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Am I the only one bothered by the government trying to bail all these home owners out because there monthly payments sky rocketed and now they can't afford their monthly payments. To me, if somebody was stupid enough to buy a home with a variable or adjustable rate mortgage versus a fixed rate deserves to lose their home. They were idiots.
Did they think their rates would go down when interest rates were already at an all time low. Pisses me off when I have to help foot the bill for somebody else's stupidity.
Domestic Disturbance
02-02-2008, 03:25 PM
Ya I agree. They were talking about that the other night on the Debates and my family got to talking about how dumb of an idea it is. The market fell out. It flexuates just like all markets. The Gov't worrying about it is over stepping their bounds.
02-02-2008, 03:54 PM
Hind sight is 20/20 but I agree completely with you two. Remember there are a great deal of idiots in this world and if your democractic (gernatlization) or support goverment control well get used to this occuring. The middle class as well as rich will have to support the poor, uneducated, and ignorant. Most wealthy people didn't become wealthy by being stupid or ignorant. If you do some reading about the housing problem you will find out that many banks are going to be in serious economic problems form this. The banks pay insurance premiums to cover people who forclose or declare bankrupcy etc., right now the largest insuraing company to the banks is 60 billion in debt and about to go down as well as the bank. With this said it is devestaing to the economy, so that is one of the bigger reasons why the goverment is helping, not simply to help the home owner. There is a bigger agenda.
Domestic Disturbance
02-02-2008, 09:14 PM
Ya I can understand that. Lets just hope they can manage to help turn the economy around without coming off as something of a fail safe that people will always fall back on. I definitely don't mind the spare change from returns to help boost the economy. Maybe the mortgage lenders and banks will learn their lessons so in the future it can't fall off so badly with such effects, but in the end there are always the dumb people that get sucked into it all.
02-02-2008, 09:26 PM
I was not happy with Bush when this happened. It was there dumb to buy those homes thinking there rates would stay the same. Over all the goverment should not have stepped in.
02-03-2008, 12:25 AM
What i find funny about the stimulus bill is that we get 600 bucks to blow and it should help the US economy right. What products are most people gonna buy? Oh wait a minute products from other countires lol, stimulating their economy more then ours. Only some what stimulating our own economy.
Domestic Disturbance
02-03-2008, 04:29 AM
They are also hoping it helps spark greater purchases though. When given money, you always want something that costs just a little bit more.
02-03-2008, 10:51 AM
What i find funny about the stimulus bill is that we get 600 bucks to blow and it should help the US economy right. What products are most people gonna buy? Oh wait a minute products from other countires lol, stimulating their economy more then ours. Only some what stimulating our own economy.
unless the original hope was for them to put the money right back into their debt. most people probably wont spend it on that though...
02-03-2008, 12:24 PM
They are also hoping it helps spark greater purchases though. When given money, you always want something that costs just a little bit more.
Though the government won't simply go out and say it, you're exactly right. They aren't doing all this just so everyone in america will spend $600 in June (or whenever the checks get here), they are hoping that a lot of those people will take that $600 and buy a $1,000 refrigerator from Best Buy. Or take their cumulative $1,200 and buy a big 52 inch plasma screen TV for $2,000.
Ashley and I will probably use our cumulative $1,200 for a $1,500 refrigerator. I think it's a good idea because I think it could be a catalyst to a lot of people's spending. It might make Ashley and I want a new stove, too, since we need one. So I would be surprised if 2008 doesn't end with a new stove and fridge in our kitchen! lol.
That being said, I am not all about government intervention. I believe in Laissez Fairre, the idea of the "invisible hand" that government should have minimal intervention. If I were running for president, I would base my campaign on cutting back on as many government programs as I could that aren't needed, getting the country out of debt as quickly as possible, and then lowering everyone's taxes. IMO, the government should never take more than 10% TOTAL out of anyone's paychecks and that includes social security, state taxes, etc. There shouldn't be a need for it. We've got too much fluff in government programs and it's only getting worse with these new candidates wanting to add more stuff to it.
If they cut my tax contribution in half, I could afford a $300-400/month medical insurance plan if I had to. I don't need the governments help, I need them to get their hand out of my pockets and let me take care of myself.
02-03-2008, 05:58 PM
LIke most of you have stated it is suppse to be a catalyst to get consumers to spend money. Consumer spending is WAY WAY down, its hurting our economy. The basic reason for the government to step in for home owners. Banks and lenders are getting killed by these forclosures. In order for house sales to boom whatsoever. You need those banks and lenders in order to create competition to keep rates down, etc, keep more people buying houses. In turn, creating spending.
It still boils down to the morons that couldn't afford their Adjustable rate mortgages. So I'm still gonna pay for their idiocy.
02-03-2008, 10:49 PM
Good points Dustin and Zac, i agree with both of you completely. Zac your views on the goverment seems to parallel mine. I am a huge advocate of accountablility and I think to many americans are taken care of by the goverment and never fully accountable for their actions. Yet I have to pay higher taxes and such to help the goverment deal with these indiviudals. But i will stop ranting, politics and web postings usually don't mix well. I can take care of myself, why can't the rest of american society.
