View Full Version : racing for money
04-14-2007, 02:04 AM
Anyone want to do this? I'm looking to take everything to a track. Let me know what car you have and the $$$ amount you'd like to bet if I could find you a suitable competitor. I'm trying to play grand fucking facilitator between CRU, streetpsi (everyone knows no-one can get more ass and talk better shit than us), and MSCA (the silent but supposedly existing racing crew). Lets get this open for discussion. Think of it as a conversation starter or food for thought.
04-14-2007, 02:08 AM
Oh and by saying "looking to take this to a track" I mean that would be the best possible scenario. I realize this isn't always possible and most of us would love to not get arrested but this option isn't always available. If and I mean hopefully a non-sanctioned track event were to not take place there will be minimal spectators rule and certainly a code of conduct to be followed. We want real racing, no innocent by-standards, no bullshit immature thrills and a hopefully controlled invironment (I realize this isn't 100% possible on the street but lets keep things safe please) If you have no street credibility go fuck yourself until one of us guys (i'm not actually a certified member ( ihave no 11 sec time slip)) techs your cars and more importantly your personality. I'm looking for no problems, no bullshit, lock stuff in ( i realize travis and I had a race locked and I offered to pay him but my excuse was just too damn fucking hilarious) type of actual racing. Let me or any of my friends at streetpsi or any of the MSCA guys know what's going on and we'll contact you. Post here if you're interested... oh, and vic... you old bastard, what ever happened to finding god?
04-14-2007, 09:46 AM
im not much for racing for money, but i'll let you know if my morals change. good luck with the search
04-14-2007, 10:34 AM
on the other hand, if we get the T-23 roadster done this summer then i know we'll be dragging that out. But i have no financial control over when that car gets finished or not.
04-14-2007, 05:25 PM
If you have no street credibility go fuck yourself until one of us guys (i'm not actually a certified member ( ihave no 11 sec time slip)) techs your cars and more importantly your personality.
Shit I have neither an 11 second timeslip or street cred. So I'm out. I ran a 12.22 though does that count?
04-15-2007, 10:49 AM
I'm a little confused at you trying to peg "CR:U guys" versus "StreetPSI guys" since last I checked most of the members (and team members) over there are also members here and CR:U is not a car club or racing team. ::confused face::
We are but a website of car enthusiasts and as I said, most people over there are also members over here so I guess that would be pretty difficult to distinguish who gets to "represent" who.
Good luck though... even though I think this will create more confusion and slam-talk than racing. LoL.
04-15-2007, 11:20 PM
ive been with CR:u before any of the other sites were around and longer than 90% of the members of the site. i'd represent CR:u Zac...
04-15-2007, 11:37 PM
haha thanks dustin.
I wasn't trying to be mean or anything. But i'm just saying CR:U is not really a car "club" or a racing team or anything like that. All the MSCA guys are members here, I would assume 90-95% of streetpsi guys are on here also.
Most of the fast cars on CR:U are part of MSCA, or StreetPSI, or some other group. We're just the "hub" or whatever you want to call it. A neutral place where everyone can connect.
04-16-2007, 12:39 PM
oh and if you dont have street cred then keep your non-snowboarding a$$ off my hits and rails... i hate when betty's and skunks snake my line.
yay i start the trash talk!
04-17-2007, 09:00 AM
ill hit your rails baby
04-17-2007, 09:04 AM
lol since when are streetpsi guys so great that they get to "tech" your car and personality. That's rediculous.
04-17-2007, 09:52 AM
lol since when are streetpsi guys so great that they get to "tech" your car and personality. That's rediculous.
What the fuck are you talking about. Dumb ass!
04-17-2007, 10:24 AM
this is for real?
04-17-2007, 11:03 AM
[quote="TbTalon94";p="124727":f5b14]lol since when are streetpsi guys so great that they get to "tech" your car and personality. That's rediculous.
