View Full Version : Tech NEEDED! (job opp.)
02-19-2008, 04:39 PM
WELL, we are in need of another tech here at AAMCO. I cant really say what pay will be as it just depends bu i can say i have no schooling or "field experience" at all when i started and between hourly pay and book pay i average about $13/hr - $15/hr
We just need another tech as we are getting very busy and i am by myself. Right now our shop isn't the best setup and everything however we are buying/building a new shop shortly so dont let that stop you. As of now we have 3 rotary lifts and a truck lift (drive on). However the company as been making MANY improvements now that it is under new ownership... ANYWAYS...
AAMCO Transmissions
3909 1st ave S.E.
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
(319) 366-0037
02-19-2008, 06:27 PM
general description of duties?
02-19-2008, 07:03 PM
hhahaha theirs an aamco transmissions here in CF. this ones a joke. i used to deliver parts to them when i worked for advance. This place was terrible, and when I asked what they did with transmissions, they said install them. They dont do anything with trannies, but put new ones in! ahah.
not to say you place isnt good kieth. just realized id seen an aamco.
02-20-2008, 09:36 AM
Yeah, the CF AAMCO was a joke. The people that used to work there are gone and now the people that used to be here with me are up in CF getting that place back together which is why i am alone...
Job Duties: Remove/install transmissions, Tune-ups, oil changes, diagnostic... We will pretty much do anything and everything. We have even done collision repair a couple times (mainly just slapping on new fenders, bumpers, headlights etc.). We have done engine swaps, brakes, clutches, glass ANYTHING more or less... We do not do any internal transmission stuff here at the shop or at any AAMCO for that matter. We have a build center in Huxley, IA where all of our trannys get sent once they are pulled. Any other questions feel free to just call the shop 319-366-0037
03-03-2008, 07:22 PM
now they REALLY need help as i am no longer an employee there...
quick story: I was getting a promotion but they had to find a tech to replace me before i could actualy begin my new job. Which is why i posted this, however i really dont like the way the company is headed and i decided to part ways (along with a few other people)
AAMCO's transmissions: Well for one, the build center SUCKS! We have had about 3-4 trannies PER WEEK come back due to transmission failure due to the dipshits building them. However as a tech you do not get paid to do any warranty work even KNOWING that it was an internal issue (thus the build centers wrong doing). They are now even rebuilding torque converters even though they have no way to balance them and they are hand welding them (MIG). The amount of warranty work is CRAZY right now, for every 10 transmissions we put out the door i would say a good 3-4 come back needing a new transmission within a couple months if not sooner. They are not afraid to use JB WELD, PLASTIC WELD, electrical tape etc... to fix major stuff if it will make it out the door. They have actualy made us use JB Weld to fix broken cases and Transfer cases. we were made to cut holes in FRAMES to get at bolts and such because it would be cheaper then them buying the proper equipment we need.
AAMCO's attitude toward its techs: They do not care one bit about there technicians, we are "easily replaceable" and tehy make that clear. They LITERALY hire people with absolutely NO automotive experience simply because they will work for cheap then you are stuck spending all of your time helping them and/or fixing their fuck-ups. They will screw anyone over if they get a couple more bucks out o fthe deal. There are several instances where we (as techs) broke stuff while removing a trans but the "higher ups" made up some shit and made the customers pay for the parts and the labor. They started a new thing that every friday, every vehicle MUST be out the door before anyone leaves. After working about 18 hours straight (with a .5 hour lunch break) we said fuck it and walked out and we got written up for it. The company expects you to do the work of ASE certified techs with 20+ years experience however for that shop there is only ONE tranny jack and the setup is so fucked that it is almost impossible to get things done in a timely manor. They like to screw techs. out of money whenever possible by not paying them drive-time like they are suppose to, not handing out the tool re-embercement (sp?) checks like they are suppose to. Most importantly they are not at all concerned with the safety or well being of there technicians.
there is much more but typing this is making me pissed so i am done...
03-03-2008, 08:06 PM
wow. glad i didnt look into the job...
03-04-2008, 08:16 AM
wow. glad i didnt look into the job...
I would have warned you dustin! There where a couple people that asked about it that i straight up told to stay away. I just figured it wouldn't be too bad for a younger kid just starting out who wants to get some sort of on-the-job training and have something nice looking fir his/her resume. I mean, it is better than McDonalds (well pay wise...)
03-04-2008, 06:06 PM
Well if your looking for a job. You could always come work at Sears. We are losing a few people later in the year, Retirement, moving away, etc.
PM me if you want any specifics.
03-04-2008, 06:18 PM
does Don still work at Sears? he's the older black man, kinda short with glasses; i used to work with him at Fed Ex. he was a riot!
03-04-2008, 08:05 PM
Honestly, tryin to stay away from tech jobs...
Wouldn't mind being clean for a change which is why i was poromoted to CSM anyways. I was sick of be covered in shit all day and by the time i got home and all cleaned up my son was already in bed...
Prolly just gonna get a shitty little job that pays enough to scrape by for now. Tryin to get a house out in Olin which if i do things will be MUCH cheaper which will help
03-05-2008, 04:19 PM
I mean yea, its a tech job, but we don't get as dirty as what you describe. Honestly I think it would be something good for you. I average about $12 an hour. Right now would definately be a good time to get in.
03-05-2008, 04:32 PM
I'll be in tomarrow...
Still going to try and work part-time at PerMar either way... What kind of hours are you guys working up there? Only thing is i wont be able to work weekends there...
03-05-2008, 05:40 PM
M-Sat 7:30 a.m. - 9 p.m.
sunday 10-6
Whats your name? I'll call my assistant manager and can guarantee a job... (if i like you lol)
03-05-2008, 05:45 PM
O yea dustin, Don still works there. I think its funny that you say that hes a riot. Idk if hes just quiet at Sears or if he doesnt like me. In my opinion its hard to get him to talk.
Great guy either way.
03-05-2008, 07:21 PM
I can tell you from experience he hates you. he liked me, we talked and had a good time. Is he finally retiring this year?!!
but seriously, he doesnt like you.
03-05-2008, 07:28 PM
nah, he was far from loud at Fed Ex, but he always made me smile. he's a good man.
03-06-2008, 04:52 PM
oh btw keith (kieth...i before e, except after c, and k in names and l in names...) i get to say TOLD YA SO!...?
eh i guess i did. JM.
03-06-2008, 05:55 PM
oh btw keith (kieth...i before e, except after c, and k in names and l in names...) i get to say TOLD YA SO!...?
eh i guess i did. JM.
03-06-2008, 08:27 PM
O yea dustin, Don still works there. I think its funny that you say that hes a riot. Idk if hes just quiet at Sears or if he doesnt like me. In my opinion its hard to get him to talk.
Great guy either way.
Don was an awesome guy when i worked there. I always went straight to the back to ask him about problems with my POS Cougar.
Please tell me Richard and Bates are still the managers there.
03-06-2008, 10:10 PM
And guess who actually did work on your couger?! haha. Don had me work on his limos a good bit. I hated working on the H2 limo, but I got to drive it and that made up for it.
03-06-2008, 10:23 PM
i forgot that he ran that little limo on the side as well. what a busy guy...
03-06-2008, 11:19 PM
And guess who actually did work on your couger?! haha. Don had me work on his limos a good bit. I hated working on the H2 limo, but I got to drive it and that made up for it.
Haha, you and Jake did most of the work that I didn't. I always wondered who's limos were always parked outside.
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