02-04-2008, 08:48 AM
agree with you completely adam. people hurt themselves with credit card debt, adjustable mortages, etc. that they couldnt pay off. too many people think theyre "entitled" to live in a huge house and try to live beyond their means by using loans and credit. the time finally came that it had to be paid off, and consumer spending is way down. banks have given some higher risk loans and are now paying for it, but its not their fault people defaulted on the loans.
in the end, the stimulus package is a band-aid, and a short-lived one at that. what needs to be addressed is the HUGE trade deficit and the American public needs to learn responsible budgeting and spending practices. In the case of the latter i think the younger generation is in a lot of trouble.
02-04-2008, 09:23 AM
Thanks black88gt, we should all band together and start a political movement lol. To be open i am very nervious about this election and the next 5-10 years because of how things have been going and a huge change is in order.
Pedro for President :supz:
02-04-2008, 12:53 PM
I'm nervous about putting a democrat in the office.... period.
Say hello to bloated government programs and higher taxes. Pretty soon we won't be driving anymore, because there will be a government program to pick us all up and take us to work. You won't pay for heating and electricity anymore, it'll just be taxed out of your paycheck. You'll pay 75% taxes, but only if you make more than $20,000/year. If you make less than $20,000/year there will be no taxes at all. Mortgages will be government issued based on job title. If you go to school (government paid) and get a job as a lawyer, the government will issue you a modest sized home. Overall nothing with change except you won't have any choices in life.
In case you didn't notice, I was being sarcastic. But really, all I want out of a president is somebody that will leave me the f*ck alone and let me live my life. Build my roads, keep my cities looking clean, etc. Get rid of social security for all I care, I won't be getting more than $300/month by the time I retire anyway, but if I didn't save enough in my 401k and Roth IRA then it's my own damn fault.
A good solution to the healthcare problem: Require that all businesses carry a good healthcare program for their employees and their families. Then lower our tax contributions by about $100/month or so and let us pay for it with our own damn money. I do not want the government paying for my healthcare.
For the social security problem: Privatize it! Let me choose my own investments just like my 401k. Did you guys know that the money you pay to social security is sitting in government bonds earning like 5% per year? Pitiful. I could choose mutual funds out of a hat and get better earnings than that most years.
Unemployment problems: Keep illegal immigrants from getting jobs here. Every business in America should be audited at least once a year for the legality of their employees. If they can't work here, why would they want to be here? If our unemployed don't want the jobs that immigrants are working.... give it time: They'll want it eventually.
The trade deficit is going to be the hardest thing to fix, though. As weak as our dollar is right now, our exports should be at an all-time high. If they're not, then there is a problem. Our dollar will get stronger, and that's only going to make it worse in that area. Though a stronger dollar would make imports a lot less expensive.
:ranting: End Rant. Just had to get that off my chest. Thank you all for listening. haha.
02-04-2008, 06:15 PM
Zac, do you feel better lol.
02-04-2008, 08:32 PM
I'm nervous about putting a democrat in the office.... period.
Say hello to bloated government programs and higher taxes. Pretty soon we won't be driving anymore, because there will be a government program to pick us all up and take us to work. You won't pay for heating and electricity anymore, it'll just be taxed out of your paycheck. You'll pay 75% taxes, but only if you make more than $20,000/year. If you make less than $20,000/year there will be no taxes at all. Mortgages will be government issued based on job title. If you go to school (government paid) and get a job as a lawyer, the government will issue you a modest sized home. Overall nothing with change except you won't have any choices in life.
In case you didn't notice, I was being sarcastic. But really, all I want out of a president is somebody that will leave me the f*ck alone and let me live my life. Build my roads, keep my cities looking clean, etc. Get rid of social security for all I care, I won't be getting more than $300/month by the time I retire anyway, but if I didn't save enough in my 401k and Roth IRA then it's my own damn fault.
A good solution to the healthcare problem: Require that all businesses carry a good healthcare program for their employees and their families. Then lower our tax contributions by about $100/month or so and let us pay for it with our own damn money. I do not want the government paying for my healthcare.
For the social security problem: Privatize it! Let me choose my own investments just like my 401k. Did you guys know that the money you pay to social security is sitting in government bonds earning like 5% per year? Pitiful. I could choose mutual funds out of a hat and get better earnings than that most years.
Unemployment problems: Keep illegal immigrants from getting jobs here. Every business in America should be audited at least once a year for the legality of their employees. If they can't work here, why would they want to be here? If our unemployed don't want the jobs that immigrants are working.... give it time: They'll want it eventually.
The trade deficit is going to be the hardest thing to fix, though. As weak as our dollar is right now, our exports should be at an all-time high. If they're not, then there is a problem. Our dollar will get stronger, and that's only going to make it worse in that area. Though a stronger dollar would make imports a lot less expensive.
:ranting: End Rant. Just had to get that off my chest. Thank you all for listening. haha.
I'm curious as to who your presidential candidate is.
