View Full Version : Another Interesting Topic For Discussion.
03-02-2008, 10:12 PM
Everyone can probably tell I am ready for spring with the discussion type posts I have been making. Here is another interesting one. Read the article in the link first then come back and read the rest of my post. ... 4082ffe280 (
First off I have nothing strongly against police. But I have strong views related to policing lol. I also belie many people don’t practice their personal rights and do what every police say blindly trusting them. BIG MISTAKE. I am not saying one should not trust police officials. What I am saying is officers are always conducting an investigation, they issue citations to any possible violators then allowing the judge to determine who is guilty, and they don’t have you better interest as a primary concern. Here is how I think this officer is winning these court cases and making so much money, the vast majority of police vehicles don’t record 24/7 with their dash cams (takes up a great deal of memory, gets expensive, and so on). The cameras usually come on when the lights and or siren are turned on or the camera can be turned on by its self. This officer isn’t recording these miner “moving violations” and knows that a law enforcement officer is declared a non-biased trained observer to the situation and the Judge will most likely take his side on almost all miner moving violation. It’s your word versus his word and you will almost always lose. Also most people won’t fight the ticket and if you do, you have a good chance of losing. Zee I will let you take this and run with it lol
03-02-2008, 10:43 PM
that guy looks like the worthless "security/rent-a-cop" that used to stand at westdale bowl.. lol this is why i hate the law.. i got in an arguement one night with a cop on first ave that pulled me over cuz he said my headlights were off.. i got out of my car walked up to the front and stood there and waited for him to follow and pointed and said.. "so are you trying to tell me that those 2 bright ass glowing things in this glass case are not my lights and that it is not on?" he was really pissed at me then and tried to search my car and get me for almost everything in the book.. but he did write a ticket for "no headlights" he said i turned them on after he pulled me over.. i lost that one in court.. bastards..
03-02-2008, 10:47 PM
I used to like to antaganize the police when they pulled me over for BS. Now i just practice my 5th amendment right and don't answer any questions. I think it actually makes them more upset, but protects me if they decide to violate any of my rights.
03-03-2008, 02:02 AM
I used to like to antaganize the police when they pulled me over for BS. Now i just practice my 5th amendment right and don't answer any questions. I think it actually makes them more upset, but protects me if they decide to violate any of my rights.
thats really the best way to do it. know your rights and dont be confrontational.
03-03-2008, 06:03 PM
i have gotten some pretty questionable tickets, and get all geared up to fight them, but then i mix up the dates and miss my court dates. i actually kindof hope i get a defective tires ticket again someday, or a loud exhaust ticket, because i would love to go to court and make the cop look stupid.
By breaking the law and getting caught we are all doing are part to keep the government funded. If nobody broke the law the governments would go bankrupt. They want us to break the law. Just like smoking. Raising the taxes on cigarette products isn't making enough money for them. So lets ban smoking in public areas. Shazam! Another cash flow stream is created due to fines etc. Let's ban smoking altogether. Oh, forgot, Government makes tons of money on taxing it. Not to mention the money the medical field and insurance company's make on it. Also the rest of the industry that have there hand in the till for transportation, distribution etc. Wow, maybe we shouldn't cure cancer. That's a big money maker. We can't even cure the common cold. Oh wait, pharmaceutical companies make a killing on that one. Seventy five percent of the medicine in any store is dedicated to the cold. That's a big time moneymaker. Maybe we should make pot legal so the government could tax it. It isn't any worse than alcohol. Why not? Why do dentists want us to take care of our teeth? Wouldn't they be out of a job if everybody did. That would piss a guy off wouldn't it. Isn't there a battery that will last forever. Damn, Duracell bought the rights and locked it in a vault so the consumer couldn't get to it. Shit.......Got to go. The black helicopters and the black suburbans are here..........
Let's see someone respond to all that...............Hello? :neener:
03-03-2008, 08:07 PM
dont forget about the hundred year old light bulbs that are still burning....
You know about those too?!! :hedbang:
03-03-2008, 09:18 PM
i'm not going to reply to all that.. i'm just going to say, the common cold is a virus. antibiotics and medicines dont work on viruses, thats why there is no cure. :P
03-03-2008, 09:27 PM
Wish there was a cure for the random license plate light outage. Everyone make sure your license plate lights work, 'nuff said.
Your just part of the conspiracy. How about Inoculations to prevent the cold. You know like they did with Polio.
