View Full Version : For Sale : Kicker car audio
06-24-2007, 11:09 PM
i have some kicker audio stuff for sale....i have an amp, subs,sub box, all wiring, and a cap...the amp is a kicker impulse series ix-1302. works fine, pounds with these subs. has a few scratches, but doesnt affect its performance at all. the subs are kicker comp vr's that are 12inch. no scratches or ripped foam or seals pound great. no distortion. have a huge box for them. id like to get 225 or best offer for this stuff. lemme know
also my friend has some rockford fosgate 12's hx2 series. with box also....he wants 150 or best offer for these...he has them hooked up to a jl audio 1000/1 amp and these things pound. take alot of abuse and keep on thumping
06-25-2007, 04:51 PM
i need some subs and an amp ask ur friend if he would sell the amp 2. if not i want yours but would u come down a litle let me know.
06-25-2007, 07:24 PM
uh, im buying his amp, he wants 550 for the jl so yeah.....what do u think is a good price for the kicker stuff? i said best offer...lemme know
06-25-2007, 10:10 PM
id give ya $50 for it shipped.
06-26-2007, 06:54 AM
50 shipped for what? A sub, A box? what?
06-26-2007, 09:08 AM
a amp. my bad. their i go thinking you can see what im thinking.
06-26-2007, 10:42 AM
that kicker stuff is old school at least 4 years old comp vr's havent looked like that for a while. even then its some good shit as long as its in good shape. comp VR's are some of my favortie speakers they will take some serious power. think double the max power
06-27-2007, 12:23 PM
i will give u $175 or $200 for your kicker stuff
07-11-2007, 07:03 AM
amp is sold...still have subs and boxes
07-12-2007, 06:18 PM
how much 4 the subs
07-12-2007, 08:16 PM
which subs??
07-13-2007, 05:38 PM
OK, correction...i have the kicker amp i can sell as a complete kicker set again
07-17-2007, 06:50 AM
and u wanted how much for that again
07-17-2007, 07:46 AM
225 or best offer
07-19-2007, 08:37 AM
ok if u can hold them till next friday thats when i get paid and ill give u $175 what do u think
07-19-2007, 12:50 PM
i think if they sell before then im selling not gonna hold my breath. cuz people have asked me to hold stuff and have backed out on me im considering this a bump
07-24-2007, 07:42 AM
if u can u can if u cant then dont i mean fuck im haveing a bad mounth i lost my best friend again and people suck so if u dont want to hold the then dont
07-24-2007, 02:22 PM
so this is gonna be my fault somehow now? cuz youre having abad month? hmm cute sympathy story......bump
07-24-2007, 04:18 PM
IM still stickin with $50 for an reliable too :)
just lemme know
peace dawg.
07-24-2007, 04:58 PM
id sell the amp, but dont wanna be stuck with subs i cant sell
07-24-2007, 10:11 PM
im just sayin. doesnt sell. can gimme a ringle.
08-15-2007, 03:11 PM
bump!! still got it all
08-25-2007, 01:39 AM
bump.....someones gotta want some bump in their trunk
09-02-2007, 12:08 PM
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