What the fuck are you talking about. Dumb ass![/quote:f5b14]
he's talking about when dan was running his mouth.. dan said.. ''if you have no street credibility, go fuck yourself until one of the ceritified streetpsi guys can tech your car and most importantly your personality''... or something like that.
i mean honestly.. who says that crap?
04-17-2007, 12:00 PM
people that really like themselves...idk. cant say ive heard it before.
i think what he ment was. we dont want a garbage race. tech a car with someone who can handle it and it has some power. that way no kids come out to play.
04-17-2007, 12:42 PM
lol... I don't know who's certified to tech anyone's personaility but I don't think they exist anywhere on StreetPSI or CR:U.
The "personality" i've been seeing lately coming from either "side" is nothing I want for myself.
But I do agree with trevor with what he was trying to say. Let's let you streetPSI guys get through your first summer of racing together before you start coming up in here saying that you're respectable or that you're better than everyone else.
That's the kind of attitude that makes people NOT respect you.
04-17-2007, 01:30 PM
Imo we need to look at the post time and figure it out. Bars close 2:00 am go figure. Of course we as a car group don't want ppl doing stupid crap. I can't speak for streetpsi or others but I would think if a 16 sec car wants to put down $, a 11 sec car guy would take them up on the offer. Some of us domestic guys got together had a lil fun last sat. No big deal, no foul, testing out stuff.
04-17-2007, 01:47 PM
Imo we need to look at the post time and figure it out.
That's funny, but it makes sense. lol. The times are off on the forums a little bit. His post would have still been made at like 3am.
If it was just a drunk post, that's cool, but I'm just saying that I think when people start running around thinking their shit don't stink is when people start to lose respect for their whole group.
Having run this website for over 3 years now I can tell you first-hand that just one or two bad eggs can ruin the reputation of any group. And once your group's reputation is ruined you have to work hard for years to gain your respect back and you'll be lucky if you ever do.
Go talk to any older guys, like guys from the cedar valley hot rods group.... the guys in cedar rapids that I really respect because they've got enough class to enjoy their own hobby and not turn it into a shit-fling-fest and ask them what they think about CR:U or (if they've heard of them) StreetPSI. 9/10 of them will tell you "punk ass street racers."
So take it from my mouth. Your reputation is built on what you do in the beginning of your existance. Screw it up from the beginning and nobody will ever respect ya.
I know it sounds like a lecture but I'm just trying to help out. THe first post in this topic could have said "Hey guys I was doing some thinking tonight and I know a lot of guys with decent cars and I know there are a lot of other people with decent cars out there so if you're looking for a money race, let me know and I'll try and find someone to match you."
04-17-2007, 06:23 PM
Personally I want a piece of the Urban Legend. Urban Legend 1 and Urban legend 2 can have a showdown this summer. Loser buys lunch. As for anyone Teching my car except a track official that is a way big no-no. Oh and I want a piece of George too... Ahh who knows its all about cruising and having some fun. Maybe making a little dough in the process. PS- Anyone have access to a tubing expander?
04-17-2007, 07:41 PM
professional muffler can do that for ya Jock.
04-17-2007, 11:13 PM
Go talk to any older guys, like guys from the cedar valley hot rods group....
Well I do, several of their members work where I do. They say Quote "It's a time bomb ready to go off." What that means if it isn't a old sbc running n/a it will blow up. They drag their stuff to the track and run mid 12's. They have somewhat caught on with stroker motors and alum heads. Nothing wrong with that but geeze this is 2007. I put down a challenge to them last year and first run I beat their cars with a heavy d/d. I am not talking all cedar valley group just a few. They are good guys yet they build motors and run the same. Whatever makes you happy I suppose.
I have learned a lot hanging around these dsm guys w turbos seen what they do etc. Same with the camaro guys. I don't like all ppl all the time, some of the time or none of the time. Good and bad in everything. I do not have the time nor real desire to start up some website, I leave that to others. If I can listen and contribute a lil, ok good enough.
