View Full Version : BBQ
07-28-2007, 06:01 PM
Who remembered to get pictures today? After party at trevors lol. I think Im to distracted thinking about the drive home to even hold a conversation with anyone. Good fun that rode.
07-28-2007, 06:21 PM
colton, if you have a purple UNI koozie.. you left it at the shelter. and i forgot to snag it before we left.
we forgot our camera, but i think zac and dustin got some pictures with dustin's camera.
07-28-2007, 07:01 PM
Yeah Dustin brought his camera and we were able to get some pictures. It was a GREAT turnout this year. Overall I counted over 40 people that showed up throughout the day, and for the most part we had 30-35 people there at one time. This has been our biggest BBQ at least since the first one, and I don't think the first one was even this successful.
Here are just a few quick notes and thoughts I want to share about the Picnic this year:
- THANK YOU to those of you who were already there when me and Ash got there and for those of you who showed up shortly after. You guys have no idea how helpful it was to have all of you around while we were setting sucks to do all that alone.
- THANK YOU to those of you who purchased shirts and thanks to those of you who donated some of your hard-earned money to us to help with the expense of the Picnic. FYI by my calculations we came pretty darn close to breaking even and that is a huge success in my book.
- THANK YOU to all of you who showed up. All the new faces that we hadn't seen before, and all the old faces that are always there. You guys are what make this investment an easy decision for me. You guys are the reason why I choose to keep this site running so everyone can have a place to hang out.
- We were much more cost-efficient this year and that is a big leap for us. We generally have troubles with buying way too much food, but this year we spent a lot less and I bet none of you noticed because there was more than enough food to go around.
- Thanks to Dustin for bringing his camera, because Ashley and I forgot ours. There won't be any video to share this year, but then again picnics are kinda boring to video-tape.
- I was amazed at the compliments I received about our name change. You guys are too awesome for condoning, and even celebrating this name change. I am so glad that everyone is able to see and understand on their own the vision that the moderators and I have for the future of this site.
- All of you who brought guests/girlfriends/etc, thanks a ton because we always love meeting new people and having more mouths spreading the word about the site.
Overall just a big thanks to everyone. Ashley and I were exhausted and hot because apparantly we don't get enough sun in the summer (we like being at home in our air conditioning, in fact the first thing I did when I got home was run to the thermostat and turn it down to 68 ) and the appreciation you guys all have shown make the whole thing worthwhile.
MODERATORS AND ANYONE ELSE INTERESTED: We have a lot to discuss as a group about ideas and the direction we are going to take the new site. Soon I will be creating a group who will get access to a private forum (much like our moderator forum) where we can discuss plans for the site and etc. We will start this discussion online and possibly take this into a meeting maybe in the party room at a pizza place or something in the future. Stay tuned for more information on that.
07-28-2007, 07:13 PM
Oh, and also as always a special thanks to guys like Jay and Chris ( I believe it was chris), and Ken (poptart) for making the trip all the way out here from davenport and the quad-cities to be at the picnic.
07-28-2007, 07:53 PM
i really enjoyed the day; thanks so much to everyone for helping out, we really have a precious thing in how well everyone can get along so well.
as far as the donation, it was money well spent as far as im concerned Zac. i know ive said it before; but i really appreciate all the work and effort you guys put into the site.
anyway, heres the resized pics. Zac, let me know how you want me to get the bigger versions to you...
07-28-2007, 09:51 PM
Those are some good pics. I'm glad I came back to the CR area this weekend even though I gotta move on Tuesday from one side of Ames to the other. I really wished I gotten my camera out of my car to take some pictures. I thought that it was a pretty good turnout, but there was pretty much 2 groups there at the pavilion and they both kinda stayed away from each other.
07-28-2007, 09:57 PM
hehe, well CR:U is so big we actually have our own "cliques" within our community. It's kinda funny actually.
