View Full Version : Vid of Allgo Beating Streetsweeper after he redlights!!!
10-24-2007, 10:56 AM
10-24-2007, 10:59 AM
I got sound just fine :)
10-24-2007, 11:16 AM
yeaup sound works for me as well :bigthumb:
10-24-2007, 02:52 PM
my sound doesnt work for ANYTHING, but it worked for that vid...weird.
10-24-2007, 03:22 PM
Sorry the sound didnt work the first time but does now.
10-25-2007, 12:33 AM
i see this causeing problems very soon...
anyhow your supercharger is nice and loud, i love it. :bigthumb:
10-25-2007, 12:39 AM
im with Ricky; that thing screams!
10-25-2007, 06:57 AM
We all know I cut red, but I ran you down, and it was close as hell at the end, the ticket shows all the #s, But anyway you look at it I did it with a brand new motor w/ 50 miles on it, oh and did I forget to mention 4 CYLINDERS. :biggrin:
10-25-2007, 08:31 AM
Are you retarded? The reason it was close at the end is cause you left early!!!!! 1 1/2 car head start wow give me that and see how close it would be. Turn the page, you got beat, you bought the 4 cylinder I didnt, excuses, excuses.
10-25-2007, 03:56 PM
Your such a moron! I cut red by like .0016 thats allmost nothing. And i was never ahead of you on the start so when you tell me this 1 1/2 car shit i allmost have to pick my self up of the floor. And if you think that was the spread at the end of the track you need your fuckin eyes examined. The time slip dont lie!
Watch the video jack ass! I was never ahead of you on the start.. God your so fuckin retarted!
10-25-2007, 05:44 PM
I ve got my other vid I am going to try to get it up so you ca see, so your saying you where going to cut a .100 light? why dont you do your studies and not flunk out of school. Your still the greatest redlighter!!! motor boy
10-25-2007, 06:43 PM
Your such a moron! I cut red by like .0016 thats allmost nothing. And i was never ahead of you on the start so when you tell me this 1 1/2 car shit i allmost have to pick my self up of the floor. And if you think that was the spread at the end of the track you need your fuckin eyes examined. The time slip dont lie!
Watch the video jack ass! I was never ahead of you on the start.. God your so fuckin retarted!
Actually you redlighted by -.029. i've got the slip. joe's reaction time was .268. You left early, he left late. How could you not be ahead of him at the start???
10-25-2007, 07:08 PM
10-25-2007, 08:16 PM
Looked like Allgo got the jump by a car and a half even with the red light and pretty much stayed there..........
Nice run by both cars! :WORSHIP:
10-25-2007, 08:37 PM
Its called torque, I made up the difference in the first 200 ft.
10-25-2007, 08:45 PM
Its called torque, I made up the difference in the first 200 ft.
dont tell Krustin that; in his eyes torque still doesnt matter....
10-25-2007, 09:12 PM
listen to the looooong pause after georges launch listen for wastgate open, then closed......then it finaly opens again and georges car takes off like a sling shot. that right there is KILLING his MPH and ET, your right you made up the diffrance in 200ft as georges car took a nap, no open wastegate= not full boost = no power. Not making up shit you can hear it and count how long of pause it is. that car has a 10.7-10.6's with 134mph in it the way it sits... I just dont know why it hesatates so bad!
10-25-2007, 09:52 PM
listen to the looooong pause after georges launch listen for wastgate open, then closed......then it finaly opens again and georges car takes off like a sling shot. that right there is KILLING his MPH and ET, your right you made up the diffrance in 200ft as georges car took a nap, no open wastegate= not full boost = no power. Not making up shit you can hear it and count how long of pause it is. that car has a 10.7-10.6's with 134mph in it the way it sits... I just dont know why it hesatates so bad!
Jesse I will bet you or george that car with that set up will NEVER go 10.60s or 70s. $100.00 If you guys are so sure then lets bet!
10-25-2007, 09:59 PM
o im not beting im just saying with the right conditions that car has the HP to do that. It takes lots of skill to do that and the right tire and suspension. Can it be done? yes, can george take it there the way it sits who knows. But im not stupid to bet that. Some day it will run the #'s there is allways kinks in they system some people have tranny problems, some people have motor problems, some people have traction problems, in the end some day everything allways works out! :bigthumb:
10-25-2007, 10:05 PM
Are you retarded? you bought the 4 cylinder I didnt, excuses, excuses.
No excuess, I think you need the excuess, million dollar V8 with all that trick shit, barely beat the 4banger, But what is true is whos car actually has the more HP and potental to run the good #s, SAD example for a V8 Allgo, step up and face it, shit Robs car went 127. But like I sad before lighten it up, get rid of your 800lbs yada,yada, shit I still got you MPH, so now what. I shift my car, but you got rid of the stick cause your sorry ass could'nt drive it. Still trying to figure why you did not take the race with the Camaro on spray? well we know the answer to that, you would have got your head chopped off by a pump gas car, which actually may weigh more than yours. But thats not my deal.
You say I got all this money in my car and 3 motors WTF, I bought the car last year and raced it all summer and went 11.5, pulled the motor out and actuall sold it, built the new motor over the winter raced it all summer till we found the cracked block, and yes with my Dad doing the machine work, it cost me $476.00 to fix, and the tranny, you bet bought the built tranny, Dad rebuilt the other one and sold it, so I got about $550.00 in the new tranny, sold the old clutch/PP/flywheel, and broke even on the new stuff. So wheres all this money? I got maybee 10K in the whole car done and running. So go try to impress someone else, cause my shit is impressive it 4 clys, and the mph speaks for itself, not your V8, whipple supercharged,meth inj, N20, auto w/tranny break car. Please!!!! Maybee I will puss out and get an automatcic, then your really fucked, and whats funny is you know it
10-25-2007, 10:11 PM
What the fucks that Trevor, your think you got something to race? you got my #, first ass whooping's free. And I am sure thats all it will take, we seen what happen last time you tried to race me, well you seen anyway the back of my car, or could you see that far? You got that bigger turbo now lets lock something up. Shit Kegger will run with the 16g, and if you can not beat him I can save the c16.
10-25-2007, 10:12 PM
I never said I wouldnt race your dad ask him, I said I get 1 more run and I am using it on blowing you away and I did!! your dads car weighs no where near my car, he doesnt even have a back seat or air, not a knock on his car cause I like it. I dont run meth anymore and I haven t sprayed the car but nice try again flunky. I didnt get a auto cause i couldnt drive most people who know me know that I can bang with anyone so just cause you drive like two old people fuck dont take it out on me flunky. And by the way your dad want ed to race the gn not my cobra.
P.S. hey dipshit robs got a 6 speed and spray its going to run mph...
10-25-2007, 10:23 PM
I would really like to see that race with the GN, you might be suprised, oh and he weighed the car at Swiss Valley after he got back Sunday, guess what 3810 with him in it, Has AC, just the compressor is not hooked up, the heat works, no rear seat but the front seats weigh the same as stock, and he has a cage, So now what your car weigh 4500lbs?. Nobady ever told meI drove like you fuck, thats funny. Maybee if he honestly gave a fuck he would come race you, but I said something to him, and he said he would rather watch Andy Griffith reruns, and eat popcorn, he could care less. Oh well lucky for you.
10-25-2007, 10:30 PM
Jesse I will bet you or george that car with that set up will NEVER go 10.60s or 70s. $100.00 If you guys are so sure then lets bet!
Thats funny, But whats funnier yet is Trent the guy that nobody liked or trusted even you, who turned himself around, has out run all your cars in a 4 cyl. ET and MPH, so keep yapping, he got all the bugs worked out and so will I :biggrin: Boy this ones gonna hurt, WickedSicc has out run your shit.OUCH :butthead: So not only is he smarter than you, now hes faster, well you can make a better sandwich then him, I dont care what anyones says THATS FUNNY.Ok your turn :neener:
10-25-2007, 11:06 PM
It seems that pass wasn't the only run that was redlighted. In your video I saw at least one other redlighted run.
Isn't this shit the reason Streetpsi is around? So as to not clutter up this forum?
I don't think Dan would appreciate you even talking about him either. He is although the perfect example of a 134mph run with a good ETA bui oh wait, his car isn't half the car yours is?????
10-26-2007, 12:10 AM
It seems that pass wasn't the only run that was redlighted. In your video I saw at least one other redlighted run.
Isn't this shit the reason Streetpsi is around? So as to not clutter up this forum?
I don't think Dan would appreciate you even talking about him either. He is although the perfect example of a 134mph run with a good ETA bui oh wait, his car isn't half the car yours is?????
10-26-2007, 12:51 AM
Before you respond too George, I don't want to race you nor Keger.
In this case you lost. Man up and realize it. Just stop while your ahead and do something about it. When you loose you learn from it and move on. There was no excuse to you loosing.
Many times I have lost and just made the best of it. In the end you don't look as dumb and actually give some creditability to your character. Getting on the internet and making excuses does nothing. In the end you still lost.
10-26-2007, 07:07 AM
Ok my turn...First off this is a Fucking joke, 2 Topics over 8 pages of BS over 2 cars that are not even that fast High 10s big deal, but it is BOWHUNKSVILLE IOWA, people from other towns come on here and read this shit and laugh, what next Allgo's "Nittro" against my GMC "truck" and 10 pages of shit...PATHETIC...And Belittle as for Dan, he made 20,000 passes before he got 1 good one, George ran faster the first weekend out ET/MPH with a brand new motor, and a full weight car, at the begiining of the summer then Dan had in 3 years, and Dan went 134 ya so George went 131 again, 1st weekend out with this motor and 50 miles on it you dont think there is plenty left, and with a DSM link and street tires. As for you what you got nothing...Mr. 79mph in the 1/8 big deal my truck ran that. George has won more races and money with his car in 2 years he has had a DSM and at age 18, then you and Dan put togather, But again he could not of done it without the GREAT,AWSOME tunning of Jesse. There will be alot of DSM'ers pissed off next year when that EVO comes out, along with Domestic guys. And whos the perfect example? (Dan) Please give me a break. I got your perfect example, Trent is a great example, hes getting the job done, Theres your example... But what makes this even worst, is a majority of the people arguing on here should know better. Ok you all go talk all your shit about me all you want, but along with all the outsiders reading this forum I will just chuckle it off...Ed
10-26-2007, 08:32 AM
For the record it only 1 10 second car that the bs is for the other is a 11 second car. And I do think that a 10 second street car is pretty dam fast. :bigthumb:
10-26-2007, 08:49 AM
B Dummy, I mean Blittle..
who the fuck asked you anyway?