02-04-2008, 10:18 PM
I do definitely feel better for sure. For the most part I'm undecided for president. No president running this year really fulfills my difficult requirement of "leave me alone" lol.
I want a president that at least is willing to cut down on unneeded government programs. I would vote for someone who includes that as part of their campaign/plans. Unfortunately with all the TV time the democrats are getting, it's almost hard to remember that republicans have caucuses too! Nobody, including myself, seems to know as much about the republican candidates as they should.
02-04-2008, 10:23 PM
Zac for President!!!!
02-04-2008, 11:41 PM ... en_to_you/ (
Here is your taxes and goverment control hard at work.
Domestic Disturbance
02-04-2008, 11:46 PM
I think the Republicans had a slow start cause there was less hype about their candidates and they came in a little later than the Dem's. For the most part its hard to choose as far as money goes in this country. My 2 top picks want either National Health Care, or want to hold out in the war as long as possible. Mitt is the only real person that has said some strong points about the economy, but then he has said some other pretty dumb stuff. I wish he would have shut his trap and let McCain talk more last week. I thought we were done with politics haha.
As for extremist and far fetched sarcasm about Democrats, thats a lil out of the ball park. Theres a fair enough amount of Republicans to keep that all in check, just like there was enough to tell Bush going to Mars is a bad idea. Thats why I try to stay a moderate. I feel that way I can call out both sides for stupid ideas :neener:
Domestic Disturbance
02-05-2008, 12:05 AM
Pedro for President :supz:
I'm sorry but I just can't see myself voting for an Alaskan. Eskimo's just want to destroy Canada
02-05-2008, 06:59 AM
Pedro for President :supz:
I'm sorry but I just can't see myself voting for an Alaskan. Eskimo's just want to destroy Canada
i'm failing to see the problem here...
02-08-2008, 12:31 PM
I'm going to be a prick, hey I get pizzed off lots of times...
!! the banking industry shouldn't have loaned the money in the first place to these ppl... They have lawyers, accountants a lot mo smarter ppl than joe blow homeowner. Do u loan money to ur deadbeat friend, fk no. If ya do then too bad if ya don't get it back. U eat the loss, end of story. The banking industry was greedy and thought they had their bases covered w insurance, have their cake and eat it too. Same w credit cards, issuing to ppl w no real income. Greedy fkrs.
All parties in the end were greedy and stupid. Money falls out of the sky everyday was what they were hoping. I agree I shouldn't pay fo it. Ya watched that walmart or enron smartest guys video yet? watch it. special interests section. Ol Rob wouldn't be so pizzed off then.
02-08-2008, 12:49 PM
What i find funny about the stimulus bill is that we get 600 bucks to blow and it should help the US economy right. What products are most people gonna buy? Oh wait a minute products from other countires lol, stimulating their economy more then ours. Only some what stimulating our own economy.
Not true, I'm buying american made solenoids and metering jets and american tires..... Those workers will have 5 mo min of work time. I realize our only real hope is encourage other country workers to demand higher pay like we did in early 1900's. Then they buy cars use up whatever oil is left... We need a energy solution pronto get on the stick young ppl. We need a 20 giga watt battery size of a car battery. Uses zero point energy. If not then use this
02-10-2008, 12:16 PM
Rob, i was referring to the mass majority who don't pay attention to where there items they buy are from. There is no such thing as "free energy"- law of conservation of matter and energy. Right now the #1 most realistic eff. source of energy is the sun. Now don't laugh, but last months popular science had a major article. Using large satilites with massive solar cells to absorb all light freq. and transmit it down to earth in Radio Freq. then convert back to electrical energy. Costs little to nothing to convert and only with the satelite in space it is very easy and cheap to keep in orbit. Yes there is a high cost to repair but cost to maintain doesnt come close to the energy output. Will cost billions to start the program and the goverment is trying to help get funding by major coorporations. Were talking enough power to run the US every day. Zero point energy (isn't what most people think) and anitmatter is wayyy to far away of a technology. Magnets is an option but to create that strong of a magnet to actually power anything is very very expensive and the fields affects many other things in the area ie credit cards etc. but is an option.
02-10-2008, 02:31 PM
I couldn't find the popular science mag with the article but found a condensed article in popular mechanics. 1 km cubed solar panel could absord the equivelent of the entire earths fossil fuels worth of energy in one year. It would cost 10 billion to start and by 2050 be returning 10% of our entire energy used per year by the US.
I don't know if I'd want my electricity coming from someplace that can't readily be fixed if there is a problem. Entire countries could be crippled by enemies with a few missiles into space at satellites that provide energy. Just a thought.
02-10-2008, 08:29 PM
Ever heard of the star wars project ZEE. I know it sounds stupid, but the use has satelites set up around the world which give them immidiete notifcation of any intracontinental missle lauch(including space). There has been ideas of arming satelites, just a thought, plus there would be more then just one of these in space.
Arming satellites is not an option as it would violate several international treaties.
02-11-2008, 06:10 AM
Like the US cares lol, Good point ZEE.
My Camaro can catch up to a missile. :supz:
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