Then we have the grazers like me who just kinda skip around to all the different groups because I get along with everyone I think :)
07-28-2007, 10:59 PM
Heh... dont thank my brother too much (chris = eulogy720) He lives in CR with JJ240 =P he didnt make much of a trip, but he did come pick me up on the side of the road when the wheel bearing went out on the jeep this friday =D
07-29-2007, 12:10 AM
Those are some good pics. I'm glad I came back to the CR area this weekend even though I gotta move on Tuesday from one side of Ames to the other. I really wished I gotten my camera out of my car to take some pictures. I thought that it was a pretty good turnout, but there was pretty much 2 groups there at the pavilion and they both kinda stayed away from each other.
yeah, but youre also talking about a group of kids who went to school with eachother from middle school on and have been friends the whole time versus a bunch of people who have barely ever been around eachother, if at all.
i dont mind it, people are fine if you go up and talk to them, theyre just not all as extroverted as some of us.
07-29-2007, 09:37 AM
yeah it was a pretty time, and burgers tasted awesome too.. I didnt have much time to spare so we could only stay for a hour or so..Thanks Zach and everyone for putting it together I wish I could have stayed longer but oh well..
lil krumm
07-29-2007, 10:24 AM
[quote="biohazard";p="130401":bae37]Those are some good pics. I'm glad I came back to the CR area this weekend even though I gotta move on Tuesday from one side of Ames to the other. I really wished I gotten my camera out of my car to take some pictures. I thought that it was a pretty good turnout, but there was pretty much 2 groups there at the pavilion and they both kinda stayed away from each other.
yeah, but youre also talking about a group of kids who went to school with eachother from middle school on and have been friends the whole time versus a bunch of people who have barely ever been around eachother, if at all.
i dont mind it, people are fine if you go up and talk to them, theyre just not all as extroverted as some of us.
most of us have been around since the beginning of the site too. and we are lazy, we dont really walk around a whole lot to go talk to other people. atleast thats me, but i think that goes for a few of the others too.
and dustin, im disappointed in you for not getting a picture of scott leaving...
07-29-2007, 10:35 AM
yeah I was hoping to be surprised when I opened this thread and see a picture of me doing a little burnout...
07-29-2007, 10:44 AM
Well, the blame for not having very many pictures lies on me for forgetting my own camera. Dustin was awesome enough to remember his camera so I borrowed it from him so we could at least have some pictures.
Now I probably could have gotten some video of the burnout if I had remembered my camcorder. I had it all charged up and ready to record... then I didn't bring it. Ah well.
07-29-2007, 11:00 AM
yeah, and i thought Zac took off for a little ride, i thought he still had my camera on him. its not a big deal though, Scott, if you want some pics of you doing a burnout, im sure between Bill and i, we could get plenty of good ones
07-29-2007, 11:21 AM
I had a great time at the BBQ- like I told Zac I think it gets better every year. The whole two groups thing was kinda comical but Dustin and Kent are right- alot of the people went to school together and/or have been on the forums since the dawn of time. Its not like its a "were better than you" thing but more of a "were comfortable talking to the people we know." But when Scott took his hood off everyone came to check it out- I thought that was cool how we all huddled together to check out his awesome car.
07-29-2007, 03:38 PM
Well Brett and I didnt make it because on Tuesday he was sick and it led him to being dehydrated so we were taking it easy. It was a long week of me taking care of him so that is why! SORRY!
07-29-2007, 03:47 PM
DAMMIT!!!!!!! My computer broke last sunday so i finally got to use my brothers slow ass computer and i have worked everyday this week! dammnit i forgot about this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry i missed it
07-29-2007, 04:12 PM
I had a good time... thanks for doing it again zac!
07-29-2007, 05:16 PM
OMG the burgers were REALLY good... and i'm not just saying that i mean they tasted excellent! get that kind again for when ever we do something like this.
Yeah first thing i said after scott took off is "Where is Zac! Please tell me he got a picture of that!!!!"
then i cried because he didnt... .but its ok i lived it.... so i will remember.
07-29-2007, 05:50 PM
I've gotten a lot of good comments about the burgers. FYI for any of you who want to try them at home, I got them at Sams Club. I forget the brand, but they were 1/3 pound burgers. I almost got the 1/2 pound burgers but I wasn't sure if people would like burgers that big (even though I love big burgers).
I will find out the brand name and will write that down for next year. I also thought they were particularly awesome.
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