How many times have i said it, allgo one on the track! There said it again...
But now he needs to stand up to what he said he will do, Race me on the street. im not a track racer, maybe that explains the Red.. Come race on my playground and PROMISE there will be a tottally different outcome.. Same goes for You and your boy lick dick! Bring it to the street..
10-26-2007, 11:22 AM
What the fucks that Trevor, your think you got something to race? you got my #, first ass whooping's free. And I am sure thats all it will take, we seen what happen last time you tried to race me, well you seen anyway the back of my car, or could you see that far? You got that bigger turbo now lets lock something up. Shit Kegger will run with the 16g, and if you can not beat him I can save the c16.
LoL chill out fat boy. I said D'OH...not I want to race your ass or keger's ass. "bring it to the street" blah blah, gimme a break. Remember my car is Daily Driven by me EVERYWHERE i go, and hasn't seen a drop of race gas. It also is full weight AND some bitch, go tell Keger that with his stripped 1g that runs race gas all the time. Once again, gimme a break. For the record I have NOTHING against Keger and his car..the shit runs good and i'm glad for don't start throwing shit out like that.
I really don't see what the fuck all the arguing is about, LIKE I SAID EARLIER, George lost, Allgo won. Who cares who 60ft'd and trapped what. Who fucking cares? Who crossed the line first...Allgo? Story is done. Yea there may have been a different outcome on the street...but you guys raced at the track, and you lost? Honestly WHAT'S the big deal. If you guys really want to settle it (even though it never will) just race AGAIN and see who wins. Street/Track what does it matter George? You have just as good of traction on the track then you do the street so where the hell does it matter where you race.
10-26-2007, 11:27 AM
B Dummy, I mean Blittle..
who the fuck asked you anyway?
This isn't a Blog guy, it's an open forum. That's all you got?
10-26-2007, 11:30 AM
For the record, I went 136mph. I don't have 20,000 passes, I have barely had time to race this season due to being in Iowa and working. I had done nothing but help you guys out and I told you , and still am DONE. I went 10.4 @ 136mph and have the 2g record for the FP3065. Smashed the previous record WHICH was with nitrous. You want to talk about street cars, I fucking drove the car from Chicago. What now? I think that is a pretty damn successful season if you ask me.
On a side note, I know you have knocked on me for my transmissions rebuilds. First off I don't sell shit, I do it for myself. Secondly you say that they keep breaking and so on with that garbage. Get your facts straight. One part would break and I would fix it. A different part would break....and yes, I would fix it. Not a full on transmission rebuild like the one you got from that hack job.
10-26-2007, 04:14 PM
Was not knocking you was using as an example, if it offended you oh well. Second, as for the tranny rebuilds you went through a number of them, oh well you bussiness, as for the tranny George bought, you talk shit about Jacks because once again you took 1 side to the story, again your bussiness, we all know you did not just buy your DSM and run those #s, you have been around the game for a while, George has had his DSM for 2 years, I said he ran faster then you at the begining of the summer both Et and MPH, on a freash motor. As for you being done, so be it, I never said anything I would not have said to your face, your feelings should not have been hurt, those were the true facts. As for helping us PLEASE explain I may hace asked youa total of 2 questions, send me a bill. If your saying George will never run those #s hold that thought. I am not going to argue or slam you, I told you I thought you were a bright kid, but also a bit arogent. But I would like to Thank you a Blittle for talkiing all the shit about Jack, because by defending him George got a NO QUESTIONS asked lifetime warrenty on that tranny, so it can break 1000 times for all I care :biggrin: and its FREE, as for your tranjnys when the breaks it cost money, one way or another.
10-26-2007, 04:18 PM
Holy shit he gave you a lifetime warranty? That's like a DSMer's dream on a Tranny....lucky SOB's.
Still gotta pull it if it breaks lol
10-26-2007, 04:27 PM
For the record it only 1 10 second car that the bs is for the other is a 11 second car. And I do think that a 10 second street car is pretty dam fast. :bigthumb:
For some reason I honestly think you got the point of the post :yawinkle:, But 10 sec street cars were impressive back in the early/mid 90s, or have you forgotten those days :biggrin: ...Ed
logans dad
10-26-2007, 04:50 PM
Im loving this and should stay out of it but man Trevor, We should like this weekend before George fixes his car and I know it will be faster but throw your Turbo on my heavy Turd and race George. George still might win but Im betting it would be a good race. Street tires on mine also that you forgot to mention earlier in your post Trevor about my car when you said it has nothing taken off of it.
Allgo, I would like to start that race if it goes down, If Georges guy starts you, Watch for the leg wiggle and nail it lol.Dont watch his arms!!!
Wicked, PM me on a Tranny build. I had nothing but trouble this last weekend with mine.
10-26-2007, 04:54 PM
Im loving this and should stay out of it but man Trevor, We should like this weekend before George fixes his car and I know it will be faster but throw your Turbo on my heavy Turd and race George. George still might win but Im betting it would be a good race. Street tires on mine also that you forgot to mention earlier in your post Trevor about my car when you said it has nothing taken off of it.
Allgo, I would like to start that race if it goes down, If Georges guy starts you, Watch for the leg wiggle and nail it lol.Dont watch his arms!!!
Wicked, PM me on a Tranny build. I had nothing but trouble this last weekend with mine.
Hey Vic, put the turbo on your car, and we can side bet any amount you want, better yet put that helmet in the bet :biggrin:
logans dad
10-26-2007, 04:58 PM
You want that knievel helmet bad dont you lol. Its 30 years old.
Ill take a picture of it and post it so people can see it. I use to have a super Glide and I wore it.
I wouldnt know how to act if you won the helmet from me. I wouldnt be able to sleep at night knowing you had it lol.
slow ride
10-26-2007, 05:56 PM
Did I mention I went 11.8's on a old big 16g 5 years ago with an afc, 2g mas and sunnoco 116 in a almost full weight car.:supz: Transmission rebuilds, I've been the man around here for years. Just ask Ryan or Greg from Import evolution whos the man. 4G63, LS1, T56, S4 let me at it. Now back to the redbull vodka :puke:
10-26-2007, 10:54 PM
man glad im staying out of this one... Im not going to stick up for anyone as there are some comments I dont like on here... we all need to just get along..I have enough stress in my life and dont need to be in this.. Jesse out.
Urban Legend
10-26-2007, 10:57 PM
Both of them went good. Looked like a pretty close race.
10-27-2007, 05:48 PM
well everybody in here has proved the fact that they can talk crap over a car forum. now lets see who can back it up.
10-27-2007, 05:50 PM
SHEEET.. With no challanger I guess STREETPSI & the StreetCreeper Remain KING OF THE STREETS FOO :WORSHIP: !
10-27-2007, 06:40 PM
I challenge you to a DUAl!!!
10-28-2007, 12:39 PM
SHEEET.. With no challanger I guess STREETPSI & the StreetCreeper Remain KING OF THE STREETS FOO :WORSHIP: !
Congrats I am sure your family is proud of you!!
10-28-2007, 04:57 PM
SHEEET.. With no challanger I guess STREETPSI & the StreetCreeper Remain KING OF THE STREETS FOO :WORSHIP: !
Congrats I am sure your family is proud of you!!
Only as proud as yours is of you FEATHERBACK!!!
Let me know when your balls drop and your ready to race your street car on the street BEEEEOTCH!
10-28-2007, 05:28 PM
[quote="StreetSweeper"]its just kindof funny to me how much youre trying to get people to participate in illegal activities; and then calling them pussies when they dont want to break the law and risk fucking with their job/finances...
just my point of view.....
logans dad
10-28-2007, 05:44 PM
10-28-2007, 06:19 PM
Well here I am again...First off Dustin that is a funny statement comming from the guy who was street racing this last summer, I think we may have the videos also...Also if Allgos driving license was not a jepordy, I am willing to bet he would sneek out for a street race :biggrin:
Second I am just curious whos gonna be the adult here and just end this Bs before it gets to 50 pages...The 18 yr old or the 38 year old?
Ok back to Andy Griffith reruns :bigthumb:
10-28-2007, 06:28 PM
Your getting kinda old, i think it's time you join the CR Corvette club! :help:
10-28-2007, 06:37 PM
yeah, just kinda grew out of living my life a quarter mile at a time...
10-29-2007, 04:20 AM
I haven't said squat about nothing, but Dustin, dude this statement amazes even the old dog...
its just kind of funny to me how much your trying to get people to participate in illegal activities; and then calling them pussies when they dont want to break the law and risk fucking with their job/finances...
just my point of view.....
