View Full Version : 96 Eclipse GST guy
03-30-2007, 07:15 PM
I'm waiting for our next race. Let me know if you're still up to it. I don't have much else done to my car since the last time....
Let's RACE.
03-30-2007, 09:53 PM
I am definately up for it, I just need it to warm up or get a fuel pump, etc. I am getting fuel cut quite often. Let me get it all squared away and we will definately have a go at it.
03-30-2007, 10:45 PM
Andrew will lose, I could beat him in my car.
:butthead: jk
03-31-2007, 01:32 PM
Not if I have anything to do with it :)
03-31-2007, 02:05 PM
makes me want to go tag team andrews car lol. i think we could colloaborate some badass parts.
03-31-2007, 08:52 PM
I am definately up for it, I just need it to warm up or get a fuel pump, etc. I am getting fuel cut quite often. Let me get it all squared away and we will definately have a go at it.
Not a problem at all man. Get it running right, and we can go at it. I'd like to get a set of upgraded fuel injectors myself, along with the Coil-Overs.
04-01-2007, 09:03 PM
Doesn't it suck to wish you could get a few more things but you just don't have the extra cash to buy them. It would be nice if the weather would warm up and STAY warm.
04-01-2007, 09:56 PM
[quote="96-eclipse-gst";p="123651":7989c]I am definately up for it, I just need it to warm up or get a fuel pump, etc. I am getting fuel cut quite often. Let me get it all squared away and we will definately have a go at it.
Not a problem at all man. Get it running right, and we can go at it. I'd like to get a set of upgraded fuel injectors myself, along with the Coil-Overs.[/quote:7989c]
i have a 95 gst for my DD, next time i have that in town cruzin i'd give you a run.
04-01-2007, 10:10 PM
Don't listen to him, he makes you his friend and then just leaves you on the expressway with nothing but a roll of quarters. Brent, I thought we shared something on the beach that night. HOW COULD YOU!!! (its from a movie.....) nice to see your still alive Brent, make sure you come down a few times this summer.
04-01-2007, 10:14 PM
Don't listen to him, he makes you his friend and then just leaves you on the expressway with nothing but a roll of quarters. Brent, I thought we shared something on the beach that night. HOW COULD YOU!!! (its from a movie.....) nice to see your still alive Brent, make sure you come down a few times this summer.
yeah im still kicking, i should be down quite a few times this summer. sears had me burnt out last summer but im done with that shit so its on like donkey kong! lol :BURNOUT:
04-02-2007, 07:55 AM
just don't get to caught up in that "streetpsi" stuff...
lol haha
04-02-2007, 01:06 PM
you guys make me glad i have RWD; i cant imagine trying to race with any kind of power with FWD. bleh doesnt sound fun at all
04-02-2007, 02:43 PM
spinning on the highway at like 65....yea not fun at all
04-02-2007, 03:15 PM
its not even cool to spin your tires when fwd, people thats gay. any rwd smoke show is much cooler. awd more so
04-02-2007, 04:24 PM
Yea I'm getting very upset over working at Sears, its actually like dragging my mood and demeanor down. I know I've said Im gonna quit but i honestly think the time has come for Sears and I to part ways. Its sad cuz alot of the guys I work with respect me and they personally came up to me and told me "If you leave, I'm coming with you" Nice to know that I have left a mark and they respect me for it.
04-02-2007, 06:18 PM
I'll still love you if you leave Andrew. jk, but yeah do what you have to do man.
Just make sure you have another job lined up before you quit, it sucks to be without work.
04-02-2007, 09:41 PM
^ yes it sucks to go without a paychecks, that is why i'm glad i had a second job.
04-03-2007, 10:09 AM
you guys make me glad i have RWD; i cant imagine trying to race with any kind of power with FWD. bleh doesnt sound fun at all
It takes talent. I've launched faster than alot of RWD and AWD cars out there. Like a Mitsubishi 3000GT VR4, with a m6, and AWD. I launched massively against him. I got a 1.9 60ft and he got a 2.4. Then I go up against a Camaro, who gets a 2.2 60 ft and I get a 2.0....(even though he still whooped me in the 1/4 I beat him off the line.)
It takes even more talent when you're on the streets. Cold pavement, and cheap street tires...just don't mix.
