View Full Version : Give me a Gun: most hated family in america!!
04-04-2007, 07:34 PM
these people make me sick!!! watch video... but man I wish I had a gun to shot this lady and her damn family.
04-04-2007, 08:22 PM
her veiws on homosexuality is one thing, but to deface a soldiers funeral and to claim her familys actions are an act of god...
I Wish i could see that bitches face when she takes her first step into hell.
Brings to mind that gun they had on future weapons that could hit a 18" wide target at over 2 miles away.
It'll be funny when she sees one of her "little girls" lezzin out all over the net :bigthumb:
04-04-2007, 08:51 PM
my sounds not working. could someone elaborate...
04-04-2007, 09:11 PM
I hate homosexuality. and against all homosexuality. But most of their views are out there and to far. "God hates USA"??? God loves everyone not hates anyone. So they suck and are the devil.
04-04-2007, 09:24 PM
i agree.
04-04-2007, 11:13 PM
oh god let's hope zac doesn't watch this video, he'll be pissed off for a week.. lol
04-05-2007, 02:15 AM
Words cant express my hate for them defacing a fellow service members funeral.
Before i get to ticked off, does anyone else want to stick it in the half way decent looking daughter just to piss off mommy? :bigthumb:
04-05-2007, 06:43 AM
[quote="CROWN";p="124038"]I hate homosexuality. and against all homosexuality. [quote]
Well i find that hard to believe...
I am not "against" homosexuality, i do think it is wrong! HOWEVER i cannot honestly say i havent/wouldnt watch a couple chicks do their thing. I dont know any guy who wouldnt have a threesome with a couple hot chicks either. So for me to say i am "against" all kinds of homosexuality would just make me a hipocrit (sp?) While i believe it is wrong and a sin, Jesus did die for our sins so...
04-05-2007, 07:11 AM
well most real lesbians are ugly as fuck. Having a threesome with two chicks doesn't mean their lesbians, They could be bi, or just drunk and have no clue who each other are but just wanna have fun? But most real lesbian that go off and get married are ugly as fuck. and two guy's together is just...not suppose to happen lol. BUT we should accept everyone. and not do what that family does. Homosexuality is a sin, but you arn't suppose to hate it you should try and change their views. and help not hate. So I guess I don't HATE but dislike and think it shoudln't be here, two guys can't reproduce.
04-05-2007, 11:27 AM
Ya, um, I think i will hold my aggressive comments to myself.
04-05-2007, 11:31 AM
I own the domain name "" (WBC standing for westboro baptist church) but I haven't decided yet what I'm going to do with it.
I bought it quite a while back when I watched a few videos about these idiots and their impressive brainwashing skills (though it only seems to work on their inbred family).
Any ideas? I bet I could probably get a few bucks for it on ebay as well. lol
04-05-2007, 12:39 PM
judging, hating, etc are sins. They are hypocritical mislead people who need our help. Feel bad for them, don't get mad; as hard as it is not to. If you yell back at them its just as bad (as hard as it is to believe).
04-05-2007, 06:55 PM
its one thing to hate gays and all that.. i mean thats one of the biggest things now days with some christians who disapprove of gays... but this lady is so F**KING stupid... gays eat poop, and then he asks her where in the bible does it say god hates gays and shes like its do not commit adultery... she makes it seem like all men who are married are gay and have sex with men. But the part that really got to me was the part where they go to dead service memebers funerals. I actually was on Funeral honors where I had to do the 21 gun salute and carry the casket. In our van we actually had live Ammo just incase some dumbass like these people try to do something stupid. There is a biker gang who show up to sevice members funerals and post guard outside to stop any stupid people from attacking or anything, which is kinda cool.
04-05-2007, 09:35 PM
where are all the mother-murdering, church dwelling, psychopathic serial killers when you actually need them? maybe her father, Gramps, molested her when she was young to make her believe all this bull shit and he is all knowing and what not.
the best part to me is how when people ask her how sher can believe all of this, all she can do is tell the other people what is wrong with them in an attempt to avoid the simple and direct question. i would love to argue with her over a glass of booze....
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