Hmmm shall I dig out the pm of u asking me to participate in some let's say testing after that 11.4x run? That you and G came over to my place and saw me prepare, and lil I did to race a certain duster? That I heard from several ppl that I would basically get a azz whippin? That I held a flashlight to help u out to heat the bottle? While I might add my car sat in the parking lot? Man dude, I figured better from you especially... I even kept it closed to prying eyes and gave out no info as u requested besides to Adam. Have I ever gave u grief? Nada, none... Bottom line ya figured u had a damn good shot of beating me, I figured as much also, we lined up, I got a good launch and the rest is history... G flagged us, my car squatted down, got traction and did good that night at that place and it wasn't the track... No bs just the facts... And ya I was happy.. "someone" else said the stangs kicked azz that night....Overall I appreciated that as it was a challenge.. And BTW I risked many mo dollars for ur challenge. Besides I already made my 8 hrs for that day. Got off work at 10...
Back to post... yes u won Joe, technically and on a very slight disadvantage. What can I say cobras are a good d/d overall, we all know that. Esp with decent help like from ur buddy, he's pretty good tuning the pms, glad to see it is running better now... I knew a auto/bigger s/c was the way to go on the track and overall fun car. Like to see it at the other place doing it's thing... :bigthumb:
And I don't care if runs is faster/quicker than mine bs, it should.. Unfortanately the track is out, business is good right now...Been good. We all know Ed has got the best d/d for the $ and work.. All he does is watch andy griffith and start the car. I am damn sorry ppl don't get along better around here.
10-29-2007, 07:59 AM
my point wasnt that i dont condone street racing. nor was it to imply that i never have. hell, i wont even say that i never will again. my point was that i think its kindof dumb to give someone so much shit for not wanting to race on the street. i think Allgo has a lot more to lose than George, and if he doesnt want to race on the street and risk it; that should be it.
now, i also realize that there are miles of shit talk between to two and that further complicates the issue. thats why i kindof tried to keep the point general and not single out George and Allgo.
street racing just isnt really my thing; never really was. i have done it, and probably will again, but i hate how paranoid i get when im out doing it. i know i dont have as much to lose as some others on this board who do risk it; but i know how losing my license would fuck what i do have up pretty badly. if youre fine with the risk, cool, go to it. but for me, racing at the track is like pure pleasure, no worries. i know some people probably like the added risk and excitement of racing on the street and the fear of getting caught, and thats fine. i just dont think you should continually goad someone if they dont feel the same way.
as far as our race; other people may have said that i was going to beat you, but i never did. i knew you ran about a half second faster than me at the strip with a hell of a lot more MPH. i thought my only chance at the win would be if i could hook better; it's laughable now. i also have never said a bad word about you, and was happy we get along as well as we do. you know i wouldve been the first one there to hold a flashlight there for you; but your car is new. mine's an old cobble job that breaks all the time, hehehe.
i am not trying to take sides or start an argument with anyone, just stating my point of view like everyone else does. i still have no problems with any of you, just dont feel the same way about some things, thats all.
10-29-2007, 01:51 PM
I'm just glad I can even drive a stick now and did as good as I have. Track really hasn't been a option this yr for me but that fri night at cordova. And get off the old cobble job bs, that motor, tranny, fuel system wasn't all cobble. Ya the body was but some want a pos lookin car that can make some $$. Lot better than some new lookin car that ppl expect to do good. I'm kiddin about the flashlight, just wanted to do it safer thats all and give you the best shot. Ya it is funny cause ya know I wouldn't give bs just a :bigthumb: win or lose.
10-29-2007, 03:30 PM
its all good man. it sucks you werent able to hit the track more, but at least your ankle is doing better now. personally, im still battling my knee, but im hoping i'll be all better(or as good as im gonna get) by the time the new year comes in.
as far as the cobble job, i did cut some corners, but i realize the car ran pretty good for what it was. the next incarnation should be a lot nicer and cleaner though....
10-29-2007, 05:26 PM
by StreetSweeper on Sat Oct 27, 2007 3:50 pm
SHEEET.. With no challanger I guess STREETPSI & the StreetCreeper Remain KING OF THE STREETS FOO !
KING OF THE STREETS. LOL Don't kid your self!!!!
10-29-2007, 08:09 PM
^ hahaha. let em think what he wants, its good for his self esteem. :baby:
10-30-2007, 02:17 PM
StangVortech! You think you got somthin? We got a lane for your ass :butthead: to
10-30-2007, 03:15 PM
Who is Stangvortech..
i'd assume he has a mustang with a vortech...but i could be wrong?
10-30-2007, 03:33 PM
I got a pump gas mustang that could probably hang :neener:
10-30-2007, 06:51 PM
Do I think I have some thing? umm..... no I never said I did. I just think it is funny that you think you are the king of the street, because that is the overstatement of year! As for king of street psi isn't your dad part of that? he will beat you. What about the guy with the evo?... I think he's got ya to.
Just my 2-cents I think allgo got ya on the street to! :supz:
10-30-2007, 09:49 PM
Prety sure i took $200.00 from my dad on a street race and beat him by bus lengths on hwy 30 a month ago, And im allso real sure that i just whooped him again last weekand on the track. And the Evo, when its done it will beat me, but Thats a StreetPSI car to.. So again we OWN the street! You think you got somthing then put up.. Other wise SHUT THE FUCK UP! BEOOOTCH!! :banghead: :cop:
As for allgo.. we have never raced on the street.. Hes to much of a chicken shit and he knows he will get Blown off the road! But if it ever happens bet all your money on him Pony boy!
10-30-2007, 10:23 PM
Do I think I have some thing? umm..... no I never said I did. I just think it is funny that you think you are the king of the street, because that is the overstatement of year! As for king of street psi isn't your dad part of that? he will beat you. What about the guy with the evo?... I think he's got ya to.
Just my 2-cents I think allgo got ya on the street to!
the only person that had enough balls to race george on the street, was his dad. it ended in a bus-length ass-whooping and i got a good chunck of money out of it. yes the evo will be fast, but its not YET.
so basically to sum it up, if you challenge him with a worthy race, im sure he'll do it. but until then, he IS the KING. nobody has challenged him on the streets yet so bring it on! :neener:
10-30-2007, 11:12 PM
Did nt dreamweeper get blown away by Willyon the streets! So until he beats willy again I think the king of the streets around here is Willys!!!! George you redlighted against your dad to at the track to so you lose that race to.
Domestic Disturbance
10-31-2007, 12:54 AM
i watched george lose to a bike by airplane lenghs. bikes dont really count though or we'd all b screwed
10-31-2007, 04:29 AM
Did nt dreamweeper get blown away by Willyon the streets! So until he beats willy again I think the king of the streets around here is Willys!!!! George you redlighted against your dad to at the track to so you lose that race to.
10-31-2007, 08:09 AM
Yep Lost to a Busa with my popen and bagen cracked block! Shit.. "WILLY " thats old news dude, when willy beats your cobra come talk to me.. Now that the car is runnen like a champ and all the bugs are worked out, everyone is SKEERD!
Shit i got one better,
How about we LIne your Cobra, Willy, and the bike up on the street.. 1 by 1 ill whoop all your asses!
10-31-2007, 09:05 AM
how about you all race 4 wide at the same time :supz:
90 notch
10-31-2007, 11:32 AM
George,i'm still trying to to figure out how your the king of the street????Why would allgo race willey to have to race you.They both have whooped you.You may have the crown in your own eyes but everybody else is laughing their ass off!Steve o
10-31-2007, 02:12 PM
Yep Lost to a Busa with my popen and bagen cracked block! Shit.. "WILLY " thats old news dude, when willy beats your cobra come talk to me.. Now that the car is runnen like a champ and all the bugs are worked out, everyone is SKEERD!
Shit i got one better,
How about we LIne your Cobra, Willy, and the bike up on the street.. 1 by 1 ill whoop all your asses!
Running like a champ? WOW I didnt know that 11.30s was concerderd champion :rock:
10-31-2007, 02:27 PM
Maybe last year! but as of now Im calling Allgo out, im guessing he can beat willy! So i will move past him,, If you wanna be on top come out and whoop up on me on the street!
10-31-2007, 02:40 PM
I am not racing you on the street, deal with it, willy has went faster then you to so maybe you should race him.
10-31-2007, 02:50 PM
Prety sure i took $200.00 from my dad on a street race and beat him by bus lengths on hwy 30 a month ago, And im allso real sure that i just whooped him again last weekand on the track. And the Evo, when its done it will beat me, but Thats a StreetPSI car to.. So again we OWN the street! You think you got somthing then put up.. Other wise SHUT THE FUCK UP! BEOOOTCH!! :banghead: :cop:
As for allgo.. we have never raced on the street.. Hes to much of a chicken shit and he knows he will get Blown off the road! But if it ever happens bet all your money on him Pony boy!
I got $500 that says you don't have shit. I'm not risking my licence for anything lese then $500.
PUT UP OR SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!
10-31-2007, 02:52 PM
Ut ohh georgy better take your can money back to pay this one!!!! Backpeddalling should begin soon.....
10-31-2007, 04:27 PM
Well heres what I am saying...You all say the bikes dont count for shit, well its takes more skill,balls,and brains to make a bike go down the track,I challenge anyone of you who say bikes dont count to step up, Now as for ET/MPH I got everyone in this arguement covererd, on 2 wheels, I said arguement!!!, The camaro is done, it is just being driven on the street for fun, actually it is 4sale if anyone is SERIOUSLY interested please contact me!...2008 is going to be the year of 2 wheels, dam cars are so boring, (lets see push gas, shift shifter) I try to stay out of this rediculas arguement between adults and teenagers, I will race anyone come spring on the New street BUSA, on 93 octain even. Yes even you Mike Salwoski, cause I know your reading, but trust me weak ass #s like 8.60s wont cut it. Shit my old turd ran those #s. And for the George got beat by a Busa shit, yep he did he lifted in 3rd, out front of him the car was having problems and th A/F went lean, but trust me that was at best maybee a 11.50 et busa, the only one known to exsist :biggrin:
10-31-2007, 04:47 PM
I got $500 that says you don't have shit. I'm not risking my licence for anything lese then $500.
PUT UP OR SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!
