Use a set base tune, he has a s&s 96 c.i. select that and u have the base map. Same w timing. It uses 2 bosch wb sensors and plug play the ecu. Program, log via a laptop. has nitrous and s/c tables also. He said it runs smooth lot mo power than old setup. He said he got it for 600 range.