View Full Version : WEAR PROTECTION!
10-12-2007, 09:17 AM
yes, wear a condom... but thats not what i am talking about. I have a 5 month old son, obviously wasnt good at that myself...
ill keep it "short"
Yesterday i was doing a little head work with a die grinder and didnt wear safety glasses because i was just gonna do somethign real quick and didnt want to try and find a set. Well one thing led to another and next thing i knew i was in the St. Lukes E.R. A very small piece of metal got stuck in my eye. I tried getting it and had a few others try (bad idea) but all that did was hurt like a bitch and got me nowhere! Anyways the metal punctured my cornia so they had to numb it the scrape and DRILL the rust out. HURTS LIKE HELL AFTERWARDS!!! anyways so now i have to be a pirate for a few days and even worse i have to go back again in a couple days because they coudlnt get all of the rust out... Nothing quite like watching a frikkin dentist's drill get closer and closer to your eye and not being able to flinch the slightest...
anyways, where protection
10-12-2007, 09:52 AM
yeah, ive done that a couple times myself. its really weird when the drill touches your eye and the vision bobbles.
saftey first kids
10-12-2007, 09:55 AM
yeaup i never plan to have to go through that shit. I just always wear a face matter what i do, plus it's stylish :)
10-12-2007, 12:25 PM
damn kieth, dont you listen to hinings stories about rust in the eye?!!! you could go blind mang
had no idea you had a kid he cool?
10-12-2007, 01:19 PM
Funny thing is that Hinning used to always be on me about my safety glasses, so was uh... the guy who took over after him...
Landon Daniel Schutte: Born April 29th 9lb2oz 21" ( ( (
10-12-2007, 02:58 PM
damn that's a big baby...Congrats man. Didn't even know you had one!! :supz:
Domestic Disturbance
10-12-2007, 04:33 PM
chuck heining? aka the God of all teachers?
10-12-2007, 04:59 PM
^exactly. i take it you were graced with his teachings as well?
kieth the next teacher was luke pestka, he was pretty cool. He works for my dad now at rockwell..or well did, my dad works somewhere else now.
10-12-2007, 06:51 PM
thats right... he was a pretty cool guy to in his own ways.
"I need more cowbell"
"mumms the word"
'cept he did like to call me keith Shitty but it was all good. He got me out of quite a bit of trouble...
10-13-2007, 08:08 AM
thats right... he was a pretty cool guy to in his own ways.
"I need more cowbell"
"mumms the word"
'cept he did like to call me keith Shitty but it was all good. He got me out of quite a bit of trouble...
Oh god... people stil remember "mumms the word" LMAO, yeah I wasn't really sure what to say when he said it, in retrospect it was pretty comical seeing how he honestly didn't know my first name for half the year. No joke when he wrote me a pass to go to my next class (I stayed late to help someone with something- I don't really remember why) He wrote my class and signed his name and paused... and asked "mumm... whats your first name?"
Man those were the days.
logans dad
10-13-2007, 12:29 PM
Ive been there and done that, ADM says if we dont have safety equipment at home ask and they will supply it or buy it for us.
Burnt my eyes years ago spot welding also, Felt like sand in my eyes for two days. I will never do that again.
10-13-2007, 01:35 PM
Burnt my eyes years ago spot welding also, Felt like sand in my eyes for two days. I will never do that again.
yeah, ive done that too. was welding under a car and didnt have room for my mask. Didnt have enough time to jack the car up so i figured i would just look away when i welded. a few times i flashed on accident then i had my buddy do the other side and he forgot to warn me to cover my eyes. The very next day my eyes where more or less swelled shut, looked like i got my ass beat by Tyson or something... didnt tell anybody about that as i felt REALLY stupid, of course i had to tell work why i couldnt make it in for a couple days so i got it pretty bad form co-workers...
Then of course there was a few months ago when i lost my hearing for a few days because i was at the gun range for about 6 hours and didnt have anything to put in my ears... However i think i FINALY learned as i went out an bought a few pairs of safety glasses, and a case of ear plugs.
Domestic Disturbance
10-14-2007, 03:20 PM
heining was the man. cant believe hes not teaching anymore i got to get ahold of him.
10-14-2007, 05:06 PM
actually the cool thing is, he is still teaching, an even AT prairie. But hes teaching kirkwood kids their. If you stop in at the right time you'll see him their, i like to talk to him everyonce in a while. after he left tho, the entire industrial tech wing just wasnt the same. No more end of year BBQ which i was really pissed about. The next year Betcika left too. Im really glad I went through when I did.
10-14-2007, 05:20 PM
chuck hining was cool as fuck he hated comestic disturbances class, THOSE BONEHEADS
10-14-2007, 08:28 PM
i was taught by chuck last year (my junior year) at prairie through that kirkwood program. my favorite teacher by far.
fun guy to talk with about cars. he knows his stuff.
10-14-2007, 08:56 PM
A couple weeks ago a chunk of my ear plugs twisted off in my ear somehow. It was the tip of it so it was stuck way down in there, i tried to get it out myself but i think i made it worse. So i had to go to the hospital.
Domestic Disturbance
10-15-2007, 01:03 AM
ya i had him sr. year for kwood auto tech thing for highschool. haha ya john was a BONEHEAD, ya follow me?
10-17-2007, 12:40 PM
Heining was the shit. I think me and kitch were his favorite all time students. Cept the talon incident in the parking lot he loved me.
Domestic Disturbance
10-17-2007, 01:55 PM
haha the talon birdy. that thing ran well at 20psi eh?
i think im gonna have to stop by and see him then. should get shane to show him Flow he's yet to see his red pony. same with any of joshes cars. oh so close josh :banghead:
10-17-2007, 02:14 PM
talon incident? do tell. He was never really fond of my talon, but he left the year I built it too.
Domestic Disturbance
10-17-2007, 09:45 PM
thats johnny boys story to tell
10-18-2007, 07:40 AM
fucking around in the parking lot before class is not a good idea. He flipped shit
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