View Full Version : Accepted to UTI
02-15-2008, 10:20 AM
Well, a rep. from the school came to my house last night and told me if I want in, I'm in. So I enrolled in the Automotive program..I start classes in Chicago, Illinois on September 15th and I graduate September 11th, 2009. If all goes right I should be ASE master certified within 2 full years. If that goes right then I will be taking a specialized 6 month program to become a master of either BMW or Mercedes-Benz. yayyy
02-15-2008, 10:53 AM
congrats man. i had a few friends who went there and ended up dropping out just because they didnt like it. whats sad is they were sleeping through their classes, and were still the top three students there. it sucks that that piece of paper with the name "UTI" means so much, because they all said you could get the exact same education at Kirkwood and save yourself like $10k when all was said and done.
02-15-2008, 11:25 AM
^ Ditto
Except my friend didn't drop out, he graduated then got screwed with no job at any place in the country how they all promise. He was one of the top of his class, had plenty of ASE certifications, etc. etc.
idk Tyler where you at? Chime in.
02-15-2008, 01:00 PM
well..if you have 97%-100% attendance and are top 5 in your class and all of that, i don't see how you wouldn't get a job...there's plenty of demand for good mechanics. I guess it all depends where you locate yourself after high school too. Coming back to Iowa probably isn't the strongest..gotta follow your market.
02-15-2008, 01:30 PM
well what i'm sayin is UTi will promise you a job, then at the last minute where you want/plan to go they basically screw it up. Again if Tyler came in here and spoke his peice you'd know what i'm talking about.
Either way it's all up to you what you do. Good luck wherever you go!
02-15-2008, 01:39 PM
yeah..idk. i like to do it..all that matters
02-15-2008, 02:50 PM
congrats man. i had a few friends who went there and ended up dropping out just because they didnt like it. whats sad is they were sleeping through their classes, and were still the top three students there. it sucks that that piece of paper with the name "UTI" means so much, because they all said you could get the exact same education at Kirkwood and save yourself like $10k when all was said and done.
had a few friends that were the same way. said about the only people who learn much are the ones that hadnt been around cars much before. they just went out and got jobs.
02-15-2008, 02:58 PM
I went to Wyotech and did graduate at the top of my class, 100 percent attendance, outstanding student, peer tutor, all that BS. took the BMW test and some other ones and got accecpted to all those easily, there is lots of places to work at when graduating a place like that, BMW school acutally starts right after that school and they find you a suitable position somewhere in the US during your BMW schooling and that is what pissed me off is you have no idea where you will be working at untill basically right before you graduate. The runner up outstanding student I graduated with was in Las Vegas working on cars for some good money "so he says" and another buddy that graduated from there is working at vermont race car shop, "Ken Block and Travis Pastrana's shop" so there is jobs, just remember you have to be lucky and your definetly not going to rich, doing good in school and finding a good job is 2 TOTALLY DIFFERENT things, trust me. Im not trying to discourage you, but good luck man.
02-15-2008, 05:33 PM
Congrats!! I got accepted into WyoTech (do they even turn people down?) right when i graduated but I was too poor at the time... I work with a guy that went to UTI and to be honest he knows shit. Cant figure out how he went to school for like 3-4 years, got ASE certified yet i piss pound his ass every week in book hours at the shop!
Anyways have fun, dont party too much
02-15-2008, 08:35 PM
Save some money and go to kirkwood. Use the money you save to buy more tools.
02-15-2008, 08:58 PM
Save some money and go to kirkwood. Use the money you save to buy more tools.
I agree. get ASE certified right here in town. Unless your going for the experience.
02-17-2008, 01:03 PM
well thanks for the advice. you just saved me a bunch of money.
02-17-2008, 01:30 PM
Good thinking Josh.
I jumped around a lot on what I wanted to do ever since I was 18. At first it was finance, then I was thinking management, then I almost joined the Marines, then I almost dropped out of school to go work in a factory, and now I'm working on my Bachelor's in Finance.
Finance was what I always wanted to do... but between 18-24 is the best time of your life to bounce around trying to figure out what you want to do for the rest of your life. You don't wanna just pick one thing at age 17 or 18 and stick to it all throughout college without exploring more options. Some people do that and end up getting their degree only THEN to realize that they don't want to do what they thought they wanted to do.
Seriously, I'd suggest enrolling at Kirkwood and get started on your gen-eds. If you want to get a bachelors degree in anything you'll have to do 2 years of Gen-Eds no matter what, so go to kirkwood for 2 years and get your gen-eds. Spend that time thinking about what you want to do. Your mind is going to mature a lot in the next 2 years, trust me. Ideas that seem so good now are going to seem dumb in 2 years due to your mind maturing more.
There's no rush, buddy. Don't let anyone (including your sister Ashley) tell you that you need to make a decision right now. You've got all the time in the world. Just get started on your Gen-Eds and be thinking about it in the meantime. You've got at least 2.5 years before you really need to start getting serious about narrowing down your choices to just one profession.
02-17-2008, 07:01 PM
At first I always wanted to take automotive classes. Almost went to kirkwood, I decided to get a job at a shop somewhere and see if its something I would like to do. I love working on cars and I have learned an absolute ton from working at Sears. I know that I would like having a job working on cars for maybe a few years but I've learned its my hobby, I dont want it to be my job forever. Like Zac said though, take your time. I took a year off of school. Worked, went in to for business administration and I learned that I dont think thats for me. Taking this semester to think things over.
02-17-2008, 07:12 PM
haha, you have no idea how many professions i have thought of..automotives, computer programming, name it, i've thought it.
02-18-2008, 12:14 AM
hmm. ware do i start the book on this.
UTI has gotten WAY more expensive since i went.
So first thing i would say just go to Kirkwood. compare the costs of the two and spend the money you save going to kirkwood on tools.
second you go to UTI but they dont pay for you to take ASE's you have to pay for them.
third whats your driving record like. experience in the automotive field? highschool grade point? are you willing to get at least 100% attendance the entire length of UTI. i did it for 11 months and it sucks balls. Then once you get 100% attendance you need to be selected as the top student in your class at least a few times. then you need 3.8 lowest proly a 4.0 if you want into BMW etc. all those have to add up to get into the extra programs.
fourth be ready to spend at least one year at what ever dealership will take you. and if you don't make it the length of what ever is laid out in the program you pay the cost of the added training.
hope that helps. ill check this later if you have any other questions.
you get out what you put into what ever program you go into kirkwood or UTI
02-20-2008, 09:32 AM
hello stranger. Where have you been hidding?
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