View Full Version : NEW CLUB!
10-07-2007, 01:41 AM
Hay guys Me and a few guys made a new Car Club Are main Focus is to Bring back the NO Drama Days of Street meets and Street Raceing Like it was a few years ago we got some really cool guys Come join us
SPECIAL THANKS TO Zac for Giveing the Ok for Posting this Thanks
PS:i hope nobody thinks iam trying to take Members from This club Thats not the way i plan to run my club
Domestic Disturbance
10-07-2007, 03:57 AM
ouch. guess this means ill delay on my groups site being announced. it still looks like shit anyways.
looking pretty good though. good luck
10-07-2007, 01:40 PM
my car is torn apart right now, so i guess i cant join your club. dammit, it looks awesome too. oh well, i'll just have to get drunk on weekends....
10-07-2007, 07:18 PM
my car is torn apart right now, so i guess i cant join your club. dammit, it looks awesome too. oh well, i'll just have to get drunk on weekends....
10-07-2007, 07:47 PM
i thought it was dido hahaha sorry
10-07-2007, 08:00 PM
The image on the top of every page is WAY too fucking huge and looks like crap.
I still don't understand why there is a need for multiple forums for a small city such as Cedar Rapids, it's plain re-gotdamn-diculous.
10-07-2007, 08:20 PM
my car is torn apart right now, so i guess i cant join your club. dammit, it looks awesome too. oh well, i'll just have to get drunk on weekends....
so when are you going to come out and get drunk with me Trevor?
10-07-2007, 09:55 PM
Are main Focus is to Bring back the NO Drama Days of Street meets and Street Raceing Like it was a few years ago we got some really cool guys Come join us
PS:i hope nobody thinks iam trying to take Members from This club Thats not the way i plan to run my club
.....................I am completely speechless, what do you say to that? :?
10-07-2007, 10:07 PM
i think youre using the wrong terminology. if by "club", you mean "forum", than yeah. no offense, but i dont think anyone is gonna stop coming here because you started another forum.
10-08-2007, 12:29 AM
well i know Nobodys gonna Stop i just wanted to say iam not trying to Take any members away.i was thinking some people might take it the Wrong way. Plus Somebody Said that theres no Need for meny car Clubs in town yes very true But Street PSI Dont do Public Meets Iowa.IAF Dont Meet that much Like a said. the Foucs of iowa Redline is to Bring back The old Days of no Drama Street Raceing and no drama Meets oh and Iowa Redline is A car Club as Well a forum
Domestic Disturbance
10-08-2007, 03:37 AM
kinda late in the year. theres not much time left for some good 'meets'. btw someyone would like to donate some 275/45/17's
10-08-2007, 06:16 AM
People still street race in this po-dunk town? Highway / Sherriff's department are going to begin issuing street racing tickets even to those who are just watching the events. . .
10-08-2007, 07:53 AM
there will never be a "no-drama" meet up with more then 10 people or any worthy cars for that matter....just to let you know.
Highway / Sherriff's department are going to begin issuing street racing tickets even to those who are just watching the events. . .
They can try. Don't think they'll get very far with that one.
10-08-2007, 10:41 AM
there will never be a "no-drama" meet up with more then 10 people or any worthy cars for that matter....just to let you know.
yeah, it kindof goes hand in hand. why do you think PINKS! is such a hit?
10-08-2007, 11:32 AM
People still street race in this po-dunk town? Highway / Sherriff's department are going to begin issuing street racing tickets even to those who are just watching the events. . .
that one made me laugh
10-09-2007, 06:44 AM
yeah we want clubs to come here... we are going to start having each club have their own section of the forum and everything. nothing wrong with that... trying have more forums isnt really a great idea but i havent looked at your site yet. Good luck with it, kinda hard for me to get too excited being here in the QC and all.
10-09-2007, 09:17 AM
Oh the advice and wisdom I could give about having a successful club. CR:U has been up (way up) and CR:U has been down (way down).
A couple pieces of advice:
1. Capitalize with a good name. We would have been every bit as successful if our name was never "Cedar Rapids Underground" but rather "Iowa Auto Forums" all along. People would have taken us more seriously and we would have had a much broader range of people that would be interested in being here.
2. Focus on camaraderie and closeness within the group before you worry too much about gaining mass members. We used to be extremely close (and we still are) and we would have dinners and such, and people would ask us how they could get involved in our group. Create that kind of atmosphere first because that's something that people want to be involved in and they'll come to you.
3. Don't worry about stickers, t-shirts, etc until your group is ready for it. CR:U had well over 1,000 members before I bothered buying t-shirts and stickers. It'll be a waste of your time and money to worry about it beforehand. People won't want them and while it's probably nice knowing there's 3 cars running around CR with your sticker on it, it really isnt' doing any good.
IAF has been around (in some form) for almost 4 years now, and we've seen a lot of clubs and sites come and go. Just nobody has been able to set up the fundamentals well enough to be successful in the long run. So that's why a lot of these guys aren't taking you as seriously as you'de like. I'd say Brett's independant racing site probably has been the biggest out of all the clubs that have popped up over the years and I see he's helping you with ur site. So hopefully you've got a good base to start with.
10-09-2007, 08:22 PM
Well! I figure i would throw my 2 cents in here.
When you quoted StreetPSI not doing public meets, and bringing us up in your post i had a few thoughts come to mind and i thought i would clear it up for you.
StreetPSI was not ment for another auto forum in CR. We are a group of friends that started a "Team" of turbo cars here in the local area. The main heart of Streetpsi is based around a few guys that are all close freinds and help eachother with our cars to succeed and go faster. We do allot of street and track racing, and basically it is based around about 5 streetpsi cars and our closer friends. When i first got into cars i came to CR:U i started that website for our group of boosted car enthusiasts. I do have to say CR:U was and is my True car forum that i have allways referred to. I have met allot of people threw this website, and made allot of friends that have helped me and Streetpsi be what it is today. I have to give the owner of this site a big thanks, because he is a website guru that is allways willing to help when need be. Basically i like to think of StreetPSI as whole nother section of CR:U , with a more of a "team" outlook of it. Hopefully that clears it up a little.
Thanks again to Zac, and anyone here on CR:U that has been there since day one! :bigthumb:
10-09-2007, 09:51 PM
Ditto George,
You know at first we had our differences when it comes to StreetPSI. I didn't like it at first, but the further your site came along, the more I realized that it is a good thing for the car community as a whole. StreetPSI is a team of car enthusiasts who share a common interest in boosted cars. It's a great thing, in my book. It's another club that can ultimately bring more members to Iowa Auto Forums, just like Iowa Auto Forums can raise awareness for other clubs in the area and raise membership for them as well.
Jay, the moderators, and I have been working on some new things for IAF, including devising a way to refer some of our members to other car clubs in the area (providing that they return the favor by linking to us on their website, and referring their members to check out IAF). I'd also like to work out some deals out with some local car shops in Iowa to advertise here and be able to post up special offers on a forum specific to advertisers.
We'll get the ball rolling here, and when we do it's going to mean big things for IAF and for other car clubs in Iowa.
10-10-2007, 05:34 PM
I'm the second admin on that site too, suprising that i couldnt live without my own forum? I think not. Anywho, we started it now, late in the year to see if it gets to be more successful than my old site, and so that if we schedule any dinners/car shows/etc next Spring, then we will have more members to spread the word about it. So hopefully it works out for us.
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