Dont try to buy your way out a race, he dont have the $500.00..So why not race for what hes got, If you get busted you get busted, trust me $50.00 or $500.00 wont make a dam bit of differance on that ticket, and fees, maybee $2000/$5000 will :bigthumb:
10-31-2007, 05:22 PM
I got $500 that says you don't have shit. I'm not risking my licence for anything lese then $500.
PUT UP OR SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!
Dont try to buy your way out a race, he dont have the $500.00..So why not race for what hes got, If you get busted you get busted, trust me $50.00 or $500.00 wont make a dam bit of differance on that ticket, and fees, maybee $2000/$5000 will :bigthumb:
Why don't you loan it to him Daddy.
I do remember many posts just like this guy here but from your side.
This guy is wanting to race for 500 dollars and your turning him down? What a real king there.
10-31-2007, 05:23 PM
I'm not buying my way out of anything. First off, he's king of the street so he has nothing to worry about. It should just be an easy $500 for him. I don't get on here to run my mouth because it's not me but when I read this shit about king of the street this and this guy and that guy is too scared to run on the street that. It's gets old. If he does'nt have the money maybe you can loan it to him. After all it should be a sure bet. I know my name never got brought up but I tired of reading all the BS that is gettting said.
As for the whole street race with Allgo. The only reason you want that race is because you know he might not hook and it's your only chance to win. Don't worry mine hooks just fine.
10-31-2007, 05:39 PM
I got $500 that says you don't have shit. I'm not risking my licence for anything lese then $500.
PUT UP OR SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!
Dont try to buy your way out a race, he dont have the $500.00..So why not race for what hes got, If you get busted you get busted, trust me $50.00 or $500.00 wont make a dam bit of differance on that ticket, and fees, maybee $2000/$5000 will :bigthumb:
Why don't you loan it to him Daddy.
I do remember many posts just like this guy here but from your side.
This guy is wanting to race for 500 dollars and your turning him down? What a real king there.
I'm turnnig him down, wrong the challenge was not brought to me...I am makeing a statement that if he wants to race, and from I see to prove a point,(and what point I dont know) whats the money matter, and as for getting busted you think $50 or $500 matters, hell know, and I am sur he knows that also, anyway why dont you come race, with that big ol stroker you got, I bet ya $1.00 he totaly destroys you on the street or track or gravel road or what ever. dont be a hater. And as for the many posts for my side, find one person on here who would say I would not race if i had to, and that I would not pay, I have raced for more money then you can phantom, winning and looseing. I am not taking sides byt if Allgo dont want to race on the street, well I think I know him well enough, hes got good reasons. If George wants to, and risk his license...GOODIE, hes 18 and can make those choices. So go fuck yourself puke with your loan it to him comment. Anyway who did I challenge for money trying to buy my way out? Steve'O with the wagon, I am sure he could afford, Allgo with the GN, I sold my Nova and Allgo knew it, but if not we would have raced, Shit I told Allgo I would race his GN with my Camaro to make good on that bet if it was a big deal, its no biggie to him.
10-31-2007, 05:44 PM
Eddy, he said he would race anyone on the streets for any amount of money, so thats why skinny said he would do it. I think skinny would do it for less if goerge wanted to. are you really selling your camaro? To nice of a car ed to sell you should just hang on to it. I cant race on the streets right now and you no that.
10-31-2007, 05:53 PM
Here's a race for George. How about starting in 5th gear at about 2k. See who gets to 70mph first ;) I think slow ride knows what I'm taking about. My car was specifically built to drive every single day. It has working Ac, power steering, no gauges, and full interior. I'm alreadying making enough power to WAY overpower my 2600 so I have no reason to race or prove anything to anyone. No doubt George would beat me on the street because the minute I turn the boost up my clutch slips.
You guys are just funny. I do have to say though, I figured alot worse response from you Ed.
One question though, what the hell does this mean, "So go fuck yourself puke with your loan it to him comment" Aren't we past writing like a 4th grader.
10-31-2007, 06:00 PM
I'm not buying my way out of anything. First off, he's king of the street so he has nothing to worry about. It should just be an easy $500 for him. I don't get on here to run my mouth because it's not me but when I read this shit about king of the street this and this guy and that guy is too scared to run on the street that. It's gets old. If he does'nt have the money maybe you can loan it to him. After all it should be a sure bet. I know my name never got brought up but I tired of reading all the BS that is gettting said.
As for the whole street race with Allgo. The only reason you want that race is because you know he might not hook and it's your only chance to win. Don't worry mine hooks just fine.
Im not loaning him shit, and as for the race with Allgo...let me clear this up since your lost, Its not my race, and I am not taking sides, All last winter the BS was about the Cobra and the Talon on the STREET, Allgo ran his mouth as much as George, last year Allgo was racing on the streets, or playing ,whatever, and if spinnig and loosing was a factor I dont think Allgo would have raced, Its not his first street race, and if it was not for the situation he was in now he still would be, I never said sure bet, show me where I said that, But maybee your the king...Why dont you come out and be the KING!!!
Oh and actually I could give a shit less if he races Allgo or you or SantaClaus, so if you dont like the BS dont read it, seems to me the teenager getting to ya. Funny shit :biggrin:
10-31-2007, 06:08 PM
Eddy, he said he would race anyone on the streets for any amount of money, so thats why skinny said he would do it. I think skinny would do it for less if goerge wanted to. are you really selling your camaro? To nice of a car ed to sell you should just hang on to it. I cant race on the streets right now and you no that.
Joe I never in a million years would expect you to come and race on the streets you know that, now that your in the spot your in and actually never, You have to much to loose, as do I, but i did once this year. Yes it was fun years ago when we just did not give a shit. Times have changed, and eventually George and all these guys will figure it out. I am not pushing the Camaro sale, but i would sell it for the right price. I do like the car alot. But building a busa from basicly scratch takes some coin. I have looked at a couple partally done Busa's to save some cash, bikes that have Arms/Airshifters etc on them but stock motors.Sometimes I think everyone just reads to much into Rockaffela (George's) talk about money racing. Ya $50 or $100 he could scrape up.
10-31-2007, 06:14 PM
this is funny stuff. have to avoid clicking the locked button just for comedies sake. id never heard of a $50 Rockefeller before, thats good stuff. Sounds like king of the streets includes gravel roads now too, exciting.
10-31-2007, 06:15 PM
Here's a race for George. How about starting in 5th gear at about 2k. See who gets to 70mph first ;) I think slow ride knows what I'm taking about. My car was specifically built to drive every single day. It has working Ac, power steering, no gauges, and full interior. I'm alreadying making enough power to WAY overpower my 2600 so I have no reason to race or prove anything to anyone. No doubt George would beat me on the street because the minute I turn the boost up my clutch slips.
You guys are just funny. I do have to say though, I figured alot worse response from you Ed.
One question though, what the hell does this mean, "So go fuck yourself puke with your loan it to him comment" Aren't we past writing like a 4th grader.
It ment dont come on here with you stupid comment like Loan it to him, that shit pisses me off, yes I have helped him in the past, but hes my kid I should. But now hes 18 and can support his on racing habits. Oh and he would beat you cause you clutch slips...Please, fix the clutch and well see. Must not have been making all that power with that 2600, when you went to the Shootout...Huh nice try. But if you need I got a Brand new in the box unsprun 6 puk ACT which should do you just fine. Just as you have nothing to prove either do I. :yawinkle:
10-31-2007, 06:18 PM
this is funny stuff. have to avoid clicking the locked button just for comedies sake. id never heard of a $50 Rockefeller before, thats good stuff. Sounds like king of the streets includes gravel roads now too, exciting.
It ment his mouth has more money then he does, 90% of the time.
10-31-2007, 07:08 PM
I was not refering to you about the race with allgo, I was refering to Goerge. I never said you said it was a sure bet. I said it should be a sure bet for him. As coming out and being "King of the street" I have nothing to prove, other then he's not KING OF THE STREET. As for $50 or $100, I'm not wasting my time and risking my DL. If he wants $100 race at the track I will be more then happy. I'm about ready to sell my hatch so I can start building my notch. So I'm wiiling to bring it out one more time if it's worth my while. I'm not 18 and live at home I have a wife and 2 kids to provide for. As for the teenager getting to me I don't think so. He said if you think you got something then put up or shut up. Here I am.
Willie must be King of the street since he beat Goerge and has gone faster then Goerge this year
Just my .02
10-31-2007, 07:28 PM
Well anyone with a little drag racing common sense would know that the car is running the MPH for 10.60s/10.70s if not better, but its not no Automatic so there are a lot of variables. The motor is new less than 50 miles when he raced Allgo, seems to run pretty good to me. But just like Allgos cars and everyone else, in time they come around. But you can all enjoy the cars, no Offense to anyone but they bore the hell out of me. Well see whos on top in 2008, but we need to open up the playing field a bit more :yawinkle: As for Willey, I think it was stupid for his name to be brought into this anyway, if there was ever anyone who could care less it would be him... but I would love to see that race on the street also.Ed
logans dad
10-31-2007, 07:51 PM
That's it, Im putting a big ass turbo on my car so I can smoke all of you. Oh shit, Ive Got a slippy 2600. Maybe not. :banghead:
I respect you belittle but in my 3 years back into the street scene I dont think Ive ever seen your car, Im calling you out bud. Saturday night. Let me know if your clutch can handle it. I also have air !!!
10-31-2007, 08:23 PM
That's it, Im putting a big ass turbo on my car so I can smoke all of you. Oh shit, Ive Got a slippy 2600. Maybe not. :banghead:
I respect you belittle but in my 3 years back into the street scene I dont think Ive ever seen your car, Im calling you out bud. Saturday night. Let me know if your clutch can handle it. I also have air !!!
Unfortunately I work 4-11pm that night.
