View Full Version : Buying a Motorcyle... suggestions?
07-08-2007, 08:16 PM
Well my dad bought a Harley about a month ago (after about 20 years since he last owned one) and now he's got me wanting a motorcycle. He's already got me signed up for the kirkwood class in August and now I just need a bike.
Here are my limits:
-Looking for a cruiser, not a sport bike (crotch rockets need not apply)
-Looking to spend under $6,000
I would prefer to buy something brand new, though I will entertain used bike offers. I'm a pretty big guy (6'2 and 215 pounds) so I'd like to have something that is at least 500cc.
Right now the Kawasaki Vulcan 500CC bike is looking pretty nice to me. The 2007 versions are under $6,000 and are fairly sharp looking: 00JPMQ841R0&veh=37774&CatDesc=Motorcycles
Does anyone know anything about cruisers? The Honda Shadow is not bad at all either.
07-08-2007, 08:42 PM
if youre interested in learning how bikes work and how to work on them, my grandpa has an older Yamaha thats been sitting in storage for years. im pretty sure that its around 750cc. i dont think he would want more than $200 for it. if youre interested, i can ask him about it.
07-08-2007, 10:06 PM
Thanks for the offer Dustin but I think I'm probably going to be getting the bike pretty soon anyways so that I can learn some basics before I have to take that class.
Already, since making my last post I have realized how cheap a bike is when you're talking about 5-7 year loans so now I'm actually looking at a bigger bike. Now I'd like at least a mid-sized bike. Shooting for more like 650-900cc and anything under $9,000.
07-08-2007, 10:24 PM
There are two types of bikers...
Ones that have dumped their bikes, and ones that soon will.
Learn on a cheap one if you can... but dustin i sent ya a pm about that.
07-09-2007, 09:05 AM
^ Well that's what they told me about cars when I started driving when I was 16. No crashes yet! hah. But I will heed your advice my friend.
These bikes I'm looking at actually are cheap. If I really wanted I could go out and get a $16,000 Harley Sportster or something and then be in some deep doo doo if I dump it. Plus i'll have full coverage insurance on whatever I end up getting.
Here I'll post up some pictures of the types of bikes I'm looking into now. Ignore the picture on the first post, I think that one may be too small for me.
This one is a Kawasaki Vulcan 900 Classic
The Suzuki Boulevard C50-C
The Yamaha V-Star Classic
These have bigger engines, and are bigger bikes that would probably fit me better. The Vulcan 900 is probably my favorite of the bunch, but They also make low-end Harleys that are in my price range as well, so we'll just see when I go look at them.
Ash and I found out that with financing, I can get payments down to like $150/month on a $7,000 loan which is not a big deal at all. So these bikes are very much in the inexpensive/affordable range.
Now I just need to find some friends who are licensed already so when I get my bike and my permit I can putt around with them for a few weeks until I take that class and go get my license.
07-09-2007, 11:24 AM
honestly zac, your size. your better off going with something bigger....the 500 thru 750 are normally a smaller frame....750 to 1000 is a medium frame then 1000 and up is the large frame. i think youd be really comfortable on a medium sized bike..there longer than the 500 you were talking about earlier, so u can kick out a litle bit more, and space is everything if you want to be comfortabe on a bike...check out the dimensions of these bikes. paying close attention to the seat height and distance from the seat to the foot pegs, try to shoot for the one that has the biggest distance between the seat and the pegs, which is just like more leg room in a car...u dont wanna ride a bike like its a mini bike with the ungoldly bent leg all the time, cuz thats never comfortable....but good luck on getting one man
07-09-2007, 12:09 PM
Thanks for the advice Luminator, and I think you're exactly right. Being another tall M.F. like me you can understand my dilemma.
My dad and I are probably going to go out to Iowa City to that bike/atv place where I've posted all these pictures from this week. I obviously can't test drive them but I can sit in them and get a feel for it, and let my dad test-drive it.
I like the Kawasaki Vulcan 900 the best so far. Taking the length into consideration, that one is 97 inches long, which is a good 6 or 7 inches longer than the 500cc models.
I'm a firm believer in doing things right. If you're going to spend a lot of money on something, get something you know you're going to enjoy and something you'll take pride in. That's why I've bumped up my price range into the $8,000's if needed.
07-09-2007, 03:32 PM
ebay and are both good places to find deals. My uncle goes through more bikes than anyone I know and usually pics them up off He tries to get me to buy the good deals he finds but my aunt won't let him aquire. Tried to get me to pick up a V45 Interceptor last week, for $800.
I consider them a cross-over style bike, sporty but with a relaxed riding position. Probably what I'll be looking for in my next bike.
Here's a good deal, will probably run forever and half your budget: ... 0135427241 ( em290135427241)
And finally, here's what my bike looked like when i bought it:
what it looks like now:
and what I hope it will llook like soon:
07-10-2007, 01:43 PM
Update time:
Went out to a few places today to look at some bikes, but it seems the solution may have been in my own backyard (so to speak). I went out to Iowa City and looked at a couple places and then found one bike in particular that I liked right here at the Harley/Suzuki place in CR by the old target.
It's the Suzuki Boulevard M50. 800cc's so just enough to keep up with the big bikes but not so much that it's going to get me into trouble, plus the bike itself is amazing. I have a picture below, but until you see it in person you haven't seen it yet. I've seen pictures of it and it just never meant near as much until I saw it in person among all the other bikes... it stands out a lot.
I haven't completely decided yet but this is definitely the front-runner. I'm getting pre-approved for the loan as we speak.
07-10-2007, 04:54 PM
New Update, same day.
I'll be getting the bike on Thursday... well I'll be filling out paperwork and they'll be getting the bike ready for me on Thursday. I managed to find some pictures of the exact bike, same color and all. Anyway again it's a 2007 Suzuki Boulevard M50 Deep Blue color.
*edit* The first picture below is the same color/same bike but the one i'm getting does have a back seat and eventually I'll be getting the backrest like in the 2nd picture.
07-16-2007, 12:09 AM
so when we starting our little biker gang buddy? def. have to go riding together a bunch dont have too many people to ride with
07-16-2007, 12:11 AM
You know i'm always down to ride. anytime you want. I'll show up at Leos this wednesday night if they don't change my schedule at work and we can talk about it. Until I get my license though you'll have to drive out and get me.
lil krumm
07-16-2007, 12:30 AM
Zac why dont you have your wheels on the cavy?
07-16-2007, 02:19 PM
Long story.... well not really that long I guess. I refuse to put my rims on when my front bumper is all smashed up.
I have the replacement bumper but have been too broke all summer to get it done. Okay... well not exactly broke, but very unmotivated to get my car fixed. The A/C also doesn't work right now due to a refrigerant leak. So my car is basically a mess right now. I'll probably just get it fixed over the winter and come back strong next summer. In which case, at least I'll know I've got a set of wheels in the garage with 75% tread.
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