View Full Version : Evo vs Mustangs
08-18-2007, 11:50 AM
I love my car. I really do. To the people that dont know what the hell an Evo is its funny. Most think its just a civic with a body kit... as did this guy with a 96 mustang gt. I was on Center Point road and this young kid in his mustang met me at the stop light with his mustang. I look at him and rev my up, and he laughes and says "nice civic" and gives me a thumbs down. hahaha. I laughed pretty hard.
Well the light turns green and he screeeech's off... and i just mearly roll off the line... he's a good 2 car lengths infront of me by the time i punch it at around 3000 rpm, my turbo spools and POOF... i FLY past him. Pulling it out of first and into third... about 3 cars infront of him. We stop at the next stop light and he wont even look at me... i yell to him "pretty damn good for a civic" he flicks me off and turns. lol. i thought it was pretty funny, nothing to brag about but just a lesson. For all those who have "sports cars" make sure you know what other cars are.
For instance... my co-worker had never heard of an Evo until i got one. he has a 07 Mustang GT. well we decieded to go out and see just how'd they play together. This was last weekend, and we ran around all of CR, some of you HAD to have seen us. But anywho... we didnt go from a dig, for we both knew id jump him on the launch... instead we'd go from rolls since i had lag and he didnt. Well it didnt much matter. at one point he was flooring it, i was in 3rd and i put it down... I was a healthy truck length behind him and i started reeling him in. I was at about 5,500 RPM and 4 feet in front of him as he shifted... into third. I was pulling on him in third faster then he was in one lower gear. when i finaly had to shift into 4th he was a good 3 lengths behing me. We tested every gear, and i pulled away from him in every gear...
The good race was when me and my best friend with a Black SRT-4 ran them from a 30 mph roll... His car has almost no lag, where mind does... and he jumped me by a car and a half... i finaly passed the little fucker at about 100. I dont care what anyone says, stock, and for the price... srt-4's are ungodly quick.
08-18-2007, 12:34 PM
LMAO, i like the nice civic story...hahaha. i have yet to see a guy look at me and give me the thumbs down..that would immiediatly turn the "piss me off switch" on..and then see some shit happen...but i have plenty of stories in my day too....involving me in my camaro...and then this hick here in town with a 67 camaro. e put a truck rear end under it and the tires are seriously halfway out of the fender wells its soooo gay...but i heard around town its a quick car (obviously when i first moved here) so him and i are goofing off thru town reviing at each other on mainstreet then take off to head outta town...he stops i pull up next to him, and he says cute car...cuz his was basically the built up hick version of a camaro, and mine is the smooth sleek camaro :) well he says what u got in that a 305? and i said no, as i look down and say it has a v6. hes like sounds healthy for a 6 popper...and i said yeah it has a few things done..and i said u wanna find out? we both do our burnouts and then launch on the 3 count..he takes off like mad, due to his damn near 12 foot wide rear end...i take off semi hard, get into 2nd then smash the go pedal. by the time i pass him hes wrapping out hard in 2nd gear, and i scream past him, and keep going all the way up to 150 just to show him im not pissing around..he wasnt even a speck in my mirror...every once in a while ill see him in town and he will immediatly look away or turn off somewhere
08-18-2007, 01:42 PM
We got a few more informed stang and camaro ppl around I can assure you. Maybe get together and see. Friend has a beat up gt and mine has been beat up and on pretty good. We like evos just fine.
08-18-2007, 02:46 PM
that camaro story is awwesome! I always love people that think "oh, its a v6, blaaahhh" and then they get cooked by it!
I just want to let people know, in no was or form was i ever meaning that evo's are beter then anything i've said in my post. all i was doing was sharing a story. i clearly know that there are cars out there that would spank my car, be it a Mustang, Camaro, Civic or even a Festiva... i just dont want to be known as the guy with the evo that thinks his car is better, or faster, or cooler then anyone elses. I have as much fun driving my Festiva around town as my Evo (as weird as that sounds) i am a car enthusiast.
08-19-2007, 01:17 PM
Nothing wrong in practicing skills imo or taking on a challenge to see how it turns out. If you win so much the better, if not always another time.
08-19-2007, 01:53 PM
Nothing wrong in practicing skills imo or taking on a challenge to see how it turns out. If you win so much the better, if not always another time.
yeah, thats why i took your car on. in fact, i really dont remember a time where i took on a car that was going to be an easy win.
08-19-2007, 02:40 PM
this kinda reminds me of what a street car really is. We all want big power and usability etc. But even stock for stock examples, I find some cars are just so much easier for getting point to point faster. For example, in highschool I had a awd tsi and my brother had a crx si. My talon clearly faster, I couldnt keep up with him in spirited daily driving. Granted it had some problems, the crx just responded instantly, no lag etc. Sure i could launch and smoke him...but who really does that tryin to get somewhere in town fast?
ok i did it twice, but the semi was coming fast and my friends were trying to beat me to school...