If you don't believe that I'm slipping I have log for you then. Let me know if you want to see it. DSMlink estimated Hp of 480 and airflow around 54lb/min @ 27psi. Every run over 25psi I was overruning the 2g maf so airflow was maxed at 54lb/min. I don't care to hide anything.
I ran 2 weeks ago at Eddyville raceway. My best run of the night was an 8.01 @ 97mph with all 1.9-2.0 60fts due to spinning. My best 60ft of the night was a 5k 2step. On my last run I finally pulled a 1.760ft but shifted into second, it didn't let me in at first then grabbed, boost hit and rpm's just shot up. Hit third and the same thing. Drove the car home from Eddyville to Ottumwa then Iowa City and have been babying it till I park it.
The 2600 has been a big piece of shit since I swaped disks. Single disks in general are just a bad design for higher revs.
I'm not racing till I order a twin disk. Which should be sometime around Christmas time.
10-31-2007, 10:17 PM
My Boost Controller was sent to Hallman, Let me get it back and get ahold of some C16 and your ass is grass! Bring your hatchback, notchback, and your hump back! I got "King of the street" think you can hang? come get your braggen rights.. Cause your about to get some AWD shuved up YO AZZ!! :butthead:
10-31-2007, 10:21 PM
On my last run I finally pulled a 1.760ft but shifted into second, it didn't let me in at first then grabbed, boost hit and rpm's just shot up. Hit third and the same thing.
THATS FUNNY AS HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Better call Jacks, Georges transmission went in to every gear like a hot knife through butter. But hay Sheps the shit :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
10-31-2007, 10:36 PM
George,i'm still trying to to figure out how your the king of the street????Why would allgo race willey to have to race you.They both have whooped you.You may have the crown in your own eyes but everybody else is laughing their ass off!Steve o
NO!!!!!! Steve'o you know whos laughing there ass's off everyone who read my Dad's predictions at the begining of the year, and that was that the Clown wagon would end year 3 without a 8sec pass, I dont care what ya say thats funny shit. Remember the argueing between you and my Dad when he said that. I also recall him telling you to junk that thing and build a chassis car, and guess what he is, well bought one anyway. I bet it just burnt your ass's to see that little Nova go 8s on drag radials, after he drove it to the track to boot, Opps I ment EX MSCA Nova, and then back it up with 9.0. In case you forgot I got the video loaded just for you :butthead: ... dde2ee.htm (
10-31-2007, 10:44 PM
Hey Goerge
So I assume your cool with the $500 because sounds to me like you already won the race.
Maybe next year I will put your name on the side of my car as one of my sponsors who helped me found the car.
Thanks in advance.
10-31-2007, 10:48 PM
Hey Goerge
I will put your name on the side of my car as one of my sponsors who helped me found the car.
Thanks in advance.
Dude you MSCA guys are funny as hell. I suppose I could buy you a few head gaskets.
slow ride
10-31-2007, 10:54 PM
Well if you guys take it to the streets then it should be on pump gas to be stret legal :yawinkle: No additives like meth/alky either. That might change the tune of this a little bit. :rock:
10-31-2007, 10:58 PM
I would rather replace headgaskets then motors. Pump gas is fine buy me since my car was built for pump gas 10:1
10-31-2007, 11:03 PM
Street Race! Maybee you have the 2007 StreetRacing rule book for referance I could barrow :banghead: I will remember to say that next time we go to the street races in the big citys, well before the shoot me anyway, for saying something so stupid, Where do you come up with this shit? :hedbang:
10-31-2007, 11:05 PM
Replaced a motor for a cracked cly for a factory defect, better than replacing headgaskets for a defective tune, and it was the block dork!
11-01-2007, 12:33 AM
by skinny1030 on Wed Oct 31, 2007 8:44 pm
Hey Goerge
So I assume your cool with the $500 because sounds to me like you already won the race.
Maybe next year I will put your name on the side of my car as one of my sponsors who helped me found the car.
Thanks in advance.
Domestic Disturbance
11-01-2007, 02:17 AM
lol at this thread. settle it behind the wheel or shut ur traps. btw none of you can take the SS :rolleyes:
11-01-2007, 02:48 AM
Here is your logs too:
Run: ... shitty.dat (
Let's see George post his logs?
11-01-2007, 02:54 AM
On my last run I finally pulled a 1.760ft but shifted into second, it didn't let me in at first then grabbed, boost hit and rpm's just shot up. Hit third and the same thing.
THATS FUNNY AS HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Better call Jacks, Georges transmission went in to every gear like a hot knife through butter. But hay Sheps the shit :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
Of course, Jack's is god! All hail to God!!!
Did I say it was the transmission fault?? NO. Again, single clutch disk are just shitty in general for high rev's. My combination of a Kevlar Exedy disk and 2600 can't handle the torque of the 2.3! Nor can it disengage above 6k.
Anyways, this discussion isn't about me. So lets stop.
11-01-2007, 07:06 AM
Whats funny is how I get all you clowns worked up about racing and you run the topic up, just me and a little o'l 4 banger, got the big V8 guys all defensive. I mean in all reality if i lost to a V8/supercharged/N20 car, think anyone would even think twice. But i doubt that will happen. Shit the only reason I lost to Allgo was the 60' and the 1-2 shift w/hesitaion. Look at the #s on the ticket. Thats whats embaressing V8!!!!!/Whipple supercharger/auto/with slicks /124mph. Dude the guys on the stang boards are laughing. See ya soon, dam I hope you dont pop a H/G on the hwy.
11-01-2007, 07:09 AM
RIGHT and you car makes more power than mine :banghead: My car shifts great at 8,500-9,000 with a single disk, face it your wrong.
90 notch
11-01-2007, 07:51 AM
George,we have had great luck with the wagon anybody and everybody knows that car was fast.I could sit here and talk about trap speeds and blah blah blah.That car went 160 and also had a et to back it up.If were comparing the wagon to havliks nova lets compare something thats even in the ballpark.The new car would be more of a comparison,we'll see what this coming up year brings!The new car will flat out haul ass and everybody is sure safe to assume that.If you want to talk about trap speeds their are plenty of SUPRA forums out their.Face it george et's still win races and allgo's got you beat by 1/2 a second,that's alot.Steve o
11-01-2007, 07:59 AM
Whats funny is how I get all you clowns worked up about racing and you run the topic up, just me and a little o'l 4 banger, got the big V8 guys all defensive. I mean in all reality if i lost to a V8/supercharged/N20 car, think anyone would even think twice. But i doubt that will happen. Shit the only reason I lost to Allgo was the 60' and the 1-2 shift w/hesitaion. Look at the #s on the ticket. Thats whats embaressing V8!!!!!/Whipple supercharger/auto/with slicks /124mph. Dude the guys on the stang boards are laughing. See ya soon, dam I hope you dont pop a H/G on the hwy.
that's what bothers me about a lot of people with 4cyl cars; they have little guy syndrome. you always go out and pick a fight (race) with someone with a "big" V8 because if you win, you are that much cooler. and if you dont, well you just have a little 4 banger, and he's got a "big" V8. kindof bugs me, but whatever.
the reason i keep putting "big" in parenthesis is because most of the people on here with V8's dont have that big of V8's. mine was only 365ci. Allgo and Rob only have 281ci. most of the mustang guys have 302's or 302 based strokers. Scott has a "big inch" smallblock, but in the world of V8's 410ci is not very big. i just read an article of a guy that has a '70 AAR Cuda clone, but it has an all aluminum 693ci pump gas Hemi. pushed that car to low 10's with 3.23 gears. thats what i call a big V8.
11-01-2007, 08:29 AM
Hey george did you change your outside light at your house to a redlight?? Oh and buy the way you should talk headgasket boy!!!! Or should you be called motor boy??
Are you locking it in with skinny or are you all talk?? I am sure you are all talk!! :baby:
11-01-2007, 08:41 AM
Man if all these cars are coming out I might have to bring mine out for one last run, who's all gonna line em here anyway??
11-01-2007, 08:44 AM
Whats funny is how I get all you clowns worked up about racing and you run the topic up, just me and a little o'l 4 banger, got the big V8 guys all defensive. I mean in all reality if i lost to a V8/supercharged/N20 car, think anyone would even think twice. But i doubt that will happen. Shit the only reason I lost to Allgo was the 60' and the 1-2 shift w/hesitaion. Look at the #s on the ticket. Thats whats embaressing V8!!!!!/Whipple supercharger/auto/with slicks /124mph. Dude the guys on the stang boards are laughing. See ya soon, dam I hope you dont pop a H/G on the hwy.
No the joke is your mouth got you into more trouble, you said you would race anyone for any amount on the streets, so skinny steps up for $500 and you start back peddalling. Lock it in STREET KING!!!
You also lost to a fully loaded, only supercharged with ac, heat, 3900lb STREET car. Your the one that should feel like a clown, a stripped out 35lb of boost in a DRAG talon couldnt even hang with my car. Oh so sad!
11-01-2007, 08:50 AM
Man if all these cars are coming out I might have to bring mine out for one last run, who's all gonna line em here anyway??
I wouldn't count on much know the drill.
11-01-2007, 09:33 AM
35psi drag talon! Fool i drove my shit to the track and seen your trailored turd at the gas station in central city. I run 30psi threw that ol'turd, sounds to me like you need to go back to math class sandwich boy! You guys just by your way out of races. Fuck $500 Lets go for 20k you pussys! Get real.. Im not going to back down to that head gasket popen turd. Bring IT BITCHES!!
11-01-2007, 09:51 AM
My tune up must really suck since the car has had about 60 passes on it and a 5th place at the super bowl @ joliet.
If I did or do replace a head gasket it will be a factory defect.
Wait until I install my new Tornado, I will blow you away!!!!!!!!
Here it is $500 for a race or shut the fuck up. You put the challenge and I stepped up.
