View Full Version : w00t, found out when I'm going to Field Training this summer
04-03-2007, 01:26 PM
I found out today I'm going to Ellsworth Air Force Base for Field Training this summer. 23 May 2007 - 21 Jun 2007. Great, I arrive on my 20th birthday. Only me, my roommate, and one other cadet is going to E1 this summer, and only one is going to E2. The rest of the other cadets in my class are going to Maxwell.
So it's nice to know what, where, and when I'm doing stuff this summer.
04-03-2007, 03:33 PM
field training? what does that entail? land nav, survival, sheit like that? I cant imagine them working you through like an assault course live fire or something.
04-03-2007, 03:41 PM
Its the airforce... prob nothing dangerous... j/k I just got back from some field training at Ft richardson/elmendorf Airforcebase.. it was pretty fun. I got a humvee stuck in 5 feet of snow.
04-03-2007, 03:44 PM
^ i want them to start selling the D-comed HMMWVs so that i can buy a REAL one, and not some BS H1 H2 or POS H3. re do the interior, and park that bitch on top of ricers.
04-03-2007, 04:42 PM
arent the real Humvees almost as wide as most lanes in the streets?
04-03-2007, 06:43 PM
I guess Force Shaping is working too well. There are 200 free beds this summer. Usually it's a pretty big competition to get a Field Training slot.
I don't know quite what is going to happen there. But I'm pretty sure I'll come back a slightly different person.
04-03-2007, 07:00 PM
U dont want a M998 HMMWV (humvee) they are the biggest POS ever!! Im a 63B (all wheel mechanic) and my unit has 25 HMMWV's and so far 13 are all down for Maintenance. we just lost one due to black ice on the highway. it hit the ice and the driver over comped and ended up flipping it 4 times. In Iraq the up armored ones are known for flipping real easy. When I was in iraq a buddy of mine was on the turrent manning the .50cal and they where going slow turning into the gate and some how flipped and crushed my friends arms (he lost them) anyhow... just my personal experience's with them.
We have a military surplus Hummer. Use it on cross country jobs. Thing will go anywhere......when it runs. It's a piece of crap. It's been seriously abused since we got it. Had it for 3 or 4 years now.
04-03-2007, 10:16 PM
Either we had one sweet humvee in my unit since it never broke down or we actually took care of it and did proper PMCS. (we were a trans company so we only had the one, rest of our equipment consisted of 5 tons and 915's)
Would love to have one myself too, loved driving that thing up to camp dodge even though i was supposed to drive either the 915 or 5 ton. And to roll one takes alot from my experience anyway.
Back to the subject though, where is Ellsworth? It sounds so familiar but i cant place it.
04-04-2007, 06:45 AM
South Dakota
04-04-2007, 07:36 AM
the old series M998s did have shiet engines... the new M998echo series we never had problems with... and i was with a 4th echolon maintenance unit, so we would see EVERYTHING that happened to these things.
oh and Dustin the military version rides both lines when its driving on a civilian street. If i could park it perfectly in a parking spot at the mall... i wouldnt be able to opent he tiny doors.
04-05-2007, 11:33 PM
hahahaha, with all this Humvee talk, i just had to post this:
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