Wish there was a cure for the random license plate light outage. Everyone make sure your license plate lights work, 'nuff said.
There is that 100 year lightbulb Dustin and I know about. :bigthumb:
03-03-2008, 10:14 PM
I just read that, and i cant believe that is a real news website. What a horrible article, all caps... some of the quotes were repeated within each other.
03-03-2008, 11:21 PM
Jesus ZEE, lay of the drugs lol. Ok you just you went on a rant and Im to lazy to break it down for fun. Anyways your point the goverment is a big money buisness is valid. Some of the inbetweens i don't know about and i will just call presdent bush on it and have the patriote act allow waterboarding on you.
There will never be a vaccine for a retroviirus(HIV/AIDS) or a RNA based virus. There maybe a drug which will prevent envelope opening and such, but no vaccine. It is entirly useless to attempt to create a vaccine. I can explain in more depth but i don't think anyone cares. The health care industry is a mess. Not care, but payment and insurance companies (dirty bastards). I have a thousands of legal opinions and thoughts on the police but i will only say one. Yes, we do need police. There, is that passive enough for ya ZEE lol. Damn I hate studing late.
Domestic Disturbance
03-04-2008, 12:59 AM
zee laying down the hammer! is there really a battery that won't die? that'd be sweet. as for the legalization of pot, the gov't could save tons of money used to fight it, and make a killing taxing it. the more you try to fight for it though the more of a stoner you start to come off as, so I'll stop after that. Faaar out man!
Jesus ZEE, lay of the drugs lol. Ok you just you went on a rant and Im to lazy to break it down for fun. Anyways your point the goverment is a big money buisness is valid. Some of the inbetweens i don't know about and i will just call presdent bush on it and have the patriote act allow waterboarding on you.
There will never be a vaccine for a retroviirus(HIV/AIDS) or a RNA based virus. There maybe a drug which will prevent envelope opening and such, but no vaccine. It is entirly useless to attempt to create a vaccine. I can explain in more depth but i don't think anyone cares. The health care industry is a mess. Not care, but payment and insurance companies (dirty bastards). I have a thousands of legal opinions and thoughts on the police but i will only say one. Yes, we do need police. There, is that passive enough for ya ZEE lol. Damn I hate studing late.
I just wanted to see if you'd brake that down and address each one. You let me down man :roll: . Bring on the waterboarding. Ex Marine and all, I can take it. As long as they don't take my Mt Dew. :bigthumb:
03-04-2008, 05:52 PM
That news story doesn’t surprise me at all. I have been pulled at least 20 times and have been driving for 3 years. Knowing your rights is a beautiful thing. I got to take a criminal justice class for an elective last semester at Kirkwood and really learned a lot. I also had to do a lot of research when I got two tickets in two weeks in Marion. The biggest thing that the cops have going for them is intimidation. Sadly I would bet 95% of people are intimidated when they get pulled over I know I was…. I could go on and on but I will stop. LOL
03-05-2008, 11:07 AM
Oh s%$! the black suburbans are here....oh wait that ones a Z71 tahoe, sweet.
Wrap your head in tinfoil so they can't read your thoughts.
03-05-2008, 09:12 PM
03-13-2008, 05:00 PM
I got my first moving violation about 3 hours ago. I am going to try and fight it but i know i will lose. We got on 380 N from highway 30w I had my cruise control set at 65MPH (thought it was a 70 zone). I was getting passed left and right by everyone and their brother. I was in the middle lane and there was slow traffic in the left (passing) lane so i decided to get out of peoples way for a second and get behind the slower traffic in the left lane. We got underneath the Wilson ave bridge and there is a cop sitting under there, I wasnt concerned at all as i was getting passed like crazy and THOUGHT i was going under the speed limit. Skye says "oh fuck babe, we are getting pulled over" I didnt think it was possible he was coming after me so i switch into the middle lane to let him by. Sure as shit he fallows me into the middle lane and gets on my ass so i pull bacK into the far left lane (traffic all over on my right) and pull off the road right before the S curve. The exchange between us is below...
Officer: "do you know how fast you where going?"
Me: "yeah it was set at 65MPH"
HOfficer: "do you know what the speed limit is?"
Me: "yeah, 70mph."