As for you just having a 4 banger, you bought it and run your mouth with that car. Quit making up eccuses why you might lose.
11-01-2007, 09:56 AM
Keep running your mouth because your going to lose to a head poppin turd. If $500 isn't worth your time then lets up the bet but I'm not coming out for anything less. After all I will probaly just blow a head gasket anyway. LOL!!!!
11-01-2007, 10:05 AM
"Hey george did you change your outside light at your house to a redlight??"
"I run 30psi threw that ol'turd, sounds to me like you need to go back to math class sandwich boy! You guys just by your way out of races."
this is where I'd laugh if I thought it was a joke, but your seriously that bad at the English language?..pathetic. It honestly takes me twice as long to read this because I have to sound out words lol.
btw we live in america, its a democracy, you cant just claim king of the streets, we have to monarchy Adolph. I'd say dictator but you'd just laugh instead of google its definition.
"this isnt Russia, is this russia?"..."naah"
Well I try to be positive, but I can only take so much ignorance. i dont even know what the argument is anymore, I just noticed some bashing on good people and I dont like it. Is their a race...or no. Simple as that, next responses only need to be from people who want to race.
k im done rambling.
90 notch
11-01-2007, 10:11 AM
George,why is $500.00 talking a way out of a race???I don't get it......Steve o
11-01-2007, 10:41 AM
Because i dont have $500.00 to take a chance on! You should know what im talking about, kinda like a 50/50 chance on the wagon making a full pass at the track. Drifte your a peon, im not bashing on anyone personaly, its Racing Drama, you wouldnt understand! If you guys want a money race for that much more satisfaction then lets race for somthing in my price range. Ther for if you cant do that then SHUT THE FUCK UP.. Cause either way money or no money im down to put a AWD all over that ass.
I am not going to back down to skinny! Bring it on, lets race for the KING OF THE STREETS BRAGGING rights for the Winter..
STREETPSI OR M.S.C.A ? You see if i didnt start a little drama we would all be bored this winter, now come on Either ALLGO man up and give me the street race you owe me. Or run like a little girl in a skirt and bring Skinnys car out to fight your battles! EITHER WAY IDC Lets do somthing about it. It will just go to show who has the biggest balls from your side of the fence! Or atleast show whos a man of there word!
11-01-2007, 10:45 AM
BTW.. Skinny did you come get your Fell Pro's you ordered? :banghead:
90 notch
11-01-2007, 10:49 AM
What's your price????
11-01-2007, 10:50 AM
What's your price????
If you have to have a money race, give me a couple weeks to scrounge up some betting money. :bigthumb:
11-01-2007, 11:35 AM
Hey george did you change your outside light at your house to a redlight??
GEOOOOORRRGE; you dont have to put on the red light
those days aren't over, you dont have to race for money in the night.
GEEOOORRRRGEEE; you dont have to up the boost tonight
prowl the streets for money, you dont care if you roll or redlight....
no offense george, i just thought of that while working and had to post it up...
11-01-2007, 11:45 AM
Hey george did you change your outside light at your house to a redlight??
GEOOOOORRRGE; you dont have to put on the red light
those days aren't over, you dont have to race for money in the night.
GEEOOORRRRGEEE; you dont have to up the boost tonight
prowl the streets for money, you dont care if you roll or redlight....
no offense george, i just thought of that while working and had to post it up...
HAHAH..... That's pretty damn good!! :supz:
I didn't see much street racing this year, but i sure see a lot of smack talk. I say the loser buys the winner a big trophy with "King of the Streets, Cedar Rapids" etched on it!! :neener:
11-01-2007, 01:07 PM
Yeah I got my spare gaskets for when I pull the drivetrain out and I will still have them when we race. My car is just fine. If you think it's broke bring your money and junk out I'm ready right now. You keep talking about me but I'm not the one who says I don't have the money. I've got my money and the car to back it up. I will only say it once, If you want to race me on the street it's $500. If you want to come to the track I will do for FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know that fits your budget.
Take your pick. If it takes you a couple of weeks to get your money and the weather is still nice get ahold of me.
11-01-2007, 02:18 PM
Dreamweeper, skinny is his own man he steped up to you not for me so race him king dingaling!!
I will race you at the track again and blow you the fuck away if you want!!! I will give you 1 car length head start to!!
11-01-2007, 03:53 PM
"Hey george did you change your outside light at your house to a redlight??"
"I run 30psi threw that ol'turd, sounds to me like you need to go back to math class sandwich boy! You guys just by your way out of races."
this is where I'd laugh if I thought it was a joke, but your seriously that bad at the English language?..pathetic. It honestly takes me twice as long to read this because I have to sound out words lol.
btw we live in america, its a democracy, you cant just claim king of the streets, we have to monarchy Adolph. I'd say dictator but you'd just laugh instead of google its definition.
"this isnt Russia, is this russia?"..."naah"
Well I try to be positive, but I can only take so much ignorance. i dont even know what the argument is anymore, I just noticed some bashing on good people and I dont like it. Is their a race...or no. Simple as that, next responses only need to be from people who want to race.
k im done rambling.
Drip....I can see Allgo/Skinny/Steve'o pipeing up on this topic as they have street raced, have you ever raced anything you own, or just your mouth?
11-01-2007, 04:04 PM
Yeah I got my spare gaskets for when I pull the drivetrain out and I will still have them when we race. My car is just fine. If you think it's broke bring your money and junk out I'm ready right now. You keep talking about me but I'm not the one who says I don't have the money. I've got my money and the car to back it up. I will only say it once, If you want to race me on the street it's $500. If you want to come to the track I will do for FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know that fits your budget.
Take your pick. If it takes you a couple of weeks to get your money and the weather is still nice get ahold of me.
Tell ya what...I will race ya at the track, And I will run on pump w/ the 100jets, seems to me you dieing for a race. I am just tired of reading this shit with 30+ adults who make a decent living argueing with a 18 yr old who makes $8.50 an hour yes I have done it but eventually it got old, and when people tell ya dont you fell like a fool argueing with these kids? Lets go to Cordova Sun. Fuck... George this,Allgo that,Skinny this...Who gives a flying fuck anyway. Does it bother you all that much that he made a statement about being king of the streets? Dam this is Pathetic, I mean 10 pages of whos the king. Why dont we just say everyone run what you have, and well have a race off. Cars/Bikes/Boats/Lawnmowers/snowmoblies/ Horse and buggies for all I care. I mean you go to the track and race and win, now what ?CNN, Sports center, NHRA reviews what? WHO GIVES A FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!! :banghead: I mean you jump at the chance to race a 4 cly, but when I was starting shit about racing the wagon with a bike I was the ass and the idiot, remember bikes dont count for shit. Give it a rest.
11-01-2007, 04:16 PM
I'm not dieing for anything. I don't care if I race the rest of the year. I've been waiting for my new rockers since the end of Aug and they still are not here. If you don't believe me ask Sperry, he ordered them.
I will tell you what ED, Let me talk to the wife and see whats going on this weekend and if I'm free let's race. Money or not. I don't have a problem with a friendly race with anyone. As for Goerge making a challenge that I said I would take as long as it was worth my time. If you or him want to race at the track I have no problem and I will not back down. As for the 4 cyl. thing he is the one running his mouth not me. I just got tired of BS. You out of all people you know how it is.
11-01-2007, 04:41 PM
Your Dam right me of all people know how it is, the BS, Thats why I hardly ever come on this site or Georges anymore till this crap starts, at first its funny, but eventually it gets pathetic. I could give a shit less if I ever race my car again, actually if it sold I could put more time and money into 2008's project, I said before the cars are neat and all, but they bore the hell out of me. Funny, though after talking with Jess Havlik and Al Mart, they told me they also have 100% No interest in racing cars anymore, after you get the bike rush in your system. Try it sometime 160 on 2 wheels, see if you like it...Ed
11-01-2007, 05:48 PM
Ed you no as well as I do there is no age limit on shit talking!!
Rollin on Dubs
11-01-2007, 06:05 PM
If were comparing the wagon to havliks nova lets compare something thats even in the ballpark.The new car would be more of a comparison,we'll see what this coming up year brings!The new car will flat out haul ass and everybody is sure safe to assume that.
Im not trying to start anything but, 1200 miles on drag week, dozens of trips to the track (the car has never been on a trailer EVER!) Im sure chris's new car will be a bad ass mo fo, but i just dont think the two cars arent built to do the same thing. But who knows havlik was talking about putting some slicks on and maby using more than 50% of what his nitrous kit is capable of.
11-01-2007, 06:14 PM
Ed you no as well as I do there is no age limit on shit talking!!
:biggrin: , ya your right but this shit is just rediculas, I meen if we were in a big city where shit was fast, and actually street racing took place, But dude we live in IOWA :yawinkle: You've been there you know that.
11-01-2007, 06:18 PM
But who knows havlik was talking about putting some slicks on and maby using more than 50% of what his nitrous kit is capable of.
UT OH!!!!!!!!!!!
All I can say is after being built from nothing in 8mths, running 8.99, and backing it up 2 times with 9.01s, with DRAG RADIALS, and exhust, after a 1200 mile trip, and driving it to TriStae is DAM impressive. :bigthumb:...Ed
logans dad
11-01-2007, 07:03 PM
Havlic has the money to rebuild it on the way if it blows. I could of drove mine up as others could of also but if something goes wrong driving it up it can be a hassle getting it home. If some one would of broke while I was up there they could of drove mine home while I trailered there's home so it helps everybody if some are trailored. Im sure Joe could of done or would of done the same and I know you would of also Ed.
Knock on wood that in my younger days I always drove to the track but sucked with 411 gears. I did get a trailer and started hauling it but didnt need too.
i wonder how much is in that duese for money.
