View Full Version : Westboro Baptist Church Sued...fuckers!
11-01-2007, 07:30 AM ... index.html (
While I was hoping a handful of them would receive a bullet to the brain, I guess this type of punishment works for me too. In case you don't know who the WBC is, they're the church that protests outside of soldier's funerals with signs like "GOD HATES FAGS" and stuff like that. Anyways, they have to pay $10.9 million to this guy.
The reason I love this case so much is because it sets precedent. Now that they've been sued once, they can now be sued every time they protest at a soldier's funeral with almost 100% assurance that they will lose the battle in court. I could be wrong about this... Maybe Rob can ask Anita and she could chime in... but I *think* this type of thing sets precedent.
Either way, it's a happy day in America. Karma always wins these things, whether it by physically, emotionally, or in this case, financially.
11-01-2007, 07:51 AM
they had it comming...but money is just money, they should be put into prison, or atleast gang raped a few times by some "fags".
11-01-2007, 08:49 AM
finally some closure. Those people make regular church goers look so bad. They simply "label" themselves a church...that is all. I hope 11mill makes that family a little happier.
11-01-2007, 10:00 AM
Ahhh, I love civil court.
11-01-2007, 10:50 AM
I think it's kinda funny that the guy got 10.8million. That NEVER would have happened if it wasn't for these idiots protesting at Funerals and saying how god is punishing those who condone homosexuality. Shitty thing is that it's not going to stop the "church" from doing this. They will keep on keeping on and ruin more events and things. All of them need to be beaten in some "riot". Or maybe they can pass a law banning all of the church's members from places like funerals, etc....I'm sure they could do that and plenty of people would vote for it, hell they passed the freaking patriot act. Why not.
11-01-2007, 12:48 PM
Well the whole damn Phelps family are lawyers... so thats why i think its going to stick. I think they finally fell on themselves hiding behind the mask of religion and the first ammendment, and now they are trying to brush it off like how they think its going to be appealed right away.
Your right i know its not going to stop them, but I hope everyone and their mother sues these SOBs Eventually they will realize they dont have eleventy billion dollars to pay off all the lawsuits.
I also heard that the father is donating alot of the money to TAPs An orgainization that helps the kids of the fallen Soilders and Sailors.
but anyway, i would still like to see them all locked in their compound and wild wolverines high on angel dust being let loose to feed on them, but 10.9 million will put a nice punch to thier ability to move about freely and protest. Means they wont be able to travel as far... so back to KS and IA they come.
11-01-2007, 02:13 PM
shit say what...iowa? the The Atlantic Paranormal Society...ghost huntin dudes.
11-01-2007, 02:19 PM
I think we should set-up a Sniper location.
11-01-2007, 05:00 PM
That group is nothing but a bunch of f'n idiots.
Last year they had threatened to disturb a funeral up in Walker. A soldier had died and was buried up there. They were a no show, thank god!
11-02-2007, 06:27 AM
They are out of Topeka, KS... so i mean they arent that far... but over the last couple years they've started going ALOT farther after winning a few lawsuits against a few cities and aginst that Nebraska kid that slashed all their car tires while they protested at someone's funeral. SO they made some traveling $$
11-02-2007, 11:12 AM
i can't believe anyone would rule in favor of them in a lawsuit. We just have too many "good" judges in america I guess. lol. If I were I judge I would rule against them in a car tire slashing lawsuit. I'd even throw in a couple million for the kid for doing a good deed :)
11-03-2007, 12:40 AM
I'm not stirring any sh-t up. Truthfully all I want is our grocery store to pay my medical bills. They were wrong imo. I beat the duster/stangs/etc. by xx lengths in a test, blame it on my foot, it's got 9 screws and a plate. Fukr had a mind of its own... To the subject what the govt does has no bearing upon ur orders... I hear orders all the time... I do what is told. I like to pay bills.... Can't afford otherwise sorry.... If u pay my bills i will tell u really what I think...
Ok, how u guys feel about this, should the parents of that 10 yr old be sued for burning some of those houses up in cali? The kid caused major property damage, he admitted he started the fire....
11-03-2007, 08:13 AM
Uhh, of course that little shit should have to pay damages to those people whose homes were burned because of him.
11-03-2007, 11:25 AM
In other words no I do not think a protest at a guys funeral is right. He was following orders when he got killed. Just because someone had a problem with his/her personal beliefs that isn't the time or place to bring it up. I work w ppl daily that I might not like but I follow orders and rules. I really don't know this group. Reason I said something about the 10yr old, kids are presumed to not know right from wrong. Oh yea, I was trying out the temp foot mind of its own plea for when or if I get stopped speeding etc.
11-04-2007, 07:53 AM
In case of the 10 year old boy, that responsibility falls to the parents. Having that blame pinned on a 10 year old is bull shit, how can the boy even fathom what was to happen from playing with fire, he only knew that fire was interesting. His parents should be stepping up and be responsible enough to say, "We never talked to our son about fire" or that they didn't give their son the attention, he needed.
Whatever the case with the boy that's what insurance is for. The kid or his family would never be able to cover damages. It's like having a driver with no insurance hit your car and totaling it.
