View Full Version : False Advertisement..what do you think?

03-05-2008, 10:19 AM
http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?c ... cardist=55 (http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?car_id=240059240&dealer_id=569710&car_year=1999&model=MUST&num_records=&systime=&make2=&start_year=1999&keywordsfyc=&keywordsrep=&engine=&certified=&body_code=0&fuel=&awsp=false&search_type=both&distance=75&marketZipError=false&search_lang=en&make=FORD&keywords_display=&color=&page_location=findacar%3A%3Aispsearchform&min_price=2000&drive=&default_sort=priceDESC&max_mileage=&style_flag=1&sort_type=priceDESC&address=52404&advanced=&end_year=2000&doors=&transmission=&max_price=3500&cardist=55)

I was looking at this car, and was pretty set on buying it. I called Dan Deery last night at about 8:45. The guy I talked to said all the information I gave him on the car was right, but he had to check to see if it was still on the lot. He got my information and said he would call me back tomorrow. Well, I called them today, talked to another guy and he had to check if it was still there as well. He came back and said it was there, but the price was listed wrong. They want $7995 for it now. So I went online, and pulled this off the Attorney General Website.

"Iowa Consumer Fraud Act Code of Iowa (Iowa Section 714.16) Prohibits unfair and deceptive trade practices in the sale, lease, or advertisement of a product or service, and in the solicitation of charitable contributions. Authorizes the Attorney General to issue subpoenas, hold hearings, adopt administrative rules, and file lawsuits to obtain temporary and permanent injunctive relief, consumer reimbursement, costs and attorney fees, and civil penalties up to $40,000 per violation."

So I contacted an investigator and he is supposed to call me back today. Does anyone here think I have a case here where I can get the car for the $3000? If not, what is your opinion?

03-05-2008, 11:10 AM
its not worth the trouble.

not sure that "false advertising" even applies in this case anyway,

03-05-2008, 01:07 PM
That quote that you have there sounds like it would only apply if that dealer regularly practiced advertising cars for cheaper than they really were. Unless you find out that they have numerous cars listed online for half of what they're really selling for, I doubt anything could come of it.

Even so, the lawsuit involved in this would cost several thousand dollars all by itself.

03-05-2008, 02:30 PM
All they have to do is say they made an error when they listed it, you gonna sue them because they made an error?? The car is obviously worth more than that anyway.

03-05-2008, 02:59 PM
Trevor still has the Corolla up for sale...

03-05-2008, 04:12 PM
There was a 95 honda accord with 50k miles for sale for $3450 in the gazette. Guy said he would be willing to take $2900 at this point.

03-05-2008, 06:08 PM
You don't have a case read here. http://www.autotrader.com/visitor.jsp

This is what it says:
The material that appears on AutoTrader.com is for informational purposes only. Despite our efforts to provide useful and accurate information, errors may appear from time to time. Before purchasing a vehicle or other goods or services you've read about on AutoTrader.com, you should confirm with the vendor any information (including the price) that is important to your purchasing decision. AutoTrader.com is not responsible for, and does not guarantee the performance of, any such vehicles, goods or services.

03-07-2008, 02:23 PM
no offense zee, but if you read what i said, that rule doesn't apply.

"I was looking at this car, and was pretty set on buying it. I called Dan Deery last night at about 8:45. The guy I talked to said all the information I gave him on the car was right, but he had to check to see if it was still on the lot. He got my information and said he would call me back tomorrow. Well, I called them today, talked to another guy and he had to check if it was still there as well. He came back and said it was there, but the price was listed wrong. They want $7995 for it now. So I went online, and pulled this off the Attorney General Website."

I did check the price, and they said it was right. Then the 2nd guy told me it was wrong.

03-07-2008, 06:08 PM
The person on the phone wasn't being 'deceptive'. He just gave you incorrect information. It's only fraud if it was done with the intention of being deceptive. Which I doubt they were and you probably wouldn't be able to prove otherwise. It's just your word against theirs because you cannot use the web site as proof because of the disclaimer.