Rollin on Dubs
11-01-2007, 07:15 PM
Havlic has the money to rebuild it on the way if it blows. I could of drove mine up as others could of also but if something goes wrong driving it up it can be a hassle getting it home. If some one would of broke while I was up there they could of drove mine home while I trailered there's home so it helps everybody if some are trailored. Im sure Joe could of done or would of done the same and I know you would of also Ed.
Knock on wood that in my younger days I always drove to the track but sucked with 411 gears. I did get a trailer and started hauling it but didnt need too.
i wonder how much is in that duese for money.
Brian is not what you would call a wealthy guy! He buit everything on the car himself,engine, chassis , paint, (he even did all the machine work on the engine) He has much less in that car than what most people think.
and @ 85 mph it turns 2800 rpm on the highway
11-01-2007, 08:27 PM
Ed you no as well as I do there is no age limit on shit talking!!
:biggrin: , ya your right but this shit is just rediculas, I meen if we were in a big city where shit was fast, and actually street racing took place, But dude we live in IOWA :yawinkle: You've been there you know that.
It is what it is though , we live here and its all that we got, not saying alot but you and I both know the scene 10 years ago would blow these kids minds!!!
90 notch
11-01-2007, 08:35 PM
Who said anything about street credit??I was under the assumption that streetweeper was trying to compare both the wagon and havliks nova.Their is no comparison parts for parts.All i have to say and rollin on dubs you know what i'm talking about Bone stock front end as when it rolled off the assembly line,and stock suspension(leaf springs)and a 28 by nine inch tire nothing special what SO EVER.9.05@158 I'D SAY WE DID WELL.Well this time it's time to break people in half,good luck!
11-01-2007, 08:41 PM
Drip....I can see Allgo/Skinny/Steve'o pipeing up on this topic as they have street raced, have you ever raced anything you own, or just your mouth?[/quote]
Sure I have raced what I own. Never raced my mouth though. I must have missed something, probably lost in translation.
11-01-2007, 09:14 PM
Well this time it's time to break people in half,good luck!
So your saying if I come to the table with a Busa this next spring, and toss out the challenge again we can get it done for a little $$$. Steve'O I truely hope you say yes!...Ed
11-01-2007, 09:19 PM
It is what it is though , we live here and its all that we got, not saying alot but you and I both know the scene 10 years ago would blow these kids minds!!![/quote]
I remember when the players came out after 12:00am, Shit I remember races where there were over 100 people watching, both sides of the highways lined with fast ass cars. I remember people sitting on the divider between lanes on Hwy 100, So many kick ass spots to race at, And not just 1 or 2 races a night. Parking lots packed solid with fast domestics, and other lots packed with bikes, when the car guys had BALLS and raced the bikes...REMEMBER THAT..., working all week to make enough money to play all weekend and then do it all over again...DAM I miss those days so much, Shit I remember comming home from the races when the sun was comming up. Nothing like a trip through memorie lane...huh...Ed
11-01-2007, 09:45 PM
What Dubs said, that deuce is built for a whole different ball game than pretty much any other car around here, "including mine" comparing that to other 8 second cars I have seen in this town is not comparing apples to apples. "still hard for me to beleive that a 8 second car has well over 3000 miles in 2-3 months, and has never been on a trailer" but its true and it really does deserve more respect than it gets. I mean the dude sold his truck AND trailer to help build the car, theres alot of confidence there.. :supz:
11-02-2007, 04:39 AM
Well this time it's time to break people in half,good luck!
So your saying if I come to the table with a Busa this next spring, and toss out the challenge again we can get it done for a little $$$. Steve'O I truely hope you say yes!...Ed
Damn, not another winter of car vs bike threads....Thought we covered this last winter. Think it ended up car vs car, bike vs bike...
11-02-2007, 07:05 AM
Damn, not another winter of car vs bike threads....Thought we covered this last winter. Think it ended up car vs car, bike vs bike...
I dont know if you were around in the years back, but ask Allgo abiut the car guys with the big NUTZ, racing the bikes...C'mon Joe tell um. What fucking differance does it make? Its going from point A-B. Reason there is a problem is I will chop there heads off, thats what. Thats fine I will drop it, you've proved how much things have changed over the years. Sad though used to be alot of fun.
Oh and Scotty, does'nt matter if he went 8s or 6s theres always an excuess about things not being far or equial. For someone whos trying to chase respect, Havlik owns it in this town HANDS DOWN, no matter what anyone says, along with all the Drag Week crew. Steve'O says suspension this,that, yada, yada. Ok whos car was actually more a street car? and whos more a Drag car?... this one should be easy. "Oh You had tubular front A-arms and suspension we had stock" please that has to be the lamest comment yet. I got Tubular A-arms/K-member on my Camaro, Opps thats all all out Drag car, my bad :banghead: Scotty I am going to give it a rest, weather I talk about raciing bikes, or Havliks car, I am wrong Steve'o correct, so no point...Ed
90 notch
11-02-2007, 09:36 AM
Ed,those cars don't even have lower a arms!Nice try tho,that car will be in drag week next year in the STOCK SUSPENSION class.Steve o
90 notch
11-02-2007, 10:12 AM
I'm not taking anything away from havliks car,not one bit.We had one goal and that was to get the wagon in the 8's on stock shit.Didn't quite get their but i'd say we faired very well.On to the next goal!Steve o
11-02-2007, 10:21 AM
Twins going on dragweek next year?? You go and I'll go
11-02-2007, 10:35 AM
The person who bought the wagon is planning on taking it on Drag wek next year.
11-02-2007, 11:20 AM
Yeah I know, he's the DIY megasquirt tuning king dude. That guy loves dragweek. just thought I would ask Steve-o if they plan on going this year, if your going to take one vacation a year this is it, no freakin nagging from any girls, there is no stupid bullshit flying around, nothing but pure car talk, cruising and racing for 5 days straight!!!
Rollin on Dubs
11-02-2007, 11:52 AM
Who said anything about street credit??I was under the assumption that streetweeper was trying to compare both the wagon and havliks nova.Their is no comparison parts for parts.All i have to say and rollin on dubs you know what i'm talking about Bone stock front end as when it rolled off the assembly line,and stock suspension(leaf springs)and a 28 by nine inch tire nothing special what SO EVER.9.05@158 I'D SAY WE DID WELL.Well this time it's time to break people in half,good luck!
I respect what you guys did with the wagon! 9.05's is haulin ass. It was said in another thread that chris has a Tube chassis door car now to put his motor in, and you made it sound like comparing that car to brians car would be a better comparison. Brian's car isint stock suspension but it isint trick race parts either. (single adustable shocks and ladder bars are a far cry from high tech) The guy just built it to drive the shit out of it. And after driving to the track with him and watching him just kill it at the track then drive home, I had even more respect for it and his car building abilty's
Im sure chris will have good luck with his car this year, I mean the Hp is there. Working with a little more tire and less vertical CG's will prob make getting down the track less of a callenge.
11-02-2007, 12:20 PM
Havlic has the money to rebuild it on the way if it blows.
Dubs was a bit more vague with it, but i too will say that Brian isnt one of these guys that have tons of money to just throw at their car. i know it damn near broke him to get on drag week, and almost didnt make it. and also like Dubs said, that whole car was built in his garage, and i doubt theres near as much money in the car as people think there is...
90 notch
11-02-2007, 01:26 PM
Here ya go!
11-02-2007, 01:32 PM
Cmon cock tease lets see some bigger better pics than that!!! :banghead:
11-02-2007, 02:05 PM
HOLY SHIT! It's somthing that looks like it would be DOT approved to go down the ROAD! better yet it looks like it belongs at a carshow and not a circus! :supz:
11-02-2007, 02:26 PM
wow, you two are hopping straight to the other end of the spectrum as far as tire size goes, arent ya? what year is that, '65?
Rollin on Dubs
11-02-2007, 03:58 PM
Looks awsome! 4 link or ladder bars? Did it used to have a BBC with a Roots in it before?
11-02-2007, 04:06 PM
Damn, not another winter of car vs bike threads....Thought we covered this last winter. Think it ended up car vs car, bike vs bike...
I dont know if you were around in the years back, but ask Allgo abiut the car guys with the big NUTZ, racing the bikes...C'mon Joe tell um. What fucking differance does it make? Its going from point A-B. Reason there is a problem is I will chop there heads off, thats what. Thats fine I will drop it, you've proved how much things have changed over the years. Sad though used to be alot of fun.
Oh yeah, I was around for those days. I was the guy riding shotgun with Allgo when we blew plenty of bikes, and cars away....I was the quiet one looking the other persons ride over before the race to get an idea of what it was we were going to race.Ahh the good ol days. It was alot more fun then thats for sure.
11-02-2007, 04:30 PM
Ed,those cars don't even have lower a arms!Nice try tho,that car will be in drag week next year in the STOCK SUSPENSION class.Steve o
What cars dont have lower A-arms, I said my Camaro has them...well you tell me what they are then, I am glad somebody made a streetcar out of it.
11-02-2007, 04:32 PM
Oh yeah, I was around for those days. I was the guy riding shotgun with Allgo when we blew plenty of bikes, and cars away....I was the quiet one looking the other persons ride over before the race to get an idea of what it was we were going to race.Ahh the good ol days. It was alot more fun then thats for sure.
So whats the problem racing the bikes NOW!...Its like OH MY GOD a BUSA...No Way? Just a heavy O'l touring bike. :biggrin:
90 notch
11-02-2007, 04:38 PM
That car was in plenty of street races,just never had to bring it out the last couple of years.We had that car for 8 years.Steve o
logans dad
11-02-2007, 05:06 PM
Hmm, My wife works with Dutch Hobbs wife out of vinton and we went out to eat last weekend. Interesting guy and he has a little firebird that won some world series race. For the right price he said he will bring it to the streets. Dont know if any one knows him but sounds like he has a fast car.