04-03-2007, 10:43 AM
haha they had a 2.2 and a 2.4
that is hardly indicative of the 60 ft for most RWD and AWD cars
04-03-2007, 12:35 PM
2.4 60ft is rediculous for an awd car. Those people obviously cannot drive.
I was pulling 1.6-1.7 60ft times with my 1g dsm on 17" rims and street tires. When you can pull that with your FWD car...then your out launching rwd and awd cars.
04-03-2007, 02:06 PM
2.4 60ft is rediculous for an awd car. Those people obviously cannot drive.
I was pulling 1.6-1.7 60ft times with my 1g dsm on 17" rims and street tires. When you can pull that with your FWD car...then your out launching rwd and awd cars.
they can't drive or have a set of junk tires, or a nasty combination of the 2.
04-03-2007, 05:46 PM
Those types of 60 ft's with a FWD is almost impossible without Slicks. I can pull 1.9's with Drag Radials, and the best I've done with street tires is 2.0. It's extremely hard to launch a FWD car.
Check out, (you'll have to register to see it) but I have the #1 slot on the 60 ft top ten, with a 1.910.
I think the world record holder for these cars has a 1.4, with huge ass slicks.
04-03-2007, 10:13 PM
then how can you say you launch better than alot of awd and rwd cars
04-04-2007, 07:54 AM
When i raced my fwd Talon, i raced against a CRX running low 13's that didn't have slicks and he was banging 1.8 60ft times all day long. Tires play a big part, but there are plenty of other factors that go into it.
04-04-2007, 08:44 AM
yea, i bet my pos civic would pull amazing 60ft times. no power, good traction and its an auto. it wont spin the tires no matter how hard you try. so i could pull killer 60 ft times, and still run a 20 in the 1/4.
04-04-2007, 05:59 PM
yea, i bet my pos civic would pull amazing 60ft times. no power, good traction and its an auto. it wont spin the tires no matter how hard you try. so i could pull killer 60 ft times, and still run a 20 in the 1/4.
LOL That's a good point.
But seriously. When are we going to race?
04-04-2007, 08:22 PM
when you see this hotness rollin down the road....obviously a joke
but seriously no idea.
andrew, this weekend.
04-04-2007, 09:30 PM
If the weather is nice, we can try for this weekend. It sounds like I will be getting a few goodies here in the next week or two. Then we can always run again.
04-16-2007, 08:38 AM
I got your cell phone #. I have to work all this upcoming weekend, 21st & 22nd. 6a-6p, so anytime after that we'd probably be golden.
What all do you have done to that thing now?
04-16-2007, 10:07 AM
got a dip stick mod, so it shoots out and sprays the engine with oil. and a hair dryer to replace the t25. put a big grill on it and fart can.
think i got it all.
04-16-2007, 01:02 PM
got a dip stick mod, so it shoots out and sprays the engine with oil. and a hair dryer to replace the t25. put a big grill on it and fart can.
think i got it all.
LOL. I added an electric supercharger and the tornado! ;)
04-21-2007, 05:50 AM
Hey Andrew, I got your voicemail this man I wouldn't of been able to hop out there last night, I was drunk, and I had to work this morning at 6:00. :(
Sunday night, or monday night I might be game though. We'll see how my fuel pressure holds up. I just ordered a new Walbro fuel pump, and a high flow fuel filter, so I'm hoping my fuel pressure goes up.
I'm supposed to be seeing 64 psi fuel pressure at WOT, and I see 60......
04-22-2007, 09:58 PM
not good. just wait for new parts. lol you both need more fuel.
04-23-2007, 08:34 AM
not good. just wait for new parts. lol you both need more fuel.
Yeah no kidding.
04-25-2007, 02:38 PM
I am getting ready to put an evo 3 16g on with a 38 mm external gate. Trevor graciously ported her out for me so that way I hopefully wont see the boost creep he was seeing. Then its time for a pump and to put my fuel pressure regulator on. Then maybe I might have a few other goodies too.
04-25-2007, 03:14 PM
I am getting ready to put an evo 3 16g on with a 38 mm external gate. Trevor graciously ported her out for me so that way I hopefully wont see the boost creep he was seeing. Then its time for a pump and to put my fuel pressure regulator on. Then maybe I might have a few other goodies too.