Same with any mod here, it is your site, they contribute in whatever way they can. Up to you to call the shots. I was asked to mod domestic nothing more nor less. I would like for it to succeed, if nothing else another way to meet up and learn about other ppls cars. I will be doing the same old stuff as my time is limited. You want to do something call or pm me, work out the details here or there.
04-19-2007, 01:45 PM
I tottally do not agree with your statement, and i escpecially can not belive that came out of your mouth after some of our converstions. You yourslef know we are not "Punk ass street racers" "STREETPSI" Consists of about 4 to 6 actuall racing members. We build our shit and race and help eachother out to do good as a group. We are not in any way PUNK ass's.. Jesse is a great guy and a awsome tuner, and allso a great friend that i am honored to be friends with. Buck is allso another friend of ours who is a awsome wrench and knows his shit. Brent (Slo4cyl) is another that knows his shit. I have learned allot from them guys and learned a ton about racing, and cars from my own father. I remember when i first started actually getting into the car seen. I grew up watching my dad race motorcycles weekand after weekand on the track and street all over the U.S. I remember it took me awhile to gain respect from Jesse and others, but we have worked threw our problems and now are a great group of friends that share the love for cars and just help eachother out allong the way. We build together, tune together and race together. Your right, there might be some "PUNK ASS" Street Racers on that forum, but STREETPSI as a whole does not follow in that catagory. You dont see us out ever night of the week racing on the side streets of CR. This will be our second summer out racing.. We have gained some close friends threw this and a big example would be Rob. I hope you rethink your thoughts and understand my view points..
04-19-2007, 03:32 PM
^ George, You're going to have to re-read my posts buddy. That's what people think about CR:U. I've already heard it come out of their mouths.
I don't think I ever said that's how I feel about streetpsi. But that is most definitely how most older car guys feel about CR:U. They think we're a bunch of punk kids.
Remember how we used to to the car shows out at BBops? Well shortly after that stopped I got an email from a gentleman from a thunderbird club in the area (I think it was thunderbirds). The letter basically said "Thanks to Cedar Rapids Underground, we can no longer hold the car shows at BBops. Because of you stupid kids running around doing burnouts in the parking lot and leaving trash everywhere, that is why we can't do the shows there anymore. Do us all a favor and keep all your kids away from the car shows from now on and find the culprits ASAP and issue an apology letter to the owner of that parking lot so that we can start having shows there again."
So my whole point is, they saw a bunch of kids doing burnouts in the parking lot and thought to themselves "There goes one of those punk CRunderground kids "when I guarantee any individuals doing that shit probably weren't affiliated with us at all.
So again, I think you misunderstood my posts. I don't think I said anything more than the fact that you should be concerned about guys representing your racing team (whether he is in it or not, he was representing it) making posts like the first one in that topic, because as I just demonstrated with my email from the t-bird club member, you have to answer for stuff like that. Just like dozens of time's I have had people tell me they saw "one of my guys" doing something stupid on first avenue. I ask them how they know it's a CR:U member and they say "Because it was a kid driving around in a 4banger doing stupid shit."
No worries George... but you should re-read that stuff man.
04-19-2007, 04:02 PM
i saw more really old guys doin smoke shows than kids. they were old guys without a care in the world. Should make it a point sometime to be the grand organizer of some event with cru shit all over.
and george, chill. just chill, you take everything to personally. oh, and update your browser, spell check is standard these days.
04-19-2007, 04:40 PM
Just gotta read thoroughly. I understand that my posts are long sometimes but that's all the more reason to read them twice. Skimming doesn't work when you're reading my posts because 9 times out of 10 you're going to get the wrong information.
04-20-2007, 08:23 PM
Just gotta read thoroughly. I understand that my posts are long sometimes but that's all the more reason to read them twice. Skimming doesn't work when you're reading my posts because 9 times out of 10 you're going to get the wrong information.
You need to put footnotes at the end or something because some of us (probably just me) dont have the attention span for that when work is supposed to be getting done. :rolleyes:
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