The Elcamino looks good SteveO, Im not a liker of the rear wheel covers though.
logans dad
11-02-2007, 05:16 PM
Ed, Im not cutting you down and would give my left nut for your last two cars but did you expect more out of them and didnt get the Et's you wanted so you have to go with a for sure thing?
Just wondering
I also think the drag strips should have an altered suspension street class and a stock suspension street class. I also believe Havliks car witch I think is bad ass is not what should be considered a street car even though It can be driven on the street. Its a Drag car just the same as I feel about your car Ed. :help:
I did a couple things to my car also and George, lets go out tomorrow for fun if you want.
11-02-2007, 06:35 PM
Well Vic, its like this the Nova got SOLD cause I got great money for it, I never ran it again after fixing the timming issue (went to a crank trigger) or with the NEW powerglide, But I have been in contact with the guy who bought it in WI, with exhust and 150jet on spray, with the tranny break the car went 9.69et. Oh well I got paid. As for the Camaro I bought it cause I thought it was cool and wanted a pump gas car which ran decent, and was FI, was not trying to set the world on fire. So I suppose a 3810lb with me in it, 11.4 on foot break consistant on motor (remember never used the tranny break yet) and 10.4 w/100 jet @ 130. again on foot break with a 1.49 60', not to shabby for the first time out. So lets get the 150/200 jets in there and leave with the tranny break, I see very low 10.0s or 9s, again on pump, not $12.00 gal C16. And agian it has never been tuned on a dyno since I got it. Now the cars are cool but boring as hell, admit it the bikes are fast as fuck, and cool to watch (I seen ya watching me easy to transport, hardly ever need any major work, a clutch, and a new mickey thats about it, and I can build one to go very fast for cheap. My street racing days are over, I want to build a bike to race the All night Drags quick 16, Run a few AMA Prostar events. I had so much fun this year racing Chiefs bike, and my buddy from Waverly. Shit even Jesse says he can see it in me how happy I am on a bike. But trust me if going mid 8s was important to me, I think you know me well enough to know I would be....As for Georges car, I sent the boost controller to Hallman we were having issues with, and has not come back yet. At the track we were barrowing one from (Diana) Jesse's GirlFriends WRX. So sorry buddy, Maybee next weekend if it dont
11-02-2007, 06:38 PM
That car was in plenty of street races,just never had to bring it out the last couple of years.We had that car for 8 years.Steve o
I have been playing on the streets since the early 80s, never seen that car or heard of it on the streets raceing. But actually I dont care, Hope the new car goes down the track finally.
Rollin on Dubs
11-02-2007, 07:17 PM
I have seen the wagon race a couple of times, Most noteably against Bunting's camaro.
11-02-2007, 07:24 PM
I remember being in joe's Z06 and getting yanked on by the wicked wagon also..It saw plenty of street action.
11-02-2007, 07:36 PM
The wagon beat up on the gn to.
11-02-2007, 07:36 PM
Ed do you run pump gas on the spray??
11-02-2007, 07:38 PM
Dreamweeper, skinny is his own man he steped up to you not for me so race him king dingaling!!
I will race you at the track again and blow you the fuck away if you want!!! I will give you 1 car length head start to!!
Is this going to happen? You drove your car 1 time to the track and thats only cause your dad had the trailor. I drove my cobra 3 times and the GN 2 times, drove it to the dyno ran it and drove it home. Seen your car on a trailor more then more then a stock car! :butthead:
11-02-2007, 08:43 PM
Ed do you run pump gas on the spray??
Yes, they say LS1's safe on pump, with a after market fuel pump they are good up to 200shot with no worries,actually some guys are doing 250shot, But it has a timming retard box on it to retard the timming according to what I set it at. Good O'l BP93 octain, but you gotta remember it has after market std bore forged pistons, and good rods. Ross pistons and Olivor rods. I was told the stock crank will hold 600+ HP easy. I turely feel for you guys spending the money on VP fuels, Sperry says another price increase for 2008. Better add another bad ass sandwich to the menu to pay for fuel in Ed
11-02-2007, 08:45 PM
The wagon beat up on the gn to.
Dam where the heck was I at...Oh probably racing the bike scene. Whats funny is I bet thats when they and everyone had the most fun!
logans dad
11-03-2007, 09:53 AM
I got it to your previous post to me Ed. I am seriously thinking of selling mine and going domestic again with maybe a Mustang but there is so many of them. I like the GSX but to make it faster I see a better tranny then turbo then what else. It sucks that I see another 4 or 5 thousand to hit like mid 10's.
I just watched super bikes on speed and they say a Busa is a chicks bike lol. :neener:
They didnt show a chick blasting it though, I wonder why. What a waste of a bike.
11-03-2007, 10:56 AM
Don't Lie Vic,
We all know you were out at cassils trying to trade the Eclipse on a race trailor! :banghead:
logans dad
11-03-2007, 11:22 AM
How did you know that lol, Its true though but thought why should I sale it for an enclosed trailer. Logan can buy one if he wants. It would be nice but was his idea and after thinking about it I'm like fuck that.
Guess I could go borrow and get the trailer but trying to get things paid off.
11-03-2007, 03:22 PM
Vic, my friend is selling his Mustang, he listed it for sale on here a couple weeks ago. If you are gonna maybe go domestic, this is the car you should buy!!! It's that nice, and a heck of a good deal too.
11-03-2007, 04:56 PM
Yea Vic,
I dont think you should have to sacrafice your toys for him. He is old enough to call first federal to support his toys now! :butthead:
logans dad
11-03-2007, 10:37 PM
snicker, Tell him I will trade him even up.
George thats why I changed my mind on the trailer.
11-03-2007, 11:51 PM
how bout this....when I move up to cedar rapids just claim me Kind of the Streets. With my moped. Now thats some good racing.
11-04-2007, 12:43 AM
Dreamweeper, skinny is his own man he steped up to you not for me so race him king dingaling!!
I will race you at the track again and blow you the fuck away if you want!!! I will give you 1 car length head start to!!
Is this going to happen? You drove your car 1 time to the track and thats only cause your dad had the trailor. I drove my cobra 3 times and the GN 2 times, drove it to the dyno ran it and drove it home. Seen your car on a trailor more then more then a stock car! :butthead:
11-04-2007, 01:32 AM
how bout this....when I move up to cedar rapids just claim me Kind of the Streets. With my moped. Now thats some good racing.
Hey man those gopeds are no joke, this is old as dirt yet entertaining.
Don't believe that, then here's this one.
Was disappointed there was no burnout with the goped. :?
11-04-2007, 11:39 AM
Allgo it would be awfull hard for him to race with out :A- Boostcontroller :B- The fact that he is out of town this weekend at his moms!, Any way I put out a challenge to go to Cordova Sat and race him, and he was going to get back to me. Whats up there. Racing seasons over hate to break it to ya. Lets all look forward to next year...And racing the "GENERAL" with all these bad ass turbo cars, when it comes out. :bigthumb:
11-04-2007, 12:02 PM
Cordova is open until the 17th, so racing just might not be over.....
11-04-2007, 12:23 PM
2 more sat before the season is over so lets do it. He borrowed a boost controller before do it again.
11-04-2007, 03:30 PM
Ed you said Sunday @ Cordova. I took Steve's car to cordova yesterday. So if you would of said sat I would been more then happy to of BLOWN you away, LOL!!! :butthead: My wife was out of town today so no was not going. If you want to make it next sat and the weather is nice let me know.
Where were you sat? The "Midwest F Body Assosation" was there. There was probaly about 20-30 there.
11-04-2007, 04:12 PM
ed who is the general?
logans dad
11-04-2007, 04:50 PM
Ed, Did you buy the Dukes Mopar? :neener:
11-04-2007, 05:27 PM
Where were you sat? The "Midwest F Body Assosation" was there. There was probaly about 20-30 there.
They did not send me a
Ya I did tell you Sun, my fault I did not realize they were open Sat. As for next weekend very doubtful, I cleaned it up today and plan on putting it away for the winter, If I change my mind I will let ya know. Allgo the "General" will be a 2 wheel Hopefully everything will go as planned, I found a chassis and motor to start with, just trying to seal the deal. Vic your still
11-04-2007, 05:29 PM
2 more sat before the season is over so lets do it. He borrowed a boost controller before do it again.
1 more weekend, the cars getting put away this week. Need the Garage space...Ed
11-04-2007, 06:00 PM
Sounds good let me know.
logans dad
11-04-2007, 06:48 PM
I was hoping you would like that Ed.
Went to Sperrys today to see if I could get your blood pressure up but NOOOOOO, You werent there. Scott is dyno'ing some motors on E-85 and if it proves more HP want us to change the sportsman car to it. Cant believe all the help he gives us but I think he likes Logan Using his products.
11-05-2007, 08:02 AM
arent sportsman cars limited to like 10:1 compression??
logans dad
11-05-2007, 05:20 PM
arent sportsman cars limited to like 10:1 compression??
Im not sure lol, SPerry knows the rules and said it had more HP then the guy that won the championship. Ask him Ed.
I do know to have one built from srcatch is around 7000.
11-05-2007, 06:18 PM
might even be lower than that, i dont think we were supposed to have more than 9:1 or 9.5:1 when we raced in latemodel.
logans dad
11-05-2007, 08:12 PM
Im thinking it is 10 to 1. Got to remember Dustin a sportsman car is just a glorified metric car so its not as fast in the corner and can use all the compression they will alow to be some what fast.
11-05-2007, 10:37 PM
just wait guys....summer 08. I should have somethen to play
11-05-2007, 11:37 PM
thats a bit of a ways off there bud. and it will be here before we know it
11-06-2007, 08:18 AM
moped bitches
11-06-2007, 11:37 AM
moped bitches
o gay :)
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