04-03-2008, 10:48 PM
I think we should set-up a Sniper location.
Fuck snpers lets lock them in there bus and fire bomb the shit out of it, or let that 10 year old kid to.
Another thing I don't know why people get pissed about supporting "fags" in ignorant asshole terms, do I support them yes and no, yes because I can merry a girl cuz thats what I'm into well there just into differant stuff and no because they're just regular people, in my mind any way, so why support regular people.
04-04-2008, 08:21 AM
dude stop bringing threads back that are rediculously old
05-08-2008, 07:08 PM
I want a Dr. Pepper for FREE BITCH!
05-08-2008, 07:44 PM
I want a Dr. Pepper for FREE BITCH!
I got two of those coupons lying around somewhere! Come over and we'll both go get one. :)
05-09-2008, 09:26 AM
woah soda?
05-09-2008, 11:42 AM
I'm tellin' ya!
05-21-2008, 02:26 AM
Hi Zac,
Sorry for the VERY late post but today is the first time I've been back on the board in a long while, lol.
To answer your question about that court case win, as setting a " precedent" for any other court cases pretaining to wackos like those idiots that protested at our soldiers funerals......
YES ,.................that case has set precedent to any future cases of that kind !
The sad thing about it though is the victims getting the money awarded to them by the court ruling from those radical Baptist nut-jobs.
Like the old saying goes................ you can't get blood from a turnip no matter how hard a person tries. ... index.html
While I was hoping a handful of them would receive a bullet to the brain, I guess this type of punishment works for me too. In case you don't know who the WBC is, they're the church that protests outside of soldier's funerals with signs like "GOD HATES FAGS" and stuff like that. Anyways, they have to pay $10.9 million to this guy.
The reason I love this case so much is because it sets precedent. Now that they've been sued once, they can now be sued every time they protest at a soldier's funeral with almost 100% assurance that they will lose the battle in court. I could be wrong about this... Maybe Rob can ask Anita and she could chime in... but I *think* this type of thing sets precedent.
Either way, it's a happy day in America. Karma always wins these things, whether it by physically, emotionally, or in this case, financially.
05-22-2008, 12:46 AM
Hey better late than never Anita. I hope those guys continue to get themselves sued for the ridiculous things that they do.
On an unrelated note, Ashley thinks she saw you at Gentle Dental the other day. Apparently I wasn't paying any attention and she didn't recognize you until the lady came out and said your name. Would have said something but we didn't recognize ya ;)
05-23-2008, 10:41 PM
On an unrelated note, Ashley thinks she saw you at Gentle Dental the other day. Apparently I wasn't paying any attention and she didn't recognize you until the lady came out and said your name. Would have said something but we didn't recognize ya ;)
LOL, I thought that was you guys, I kept peeking over at you both trying to be sure before I got up to go over and say hi didn't want to make a fool out of myself if it wasn't you, but just as I was about to do that they called my name.
That's one place I hate going to more than anything else in the world,.... the dentist, I HATE NEEDLES !
05-23-2008, 11:17 PM
yeah I was out there having a filling put in. I hate fillings because for about 6 months (really... not being sarcastic... really 6 months) I can't have anything cold in that area of my mouth. I think it's because the alloy that those fillings are made out of transfer cold straight to your nerve and it takes a while for you to adjust.
I honestly didn't see you at all. I had a magazine out and was flipping through it, and when they called your name I looked up just in time to see you walking away. Then Ashley said she thought that was you and then when they said your name she knew it was you.
I haven't seen ya in so long Anita I'm not sure that I'd recognize ya. I have a feeling I'm probably 20 or 30 pounds heavier now than the last time you saw me. lol
05-25-2008, 12:22 AM
yeah I was out there having a filling put in. I hate fillings because for about 6 months (really... not being sarcastic... really 6 months) I can't have anything cold in that area of my mouth. I think it's because the alloy that those fillings are made out of transfer cold straight to your nerve and it takes a while for you to adjust.
I honestly didn't see you at all. I had a magazine out and was flipping through it, and when they called your name I looked up just in time to see you walking away. Then Ashley said she thought that was you and then when they said your name she knew it was you.
I haven't seen ya in so long Anita I'm not sure that I'd recognize ya. I have a feeling I'm probably 20 or 30 pounds heavier now than the last time you saw me. lol
Naw, you looked the same so does Ashley :yawinkle: .
I was out to WalMArt one day about two weeks ago buying groceries, every time I looked behind me in the isle I would be in this same guy was always there staring at me . I'll be damned if he didn't follow me up to the check out. As I was putting everything up on the counter for the check out girl, that same guy say's to me
Well Maria can't you say hi to me, you are Maria right ? I said "No I am not, I do not know you so why would I speak to you, hey didn't you come up to me one other time in here thinking I was this Maria person ............ god I need to do something different so I don't look anything like this woman that you seem to get me mixed-up with".
Zac, that guy turned beet-red from embarrassment and didn't know what to say , LOL.
Soooooooo if I happen to see you both out and about somewhere do not be upset if I do not come up to you and say anything, ok because I don't want to feel the embarrassment of being wrong :)
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