What times do you think you'll be running with that setup?
04-25-2007, 08:05 PM
Depending on fuel control, the tune i give him, how he launches, and other contributing factors...i'm guessing high 12's on moderate boost levels. Should run pretty good. I'm interested to see how the evo16g will do on the auto trans.
04-25-2007, 08:20 PM
im guessing 13.5.
andrew, may wanna do the fuel before the turbo...
04-26-2007, 08:31 AM
If he gets atleast 550's, a pump, fpr, and i give him a good tune. 13.5's would be a serious dissapointment. People run that with just exhaust, bov, intake and afc.
04-26-2007, 09:41 AM
i would think he would be at or under 300whp witch would be very very hard for a auto FWD to go 12's I would say 13.5's as well at prob like 104mph or something like that.
04-26-2007, 10:18 AM
he needs to fix the fuel cut. that shit scared me when it started to pop while we were racing. i thought he blew his engine cuz i heard poping and saw A LOT of smoke. i hope he gets the bugs worked out
04-26-2007, 10:28 AM
i would think he would be at or under 300whp witch would be very very hard for a auto FWD to go 12's I would say 13.5's as well at prob like 104mph or something like that.
have faith
*edit* - plus we have other plans for his car then just the 16g. Are you trying to tell me the 16g isn't capable of getting an auto gs-t into the 12's? Remind you I said high 12's, I'm talkin 12.8-12.9 here lol.
04-26-2007, 01:51 PM
im not saying not just sayin i bet it runs 13.5's. This weekend if i can find the time hopefully i can come fiddle with it with you guys.
drop the garbage we did on you and brads rides, and get that blow by figured out.
04-26-2007, 03:50 PM
I think he needs some more ventilation for some reason, or his HG is leaking. Either way something is going to change with that head he has on it.
04-26-2007, 06:39 PM
[quote="red04evo";p="125448":e6a7f]i would think he would be at or under 300whp witch would be very very hard for a auto FWD to go 12's I would say 13.5's as well at prob like 104mph or something like that.
have faith
*edit* - plus we have other plans for his car then just the 16g. Are you trying to tell me the 16g isn't capable of getting an auto gs-t into the 12's? Remind you I said high 12's, I'm talkin 12.8-12.9 here lol.[/quote:e6a7f]
not saying its not possible, but with a 16G AFC front mount and 20< psi its not going to happen. maybe some cams, some DR's and a 1.6 or better 60ft. and a stall converter but then its iffy. If your looking on DSM times for guys that have done it. chances are they wanted a record so they gutted the car down to light as possible. 90% thats the case. Same goes for ALOT of the DSM records with 14b 16G 20G green, red, 3065 exc... all came from cars that were gutted and were cut up to save weight..
04-27-2007, 08:12 AM
Can't really find to many auto times anywhere lol. I'm not saying I'm positive it will go 12's, that would just be the goal for his car I guess you could say. In reality it will probably run mid-low 13's with a trap speed capable of 12's if he got a better launch. Who knows though. I've seen full weight 1g's run high 11's with an evo16g. Some people making 350-400whp with them. He needs more done then just 16g, afc, fmic obviously. I didn't say he would just throw on the turbo and go run 12's.
04-27-2007, 10:48 AM
ya i know, but with my evo on stock turbo with 272's utec ecu most i put down was 340whp at 19psi, they are geting 400whp on race gas out of evo's stock turbos, even more with the evo 9's its really posible just the auto FWD thing is what will hurt, you lose more to the wheels with a auto but its only a FWD auto....mad props if it goes 12.XX though!
04-27-2007, 11:28 AM
They are a hell of a lot easier to launch than 5 spd FWD's. I can keep it from spinning for the most part. When i've driven a few of my friends 5 spd GST's they spin so easily. But we will see what it does. I don't really care what I run for times. I will just feel better about my car having some decent mods.
04-27-2007, 12:02 PM
yea you have a few benifits, never let off the gas, slush box gives a nice launch, and you can break boost.
04-27-2007, 03:00 PM
ya i know, but with my evo on stock turbo with 272's utec ecu most i put down was 340whp at 19psi, they are geting 400whp on race gas out of evo's stock turbos, even more with the evo 9's its really posible just the auto FWD thing is what will hurt, you lose more to the wheels with a auto but its only a FWD auto....mad props if it goes 12.XX though!