Officer: "no, it's 60mph through here"
Me: "oh, i am sorry... i was unaware of that"
Officer: "well i clocked you at 76MPH anyways"
Officer: "Give me your liscense... I'll be back in a second"
some-time passes
Officer: "I went ahead and knocked it down to 70mph in a 60mph zone..."
Me: am i suppose to be greatful? Im still getting a fuckin' ticket and I still wont have a perfect fucking driving record"
Officer: "sign here, blah blah blah.... have a nice day"
Me: "HA! woulda been a lot nicer had some dickhead cop not written me a ticket for speeding when i was CLEARLY the slowest moving vehicle within sight"
Officer: "good day"
I am hoping i can talk my way out of it. Through the fact i have had several "sprots cars" throughout my years and NEVER had asingle moving violation or even a WARNING for a moving violation. I have had atleast 3-4 jobs that required a spotless record and the fact i had my cruise control set and i have a witness to the fact (Skye). Either way i was speeding i guess as i was doing 65mph in a 60mph zone but i don think there is a speed limit sign from kirkwood blvd. on-ramp on highway 30 to the wilson ave bridge. If that is the case hopefuly that will help a little but i doubt it. It is probably suppose to be "common knowledge" or something i should just know but i didnt so... Just gonna waste a few hours and dollars going to court for ne reason... Like a black guy going on Judge Judy, i already lost!
03-13-2008, 06:08 PM
damn the man; DAMN HIM!
They've been usin the laser there for the last 3 or 4 days.
03-13-2008, 07:02 PM
i think the 60mph starts at 33rd. i'm not sure though. that does suck though. i've only gotten 1 speeding ticket, it was when i was 16 and i was doing like 38 or 39 in a 35 down bowling street. lol. :) i should have a couple more, but i got off with warnings.
03-13-2008, 07:16 PM
i should have a couple more, but i got off with warnings.
BOOBS... the cryptonite of law enforcemnt...
Skye is getting her implants next winter, then I will be ticket free again for a LONG time! Unless of course the dreaded female cop appears.... J/K i seem to have a "way" with the female cops... James knows all about that...
I think the 60 mph starts just before you get to 30.
03-13-2008, 07:20 PM
I think the 60 mph starts just before you get to 30.
HHMMMM.... i am gonna drive from 33rd to wilson ave bridge and see if there is a speed limit posted, if not that may help me a bit. I am F'd either way i know but i am damn sure gonna try.
This reminds me, I still have a tint ticket from like 2-3 months ago i haven't paid. May be i shouldnt go into the court house... :cop:
03-13-2008, 08:47 PM
an FYI- no promises or anything here B4 one starts talking to lawyers and all, after a moving violation. Take the time to find out what district attorney is handling the moving violations. Give him a phone call (most likely 2-3 calls spread about one call every other day) he/she is most likely not going to call you back. If you are lucky and get the district attorney in a brief and polite fasion tell him the violation and explain your are willingness to pay a far higher fine for a nonmoving violation (ie illegal parking) and explain that moving violation charge would be helpful if it could be avoided due to the need for a good driving recrord for insurance, job, etc. If you are lucky he will say "i will see what i can do" or tell you off. If they tell ya off get an attorney and see what you can do (your probably screwed). If you are lucky and he sais i will see what i can do, you will recieve a letter like i did charging me for illegally parking on the wrong side of the road and a hefty fine of 425 dollars and poof the moving violation disappeared (55 in 35 zone). Now remeber if you challenge or question anything the DA has just done he will screw you so hard you won't $hit right for a year and I am serious what ever he sends you sign and go on your way(unless it is blantly worse like a evading and eluding instead of a speeding ticket, but an exchange for a careless driving over a reckless driving doesnt' seem like much but will help your record). Even if it really doesn't help you much still sign it and go on your way. The city/county is more interested in making money then handing out low buck tickets. This is not guaranteed in anyway and the bigger of town you live in the less likly is will go through. But it DOES NOT HURT TO TRY.
03-13-2008, 11:12 PM
Not gonna even try that... the ticket isnt really a big deal, noot gonna lose a job, insurance wont go up or anything. I am just pissed at the situation...
EDIT to delete second part: I found what i was looking for...
03-14-2008, 08:37 AM
amoander is right.. I called the DA like 5 times before I got him on the phone and I talked to him for a bit and he said if I worte him a 1 page letter he would think about changing my stop sign ticket to a non moving violation. Well, It worked I got to keep my DL. LOL
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