View Full Version : Small Car + Semi Truck = Bad News
12-10-2007, 06:43 PM
So I was driving, casually, doing nothing wrong. Next thing I know, I'm next to a big CRST semi truck, with trailer and all, next thing after that is I see him merging into my lane and he wasn't all the way past my car yet, so I step on my shitty brakes...nothing, I start sliding and he hits my door, knocks off my mirror, keeps coming toward me (I doubt he even knew he was hitting me) and pushes me up onto the curb and rips half of my spoiler and rips the side of my bumper off. I figured he would atleast glance into his mirror and stop after he pushes me damn near to the fucking sidewalk, but no, he keeps driving, asshole. Here's the aftermath...
12-10-2007, 07:16 PM
so he just kept going? did you get his plates?
12-10-2007, 07:30 PM
I think your first "REAL" DSM is now totalled.
12-10-2007, 07:52 PM
if you want anything done about this, contact crst asap with your EXACT location and time...plate numbers really dont do shit for this, but trailer numbers do. good luck trying to get anything done about this
12-10-2007, 08:16 PM
so he just kept going? did you get his plates?
Yea he kept going, I doubt he knew that I was against him cause he didn't try to turn away or anything.
I think your first "REAL" DSM is now totalled.
It's not as bad as it looks in the pictures, but if it IS totalled, then it won't really matter to me much, I know exactly where to get the parts dirt cheap, with no problems except not matching color. Only things that really need replaced (since I was looking to do paint work anyway) is the mirror, door, fender, hatch, and bumper. Thankfully its ONLY body parts that got fucked up.
if you want anything done about this, contact crst asap with your EXACT location and time...plate numbers really dont do shit for this, but trailer numbers do. good luck trying to get anything done about this
I already got ahold of CRST and the guy was real helpful with the situation and took some of my information down and told me he would talk with his insurance agency. I told him the exact location and time but I didn't get the trailer number, by the time the back of the trailer was visible to me, I was already on the curb, not facing the direction of the trailer, and it was my first car wreck so I was all shook up and shit.
12-10-2007, 09:06 PM
dude, thats crazy! id be flippin shit on CRST!. id probly chase em down...coulda tried your horn or somethin tho.
12-10-2007, 09:59 PM
coulda tried your horn or somethin tho.
I did, must have been deaf too. Damn. :mad:
12-10-2007, 10:00 PM
^^^ That was me on Nicoles name ^^^
12-10-2007, 10:10 PM
i have a black hatch and spoiler. i'll sell you the complete hatch, glass, windsheild wiper and all, as well as all three pieces of the spoiler for $60. let me know if youre interested.
12-10-2007, 10:56 PM
come to think of it, i think i have both black side mirrors as well. shoot me a PM or something and we can figure out a price. i'll even throw that Walboro 255 into the deal.
12-14-2007, 02:50 PM
get this taken care of yet? hope you do, cuz im mad for you.
12-14-2007, 05:48 PM
Soon, I'm buying a hatch, 3pc spoiler, and a drivers mirror from Dustin on the 26th, so after that I'll just have to buy the door, fender, and the bumper. I'm getting some estimates on Monday and taking one ($$$) to CRST and see what they say.
12-14-2007, 06:28 PM
i say if they ask for a quote on the new parts, call salvage yards and get prices, and then see if you can find pieces any cheaper on here or other forums. i dont think youre gonna find a better deal than the one im giving you
12-14-2007, 08:47 PM
i say if they ask for a quote on the new parts, call salvage yards and get prices, and then see if you can find pieces any cheaper on here or other forums. i dont think youre gonna find a better deal than the one im giving you
The rest of the parts shouldnt be too hard to come across. I'm already planning on doing paint work eventually so color doesnt matter, in fact I know theres a red 1ga out at K's Acres that has a good body, just a short block, I'll get the parts off that car sometime next week and it'll all be good, a little bit of cash from CRST wouldn't hurt though. :)
i dont think youre gonna find a better deal than the one im giving you
I know this, I owe you guy.
12-16-2007, 01:19 AM
like i said; christmas time. i am in a giving mood. besides, i know you need this stuff; and i just have it sitting around. i couldnt in good conscience let this go down without trying to help you out.
i'll talk to you on the 26th.
logans dad
12-16-2007, 03:22 AM
I know a lot of semi drivers are morons, Glad you didn't get hurt. At the International truck dealer on 6th street they use to keep all CRST wrecked trucks in the back and believe me there was a lot of them. They train there own drivers then turn them loose.
Logan is driving to Ia. city every day and I told him if a semi passes him to back off and let them by faster or if he passes one to step on it to get by them sooner.
12-17-2007, 02:49 PM
Thanks for the help and everything else guys.
So I saw a couple envelopes sitting on the computer desk this morning that were addressed to me, and one was from a claims company for CRST. I opened it, and it was a couple sheets asking me to describe the accident and other details, basically the essential stuff that they need to know. So I filled out most of it then I went to a couple body shops on the SW side and both quoted me at just below $3,500 including labor and parts, which means the car is totalled. I highly doubt CRST will give me that much money but we'll have to see, I'd even be happy with 25% which is about $900, and I know I can find the parts and install them for wayy less than $900.
logans dad
12-17-2007, 02:56 PM
Dont go easy on them, Get every cent you can. If youu have insurance and I hope you do they should be involved and will deal will them.
12-17-2007, 04:04 PM
do what you can to get the most money with out it getting totaled out. remember, if it was any average person, they would HAVE to have someone else do it, so theirs no reason because you can do it yourself that tehy shouldnt PAY!
good luck
12-17-2007, 04:12 PM
I have liability insurance, I'll fight it if they tell me they wont give me any money. I'm not gonna pay for a lawyer with the money I dont have. I've never been involved with a totalled car so how would that work? I figured with the estimate being that high, that it was totalled out then and there.
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