View Full Version : President Huckabee

11-26-2007, 12:00 AM
Mike Huckabee will be elected to presidency next year, no questions asked. i see all other parties dropping out and giving up after this:


Domestic Disturbance
11-26-2007, 03:54 AM
definitely a funny add, but kind of an odd way to run. ill pass on huckabee :neener:

11-26-2007, 04:21 PM
i saw that on tv, definitely a new approach, but the chuck norris thing was last year. idk what was this year...

11-26-2007, 05:39 PM
Chuck Norris is my every year...

lil krumm
11-26-2007, 08:59 PM
he gets my vote. he got CHUCK NORRIS in his fucking add. he has to kick ass!!! lol

11-27-2007, 07:24 AM
I didn't think it was serious when I first saw it. Then I realized it was and it was pretty damn funny to me. That's something Clinton would pull, and we all know he was the best president besides Kennedy.

11-27-2007, 07:41 AM
I had heard that Mr. Norris was a supporter of the Huckster, he can't lose now..........

11-27-2007, 07:54 AM
Huckabee is an avid hunter...just imagine if he got Ted Nugent on his side too. Mr. Wango Tango himself. they might elect him president of the whole world for that one...

11-28-2007, 05:45 PM
I didn't think it was serious when I first saw it. Then I realized it was and it was pretty damn funny to me. That's something Clinton would pull, and we all know he was the best president besides Kennedy.
is the sarcasm flag waving?

Huckabee is an avid hunter...just imagine if he got Ted Nugent on his side too. Mr. Wango Tango himself. they might elect him president of the whole world for that one...

ha, the nuuuuge.

11-29-2007, 08:40 AM
I can see it now Pres. Huckabee, Vice pres Nugent, and secretary of defense Chuck Norris, the world will tremble...........

11-29-2007, 04:33 PM
I can see it now Pres. Huckabee, Vice pres Nugent, and secretary of defense Chuck Norris, the world will tremble...........

Chuck Norris is already a weapon of mass destruction. he doesnt really need the title, but i suppose it would look good on his resume...

12-01-2007, 09:44 AM
something Clinton would pull, and we all know he was the best president besides Kennedy.

i agree with the Clinton comment, BUT all Kennedy had was un-carried out ideas.

12-04-2007, 07:51 AM
Im not confident with Huckabee, he has great humor and love the commercial but many times he dodges the real question with humor giving not answer. Any stronly religious person (he is baptist) that avoids critical qustions usually has a hidden agenda. I always, always question religion and religous views. He never actually states his positions, which is scary to me.