I yea I hear ya. The auto's pretty much suck big time stock. If they are built right or have a few add-ons then they do alright. It should be interesting. Atleast it will have a little advantage on top-end being FWD. To be honest I would be very suprised if it got in the 12's...but we are goin for 12.99 here!! We will see if it happens, if it does i'll let you know Jesse. I'm just kind of interested what the car will be like with the evo3 and fwd auto. He's going to need some good tires definatly lol. It'd be nice if he had DSMlink, but I guess the AFC is going to have to suffice!
04-28-2007, 08:32 PM
That's cool. How much boost are you going to be pushing with setup, Andrew? I run right at 12 psi with my supercharger.
LMK when you're ready. :D
04-29-2007, 09:26 AM
Well, right now im pretty much running off the wastegate which is 12.5 psi it doesnt seem to creep real bad. But then again I havent had much chance to play around yet. Last night my fiance brake boosted next to me so I slammed in to her and she was well up to 20 psi and I fuel cutted so I think I may see some creeping issues but we'll have to wait and see. All the fuel stuff is on the way tho, and I just missed out on some $120 denso 550cc fuel injectors...(DAMN IT)
04-29-2007, 10:08 AM
Well, right now im pretty much running off the wastegate which is 12.5 psi it doesnt seem to creep real bad. But then again I havent had much chance to play around yet. Last night my fiance brake boosted next to me so I slammed in to her and she was well up to 20 psi and I fuel cutted so I think I may see some creeping issues but we'll have to wait and see. All the fuel stuff is on the way tho, and I just missed out on some $120 denso 550cc fuel injectors...(DAMN IT)
How many lbs are those 550cc fuel injectors? I have my stock 33# fuel injectors I could sell to you, if you need those. I just upgraded to 42.5# injectors.
04-29-2007, 01:41 PM
Stocks are 450 cc for me. No idea on the poundage. I drove my car again today and I was getting up to 22 psi, took a look and found out a vacuum like popped off. Man, does it feel so much better than the 14b. Phew.
04-29-2007, 04:13 PM
Here's the specs on my stock injectors:
12.2 Ohm, 354cc @ 3 Bar (33.71 lbs/hr @ 3 Bar)
34.28 lbs/hr @ 45 psi
04-30-2007, 08:22 AM
I don't think your injectors would work in his fuel rail anyway. It also seam his stock ones would outflow yours.
04-30-2007, 09:23 AM
I don't think your injectors would work in his fuel rail anyway. It also seam his stock ones would outflow yours.
Yeah I was noticing that... They were pretty damn small. I needed to upgrade bad.
04-30-2007, 06:00 PM
how soon till you guys get your fuel in? i cant wait to see these finally run!
04-30-2007, 06:37 PM
Hopefully andrew will have his in by this weekend. We are going to the track more then should come to and see what the civic will do! lol.
05-01-2007, 06:29 AM
Hopefully andrew will have his in by this weekend. We are going to the track more then should come to and see what the civic will do! lol.
What track are you going to? I'm heading out to CFR this Saturday night with the IAWBody Club. We could line up the GTP and the GST then. It'd probably be the only way I'd race. I should have the new fuel pump in by then. I'm also getting a misfire, so I'll be replacing the plugs too. Hopefully I get all this stuff done on Thursday.
05-01-2007, 07:51 AM
Saturday night is when we are goin. CFR is the place. So you guys can maybe get lucky and line up there. Or i guess just compare times if all else fails lol.
I'm sure CF is going to be packed, and getting lined up against eachother how you want isn't probably going to happen...but you never know.
05-01-2007, 08:06 AM
Yeah, last time we went there, we waited in the staging lanes for an hour to get one run in, and then it started raining on us. I was thoroughly pissed. But If we wanted to, we could let people go around us, until we lined up next to each other, I'm sure that's not frowned upon.
05-01-2007, 09:17 AM
That would be sweet if we could get lined up together. I've been driving it around alot. Im not sure if its just me or what. It just doesnt seem faster. Maybe when I get the pump in and I can turn up the boost. It sure would be nice to finally get one of your races in there. I hope I can atleast brake boost.....and not get a 3.xx second 60 foot time.