08-19-2007, 08:04 PM
i'll drag. i dont ever do it. I dont practice and dont trully care to... I dont powershift and in order to get a REALLY good lauch i have to let the clutch slip and these cars are known to have weak clutch's. Basicaly, these are all reason's why i'm not anything special when it comes to dragging.
My kind of race'n is what i just got done doing today... for 50 seconds flinging around a track made of cones, left foot brake'n, powerslidding around apex's, slithering through slaloms, trail brake-oversteering. ... thats what i am MUCH better and at actually want to practice and get better at...
But for the record... i'd love to just run together for shits n giggles. I always love seeing great examples of speed.
Domestic Disturbance
08-20-2007, 03:47 AM
ill run ya 4 shits and giggles. its been gettin boring around here
id look out 4 categorizing mustang>s< as plural. i can think of a few in town that ya... id beat my own ass 4 thinkin i could take them 8)
08-20-2007, 02:38 PM
I ment mustangs as the two i had fun with, i know there's mustang, camaro's, hell even a grand Prix GTP that'd take me.
but yaeh, just for fun i'm up for anything. when do you guys usually go out? it'd be fun to actually A) meet ya and B) run our cars.
Domestic Disturbance
08-20-2007, 09:43 PM
i plan on being out this saturday night. i think theres a mach 1 im supposed to give a go. rob can verify that
08-20-2007, 10:33 PM
hopefully i'll be out (fingers crossed)
08-20-2007, 11:18 PM
Well the weather for sat. looks good so far, lower temps, no rain. That is what he said d/d however who knows, ppl are funny that way even for fun. Hopefully some ppl will show.
When I was asked I said yes even though the survey of ppl said I'd lose. Ya the rocker arm broke, I've thought about that a lot, wished it would have been 100% clean. That's 60whp. Neither did I know all the parts in the duster. I did know 11.4's and saw how it hooked up before so I did some things and maybe it worked, though maybe it didn't. Never know now. The duster going to be changed. At least Dustin ran me on a good road, I appreciate that btw.
Domestic Disturbance
08-21-2007, 01:10 AM
ya i wish i wouldnt have been so lazy. i got out to my friends shop and laid down i was exhausted 4 work. hope he shows
08-21-2007, 07:44 PM
I'll hopefully be out on saturday night and i get to meet some of you damn people! it'll probably be easier to see me... flag me down, i'll be looking for a camaro and a mustang... black camaro and blue? mustang?
Hope to see ya guys around!
08-21-2007, 10:15 PM
The duster going to be changed. At least Dustin ran me on a good road, I appreciate that btw.
no problem man, last thing i wanted was any argument over road quality killing the fun of a good race. i really didnt mind losing to you Rob. i know i dont have to worry about hearing about it for the next couple years while i work on rebuilding my car, hehehe.
i wouldve really liked to have a clean race, it was the hard way to learn an easy lesson. always check your tire pressure kids!
tell you what Rob, when i get my car back together, we can race from a roll. i am guessing it'll still be a close race, and takes away my(usually) biggest trump card. how does that sound? just a good gentlemans race?
08-21-2007, 10:49 PM
Yea Dustin, I'm good with that. :supz: This years been sorta of lean as I haven't traveled much, ankle and all that. So I counted down each day didn't do squat till friday before sat. But I've enjoyed these guys watching them, so it's all good. Mine normally doesn't hook for nothing but it did ok that sat. even on a roll so I was fortunate.
Yes evo's are welcome, if you see this it is my d/d blue car. A friend has a sonic blu gt course all stangs look alike. We are both pretty stock pump gas cars. You have already seen d/d's camaro he's a good guy along with many others including some dsm's.
Domestic Disturbance
08-22-2007, 01:49 AM
my car is navy blue metallic!!! not black :biggrin: not like u can tell at night.
lookin forward to sat nite then
08-22-2007, 07:52 AM
my car is navy blue metallic!!! not black :biggrin: not like u can tell at night.
lookin forward to sat nite then
yeah, that really threw me off the first time i saw it. wasnt sure that was your car.
08-22-2007, 01:18 PM
his car is actually purple, he just tries to play it off as blue
Domestic Disturbance
08-22-2007, 06:04 PM
its red im not gonna lie
08-22-2007, 07:28 PM
just like my car, its black... but actually black with purple/silver flakes in the paint.
08-24-2007, 09:23 PM
I won't be making it out Sat. (sorry Rob, don't have my car back yet dammit) I should have it back for sure by next weekend. No matter what i will be at midnight mayham next Fri. and be out Sat. if i have a car or not. lol The black cobra will be up here as well next weekend.
08-24-2007, 11:10 PM
Ah sh-t. Well i will be out anyhow I already put in for flex time and the weather should be good.
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