05-01-2007, 09:39 AM
That would be sweet if we could get lined up together. I've been driving it around alot. Im not sure if its just me or what. It just doesnt seem faster. Maybe when I get the pump in and I can turn up the boost. It sure would be nice to finally get one of your races in there. I hope I can atleast brake boost.....and not get a 3.xx second 60 foot time.
Man, a 3.XX 60' time would kill your 1/4 ET. That would equate to a 15-16 second run for me. How do you launch it? FWD launching is kind of an art, you have to do it just right or else you screw up. Trust me, when I first started launching my GTP, I was getting 2.5-3.0 60 ft times. Then after practice I could get 2.0 60 ft's on street tires. Then with Drag Radials I could get 1.9's. If I heat them up better I could get 1.8's or 1.7's.
Unlike those lucky AWD bastards. 1.6's and shit on street tires....
05-01-2007, 01:15 PM
lol 1.6 on street tires and 17's :)
05-01-2007, 02:46 PM
It wasnt because I was spinning. I couldnt get my turbo to spool on the line. It should be alot better now but I still may need to get a higher stall torque converter to spool it on the line.
05-01-2007, 02:51 PM
push the brake pedal harder...
05-01-2007, 03:50 PM
lol it's gotta suck to have to hold the brake to build boost. With my 1g i could build like 16psi on a 5,500 2-step just after a few seconds. Haven't tried it on the 2g yet.
05-01-2007, 05:16 PM
do it!
05-01-2007, 09:01 PM
I did a few brake boost tests. Could only get 5 psi out of her. Wasnt creeping forward at all, I think I just need a higher stall. I'm gonna check for boost leaks and fix a few things before we go on saturday.
05-02-2007, 08:14 AM
Sounds like a plan, I'm hoping to be able to get the Fuel pump, fuel filter, and spark plugs installed tomorrow.
Then I'll be using a friend's tuner to up the timing advance at WOT while going on runs at CFR.
05-02-2007, 09:52 AM
Andrew will you have fuel by this weekend?!
05-02-2007, 01:15 PM
I will be very pissed if I dont have fuel by the weekend. It should be here and I'm also hoping to get rid of my emissions, new spark plugs couldnt hurt either.....o and an oil change.
05-02-2007, 08:37 PM
Well My Fuel Pump and everything came. I have a few maintenance things to do. Bout the only other thing that has developed, an exhaust leak.......Sucks... I tried to brake boost after work and could barely muster 3 psi. So If we cant get it fixed by this weekend, I guess I wont be reaching my full potential.
05-02-2007, 10:11 PM
if you cant find time or help, come up early. i should be able to help.
05-03-2007, 06:27 PM
Well we fixed a few MAJOR boost leaks!!! Wow does it pull SO much better. Its running real damn good. I still can't brake boost for crap but it spools pretty quick. We'll see how she does after we get done tomorrow.
05-03-2007, 06:42 PM
i gotta wait till tomorrow for more updates?! damn
05-04-2007, 07:35 AM
that's what happens when you live so fucking far away :mad:
05-04-2007, 08:11 AM
Well, we got my new Walbro Fuel Pump in, and the ZZP Fuel Filter. Throttle response is better. Wasn't able to scan it yet to see how well the injectors are working now. Should be a lot better.
Are you still able to go tomorrow night, Andrew?
05-04-2007, 03:26 PM
We will be putting in his stuff tonight. We plan on comming up tomarrow as long as weather is good. I am going to be really pissed if we drive all the way up there, pay the fee, wait in line...and it rains.
05-04-2007, 08:25 PM
just in case that happens. bring beer. may apt my be full of roomates and their shit, but we can crack skulls if theirs any bitching.
05-05-2007, 06:34 AM
We will be putting in his stuff tonight. We plan on comming up tomarrow as long as weather is good. I am going to be really pissed if we drive all the way up there, pay the fee, wait in line...and it rains.
It's happened before. But the weather forecast looks good, so I'm hoping it stays that way. My car will like the cooler air, I'm just hoping we don't have some 20 mph head :Hangman:
05-05-2007, 02:42 PM
im in cf, and the weathers a little hot for me...
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